Replacing a gas stove in an apartment: fines, laws and legal subtleties of replacing equipment

One of the most difficult issues in legislative practice for citizens is replacing a gas stove in an apartment that you own or rent. At first glance, there is no difficulty in removing one device and installing another; almost anyone can do it, you don’t even need to be a specialist or a gas service worker.

But what about the documentary base? Do such changes need to be legalized and how to do this? And if you bypass the paperwork, wouldn't it be cheaper to pay the fine?

We will try to answer all these questions, we will tell you about the existing laws, norms and rules for replacing this important device.

Reasons for replacing the stove

There are many reasons why you will need or want to change your gas supply equipment.

The most common among them:

  • purchasing a more modern model;
  • replacing a gas stove with an electric one;
  • desire to change colors or change the design of the room;
  • poor appearance, wear;
  • carrying out major renovations in the house;
  • device breakdown;
  • expiration date.

Also, the replacement of a gas stove is established at the legislative level, in accordance with PP No. 410, which states that gas-using appliances should be changed when they fail, unless changing nozzles is no longer necessary, when the appliance does not meet safety standards, at the usual request of the customer and again - the same, at the end of its service life.

To do this, you need to contact the gas service company with which a maintenance agreement has been concluded. This is what your maintenance contract should look like.

If during maintenance it turns out that the gas stove does not meet safety standards in its current condition, it will either be recommended to be repaired or replaced if its condition is irreversible and cannot be repaired

If everything is clear on the first points, then what does “expiration date” mean?

According to GOST R 50696-94, the service life of a gas stove cannot be more than 14 years. But this document has long been canceled, as well as the GOST R 50696-96 that replaced it, in which the maximum service life of the device was 20 years, if gas workers approve its performance at the end of the operating time designated by the manufacturer.

Now this is actually not regulated, although the current PP No. 410 states that gas supply can be turned off when the expiration date of the equipment established by the manufacturer expires. Before this period expires, you just need to apply for a technical inspection and if the gas workers write you a certificate of validity of the device, you will extend its life until it wears out. Wear is considered to be a violation of the tightness of taps designed for 11,000 cycles, burnout of the oven and other defects that cannot be repaired.


One of the most multifunctional kitchen devices, and its capabilities are only expanding. Multicookers based on rice cookers have emerged, so one of their main purposes is to cook porridge efficiently. This is why many people buy them. But this is a truncated approach. A multicooker can provide a complete meal, and it can be made for one person or for a family of 4-5-6 people.

The multicooker ensures constant cooking temperature and uniform heating. She fries and bakes, stews, works as a bread machine, steams, boils, makes milk porridges, prepares pilaf, yogurts, jellied meats, bakes muffins, and heats up food. There are multicookers, pressure cookers, which, among other things, cook under pressure and quite quickly.

What is needed to change the stove?

So, you are about to change the stove. What you need to prepare for this:

  1. The stove itself, in the case where you do not have the preferential status necessary for a free replacement. The device must comply with GOST 33998 and have a gas control system.
  2. Equipment for installation, necessary tools, consumables and materials.
  3. Equipment - everything for sealing, flexible hoses and so on.
  4. Documents for redevelopment if the kitchen is moved to another location.
  5. Documents confirming the authority of the owner or tenant of the apartment.
  6. Identification.
  7. Consent of all apartment owners.
  8. All papers on gas supply.
  9. Technical passport of the apartment.

Again, if the location for the device remains the same and only the device itself is replaced with a similar one, there is no need to legalize the conversion.

If you are changing a gas stove to an electric one, you must legalize the conversion; if you are moving the appliance to another room, then the redevelopment. If you are simply replacing it with a similar one, you do not need to carry out any approvals on both points.

The requirements for a new stove are standard. It must have all the necessary certificates and meet the requirements of GOST.

It is also recommended to check whether there will be free access to it and the gas pipeline in case of redevelopment, whether the chimney is in working order, and whether the ventilation is functioning as required.

Air fryer

This is a convection oven, the functionality of which is quite large. The food is processed with hot air, it turns out healthier than in a frying pan, without a lot of oil, the food does not dry out, and it turns out quite juicy.

The air grill can fry and bake, make kebabs, prepare croissants and pies, dry vegetables and fruits, boil, and reheat. Just like in an oven, pots of meat can be cooked and pizza can be baked. You just need heat-resistant dishes.

