Bacteria for septic tank review, how to choose the right one, rating, reviews

You can increasingly hear about such a remedy as bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools. Experience shows that this is one of the best options for cleaning drains. Therefore, we will help you understand what effect live bacteria have on septic tanks, how they are used and which manufacturers are preferred. Read to the end and you will find out what the market price is for these drugs and which bacteria are suitable for what.

Special bacteria can clean a sewer or septic tank for a person Source

Forms of biological products for cesspools

Cesspool bacteria are cultures grown in a nutrient medium that feed on organic matter.
Depending on the form of the drug, they are dried (powders and tablets) or made into an aqueous solution. In the preparation, the bacteria are in a dormant state; certain actions are required to activate them. They depend on the form of release and are written in detail on the packaging. Accurate execution of instructions is very important to obtain results. Regardless of the form of release, most drugs can be used to enhance processing in septic tanks. Dosages change (septic tanks usually have a larger volume than a pit) and the method of “delivery” to the destination. In the case of home drains, bacteria can also unclog the drain. To do this, the drug is poured into the sewer and not used for at least 24 hours. During this time, microorganisms dissolve fats and stuck waste and the water begins to drain better. This is a good replacement for chemicals, especially for septic tanks or for VOCs, because after cleaning with chemicals, the quality of processing noticeably decreases. Otherwise, you will simply add another portion of bacteria, which will only make the wastewater cleaner.

Bacteria for cesspools are released in three types of preparations:

  • dosed powders;
  • liquid solutions;
  • in the form of tablets.

In principle, the form of release does not matter

The number of microorganisms, their condition and degree of “freshness” are important. All drugs have a limited shelf life

Be sure to check the dates when purchasing. The later the date, the worse - the bacteria could die.

Manufacturers also standardize storage conditions. Usually this is temperature - the drug should not freeze (in theory, it should not even cool below +10°C). It is impossible to know whether the storage conditions were observed. You can only believe it empirically - if the drug does not work, the reason may be that the bacteria died as a result of improper storage.

What to do with bacteria in powder form

Powdered septic tank products occupy the majority of the market. It's convenient: they are packaged in small bags. You usually need to pour out one sachet at a time; more is required only for the initial (first) load. There may be powder inside, or there may be granules - it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Method of using bacteria for cesspools in powder form

As a rule, the powder must be diluted in water, left for a while, and then poured into the cesspool.

Liquid solution for cesspools

This is a concentrated solution of bacteria. Just like dry preparations, concentrates must be “fresh” and stored at above-zero temperatures. Overheating is also not allowed - the upper limit of viability of most bacteria is 40-45°C.

Liquid products usually just pour out

Using sump fluid is even easier. All you need to do is measure the required volume (set in milliliters or caps) and pour it into the hole. Sometimes it is necessary to dilute the drug in water and then pour it away. Everything is clearly stated in the instructions.

Toilet tablets

This type of septic tank bacteria is formed into small discs, shaped like tablets, only with a much larger diameter. There is a certain amount of them in a bag or tube. Each tablet is packaged in plastic film. Before adding the cesspool, the shell is removed and the product is thrown inside.

Tablets for country toilets are simply thrown inside

If the home sewer system is made from a septic tank, throw the tablet into the toilet, wait until it dissolves, and then flush the water.

What and where to pour and top up

Drugs are added directly to the storage tank through the hatch or poured into the sewer. Depending on the composition, the following classes of activators can be found:

  • " Starters ". Forms naturally in tanks for up to 2 weeks. They can be helped by increasing the “starting” number. This is also true after a cold winter or a long departure, when the sewage system was not used and the colony could die. Also, the starting mixture is regularly added as usual.
  • " Strengthened ". They are used in a cycle to combat heavy pollution, then you can switch back to the “starter” ones.
  • " Special ". Designed to break down one type of contamination. For example, greasy film or soap residue.

Rating of biological products and cleaners for septic tanks and country toilets

Useful information for our readers-dacha residents: a list of liquid and powder products for cleaning autonomous sewer systems.


  • Biological products for septic tanks and cesspools - a powdered product that accelerates the decomposition of waste in the country toilet;
  • Cleaners for septic tanks and country toilets - a liquid drain cleaner containing special bacteria;
  • Biogranules for rapid waste decomposition;
  • Concentrated biological preparation for wastewater treatment - neutralizes aggressive chemicals that enter waste from the use of washing powders, detergents, etc.;
  • Bioactivator for septic tanks - ensures rapid decomposition of waste.

Such products contain natural microorganisms (bacteria) that decompose fossils, fats, paper, and eliminate unpleasant odors in country toilets.

Basic principles of anaerobic treatment

Bacteria that live in an environment without access to air are called anaerobic microorganisms, or anaerobes. What role do they play in the wastewater treatment process?

1. How did anaerobes appear?

Strains of bacteria that live without air are of natural origin and have existed since the creation of the world. They were not specifically bred in laboratories for domestic use. Although currently scientists are already engaged in the targeted development of faster microorganisms. Bacteria for septic tanks are biological products and do not harm nature.

Microorganisms that do not need oxygen live in swamps and wet soils at considerable depths. Many of them form a fertile layer of soil by processing decaying objects of flora and fauna.

Sewage water treatment is carried out in closed tanks. For example, in dachas they often install an outdoor toilet, in which waste products are processed by anaerobic bacteria. These microorganisms produce methane and heat.

Anaerobic microorganisms are used for cesspools and septic tanks; you can buy bacteria at any hardware store. The same principle of wastewater treatment is used in industrial installations (digesters), on animal farms and poultry farms.

2. Living conditions of bacteria.

For microorganisms to function, it is necessary to create suitable conditions, including:

  • closed space without air access (excluding facultative anaerobes);
  • temperature – from 9 to 37 degrees Celsius, comfortable parameter – +28 degrees;
  • acidity ranging from 6 to 8;
  • regular cleaning - removing sediment from the bottom.

As a result of the work of bacteria, some of the components settle to the bottom and are processed, while some inclusions rise to the upper layers of the liquid. The water is cloudy and has a black tint. If a lot of fresh air enters the storage container, the bacteria will die.

Low outside temperatures and especially frost have a negative impact on the life of bacteria. To avoid the death of microorganisms, it is necessary to insulate the septic tank.

Anaerobic microorganisms live only in a liquid environment, that is, ⅔ of the reservoir should be water. For the same reason, it is necessary to regularly clean the drive from solid sediments, otherwise the bacteria will simply die.

It is recommended to carefully select the size of storage chambers, taking into account the composition of the family and future conditions of use.

