Finding a private craftsman or team to renovate an apartment


The information construction portal "Inf-Remont" contains informative articles, reviews, and other materials with examples of the construction of wooden houses, cottages and baths, as well as theoretical and practical information on ventilation, heating, air conditioning and water supply systems, and photo reports on construction topics and equipment and engineering.

We are pleased to welcome you to the information and construction portal "Inf-Remont"

dedicated to the topics of construction, repair and design. Issues of construction and repair have been quite relevant lately, and therefore, it was decided to bring useful information to interested parties.

Send us interesting articles, stories about your own experience in repairs, preferably with photographs and comments. Articles will be published in the appropriate sections of the Inf-Remont portal with the signature of the author. Photographs, theoretical and practical information should perhaps help determine the choice of manufacturer, brand of construction and finishing materials and tools, as well as help those engaged in independent construction and repair work. As examples, on Inf-Remont you will find possible projects for wooden house construction, which has been gaining popularity in recent years. These are projects of timber, frame and log houses, bathhouses and cottages with approximate construction prices. On a note.

Tips on how to choose an organization for the construction of a wooden house or bathhouse are presented in the section on services. In addition to general issues of construction, repair and design, the pages of the resource contain many useful articles, reviews and photo reports of specific work performed.

Orders for repairs and construction

The presence of constant offers and new orders for repairs and construction are equally necessary for a successful business, both for a large company and for a private craftsman or team.
On the RemTrust construction portal you will find many real orders for repairs and construction from both the private household sector and large construction tenders from business representatives. It is enough to go through a simple registration and within a short time you will have the opportunity to respond to new orders for repairs and construction. Among other things, RemTrust is an excellent opportunity to express yourself by creating a personal page on the portal, adding photos of your work and much more. Registration and use of the portal tools are absolutely free. New portal, new repair orders, new opportunities to expand your construction and repair business. Installers required for veins. facade, facade builders Moscow

Facade installers and façade workers are invited to work on a permanent rotation basis. We provide paid hostel accommodation, payment for travel from the hostel to the facility, tools, special clothing, if necessary, arrange access to heights. Timely payments, constant volumes - facilities in…



Suggestions: 0

Laying transom bricks on the facade 3500m.2 St. Petersburg

Requires the laying of rigged bricks on the facade, a cuber system on a leash. Only lintels and masonry, cuber, insulation in place. Payment transaction, twice a month, interested in teams with their own tools. 2500rub



Suggestions: 0

Installers required for veins. facade, facade builders Moscow

Facade installers and façade workers are invited to work on a permanent rotation basis. We provide paid hostel accommodation, payment for travel from the hostel to the facility, tools, special clothing, if necessary, arrange access to heights. Timely payments, constant volumes - facilities in…



Suggestions: 0

Welding a stainless steel washbasin stand Moscow

Technical specifications for welding a stainless steel washbasin stand. The CONTRACTOR undertakes to manufacture from his material by welding a stand for a washbasin made of stainless steel according to the CUSTOMER’s design. The material of the stand is a square profile 20×20mm, made of stainless steel AISI304 (08Х18Н10)…



Suggestions: 1

Plasterboard ceiling Moscow

Workers assembling a ceiling made of plasterboard, in two layers. Citizens of the Russian Federation strictly.



Suggestions: 2

Work on the interior decoration of a country house, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, Ilyinskoye village

It is necessary to carry out work on the interior decoration of a country house of 180 sq.m., 2 floors, there is a ready-made project. We also need help in selecting building materials. Finishing - ceiling, walls, floor, doors, bathrooms. There is a rough finish, the walls are plastered, the partitions are all there, electricity, etc…



Suggestions: 6

Installation of a ventilated facade. Saint Petersburg

Only teams with tools and real experience in installing NVF (3500 m2) are interested. from cradles Center S.-Pb. Payment transaction 2 times a month, advance payment, terms are negotiated. Please write to the point: number of people. Intermediaries are not interesting. We work only with teams. Leave your phone number...



