First visit to the dacha in the spring - 15 important things you shouldn’t forget about

You've probably already thought about where to start caring for your area in the spring. There is a lot of work ahead, it seems that there is not enough time for everything. But don't worry, we'll cover the basics. Now you will be sure that the most important thing has been successfully completed!

The long-awaited spring in the garden sometimes comes unexpectedly. In nature, everything is thought out, and when the first warmth replaces the cold, the dacha will wake up from its winter sleep. The first sprouts of greenery and buzzing insects will appear, and the buds of the trees will fill with sap.

After wintering, plants and soil especially need your care, so try to pay attention to every corner of the site. And we will tell you what important things should be done at the dacha in the spring, where to start first. Take note!

Trim trees and bushes

It is best to start work at the dacha in the spring in the garden, where it is worth carrying out sanitary pruning of fruit trees and berry bushes. To do this, remove winter shelters, remove diseased, weak and broken branches, as well as those that interfere with each other’s growth.

Do not forget to clear the trunks - the lower sections of the trunk from the root collar to the first branches - from the old bark. Remove mosses and lichens, and also seal large cracks: clean them with a sharp knife to healthy tissue and treat with garden varnish.

  • Pruning trees and shrubs - tips and tricks

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The cuts must be even. Do not leave stumps, which can become sources of infection.

Raspberries in the country in the spring also require pruning. Weakened shoots and the top five buds should be removed to stimulate the formation of basal shoots. Currants and gooseberries will also require attention - thin out the bushes and remove frozen branches, as well as branches affected by diseases and pests.

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  • 12 mistakes you make when pruning plants

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Features of the arrangement of the main zones

When the site is already divided into functional zones, it is worth studying the design rules for each. The house is the central object of any suburban area. It is located near the entrance. This helps to rationally use the remaining space and properly organize its fencing. Even at the construction stage, all sewer systems are installed.

House next to the gate Source

The main entrance must be at least three meters from the gate. This is done for fire safety reasons. This technique also helps to separate housing from the street area and make living there more comfortable. The area from the gates and front doors is called the entrance area. On a small plot, about six square meters are allocated for it. The design of this area needs to be given special attention. And all because it is he who helps guests create the first impression of the dacha. Designers love to decorate this part of the garden with flowering flower beds, curly shrubs or ornamental trees. A complex composition with a fountain or rock garden always looks impressive.

Remove trash from the area

In early spring, a dacha sometimes looks untidy due to accumulated garbage. Therefore, carefully rake the leaves and branches, remove the remains of last year's fruits and animal excrement. Place plastic bottles and plastic bags in trash containers, and put organic matter in a compost heap - you will need it later.

Wait until the ground dries out a little after the snow melts and get to work. This will make cleaning the area in the spring much easier.

It's also a good time to say goodbye to outdated garden decor, broken tools and broken pots. You can try to give some things a new life.

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Prepare your greenhouse for the new season

Inspect the greenhouse and repair if necessary. Then rinse inside and out. For polycarbonate you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, for metal and plastic - vinegar, for metal profiles - slaked lime. It is enough to rinse wooden surfaces with plain water. It is also worth disinfecting against pests using special preparations that are sold in the store.

Then dig up the soil and apply, for example, nitroammophoska or other complex fertilizer. It is good to use humus (up to 6 kg per 1 sq.m.), as well as peat or compost. Calculate doses taking into account the needs of the crops grown.

Mistakes when building a private house with your own hands

Those people who do not have the opportunity to entrust the construction of a residential building to a construction company have to rely on their own strength and knowledge. And here, undoubtedly, certain errors arise. You should know that it is highly undesirable to take the following actions:

· buy the cheapest building material or the “free” promotion. Don't forget the wise proverb that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. When you see a price tag with a low price, be sure to ask why the building material is so affordable. The same applies to prices for the work of a master. In the first case, the reason for the low cost may be the poor quality of the raw materials, and in the second case, the lack of professionalism of the so-called “specialist”;

· build a house without preliminary design. This is fraught with consequences that will be difficult to correct later (if it is possible to eliminate them at all);

· Change the building material provided for in the project to another without first discussing this issue with the author of the project. Such amateur activity may affect the quality of the residential property being built;

· Choose the type of house foundation without studying the geological features of the land plot on which you plan to build the house. This is a very serious mistake, sometimes leading to unnecessary and unreasonable expenses;

· Build a house without a diagram of engineering systems and drawing up an estimate for the construction of a residential facility. The presence of this documentation will allow you to approach rationally the distribution of the budget for building a house and know “where all the money went.”