This is interesting!
Rating of bacteria for septic tanks: 10 best compositions More details
3. How is anaerobic treatment carried out?

The decomposition of biological residues in tanks takes place in two stages. At the initial stage, the liquid boils and ferments, releasing gases and unpleasant odors.

Cleaning is slow. During this period, new sludge of a gray-green hue is formed, emitting a rotten odor. Some silt particles detach from the walls and move into the upper layers of water with air bubbles.

After some time, as a result of souring of the liquid, the gas displaces oxygen from the chamber, filling all the free space. This creates an ideal environment for the life and reproduction of anaerobic bacteria for septic tanks. The next stage of organic waste decomposition is methane fermentation.

The course of this phase is fundamentally different from the first, and the results will be completely different. Alkaline reactions occur in the tank. The unpleasant odor goes away, and the sludge accumulations acquire a dark, almost black color.

If you put part of the black sludge with anaerobic bacteria into the storage chamber, the breakdown of waste waste will occur more actively and efficiently.

When there is no ready-made sludge, you can buy a special preparation - a bioactivator. It is available in tablet form, as well as powder and solution. The drug contains components of anaerobic bacteria in an inactive state.

With the help of microorganisms, biological waste in a cesspool is quickly broken down into solid particles, gas and water. In a septic tank from two tanks, wastewater is purified by 65–70 percent.

To accelerate the decomposition of biological waste in septic tanks and cesspools, preparations based on dry spores of anaerobic bacteria are used.

Such microorganisms exist in hermetically sealed containers. They first oxidize and then ferment wastewater.

Preparations containing bacteria are sold in powder form and also in the form of solutions. Dry granules can be added directly from the storage chamber, but for better efficiency it is recommended to dissolve them in water.

How do bacteria for septic tanks work? Anaerobic microorganisms eliminate bad odors and decompose waste products into water and solid sediment, forming a muddy layer. The latter must be removed from the tank at least twice a year. To do this, they call a sewer truck.

Advantages of anaerobic treatment:

  • small volume of bacterial biomass;
  • high-quality mineralization of organic matter;
  • lack of air access and the need for additional equipment for the septic tank;
  • the possibility of obtaining methane (in large volumes) and its further use.

The disadvantages of such a cleaning system include the need to comply with a number of requirements for bacteria: temperature conditions, pH values, and regular emptying of the reservoir. The solid sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the chamber is not a breeding ground for microorganisms, so it must be pumped out of the septic tank.

Possible problems

Nowadays you can find various biological preparations that are needed for use in installed septic tanks and toilets in the country. However, all of them are needed for recycling organic waste, neutralizing it, eliminating unpleasant odors, and reducing the volume of sludge.

If the liquid level in the pit is low, microbacteria will not be able to fully develop and work. It is the presence of the required volume of moisture that is a condition for a good result. After all, the life process of microbacteria depends on the conditions in which they exist. And the norm for them is a maximum liquid environment.


  1. Ideally, the water level in the cesspool is at least 20 mm higher than the amount of solid waste.
  2. If this is not the case, then before adding the product you need to pour 20 liters of clean water into the hole.
  3. Before adding, the product must be prepared as indicated in the description of the drug.

Before purchasing any bacteria, you should consult with professionals.
Attention! After the product is added to the pit, it is necessary to monitor the water level for 2-3 days. If it shrinks, you should pour in another 20 liters of water.

How to introduce bacteria into a septic tank to prevent their death?

Details Published 01/20/2021

As a rule, a certain amount of bacteria is already present in the sewer, because more than half of the wastewater entering it already contains completely living and constantly multiplying bacteria.

But sometimes bacterial colonies can die due to the fact that we accidentally pour chemicals down the drain or from excess sludge, which may contain phosphates. This can create a foul odor that will sooner or later cause you discomfort.

How to introduce new bacteria into a septic tank and what to do to prevent the death of their new colony? We will explain in detail in our article!

How and what bacteria purify water

The use of chemicals to clean local sewage systems has been actively used in ancient times. Such drugs can be used at any temperature (the main thing is that the contents of the septic tank do not freeze).

Bacteria for cesspools are relatively inexpensive

They are not afraid:

  • Hard water;
  • Chlorine impurities;
  • Other antiseptic substances.

But chemicals negatively affect both the sewer system itself (especially those made of metal) and the atmosphere. Today, products based on active microscopic organisms are used to process wastewater.

The first group is anaerobic microorganisms, which are included in biological preparations for wastewater treatment. Their common feature is the ability to survive without oxygen. They are used as a means for servicing sewers and septic tanks.

For microbacteria to work well, they need:

  • Carbon;
  • Sulfates;
  • Nitrates.

The second group is aerobic protozoan microorganisms that require oxygen to live. The drains themselves do not contain air, so in order for bacteria to clean the water, an oxygen supply from the compressor is needed.

Features of aerobic cleaning

Aerobic bacteria cannot live without oxygen. They are also used for the biological decomposition of sewage waste in treatment systems and septic tanks.

Bacteria for septic tanks, specifically aerobic ones, require completely different conditions than anaerobic microorganisms. They need a space that will provide access to fresh air. In a sealed compartment, aerobic bacteria do not grow and do not process biological waste.

In order to ensure the effective activity of microorganisms, they arrange a forced supply of oxygen into the septic tank tanks, and do not just make ventilation holes.

Such a cleaning system includes several parts. Air is pumped into the septic tank using a compressor. The device is installed in a heated room at a short distance from the sewer pipes exiting the house. The air duct is laid from the compressor to the septic tank in the same place where the drain pipes are located in the ground.

Oxygen enters directly into the storage tanks from pipes with holes lowered into the water. They are called aerators. The air supply is regulated using valves located next to the hatches.

Oxygen coming out of the aerator hole rises to the upper layers of the liquid, saturating the effluent. Air supply pipes need to be cleaned periodically.

In early on-site treatment systems, anaerobic bacteria were often washed out of septic tanks. To solve this problem, they began to use special textile shields and plastic “brushes”.

Low-pile fabric and plastic hairs retard the erosion of beneficial sludge in which bacteria grow.

For the operation of a deep sewage treatment system, aerobic bacteria are required, which act only when oxygen enters the chamber.

Aerators and compressors pump air into the VOC chambers. They are additionally installed and connected to electrical networks.

The best bacteria for septic tanks purify water by 93–98 percent. To pump out mineral sediment from a drain pit, you need to use the services of a vacuum cleaner once a year.

The liquid, which has undergone cleaning, clarification and disinfection in the septic tank, is discharged into the ground, wastewater reservoir or ditch.

The resulting sludge is removed from the storage chambers and used for fertilizer after a certain period of aging in compost heaps.