Are foods cooked in an air fryer healthy?

More details

Does the replacement need to be legalized?

According to Art. 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for independently connecting the main line, you may be fined for unauthorized and uncontrolled connection of a gas stove in the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles. And if, in the event of an incorrect connection, an explosion or fire occurs, then you will face criminal liability and a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.

If you look at PP No. 410, it also states that the replacement of gas-using equipment must be carried out by a specialized organization with a license and a contract. This could be a gas service or a private company with the appropriate approvals.

In the same document, in part 8, paragraph 77 , there is a subclause in which it is stated that a factor for turning off the gas supply without notifying the customer may be its unauthorized connection to the main line, as an option for the threat of an explosion.

In addition, PP No. 549 states that when replacing equipment with new equipment that meets technical requirements, it is imperative to notify the supplier of the change in the overall composition of the devices.

When registering gas supply, you indicate a list of gas-using equipment in the apartment and provide technical specifications for them. Also, when replacing, you must notify the State Registration Office that you are installing another stove and provide them with documentation for the device for registration

There is also a temptation to change the device yourself, having previously agreed with a friend from the gas service to complete the necessary documentation. Of course, the option is much cheaper, but it is better to entrust work with such dangerous equipment to professionals who will connect the hoses reliably and carry out the first start-up of the device, noting all its shortcomings, if any.

Can there be criminal liability for installing a gas stove?

The consequences of improper installation of the stove can be the most tragic, because a leak is fraught with the possibility of explosion, spontaneous combustion and great destruction. In this case, the culprit of the current situation will bear criminal liability.

According to Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, causing harm to health or death through negligence entails a two-year restriction of freedom. If the accident is accompanied by a fire, then material damage will also have to be compensated.

Law enforcement agencies will conduct an investigation, if there is evidence of damage to someone else's property due to deception (it is considered illegal to install a stove with your own hands and hide this fact from special services), Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Anyone who connects without permission faces a significantly increased fine, the maximum amount of which is 300 thousand rubles. and/or two-year restriction of freedom.

Benefits for replacing a stove

A gas stove is not a common property of an apartment building and therefore, again, according to PP No. 410, its replacement is made at the expense of the owner of the premises.

However, there are exceptions. The MFC or management company will tell you how to replace a gas stove with a new one at the required benefits free of charge.

This is possible if the slab, subject to condition or expiration date, is listed on the state balance sheet:

  1. You, the owner of the apartment, are a hero of the Russian Federation or the USSR, a hero of socialist labor, a holder of the Order of Glory, a participant in the Second World War, or you have special subsidies from housing and communal services.
  2. The device requires replacement when the queue for an apartment is reached.
  3. The residents live in a non-privatized apartment and the contract includes a clause on free replacement of gas-using equipment if necessary.

Also, large and low-income families have the right to such privileges, but not in all regions. Whether you have any, you should check with local municipal authorities or by studying the regulations of individual regions.

For a free replacement, a so-called “defective certificate” is required, that is, a conclusion from specialized services that inspect gas-using equipment and issue a conclusion that the old device is faulty. The basis for its preparation is an annual inspection or an extraordinary inspection upon call from specialists.

Irregularities in the operation of a gas stove can be identified by specialists from the gas distribution department or a private company. However, before you invite them to inspect the equipment, find out whether they have all the necessary licenses for such types of work

The act is drawn up in 2-3 copies. You must transfer one to the DEZ or housing cooperative, one to the consumer, and another one is kept by the GRO specialists.

In addition, it is very important to prepare all the documents - an identity card, a title document for benefits, a certificate of defectiveness of the old stove, its registration certificate and project documents for the apartment.

Where is this said?

1. Decree of the Moscow government No. 800-PP dated November 16, 2004 “On measures to improve the safety of in-house gas supply systems for the housing stock of the city of Moscow and housing and communal services facilities.”

2. Decree of the Moscow government No. 854-PP of October 31, 2006 “On amendments to the resolutions of the Moscow government of November 16, 2004 No. 800-PP, dated September 14, 2004 No. 632-PP, dated August 10, 1999. No. 727."

3. Decree of the Moscow government No. 727-PP of August 10, 1999 “On the financing of certain types of work on major repairs of the housing stock.”