Suggestions: 0

Plastering, putty, painting Novosibirsk

It is necessary to make perfectly smooth walls with 3-4 layers of paint. Plaster on beacons with mesh reinforcement, putty, fiberglass, putty, painting. The first floor is plastered with putty, the second is simply plastered. Place slopes along the windows. Volume about 400m2



Suggestions: 0

Interior finishing 500m2 Moscow

Turnkey renovation of premises. 500m2. Only RF crew required. Moscow center. Calls from 11:00-16:00



Suggestions: 3

Plastering and painting works St. Petersburg

It is necessary to repair the walls in the production area of ​​the workshop. The work should be carried out in stages: wall spans 6 meters wide and 9.7-12 meters high. The main requirement for the performance of these works: Assembly of scaffolding, covering the entire work area (6*9.7; 12m2) with reinforced…



Suggestions: 0

When choosing a team, never put the cost of work first.

That is, there is no need to choose those who declare the lowest prices. Often minimum prices are presented in order to interest the customer. And then, during the construction process, prices increase due to the detailing of the work.

For example, the estimate provided indicates the installation of parquet, costing $15 per square meter. Subsequently, this cost can increase to $25 or more. When asked by a surprised client, the contractor will answer that this was the price directly for installation, which does not include sanding and varnishing.

Therefore, when studying the estimate provided by the contractor, clarify exactly what work this or that item includes or request a detailed, detailed estimate.

The second option of the “cheap brigade” may turn out to be even worse. Builders will work at low prices, but the quality of their work will be below any criticism. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that builders will make defects on purpose. More often than not, they simply do not have the qualifications to do the job efficiently.

When making arrangements with the construction team, check whether the workers have their own tools and equipment to perform the requested work. There are often cases when workers ask the customer to buy this or that tool or to pay a large advance payment that will be spent on purchasing the tool. It is better not to mess with such builders.

Providing the crew with construction tools, as well as servicing these tools, should not be at the expense of the customer. The maximum that can be paid to builders is consumables (drills, discs, sanding papers, etc.).

Construction portal "RemTrust": repair and construction

The most popular and ongoing industries in the services market are, of course, repair and construction. Participants in this market are actively developing construction companies, as well as the private segment - craftsmen and teams, the number of which is constantly growing. Plus, let’s not forget about one of the key market participants – the customer, who shapes demand and trends in the construction business.

Covering all the essentials in the field of repair and construction, the all-Russian construction portal “RemTrust” brings the contractor and the customer “to the right channel.” One of the key features of the portal is its territorial coverage. The market for repair and construction services is concentrated not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. At RemTrust you will find repairmen from Tula, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, and Siberian cities. The geography of the portal includes absolutely all Russian cities. Considering this circumstance, one of the main tasks of the RemTrust construction portal is the ability to effectively search for registered craftsmen and teams of various profiles in each individual region. This also applies to repair orders and construction tenders. Using the modern and effective electronic platform of the RemTrust construction portal, you will definitely find what you were looking for!

Review of services that help you select builders for apartment renovation

Apartment renovation is often compared to a natural disaster; this statement can become your reality if you make the wrong choice of builders. Teams often use word of mouth to search. Of course, this method of searching for craftsmen has its advantages, but it is not always possible to have friends and acquaintances who have recently done renovations and found truly professional builders.

Nowadays, when the Internet is available almost everywhere, you should not ignore this storehouse of useful information, especially since a number of services specializing in the selection of builders operate on the RuNet.

Portal and construction news

Exterior finishing at RemTrust

We are pleased to announce that the “Exterior Finishing” section has appeared on the RemTrust portal, which includes the subsections “Facade” and “Roofing”.


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10,000 performers on RemTrust

The All-Russian construction portal "RemTrust" is back on line, and is glad to welcome everyone who remains afloat in the ocean of craftsmen and crews no matter what!


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Happy New Year and happy anniversary of RemTrust, friends!

The All-Russian construction portal "RemTrust" sincerely congratulates everyone


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Who to contact?

Be sure to consider the risks . If you hire a private contractor or a team that does not have all the necessary documents on permission to carry out work, you will be faced with the impossibility of making claims against the contractors.