Biological wastewater treatment is impossible if dishwashing detergents, washing powder, and medications are poured into the sewer. These substances kill microorganisms involved in the breakdown of waste. Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals, particularly chlorine.

When to use a cesspool cleaner

Failure in the operation of the local sewage system can be indicated by the stench spreading around the treatment plant, as well as deterioration in the quality of wastewater at the exit from the treatment plant.
This can occur due to the death of active biomass, which occurs for several reasons:

  • when chemicals that are lethal to microorganisms (antibiotics, chlorine-containing cleaners, etc.) enter drains;
  • as a result of exposure to low temperatures at the station, for example, in the absence of insulation of the tank;
  • stopping for a long time the flow of waste into the sewer system, which is food for bacteria.

Also, wastewater treatment may be inadequate in the first weeks after the commissioning of the treatment plant.

In all the described cases, a specially selected product for septic tanks will help restore the operation of the local sewage system. There are bacterial agents that will reduce the amount of sediment in the settling chamber of a septic tank, cesspools and country toilets.

Features of the use of biologically active drugs for septic tanks and cesspools

When using biological agents for wastewater treatment, it should be borne in mind that bacteria are active only under certain conditions:

  • the air temperature should not be lower than 4-5 °C, the upper limit is not so important, but it is optimal if it is not higher than 30 °C;
  • for the life of bacteria, a constant supply of fresh waste is required: if their quantity is limited or completely absent, for example, in winter, they die;
  • Since bacteria require moisture for their work, situations where the cesspool dries out should be avoided - in some cases, humidification is recommended. For a septic tank, this condition is less relevant, but only with a constant supply of fresh wastewater;
  • the presence of chemical compounds in wastewater is also detrimental to living crops.

If detergents get into the drains, it is recommended to use bioactivators - in this case, household chemicals do not pose a danger to the septic tank.

You will be interested in this article - Review of septic tanks and autonomous sewage systems Topas.

In addition, it should be taken into account that if chlorine or medications enter the drains, bacterial colonies may die, so such situations should be excluded.

In addition, the preparations are not capable of dissolving plastic, metal and other solid household waste, so they should not be disposed of in a cesspool. Danger can arise when using water treatment systems, for example, rinsing waters with manganese can very quickly destroy all colonies.

To avoid such troubles, you need to choose products containing bacteria for the septic tank that are not afraid of chemicals, and it is best when installing a treatment plant to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations and use those drugs that will be most effective, both taking into account the design features and number of chambers, and the nature of the incoming for wastewater treatment.

If the bacteria have died or their activity has slowed down, then a new portion of the drug is required. Often a cesspool or septic tank is used only in the summer season, in which case you should be prepared to colonize it with new bacteria every year.

Brief overview of popular tools

With regular use, it extends the life of the septic tank, toilet, and cesspool. The greatest activity of bacteria is observed at pH=5-8.5. Wastewater processed using Vodogray can be used for watering garden crops, it is odorless and absolutely harmless. The sludge formed as a result of processing is neutral in its chemical composition and does not exceed 3% of the total amount of processed waste.

The manufacturer does not recommend pouring water containing household chemicals into the sewer a day before and the same amount of time after throwing the drug into the pit. In the future, you can use both a washing machine and a dishwasher, since the “Vodograi” preparation is adapted to chemicals used in everyday life.

The Vodogray preparation contains aerobic microorganisms, so the septic tank hatch must have a ventilation window through which fresh air will enter the chamber.

Frequency of use – monthly. Vodogray cannot be used together with products that remove blockages in pipes.

Actively processes sewage and other organic matter. Before use, the drug is diluted in warm, unboiled water, and then poured into a cesspool. The unpleasant odor disappears within 2 weeks after starting use. The complete waste recycling cycle is one month. The product is harmless to people and the environment. For 1 m3 of sewage, take 75 grams of bacteria (1 sachet). An increased dosage (150 grams) is used when draining water containing household chemicals.

“Cleaning power” allows you to restore the drainage properties of the bottom of the cesspool.

Recycled wastewater does not pollute soil and groundwater. Using the drug you can also free sewer pipes from build-up.

Enzymes and living microorganisms replace sewer trucks

The product effectively combats unpleasant odors and contains catalyst additives that speed up the waste disposal process.

To activate bacteria, use unfiltered water that has been left standing for 24 hours. If the product is not poured into the septic tank, but into the sink or toilet, the pipes should be washed with 30 liters of water so that the maximum number of bacteria can reach the septic tank chamber.

Owners of private houses do not have to worry about the condition of the cesspool; special bacteria will do all the “dirty work” - process the waste and eliminate the unpleasant odor. In order not to disturb the biological balance of the system, it is worth switching to household cleaning products labeled “bio”.

Which bacteria to choose for a septic tank?

If we talk about the advantages of choice, then these are, of course, bioactivators. Their universal properties allow them to be used in cesspools and septic tanks without restrictions. The advantages of drugs that distinguish them favorably from others include:

  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • ability to recycle certain fibers, such as cardboard and paper;
  • fast waste processing times;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • reduction of solid sediment by 70-80%;
  • special types of bioactivators fight pathogenic bacteria;
  • low consumption - one tablet of the product is enough for a cubic meter of fecal matter.

It is worth noting that the minimum amount of solid sediment that accumulates over time allows you to delay cleaning the septic tank - remove waste every 2 years. When choosing a biological product for a cesspool and septic tank, you need to pay attention to its type. The drugs have a certain classification. Starting varieties - used when putting a new or long-unused facility into operation. Enhanced action preparations are used for severely contaminated sewers where it is necessary to activate the work of bacteria. You can use such products for a short time - up to 3 weeks. Bioactivators for special conditions are used to combat certain types of contaminants - for example, soap residue or fatty deposits.

Types of bioactivators

When choosing the optimal product for a septic tank, you should know that there are several different types that differ not only in capabilities, but also in the need for certain conditions, without which they will not work and will not give the desired effect.

Therefore, it is worth knowing exactly the difference between bacteria for a septic tank in order to select the most optimal organisms for your treatment plant that can work in this particular environment.

As for the features of use, the septic tank will work as efficiently as possible if bacteria are frequently used and fed with bioactivators. What to add to the septic tank for the winter to prevent it from freezing? And here bioactivators will come to the rescue: if in the winter months the owners are not on the site, then before the start of the summer season it is definitely worth purchasing them. The septic tank, so to speak, needs to be constantly “fed”. Using the product is very simple - just pour it into the drain, sometimes it needs to be diluted beforehand.