Prepare beds for future sowing

Work in the garden in the spring begins with preparing the land. It is important to carefully awaken the soil so that later it will be easier when planting seedlings. It is easy to warm up the beds using a black and white two-layer film, which is laid out on the surface. And later, when it gets warmer, start loosening with a rake, but not too deep so as not to disturb the soil structure.

A great way to warm up the soil is to add organic matter to it - compost, manure, chicken droppings, etc. These materials will generate heat and at the same time fertilize future beds.

If the soil is too acidic, liming needs to be done. Apply 550 g of lime per 1 sq.m and loosen the soil well to a depth of 6 cm. Now your plants will be protected from growths on the roots (clumps) and wireworms! And to feed the soil, be sure to apply nitrogen fertilizers (5-12 g per 1 sq.m.).

  • Preparing a bed for planting, or 3 ways to “awaken” the soil

    Increase seed germination and seedling survival rate several times!

Cleaning the area

If you get a neglected, overgrown plot, you cannot do without minimal landscaping measures. Remove weeds. Tidy up existing trees. Cut down and uproot unnecessary specimens.

However, it is not necessary to immediately plan to plant any plants. You may have to limit yourself to preparing the land for the next season. This will depend on the type of soil and its condition. If necessary, buy and apply fertilizers and sow green manure. This kind of work will be beneficial next spring.

Advice. If you get a relatively well-kept dacha plot, don’t try to immediately remake everything “to suit yourself.” Implement design ideas gradually.

It is impossible to do all the work on a plot of land at once, so move sequentially. And at the same time, don’t forget to rest. Of course, at first you will have to experience some inconvenience. But they should not stop you from enjoying the process of creating beautiful and cozy properties.

Start grafting trees

Your favorite cherry tree has stopped bearing fruit, and the fruits from the apple tree have lost their former sweetness? So, it's time to regraft the trees! This method allows you to rejuvenate the plant and get a good harvest of several varieties. Before the procedure, carefully select the parent tree and cuttings. And remember that the key to successful spring grafting is to start it during sap flow, when the plant is full of vitality.

Closely related plants are selected for grafting, but not necessarily within the same species. For example, a pear cutting can take root on serviceberry, quince and even rowan! Plum and peach will grow well on felt cherry, and Japanese quince on hawthorn.

  • Grafting fruit trees in spring: timing and methods

    Recommendations for spring grafting of trees in your garden.

Start making compost

Compost is an invaluable fertilizer that even a novice summer resident can prepare. It uses trimmed branches, leaves, potato peelings, onion peels and other natural waste. Plants often lack organic matter, so this method will allow you to grow a good harvest with a minimum of financial costs.

Do not add leaves from diseased trees to the compost to avoid introducing infection with them.

  • Compost - how to prepare it correctly and quickly

    Find out how to properly prepare compost with your own hands and use it effectively in your garden.

Believe in yourself!

“It’s not the gods who burn the pots” - and that’s true. Even if you are now anxiously awaiting the beginning of spring, doubting your own abilities and suffering from uncertainty, everything will soon change. The first shoots in the garden miraculously raise self-esteem. When something starts to work out (and it will definitely work out - it simply can’t be any other way, since you’ve started this business!), our confidence gradually begins to grow stronger. Remember: everyone started somewhere. No one is given his experience and knowledge by birth, so they will definitely come to you too. Very soon, wait and see you! A little secret: if you share your success with friends, it will definitely become bigger! The support and approval of like-minded people works real miracles! Therefore, do not hesitate to talk about your dacha finds and achievements, discoveries and successes - write, leave comments, publish photos of your wonderful, inimitable, unique (and probably beloved!) dacha, so that we can all be happy for you. Have a good summer season to everyone - both beginners and experienced summer residents! Have a rich harvest and good mood!