It is ideal if the team of repairmen is recommended to you by friends who are satisfied with their work . It’s doubly good if these friends have lived in the renovated apartment for at least a year - during this time you can discover obvious and non-obvious shortcomings. In this situation, you will be confident in the professionalism of the workers. And in case of minor defects in the apartment of your friends, you will know what to pay special attention to when interacting with the team.

How to check the repair team?

Make sure that the repair team has all the necessary documents: passports, diplomas from a construction college or other documents confirming the qualifications of the master. Certification documents confirming the competence of a specialist are issued at Continuing Education Centers, which conduct training programs for the training of finishers, painters, plasterers, tilers, and finishing specialists. Check the work experience of the repair specialists and ask if they have a portfolio, reviews and recommendations from previous clients. A good specialist will never refuse to demonstrate examples of his successful work. Pay attention to whether the potential contractor asks you questions about the specifics of the site, the features of the project and how the process will be organized. Before voicing the cost of repair work, qualified craftsmen come to the site to draw up an estimate, which is needed in order to calculate the amount of repair costs. Make sure that all organizational aspects are documented. It is important to understand what work will be performed and what exactly you will pay the repair team for. We have an estimate and we work according to it.

Questions that a good master should clarify:

  • House type.
  • What type of renovation are you interested in?
  • Deadlines, schedule and working hours.
  • Will the crew live in the apartment during the renovation or come every day?

If the repair specialist does not ask additional questions, this should alert you and make you doubt his professionalism. Imagine that at a clinic appointment the doctor does not ask you any clarifying questions and prescribes treatment as soon as you voice a complaint. Strange, isn't it? It's the same here. In fact, repair is the same treatment that requires the collection of a detailed medical history.

It is better to discuss all organizational issues at once; do not be afraid to discuss “inconvenient” details: your own comfort and peace of mind in the coming weeks (and months) depends on this. When the issues are settled, you can begin to draw up an agreement in which all these points will be spelled out. In the contract, you must specify the rights and obligations of the parties.

How to build relationships with builders?

Discuss the technologies and materials used in advance and do not pester the builders with unnecessary questions (“why are you doing this?”) and unnecessary advice (“but my neighbor said that we need to do it differently”).

It is necessary to monitor, first of all, the compliance of the progress of work with the calendar schedule. Not all construction teams are capable of high-quality implementation of complex technical solutions. Discuss such points in advance. And if the builders are not confident in their abilities, then it is better to change the decision than to redo a complex decorative element ten times later.

How to pay

The repair is divided into several stages : dismantling, installation of communications, construction of partitions, leveling of floors, walls and ceilings, finishing. If you agreed with the foreman to work in stages, then you also need to pay for the work in stages: removed the old wallpaper - paid, replaced the wiring - here's another translation for you.

It is better to indicate each stage in the contract and estimate : this will make it easier to understand how much you spent on materials and work. Builders should keep all receipts for the interim report, then they will always be able to answer the customer’s financial questions.

The inattentive pays more

If you want to get a really good apartment renovation, don’t be lazy - pay attention to the following points.

Take a look at the budget you have compiled. Make sure that all the necessary work is indicated in it - otherwise then it will start: “who will pay for the skirting boards?”, “We also hung a door here...” - and the final cost of repairs will be more than stated earlier. Room for shenanigans!

You may not know exactly how much skirting boards cost or how the installation of a door is paid for - nothing will stop cunning craftsmen from specifying a larger amount and pocketing the difference. A smaller footage of the premises is indicated, the discount of the contractor purchasing building materials from the supplier is “forgotten”, “left” items in the estimate (for example, you do not have to pay for the installation of scaffolding) - all this increases the cost of the work! The amounts in the estimate and in the contract must match.

Control the “hidden” side of the work - rough finishing of surfaces, installation of electrical wiring and heating. If there are “jambs”, subsequent rework will hit the wallet hard . The rough finishing of the bathroom is cement plaster, other rooms are gypsum, fix this in the contract, the price of finishing depends on the type of plaster.

Do not hesitate to invite technicians from the organization responsible for the operation of the building so that they accept the utilities and put their signatures on the acceptance certificate . If an accident occurs - a fire, a short circuit, a burst pipe - the team or company will be held responsible for poor quality work.