Replacement procedure

So, you are planning to change the stove and you are also the owner of the apartment.

To replace you should:

  • contact the head of the gas distribution department with a request to replace the equipment. You will receive a detailed estimate for consumables, necessary materials, installation of the device and the stove itself. If you buy all this yourself, you should write an application for installation of equipment;
  • notify the management company or other body managing your home;
  • pay the received estimate;
  • wait for the gas workers and receive a document confirming the commissioning of the stove.

If the apartment is not privatized, you must first submit an application for replacement of the gas appliance to the management body of the apartment building in which you live.

When remodeling, it is necessary to follow the recommendations from SP 402.1325800.2018, in particular for the volume of premises of at least 8 cubic meters for a stove with 2 burners, 12 for a 3-burner device, 15 for devices with 4 nozzles

If an apartment is being redeveloped, the management company must be notified about this and all necessary approvals must be carried out, including at GorGaz, before installing the stove in another room.


Microwaves are multifunctional devices that are usually used only for heating food. And this is a big mistake. In the microwave you can make scrambled eggs, boil eggs for breakfast, make porridge, bake muffins, make popcorn.

Microwave ovens often come with convection and grill; the first function turns the oven into a full-fledged oven, and the second one adds flavor to baked meat and fish. By the way, you need to cook fried meat or chicken with their help. The microwave mode does not handle these foods very well. But with vegetables and cereals, microwave cooking time is reduced. So cooking in the microwave is often more convenient and faster than in the oven. You just need to carefully study the recipes for microwave ovens, since their cooking methods and times are very different.

How is equipment changed?

To make it clear in general terms, we present the technical stages of replacing one device with another.

The procedure is not complicated:

  1. The valve shuts off the gas flow and turns off the power supply to the old device.
  2. The plate is disconnected.
  3. The hose is replaced (if required) and then checked for leaks and the quality of the threaded connection.
  4. The new slab is installed and leveled.
  5. The hose is connected.
  6. The equipment is being checked and started up for the first time.

Next, the specialist issues you a certificate of access to the device for operation, and you sign the work acceptance certificate.

Double boiler

The functionality of the device is limited to steam cooking. But in most steamers you can cook several different foods at once. All compartments are sealed, and odors do not flow from one compartment to another. In combination with a knife, cutting board and blender, a steamer will give you excellent healthy dishes: salads, light side dishes, fish and meat with various sauces, even pureed soups.

Replacing a gas stove with an electric one

After a series of explosions, and for other reasons, many apartment owners decided to change the gas stove to an electric one, so where to go in this case and what is needed for this, we will now consider in detail.

So, first of all, you need to contact the Criminal Code. This is necessary to determine whether the technical parameters of the MKD electrical network are capable of corresponding loads.

Unfortunately, in gasified apartment buildings, as a rule, the limit of electrical resources is limited. If everything is possible, select a stove model and provide its characteristics to the Criminal Code so that you can receive a conclusion on the compliance of the provided and consumed power with the MKD standards in an approximate calculation.

If the power is not enough, you will have to either abandon the idea or try to register a stove of less power. Also, sometimes a written request for the allocation of additional power helps, in which case it will be necessary to coordinate the project with the management company and the power supply company

Since the parameters specified in the technical passport of the apartment change, the electrification of the kitchen area is a reconstruction and is subject to mandatory approval.

When you have the project documentation in hand, contact the State Regional Office to disconnect the gas equipment in your apartment. Don't forget to take a certificate confirming this fact.


If things are really bad and the only equipment available is an electric kettle, then get a couple of thermoses. And you will receive a hot lunch. For example, you can brew porridge in a thermos (buckwheat will definitely swell and become edible if you leave it for a couple of hours). In a thermos you can make yogurt, sour cream, brew rice noodles or even very small noodles.

Some things have become so firmly established in our daily lives that their existence is fixed in our subconscious as an indispensable attribute. We can no longer imagine life without them. For example, a kitchen is simply unthinkable without a stove or hob. Is a stove really necessary? Is it possible to replace it with alternative devices? After all, a huge number of different kitchen appliances have now been invented, which are always ready to come to the aid of housewives! Let's try to figure it out.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Why you don’t need to change gas appliances yourself can be found in the following video:

Replacing a gas stove with a new or electric one is quite easy. This procedure will not take much time. The main thing is to contact the management company or state registry office in advance to provide a complete list of documents that you need to collect on a general or individual basis and to agree on a project for replacing the device.