Application of bioactivators

Among modern bioactivators, it is worth highlighting separately anaerobic bacteria for septic tanks and so-called aerobic ones. In the first case, the presence of air in the septic tank will not be important. When using anaerobic bacteria, the fermentation process will begin in the middle of the container, then the particles will sink to the bottom, where they will decompose. The anaerobic types of bacteria themselves are capable of purifying and clarifying water. This product should be added to the treatment facility quite often, at least once every 2 months. The advantages of this tool include the fact that it is universal and the most popular. There is no need to purchase a pump for constant air injection, and there is no need for other manipulations.

As for aerobic bacteria, they require air to function. These microorganisms cannot survive without air. Air can be pumped into any septic tank using a compressor, where the process of mixing wastewater with air will take place. Bacteria gather in colonies on special shields designated for this purpose, made of microfleecy fabrics. This is necessary so that microorganisms are not drained by streams of water or strong air flow. Purification occurs due to the fact that organic elements disintegrate.

In fact, any of the above types of bacteria work as purification catalysts, elements that can not only activate the processing process, but also improve it.

The advantage of using bioactivators

Among other things, many have encountered the problem of clogged sewer systems, which require manual cleaning. But today, it is biologically active substances that can not only help with effective waste treatment, but also resist the appearance of blockages.


It is this product that ensures a non-toxic, environmentally friendly recycling process. Septic tanks, like bioactivators, are completely safe for humans. You can use them with confidence. Another feature of bacteria is that you can very quickly get rid of unpleasant odors, ensure effective processing of feces, converting them into water and carbon dioxide.

Among the advantages of bioactivators, the most important ones are:

  • When using such products, the septic tank or cesspool is disinfected and cleaned;
  • The volume of household waste is significantly reduced;
  • The number of necessary sewage pumpings will be reduced;
  • The unpleasant odor will be minimal or disappear completely;
  • The sediment that forms in the septic tank tanks will be liquefied.

How to choose the right septic tank cleaner

When choosing the optimal product for cleaning a septic tank or cesspool, you should remember that the best option would be to use a biological product that can minimize the amount of solid waste. It is in this case that you will have to clean the sewer much less often and not waste your family’s budget once again. After all, calling a car every time is quite expensive.

If you use a biological product from time to time, and choose it correctly, you can clean the septic tank not every year, but every 2 years. As you can see, you can save a lot.

If you are choosing a cleaning product for a country toilet, then the best solution would be to buy bacteria in tablet form, which are designed specifically for cesspools in the country. The tablets process paper and wastewater at high speeds, turning feces into environmentally friendly liquids and solids.

The resulting waste can later be used as fertilizer. 1 tablet will be enough to process an average cubic meter of fecal matter.

Additional classification

Also, when choosing a drain cleaner, be sure to look at who produces this product. Conventionally, all drugs can be sorted into 3 groups according to their developers.

The first group includes products from world-famous manufacturers. Such biological products are produced at enterprises with the latest modern equipment; the production process is monitored by the best specialists in this industry. Among the producing countries are the USA, Canada, and Great Britain. It is important that the quality of the products sold in our country is no worse than for residents of the producing countries.

The second group of manufacturers includes companies that purchase licenses from manufacturers of the first group. As a rule, the drugs they produce are of high quality, but sometimes they are not as good as we would like.

The third group is unambiguous fakes. Sometimes, even registered companies, and mostly, of course, unofficial companies, buy the highest quality drug, extract bacteria from it and multiply them under conditions that are far from required. But there are worse stories. Instead of bacteria, the consumer may be given chalk, washing powder or something like that; in general, the product is completely far from a biological product for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools.

Therefore, be very vigilant and check that sellers have certificates of product quality.

The best producers of live bacteria for septic tanks Topas, Unilos, Tank, Unibac, Astra and cesspools

Along with the growing scale of suburban construction, the population’s needs for new generation life support systems are also increasing. Such systems also include autonomous sewerage devices that require effective means of biological treatment of sediments. Among such means, you can choose the following:

  • "Doctor Robik" - according to user reviews - is the most effective means for waste disposal in individual households. "Doctor Robik" for cesspools contains a composition of potent Bacilus bacteria that can break down sediments, including proteins, fats, cellulose, nitrates, starch, urea, simultaneously eliminating unpleasant odors. It has a preventive effect on drainage, destroys fossils, cleans pores, facilitating the drainage of purified water into the ground. Validity period – 1 year. Average prices – from 1000 rubles. per bottle 798 ml. Designed for wastewater volume up to 2000 liters.
  • “Sanex” for cesspools is a substance whose action is based on the use of bacterial processing of sewage waste, including plant waste, fats, paper, vegetable residues, etc. It prevents the formation of sediments and eliminates unpleasant odors. Sanex can be used to clean deposits on drainage and waste pipes. Available in powder form. Before use, “Sanex” is diluted in a certain ratio with heated water and, after infusion, drained into the sewer. Available in various modifications, including “Sanex + EcoSeptic” - for biological treatment of septic tanks, “Sanex + EcoSliv” - for cleaning sewer pipes from deposits, etc. Price - 230 rubles. per 100 gram package.
  • “Bioseptic” is the best product for recycling sewage waste in septic tanks, cesspools, and sewer pipes. The bacteria contained in Bioseptic convert biological waste (fats, fabric residues, detergents, phenols, including solid waste) into gel-like substances, destroying and neutralizing odors. Treatment with Bioseptic helps reduce the need for pumping out sewage. Price - from 1,500 rubles. per package 960 g. Designed for cleaning 2000 liters of wastewater.
  • Waste disposal bio-composition “Dachny” is recommended for use in country cesspools, septic tanks and toilets. An environmentally friendly composition based on bacterial treatment of sewage. To achieve results, it is recommended for periodic monthly use. Prevents clogging of septic tanks and sewer pipes. Price: 100 rub. per package 100 g.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are necessary for owners of dachas and private houses.

TOP 10 bacteria for septic tanks

1. Bacteria for septic tanks, cesspools, dry toilets Latrin BIO dry (pack of 3 pcs) (Latrin BIO)

Bacteria for septic tank Latrin BIO dry

Latrin BIO improves the functioning of sewer systems and cesspools by converting waste into water and carbon dioxide.
The composition of microorganisms is capable of dissolving proteins, carbohydrates, cellulose, fats, and breaking down solid sediment. Neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms. Details about the composition can be found at the link

  • Dry concentrate, packaged in water-soluble bags.
  • Validity period: 36 months.
  • 1 package for 2.5 m3 – 5 m3.
  • One package is designed for 3 cleanings. During normal operation of the system, monthly application is sufficient.

Buyers about the product:

“Excellent tool. It should be remembered that while bacteria are working, chlorine cleaning agents should not be added to the septic tank.”