Spend the first spring sowing of vegetables and herbs

In April, you can already sow seeds of cold-resistant crops in the garden. Even if your site is located in a warm place, sheltered from the wind, planting in the spring begins only after the soil has warmed up to at least 5°C.

What can be sown in early spring:

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • parsnip;
  • turnip;
  • celery;
  • spring garlic;
  • early varieties of white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli.

To sow vegetable seeds, choose a well-lit, low-wind area.

In free beds, sow cold-resistant green manures that restore soil fertility. A good option is rye, winter and spring rapeseed, mustard, oats, etc. Plant green manure that has grown but has not had time to bloom into the soil 2-3 weeks before planting or sowing the main crop, so that they have time to decompose and fertilize the ground.

Bathhouse as a temporary home

The larger and more impressive your upcoming mansion or cottage is planned, the more urgent is the need to build some kind of lightweight version of the home for the first years. And during the construction of a small house, such help will not hurt. To assemble a small house for a year or two and then demolish it is excessive waste. But the bathhouse will come in handy after. Maybe start with her?

The beauty of the bathhouse is that it is built almost like a small house. There is a good stove and shelves that can turn into a table with benches. The dressing room will become a replacement for the entryway. There are people who even include a toilet in the bathhouse, although this is fraught with the penetration of unwanted “aromas” into the washroom. In general, a Russian bathhouse has everything for a fulfilling life, except that the windows are a little small. Most likely, even during the day you will have to sit in it under electric lighting.

There is only one catch: it is necessary to maintain cleanliness more strictly than in ordinary residential premises. You want to continue to use the bathhouse for its intended purpose after your house is finally built? Then be careful. In any case, after “moving” to a “permanent place of residence” in the bathhouse, you will have to do a general cleaning with washing of all surfaces. But why complicate your work? “It’s not clean where they clean, but where they don’t get dirty.”

Plant the seedlings

Spring is in full swing at the dacha, which means it’s time to decorate the area with new trees and berry bushes. Cherry, sweet cherry, and plum seedlings love warmth, so if you plant them at this time, they will grow stronger than autumn-planted plants. Also prepare seedlings of currants, gooseberries, and raspberries. The main thing is to catch it before the buds swell. And remember that before the procedure you should remove dried branches and roots.

Planting of seedlings is carried out only in heated soil without frozen clods of earth.

  • How to plant a tree in spring

    Planting trees in spring: everything you need to know about it.

Tips for beginners

Before building anything at your dacha, it is important to draw up a plan and figure out where you intend to build what objects there. Otherwise, you may find that instead of the pond you dreamed of, there is a woodshed. The gazebo doesn't fit, the playground will only fit next to a dangerous roadway, and there is only a small space left for the summer kitchen behind the garage. The more buildings are planned, the more carefully they need to be placed - first on a paper drawing. And only then – on the real site.

Equally important is the estimate of expected costs. Without it, there is a great risk that when available funds are exhausted, it turns out that you spent too much on secondary and insignificant buildings. But there was not enough money for the main tasks. Even the most rough estimate of future expenses is better than nothing.

Feed strawberries (garden strawberries)

To enjoy juicy berries in the summer, don’t forget to pay attention to garden strawberries! Young plants especially need care: check that they are growing correctly. If the bushes protrude from the ground or are too deep, carefully return them to their place.

Remove old leaves from strawberry bushes

It is very important to feed garden strawberries; to do this, dilute 17 g of ammonium nitrate in a bucket of water and water the beds or scatter dry fertilizer. For 1 sq.m - 10 g of ammonium nitrate, which is planted to a depth of 10 cm between the rows and covered with earth.

  • How to feed strawberries in spring

    We tell you what is the best way to feed strawberries (garden strawberries) to get an excellent harvest.

In the first year after planting, strawberries are not fertilized with ammonium nitrate. This can lead to excess nitrogen, which will have a bad effect on the future harvest.

Give me something to drink, well

Why is it important to build a well at the very beginning of site development? Because water is not easy to get everywhere. If aquifers are accessible from your land, then there is probably a place where they are easiest to reach.

What if, through thoughtlessness, you build a toilet there, jeopardizing the whole idea of ​​your drinking water? There may be a house in this place that cannot be demolished or moved. And the bathhouse, it’s also difficult to “ask it to move.” What should we do then?