There are no trifles and delays (“then it will straighten itself out”) in repair work! Do you want to then “admire” protruding seams, loose joints, sloppily pasted wallpaper, unevenly painted surfaces, crookedly installed switches and sockets in the wrong places?

Do you love skewed doors and windows that won't close? Be sure to track how work is done in these areas. Describe all shortcomings and set a deadline for correcting them.

The final acceptance certificate for all work must be signed by the contractor and you. The date of signing is the beginning of the warranty period for the work (the contract must contain information about this period!). Before the designated date, workers are obliged to eliminate all shortcomings and defects - and do it free of charge.

Mistakes when choosing builders

  1. The main mistake that is made most often is not concluding an agreement with random people , who often have a very vague idea of ​​the services they provide. It’s too late to grab your head when the crew has left, leaving behind peeling wallpaper and burning wiring. Solving these problems retroactively usually ends in nothing, and at best, costs the victim a lot of money . On the other hand, any self-respecting company or private team will enter into an agreement with you and give a guarantee for the completion of the work.
  2. You shouldn’t admire the colorful albums and picturesque photographs on the site - any reputable organization will not mind organizing your personal visit to already completed objects and will provide reviews or contact details of previous clients. Don’t be led by eloquent businessmen who show off stunning photographs of luxury apartments taken from other people’s portfolios or foreign magazines.
  3. Rely on first impressions; they are rarely deceiving. The beginning of a business relationship should always be preceded by a personal meeting and at least minimal personal sympathy. This will be very helpful in your work, since it is difficult to communicate with a foreman who behaves inappropriately or dismissively, even if he is at least three times a professional. Remember - you are not required to know the intricacies of the construction craft and this is not a disadvantage that should cause a condescending attitude among craftsmen.
  4. From the first day of work, put yourself in charge. This is your apartment, this is your home and you have the right to make substantive comments and dictate your terms. You pay for the service and can safely express your wishes and comments, even in a clumsy and unprofessional form. You are not a builder - you are a customer and your word is law.
  5. One of the most important points that is often neglected is drawing up a formal contract signed by both parties. Remember, in case of trouble, even if you manage to find the unlucky “specialists” and bring the case to court, then before the law your words will be against the words of your opponents , and this does not at all guarantee the understanding and support of human rights activists. At the same time, the contract that stipulates the services of your employees is a serious document that will have to be taken into account.
  6. Agree in , such issues as the purchase of building materials, their delivery, and the availability of special tools from the contractor. No one will argue that unforeseen moments can always arise during work, but it is better to reduce them to a minimum. It’s unpleasant to find out that instead of replacing the linoleum, you will also have to pay extra for dismantling the floor screed and installing a new one, especially when you don’t count on it, and the floors are already torn off.
  7. You should also be wary of “specialists” who quote the cost of work right in the office or over the phone without seeing the object. It is better to stay away from such “gentlemen of fortune” - their services will become more expensive every day of repair.
  8. If you are busy and cannot control the work, ask friends or neighbors to visit your apartment during the day. A prolonged absence of visible activity and construction noise is an alarming sign, especially if there is no contract or the deadline for the completion of the project is not specified in it.
  9. Discuss how the process of purchasing materials will take place - this will save your nerves and money. It’s not a bad idea if you make your first visit to a construction store or wholesale warehouse with the foreman - this will allow you to immediately achieve mutual understanding and help avoid misunderstandings in the future.
  10. Do not hesitate to bring an independent expert from your acquaintances or even from another company to the apartment you are renovating. For real professionals, this is not offensive or biased in any way.
  11. You shouldn’t go to the site every day unnecessarily - this often irritates the craftsmen, and in a small apartment it also interferes with the work process. Familiar conversations “for life” and the appearance of a customer while intoxicated also usually interfere with business relationships. Do not give reasons to treat you with disdain or familiarity.
  12. The basic rule is to remember that repairs end sooner or later, but human relationships remain. It will be great if, despite all the work issues and disputes, you part with the contractors easily, leaving pleasant impressions of each other. This will help you next time, even when you just call the foreman to find out how to disassemble the faucet in the bathroom and get free and friendly advice.
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