  • Natural composition.
  • Convenient use.
  • Safe for people and the environment.


  • No cons.

2.Live bacteria Bioactivator for septic tanks and cesspools Biosept

Biosept quickly decomposes organic waste in septic tanks and dilutes sludge. Used to prevent or remove blockages in the piping system and clean the toilet.

The Biosept formula includes the best, most effective enzymes and microorganisms that reduce the volume of waste in septic tanks, decompose fats, cleaning agents, and solid deposits. In addition, the product eliminates unpleasant odors. Operates in oxygen and oxygen-free environments. Storage temperature not lower than +80C.

  • Release form: dry.
  • Validity period: 12 months.
  • 1 sachet – for a volume of 1 m3-2 m3.
  • 24 sachets per package – for a year of use.

Buyers about the product:

“The product is convenient to use. There is no need to open the package."


  • Quick activation.
  • 98% biodegradable.
  • Harmless to people and animals.


  • Cannot be stored at low temperatures.

ORO bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, 12 bags of 25g each

ORO bacteria reduce unpleasant odors and clean the surfaces of existing septic tanks. Used for new systems to get them up and running.

  • German septic tank cleaner is a mixture of bacteria that naturally cleans septic systems. Promotes more active biological decomposition of waste.
  • Release form: dry product.
  • Validity period: 24 months.
  • Per week, 1 bag is used per toilet used by 4 people, 2 bags for 8 people.
  • With minimal consumption, the package lasts for 3 months.

Buyers about the product:

“Natural products inspire confidence among users. The active components of the formula allow you to keep your toilet clean without effort.”


  • Safe for the environment.
  • The powder is biodegradable.
  • Portion sachets.


  • The package must be opened.
  • Frequent use.

Doctor Robik Bioactivator 109 0.075 k

Doctor Robik 109 accelerates the decomposition of organic matter in waste; it is used for cesspools and country toilets.

The bioactivator operates at temperatures of +50C and above. It can be poured from the bag into the system or diluted in water if the cesspool is dehydrated. Breaks down fats, chemicals, waste, eliminates the odor characteristic of decomposing organic waste.

  • Release form: dry powder.
  • Validity period: 36 months.
  • The package is intended for one-time use for 1500 liters.
  • The duration of the result is 30-40 days.

Buyers about the product:

“A lightweight bag with a disposable portion is convenient to transport to the dacha or to another place for treating a septic tank not at home.”


  • Does not contain chemical components.
  • Safe for people.
  • Convenient packaging.


  • Use at temperatures above +50C.

Bacteria for septic tanks, cesspools, dry closets Latrin BIO (Latrin BIO)

Latrin BIO perfectly performs the functions of a septic tank product. Decomposes solid sediment, carbohydrates, proteins, fats.

Bacteria for septic tanks, cesspools, dry toilets Latrin BIO (Latrin BIO) 5 liters

The composition is based on biological components. Waste decomposes naturally under the influence of bacteria, producing water and carbon dioxide. The environmentally friendly product is safe for the environment and humans.

  • Release form: liquid.
  • Validity period: 36 months.
  • Pour 25 ml of the product into the septic tank once a week.
  • 1 liter bottle. designed for 40 times, with regular use - for 10 months.

Buyers about the product:

“Good composition. No pungent smell. Not dangerous to use. One of the best bioactivators."


  • Economical consumption.
  • High efficiency.
  • Does not contain chemicals.
  • Freezing.
  • 6.Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools Doctor Robik 609

    Doctor Robik 609 is an effective means for cleaning cesspools and septic systems. Recycles organic matter and eliminates unpleasant odors.

    Consists of enzymes and microorganisms. The manufacturer recommends use as a preventative measure to prevent system clogging. Dissolves solid sediments, liquefies silt, cleans the soil.

  • Release form: liquid.
  • Validity period: 24 months.
  • Consumption: 1 canister is designed for 2000 liters.
  • Repeat once a year.

Buyers about the product:

“The duration of the result from treating a septic tank depends on its initial condition.”


  • Easy to use.
  • Use once a year.
  • Safe for people, animals, plants.


  • Single use bottle.

7.Biological product for septic tanks and cesspools EXTRA/BioSide/50g

The EXTRA BioSide biological product helps accelerate the natural biological processes of waste decomposition in septic tanks. Eliminates odors, breaks down solid sediment.

A potent product contains microorganisms in spores. Used for any sewer systems that are actively functioning within 4-5 months after using the biological product. Dry material is dissolved in non-chlorinated warm water (1 l) and poured into a septic tank or cesspool.

  • Release form: dry product.
  • Validity period: 24 months.
  • The package is designed for one use.
  • Repeat after 5 months.

Buyers about the product:

“An effective solution for non-aggressive treatment of septic tanks without harm to the environment.”


  • Natural composition.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Economical consumption.


  • Requires preparation of the product for use.
  • High price.

Sale of household chemicals

At wholesale prices from the manufacturer

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8.Bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks Ecobakplus

The Ecobak Plus product activates the functioning of the sewer system, accelerates biological processes and converts organic waste into inorganic products.

Consists of specially selected bacteria placed in a nutrient medium. The volume required for one application is placed in a disposable sachet. To activate microorganisms, you need to dilute its contents in a bucket of water and pour it into a septic tank. If the hole is too dry, add water to it. To clean the toilet, bacteria are poured out of the bag without prior dilution.

  • Release form: dry product.
  • Validity period: 24 months.
  • The package is designed for a volume of 1500 liters.
  • Use once a month.

Buyers about the product:

“It performs the stated functions. A full-fledged domestic analogue of imported products with a similar effect.”


  • Natural composition.
  • It works effectively.
  • Safe.


  • Needs to be diluted with water.

9.Biolatic Septic bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks 80 g

Biolatic Septic bacteria for septic tanks liquefy solid waste before disposal. Eliminates unpleasant odors.

The composition is based on aerobic bacteria, so the concentrated bioactivator remains effective in an oxygen-saturated environment. Must be diluted in water and infuse for 2-3 hours.

  • Release form: dry powder.
  • Validity period: 18 months.
  • 80g of product is consumed for 2m3 of waste.
  • Use once a month on average. The expense is not high.

Buyers about the product:

“Preparing the solution takes time. It is important to remember that you should not pour chlorinated water into the powder.”


  • There are instructions for use in each package.
  • Safe components included.
  • Economical consumption.


  • Cannot be used at low temperature.
  • Does not break down fat.

Bionex "Cottage" bacteria for septic tank

To complete the top ten rating, we offer Bionex “Cottage”, designed for cleaning sewer systems in hard-to-reach places. Recycles detergents, fat, surfactants, reduces odors.