Even if you don’t want to dig a well in the first year of owning a dacha, you will have to immediately decide on the height of the groundwater. There are many ways to deal with this issue, from calling specialists for money to using folk tricks. In any case, you need to mark the location of the future well on the site plan in advance. So that there are no toilets, deep compost pits or other dirty objects nearby! Knowledge of groundwater levels is also necessary for those who dream of a cellar or glacier.

Is the well your first construction? Take care of a reliable lid that will not allow construction debris to fall into its depths. And try to carry out various “unclean” work away from the water source. The same is true for a well.

Open and feed the roses

It's time to remove the cover from the roses and do spring pruning. Remove damaged branches and fattening shoots (they are straight, much thicker than the others), shorten the central branches by 2 cm.

To keep your garden roses healthy in the spring and throughout the season, spray them with 3% Bordeaux mixture. If the leaves are already unfolding, then 1%.

  • Rules for caring for roses in spring

    Removing cover, pruning and processing rose bushes.

For fertilizing, you can add complex mineral fertilizers, for example, nitroammophoska - 2 tbsp. for 10 liters of water. Chicken manure will be an excellent feed. One scoop is enough for a bush.

Plant and feed flowers

Pay attention to your favorite flower garden and plant new plants. Spring is the ideal time to plant bulbs and tubers (gladioli, dahlias, lilies, etc.).

Flowers in the dacha in spring will add bright colors, so feel free to take out the stored annual seeds and plant seedlings. And be sure to feed the perennials. A great idea is to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering that will delight you with a beautiful landscape all season long, or to create an unusual flower garden.

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We bought bare land, where to start. Buying a “bare” plot of land: all the pros and cons

The process of buying land is not only pleasant, but also fraught with great risks if you do not approach the issue wisely, armed with the necessary information.

The crisis present in the Russian real estate market does not affect the desire to have your own land plot. People are actively buying land: some prefer to purchase it with an existing house, and many prefer to buy a “bare” plot. And there are more and more of the latter, as statistics show. How to prepare for such a serious purchase correctly so as not to have any problems?

Land valuation

This point is very important, because very often the owners of land plots unreasonably inflate the price. For example, the cost of the plot is high, since it is “located on the shore of a picturesque lake.” In reality, having seen the desired object, the buyer understands that he needs to get to the nearest body of water by car and a nice bonus is just an advertising gimmick from the seller.

Site planning

As experts advise, when buying land, think carefully about what objects you plan to build on it. Do you need a large one if, for example, your age or employment does not allow you to pay much attention to caring for it?


And this point is no less important. Consider all future objects and buildings so that the shape of your land plot is suitable for the implementation of your plans.


Many people dream of a house on a hill. Often, this location offers a favorable panoramic view (for example, of a forest or river). But, areas on a hill are open to “all winds.” Or, your home near the forest. Amazing! But remember that the house can be buried in the shade and it will be cool inside.

Trying to have a plot closer to a lake or forest belt, there is a possibility of coming into contact with restrictions on its use. Professionals are advised to check whether the property belongs to the categories of sites that are restricted in circulation even before it acquires an existing purpose. Namely, whether it is land of an environmental or historical and cultural nature (back in the “turbulent nineties” there were frequent cases of re-registration of such objects into plots for “individual development”). Do not rush to complete the transaction with minimal doubts: even with proper documentation, there is a possibility of losing the plot over time.

Transport connection

A good road is a big “plus”, because a branch from the main highway can bring additional troubles in the future (the most common is repairs for which residents chip in). It’s great if the roads are asphalted. But in the case of a dirt road, it’s not very pleasant: after winter, such a road “goes soggy” and driving along it is very difficult. In the snowy winter, no one clears the roads if the village is small. Ideally, in addition to your own car, you have the opportunity to use public transport.

Legal consultation

You can't do it without a professional check. It is the lawyer who will be able to check the purchased plot for the absence of “problems” so that the transaction does not bring disappointment. It is very difficult to do this on your own. If the documents are very old, then you will have to order an archival extract from the decree on the allocation of land. The following data must also be checked: whether the object in question is registered in the cadastral register, whether the indicated area corresponds to its real parameters.