The product combines living microorganisms and adaptation technologies to perform specific tasks. Allows you to achieve maximum concentration of bacteria in clogged areas of the system and clean them. The effect extends to 20 m of water supply.

  • Release form: suspension.
  • Validity period: 12 months.
  • Dilute in warm water in a ratio of 1:9.
  • Use every 3 months.

Buyers about the product:

“Uneconomical packaging. Since the activity of microorganisms in an open bottle decreases after two months, it is better to treat a large septic tank or several toilets at once.”


  • Not harmful to humans and animals.
  • Eco-friendly product.
  • Effective action.


  • Used at ambient temperatures above +12 °C.
  • Once opened, use within 60 days.

Tips for choosing and using a bacterial agent

The first thing to follow when purchasing biological products is the instructions and special instructions on the product label.

It is worth paying attention to the amount of dry residue, which is indicated on the packaging of the product.

The smaller this value, the better. This is especially important when choosing bacteria for a septic tank. The wide variety of types of microorganisms included in the product is a positive feature, as this will allow the processing of various types of waste. You also need to look at the concentration of microbes, since the required frequency of adding the drug with bacteria directly depends on this indicator. The label also indicates how much waste the product is designed for. If the amount of waste exceeds the “power” of the biomass, the microbes may die. A particularly high-quality product can process not only purely fecal waste, but also toilet paper and plant waste.

When choosing bacteria for the toilet and cesspool, it is better to give preference to the tablet form if the sludge is planned to be used in compost.

When using bacteria to clean wastewater, it is necessary to take into account several more nuances.

  1. The use of aggressive detergents in households, as well as the discharge of fuels and lubricants, solvents, antibiotics, rinsing waters from water treatment plants, etc. into sewers will lead to the death of microbes.
  2. Long breaks in the use of a septic tank deprive bacteria of food. As a result, the microbes die. Therefore, the use of special biological products for preservation is required.
  3. Microbes can carry out normal life activities at temperatures not lower than + 4, but not higher than +30 degrees.
  4. There should be a layer of liquid of at least 20-30 mm above the solid waste fraction.

Knowing these simple rules, you can buy and use bacteria for sewage and get the maximum effect from them.

Experts recommend

Any cleaning of sewage facilities using biological agents for country toilets and cesspools is best done in the warm season. Optimal conditions for bacterial growth are high humidity and temperature +20°C.

Cesspools should be used immediately before using bacteria or should be filled with water. The fact is that microorganisms will not be able to process dried waste.

Before using live bacteria, the dried cesspool is filled with water Source

When choosing products for cleaning septic tanks, you should pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that it include nutritional emulsions and that the concentration of bacteria be as high as possible.

Important! Cleaning of sewage lines must be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of excessive pollution and clogging, which can lead to large expenses for septic tanks for cesspools.

Methods for cleaning cesspools and septic tanks

There are three methods by which you can remove the contents of a drain pit or septic tank.

  • Mechanical (removal of sewage by pump).
  • Chemical (disinfection by adding chlorine-containing preparations).
  • Bacterial-enzymatic (use of special microorganisms that split wastewater into two components - sludge and water).

In the recent past, disinfection of treatment facilities was most often carried out using bleach, which destroyed the walls of septic tanks and pits. The chemical method also has a negative impact on human health. The mechanical cleaning method is quite expensive and inconvenient. “Populating” a cesspool with bacteria is a modern and effective way to clean sewers. The use of living microorganisms allows us to solve the problem of waste disposal in a natural way.

Biohelpers can die in the cold season and with a lack of nutrients

Bacteria grown in laboratory conditions allow:

  • clean sewer pipes from organic deposits and eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • clean the septic tank, cesspool, drainage well;
  • reduce the volume of sewage and the frequency of pumping out wastewater;
  • neutralize wastewater.

An environment comfortable for microorganisms should have a temperature from +5° to +30°. Bacteria are safe for humans; they also cannot destroy the walls of the treatment plant.

The mechanism of bacteria

To some extent, the problem of stench and rapid filling of the septic tank can be eliminated by periodically cleaning it. But even if you pump out all the waste to the maximum, the remains will still emit a stench.

Maybe choose bleach?

The practice of using dry bleach is very actively used. Indeed, it gives the desired effect for a short period of time, but its smell is also not the most pleasant. But this is not the biggest drawback to using it. The fact is that bleach destroys all the natural microflora of private sewers and inhibits the natural breakdown of waste. In addition, all this chemistry penetrates into the soil, thus significantly polluting the environment. As we see, the harm from its use is much greater than the benefit.

We give preference to bacteria

The most effective option for getting rid of the inconvenience that cesspools or septic tanks create is to use specialized live bacteria. Their task is to process feces and household waste at high speed. Such bacteria are created by selecting soil microorganisms, the effect of which is the breakdown of almost any organic waste and some inorganic waste, supplemented with special enzymes.

In suitable conditions, at temperatures exceeding +15 degrees, active reproduction of bacteria begins. Their formed colonies very quickly process feces. The effect will be visible after 4-5 days: the waste liquid becomes lighter, the smell is not so strong, and the volume of waste is reduced.

Application benefits

An innovative product for septic tanks is usually a concentrate containing strains of natural microbacteria. They need organic matter to live.

The advantages of using such bacteria are as follows:

  • Eliminates unpleasant odor from the sewer system;
  • The volume of sewage is reduced;
  • Drains are disinfected;
  • The sediment at the bottom liquefies;
  • With systematic use, the frequency of pumping waste from a septic tank or pit is significantly reduced;
  • The products do not harm the pipeline and septic tank system.

In addition, the products used are absolutely safe for both the human body and nature.

When choosing a special tool for sewage, you need to take into account some points

Before using bacteria, read the instructions on the package

In such a situation, it will be necessary to clean the septic tank chamber less often. It is good to choose special tablets for the toilet in the country. They actively process feces and paper into environmentally friendly liquid and sludge (minerals) that can become the basis for compost. One tablet is suitable for processing 1 m3 of waste.

Pros and cons of using aerobic bacteria in septic tanks

Most modern deep cleaning stations consist of several chambers, one of which contains aerobic bacteria. Such microorganisms are much better than anaerobic bacteria.

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Is it possible to drain water into a septic tank: we understand the permissible concentration of impurities Read more
Aerobic bacteria for concrete septic tanks cope with impurities that remain after other types of processing. In this case, there is no solid sediment; small deposits can be easily removed by hand.

To operate a deep cleaning device with subsequent discharge of water into a reservoir, a compressor and a drainage pump powered by electricity are installed.

After processing by aerobic bacteria, sludge is obtained, which is environmentally friendly and can also be used to fertilize the soil for the purpose of growing plants on the territory. There is no bad odor released.

The main advantage is the production of conditionally pure technical water. Only 3–6 percent of impurities remain in it. A significant disadvantage when choosing a cleaning system can be the energy costs to power the equipment. Only the user decides which bacteria to use in septic tanks.

If the power supply is not established or is interrupted for some reason and the pump does not pump air into the tanks for several hours, aerobic microorganisms die. No bacteria live when detergents enter wastewater, so it is necessary to monitor the composition of sewage.

Factors that reduce the effectiveness of live bacteria

When using a bioactive drug, you need to understand that there are factors that can reduce effectiveness.

Among them:

  1. Infrequent use of the sewer system. If the waste products required to keep the microbacteria alive are no longer supplied, the living microorganisms may die. Typically, sewerage systems should not be allowed to remain idle for more than 1.5-2 weeks. Advice: if a family lives in a private house only in the summer, then you need to take special additives used for long-term preservation of septic tanks. When using this product in the spring, the volume of activated sludge is normalized many times more actively.
  2. The entry into the sewer network at the dacha of household chemicals that contain chlorine. The use of washing and cleaning powders with antibacterial special additives can provoke inhibition of microbacterial colonies. If a dishwasher and washing machine are often used at the dacha, then as a dietary supplement you need to choose a drug for communications with the appropriate marking, the active elements of which can survive in an aggressive environment.
  3. The use of filters for drinking water supplied from a well or water supply system. When washing such filters, substances that have a negative effect on microbacteria, for example, manganese, can enter the sewer network. Do not pour the water used to rinse the filter into the sewer system.
  4. The penetration of antibacterial drugs into the sewer system can render the drugs for the drain no longer useful. Never throw medications into the local sewer system.

It is better to work with bacteria with gloves

If a substance that negatively affects microbacteria does get into the pit, or it needs to be restored after a long period of inactivity, then clean water should be poured into the sewer network and the drug should be added again in the amount prescribed in the instructions.

These drugs are produced specifically for the rapid growth of a colony of microbacteria, which will make it possible to quickly establish the functioning of the septic tank. If you have doubts about the choice of drug, it would be correct to contact the manager of a specialized store.

The use of drugs for local sewage systems is rational. Firstly, maintenance costs are reduced, since the unpleasant and expensive procedure of cleaning waste will need to be carried out much less frequently. Secondly, by using a biological product for cesspools and septic tanks, people take care of the environment.

What you need to know about biobacteria for sewage

They are divided into two types:

  • aerobic - live and feed in the presence of oxygen;
  • anaerobic - can only live in an airless environment.

Healthy! Anaerobes are one of the most ancient types of microorganisms that once dominated the planet.

It is possible to use such a cleaning system, but then the outlet liquid must be further purified with mechanical filters.

Currently, they live only in bottom silt, swamps, and deep layers of soil. By decomposing the remains of animals and plants, microbes break them down into methane and mineral sediment and “make” humus - a fertile layer of soil, as well as peat.

Canning is lactic acid fermentation, which includes fermentation and silage making. They live in a liquid environment.

Aerobes need oxygen - if they find themselves in a closed container, they need air pumping from the outside. They live in humid and liquid environments saturated with oxygen and are very afraid of antibiotics, aggressive cleaning agents, and chlorine. Because of this feature, the first blow in purification is taken by anaerobes, and further processing is carried out by aerobes - that is, purification follows a combined scheme.

Important! The bacterial strains obtained in the laboratory have increased survivability and the ability to work in an aggressive environment.

How the bacterial method works with Dr. Robik

Unlike chemical disinfectants, any biological means for sewerage works using enzymes and living bacteria that have the ability to process waste during their own life processes. By adding a product for septic tanks and cesspools to wastewater, you get biomass - sludge and water that are safe for wildlife.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are a special substance - a mixture of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms that do not pose a danger to the environment. There are also preparations containing only anaerobic bacteria, which do not require air oxygen during their life processes. If you use a preparation containing aerobic bacteria in a sewer tank to disinfect wastewater, you will need to pump into the air necessary for the life support of the bacteria.

The result of the joint work of two types of bacteria is a two-stage wastewater treatment and water that can be used for watering plants - soil bacteria will perform the final cleaning. Purified process water is pumped out from the sewer tank using a water pump.

Under the influence of microorganisms, sewage decomposes into sludge and water.

In order for the sewer cleaner and the bacteria it contains to begin their work, it is enough to dilute a certain amount of the biological product with warm water and pour it into a cesspool or sewer sump. The use of preparations containing live bacteria for wastewater treatment ensures:

  • rapid processing of waste into organic fertilizers for plants;
  • absence of unpleasant odors and fumes;
  • Possibility of safe use, no irritating effect for humans;
  • safety of plastic and metal tanks (septic tanks).

What should you pay close attention to when choosing biological products?

If there is a provocative inscription on the label that this biological product is the most “exceptional”, “unique”, “latest development”, then know that this is just a marketing ploy and feel free to put it aside. It is known for certain that there are no new inventions in this area, so there is no point in paying extra money for the same bacteria in beautiful packaging. However, this does not mean that you can buy whatever you want.

You definitely need to pay attention to the manufacturer’s brand and give preference to the more well-known one. This will guarantee that during the production of microorganisms technical regulations were not violated, and these bacteria will live and reproduce

Such a biological product will effectively work on the problem of wastewater treatment:

  • Eliminate odors.
  • Biotreated water will be completely safe for plant growth.
  • Ground and underground waters will not be exposed to polluting factors.

Attention! Before choosing a specific type of bacteria for bioseptics, you need to collect at least superficial information about similar products: the variety of commercially available species, names of biological products, business reputation of manufacturers, etc. Below is a short overview of the market offer

How to choose a bioactivator

Bioactivators should be selected based on several indicators

Particular attention should be paid to the level of microorganism concentration. This will directly affect the frequency and volume of adding drugs to the purification system

Next, you should select the product based on calculations of its required quantity. For example, you need to calculate the volume of a tablet or package of the proposed product.

Types of bioactivators

It is quite possible that there will be a lot of potential purchases for you, or vice versa. And you should just make a small reserve so that it is enough for the entire period of active operation of the cleaning system (meaning, if you use a septic tank, come, live at the dacha only in the summer months).

Next, it will be extremely important to find out how many types of different bacteria are present in the proposed product. Here you shouldn’t chase the maximum amount - it’s better to find a middle ground.