A lot depends on the purpose for which the land is being purchased. Will this be a seasonal holiday or is it planned to live all year round? In the case when a house is being built for permanent residence, infrastructure is one of the significant points. It is important that there is a hospital, fire station, police department, school nearby if the family has or plans to have children. Shops are preferably within walking distance.

The best advice from experts is literacy and care when purchasing a plot of land.

When buying a “bare” or developed plot with a garden and a house, weigh the pros and cons very carefully. This applies not only to the object itself, but also to the seller! Pay great attention to the issue of documentation, do not skimp on the services of professionals, so as not to regret it later.

Prepare potato tubers for planting

To speed up the germination of potatoes, try this method: dip the tubers in hot water, and when it cools, add a little potassium permanganate. Then rinse the tubers, dry them, layer them with newspaper and transfer them to a warm place. After this procedure, after 3 weeks, strong, healthy shoots will appear on them. This way you will speed up germination!

For planting, select only healthy potato tubers weighing 70-100 g.

To prevent pests from touching the potatoes, you can place the tubers in a lighted place for 3 weeks. During this time, poisonous solanine is formed in them, which is easily identified by the greenish color of the peel.

  • Preparing potato tubers for planting: how not to miss important points

    Don’t know how and why to process potatoes before planting? We will tell you in detail.

Septic sewer system

Creating a septic sewer system may also require land clearing, and installing a septic tank in its place requires the construction of some kind of roadway. If possible, try to install the septic system while other work is being done on the job site. Typically, a ditch digger with a backhoe is needed to install a septic sewer system. It is likely that you can invite the same contractor who worked for you when digging the foundation pit. By doing all this work at once, you will eliminate the need to bring heavy equipment to and from the construction site multiple times. Not only will you save money (in the form of "hauling distance" or "dumping" fees), you will save yourself the hassle and delay of having to stop working for the rest of the jobsite for a period of time, to move their cars and transport equipment. When preparing the site for construction, additional points must be taken into account: 1. Place for storing materials. 2. Accommodation for builders. 3. Temporary communications (electricity, water, outdoor toilet). 4. Place for storing construction and household waste.

In the following articles, we will tell you in more detail about drawing up a work schedule for the construction of your future home, types of drainage, and methods of drilling a well.



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Take care of vegetable seedlings

Place the grown seedlings in warm air for ventilation. At the same time, provide protection from sunlight. And also continue to sow seeds of cucumbers, early tomatoes, squash, and zucchini for seedlings.

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To ensure that seedlings are resistant to diseases and pests, first of all, observe planting density and temperature conditions.

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Treat trees and bushes against diseases and pests

Get ahead of the pests that want to feast on your future harvest! Treating the garden in the spring will help with this, which is best done by spraying with Bordeaux mixture. To avoid burning the plants, carefully observe the proportions: use a 3% solution when treating plants before the buds swell and a 1% solution after swelling.

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Inspect the branches and bark for parasites. It is best to cut off the affected areas and burn them. A great idea is to recruit birds to your side so that they destroy harmful insects. Starlings, tits, flycatchers and other birds will happily visit your site if you prepare cozy houses for them.

If you mainly have a stone fruit garden, then it is better not to attract birds so that they do not spoil the future harvest.

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Securing property rights

A completed agreement does not mean that all rights to the site are assigned to you - several more procedures will need to be completed separately. This ensures that no problems will arise with this land in the future - and during inspections, different things may turn up. That is why it is better not to do anything on the site before its registration is completed.

You should start by contacting the cadastral chamber. You must have documents with you to confirm your purchase. The boundaries of the site are established using land surveying; it is worth carrying out even if contact with neighbors has been established, there are no disputes and there have not been any - a lot can change over the years, for example, the neighboring plot may be sold, and the next owners may turn out to be more meticulous.

When the boundary plan is drawn up, contact Rosreestr with all the necessary documents. If no claims have arisen and they have been accepted, you will be given a receipt and the date of receipt of the extract from the Unified State Register will be indicated - it will serve as reliable confirmation that you have secured your rights to the site. Registration usually takes 10 days.

After this, all that remains is to temporarily fence the area along the established boundaries: to do this, poles are driven in from its inside, and wire or mesh is stretched between them.

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