A useful point will be the ability of bacteria not only to carry out their main task - to process and clean feces, but also the ability to process organic fibers and paper. This will also affect the functionality of the cleaning system in the best possible way, as well as its efficiency.

A very important point when choosing a product will be the expected result. It hardly makes sense to buy a cheap product that is not capable of producing results. Such a purchase would simply be impractical. The product should be selected according to its destination.

Intended use

Nuances of interaction with wastewater treatment plants

As already mentioned, bioactivators can not only increase the efficiency of cleaning, but also provide maximum protection for the entire sewer system. In particular, the absence of blockages will allow you to remain as productive as possible. The absence of organic matter on the pipes will allow them to serve for a long time. There will be no need to replace rotten, faulty parts, damaged pipes, etc.

Live bacteria and effluent composition

The peculiarity of the method of wastewater treatment using bioactivators and bacteria is that there is no need to use aggressive chemicals, which will not only remove organic matter (turning them into sediment, reducing the productivity of the septic tank), but can also cause serious damage to the components of the treatment system, after which it will be necessary carry out an expensive and labor-intensive process. The presence of bacteria in wastewater will help avoid many problems.

They are applicable for absolutely all existing cleaning systems, for a wide variety of types and types of septic tanks.

Factors that reduce the effectiveness of using biological products

Factors that can reduce the effectiveness of using biological products include improper operation of the purification system. In particular, when the user pours gasoline, kerosene, any construction mixtures and the like down the drain. All this can lead either to a decrease in the effectiveness of bacteria, or even to their complete extinction. Further, you should not pour various medications into the drain, especially antibiotics - they can cause irreparable harm to beneficial microorganisms.

Using bio-mixtures in the wrong quantities or at infrequent intervals can also harm beneficial bacteria. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions for the product.

Terms of Use

Variety of microorganisms by purpose

Among other things, bacteria for a septic tank are divided into microorganisms for universal and special purposes. Among them are:

  • Starting lineups. Designed to restore the functionality of the sewer system after temporary inactivity. So, for example, if the sewage system did not work in winter, then in the spring you need to use this composition to start it up.
  • High-performance compounds. Used in systems with high contamination. It is not recommended to use them frequently. After achieving the desired effect, you need to switch to standard bacteria.
  • Formulations for special occasions. Bacteria are used in cases where it is necessary to get rid of a certain type of contamination. So, for example, if there is a need to get rid of abundant fat formation, then it is worth using fat-dissolving compounds.

When choosing compositions, you should pay attention to the operating features of the sewer system, especially with regard to the degree of contamination

Possible methods for treating wastewater with tablets that decompose solid waste

Technologies developed to date make it easy to cope with the tasks of operating septic tanks and cleaning sewage. There are several of the most effective ways to dispose of waste and treat wastewater in a personal plot:

  1. The most common and simple one: calling a sewage disposal truck to pump out wastewater.
  2. Chemicals for septic tanks and cesspools that quickly and effectively disinfect and decompose sewage.
  3. Biological products for cesspools (septic tanks) - live bacteria for a septic tank are capable of converting household wastewater into a harmless liquid in a matter of hours, which can be used in the future as biofertilizers.

The most popular bioactivators

  1. The Fatcracker septic tank will take care of the care of your sewer pipes. It is especially effective when working in a system with soap solutions from cars.
  2. "Sunnysty." It has its own specifics, since it is intended for suburban animal waste management. Neutralizes odors, protects pets from clouds of insects.
  3. Biopowder for cesspools - “Oxygenator”. Used for ripening compost.
  4. The Sunnysparkle additive is in demand when it is necessary to stimulate drains. It will also help in cleaning the bottom of a home pond to protect the pool from green blooms. The water immediately loses its odor and becomes clear.
  5. "Sanex" will cope with the problems of sewage in the average summer cottage. A 400 g bag will last for 14 months and is designed to process 4 cubic meters. m in a pit with a drainage system. It is functional at temperatures up to 40 degrees (900 rubles).
  6. For fats and paper, and slowly decomposing fractions, “Doctor Robik” is prepared, presented in packages of 75 g. The powder is enough for a volume of 1.5 cubic meters. m. for a month (up to 190 rubles).
  7. Biofavorit - relevant for septic tanks and cesspools. The powerful formula of microorganisms copes with the task efficiently and quickly. Designed for 2 cu. m and is presented in packaging of 80 g; costs 200 rubles.

This is just a small list of popular remedies. The stores' offers are generous and everyone will be able to choose the right number of grams for themselves, based on the parameters of the site and the price. Perhaps it will be bioforce, sunnyfresh and others.

Chemical toxic septic tanks are inferior to their new generation analogues. The biological composition of modern drugs immediately eliminates questions about the environment and harm to humans. Perhaps a brief review helped to navigate the preference of septic tanks and convince of the effectiveness of bioactivators. Choosing live bacteria will make suburban life much easier, and pleasant savings will make life even more comfortable.

The essence of bioactivators

Bioactivator – bacteria for septic tanks, combined with enzymes. They can be universal or specialized.

For example, there are starting compositions of bioactivators for resuscitating the life of bacteria for septic tanks made of concrete rings. The drug should be added after a long break in the use of a septic tank, after the winter inactivity of the country cesspool.

Products with enhanced effects are sold. It is rational to use them if the treatment system is very dirty. The drugs are added for some time, and then returned to the standard compositions.

Special-purpose products are used when it is necessary to free the chambers or tanks of a septic tank from the accumulation of various contaminants, soap flakes, and fatty deposits that are in the pipes or on the surfaces of the containers. Such compositions are also used for a limited time.

If you choose products with bacteria wisely, then the cleaning result will be much better. Microorganisms are able to process not only biological waste, but also fiber particles, such as paper.

Such complex preparations with bacteria for septic tanks, which are not afraid of chemicals, are resistant to household products that usually end up in sewage drains. The products are environmentally safe and do not harm humans, nature or sewerage pipelines.

Bioactivators reduce the amount of mineral deposits by up to 70–80 percent. If such means are used correctly, the throughput of highways is improved, siltation of storage chambers is prevented, and the number of pathogenic bacteria is reduced.

New place. Feedback from Yegor Konchalovsky about the installation of a septic tank:

The positive effect of using bioactivators is as follows:

  • Ensuring rapid and efficient breakdown of biological and other compounds.
  • Getting rid of bad odors.
  • The amount of mineralized, non-recyclable sludge is greatly reduced.
  • Cleaning the entire sewer system.
  • Elimination of dangerous pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
  • The possibility of using such preparations for any treatment system and septic tanks.
  • A large selection of highly specialized drugs and general-action formulations for each specific case.
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