And under no circumstances try to carry out the procedure without permission - we have already discussed in detail whether it is possible to replace an old gas stove yourself - this is a fine and a big responsibility.

Have you ever had to replace the gas stove in your apartment? Share your experience in the comments, ask questions on the topic, and participate in the discussion of the material. The communication block is located below the article.

Cons of an electric stove

It is not surprising that in addition to the positive aspects, when using electric stoves, you can also find many disadvantages:

  • It will take some time for the burner to heat up. It also does not cool down instantly, and this is not always convenient.

Electric burners take a long time to heat up and cool down

  • Such stoves are the most energy-consuming household appliances for the kitchen.
  • The installation is quite complex, it is better to carry it out with a specialist.
  • Electric models are more expensive than gas models.
  • If there is a power outage, it will be impossible to cook or heat food.
  • Electricity costs much more than gas. Even with a 30% discount, the cost of utility bills will increase.
  • Using a modern electric stove requires compliance with many nuances, features and safety rules. It will be difficult for a person accustomed to a gas appliance to adapt.

Do not forget that in our country the price of gas is much lower


To carry out maintenance of gas equipment, as well as for diagnostics, it is necessary to conclude an agreement. If there is no agreement, the owner of the residential premises may be held administratively liable and pay a fine of 2,000 rubles.

The same punishment will be for those who refuse to allow an inspection inspector into their apartment or house. In both cases, the gas supply to the premises will be suspended.

During the inspection, gas company specialists determine whether all safety standards and regulations have been complied with by the owner of the premises, whether the installed equipment meets safety standards, and whether there are risks to the life and health of others. At the same time, the necessary maintenance is also carried out, in particular, cleaning of gas burners, replacing damaged elements if necessary.

If such violations are detected, gas service employees will cut off the gas supply to the apartment, draw up a report on the presence of violations, indicating the time frame for their elimination and the amount of the fine.

New fines

First of all, I would like to note that the number of mandatory diagnostic checks for owners of gas equipment is increasing in order to increase the safety of citizens. This is logical and even correct, but the problem is that diagnostics are paid, and an increase in their number also leads to increased costs for citizens. The number of inspections to identify violations is also increasing.

But increasing security here is only one side of the coin. An increase in the number of mandatory inspections can lead to abuse by inspection bodies, and the main purpose of such inspections may not be to control the operation of equipment and its serviceability, but to identify violations, violators and issue the maximum number of fines.

But at the same time, certain changes are being introduced. It is very important to carefully monitor the timing of scheduled inspections of gas equipment, which must be indicated in the technical passport. It is also important to promptly replace equipment that has reached the end of its service life.

Using equipment that has not passed technical diagnostics is strictly prohibited. And violation of this requirement will be punishable by a serious fine. The amount of the fine is set individually and depends on many factors. During the diagnostics, specialists must issue an opinion on whether the gas equipment can continue to be used, or whether it needs to be replaced with a new one.

It is also important to remember that if you use untested equipment, as well as equipment that has not been diagnosed, the owner of a residential premises may not only be issued a serious fine, but also have the gas supply cut off until the violations are eliminated. Therefore, inspections must be carried out in a timely manner - this will help to avoid unnecessary problems and additional costs.

What are the penalties?

You will find a comprehensive answer to the question of whether it is possible to independently connect a gas stove in an apartment in the official document - “Rules for the use of gas at home” - approved by the VO “Rosstroygazifikatsiya” back in 1990. They regulate not only the principles of using equipment, but also responsibility for violating them.

We recommend paying special attention to paragraph 3, which states what exactly is prohibited to the population:

  • Carry out unauthorized gasification. In this subclause, officials also included the rearrangement, replacement, and repair of all gas household appliances.
  • Make redevelopment in the rooms where such devices are located.
  • Independently make changes to their design, as well as change the design of ventilation and smoke ducts, seal, and brick up openings for cleaning chimneys.

Also in the mentioned Rules there are references to articles of the criminal and administrative codes, but for the most part they are not relevant and have lost their legal force. The “working” one at the moment is Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which states that penalties in the amount of 10–15 thousand rubles are provided for illegal connection to the highway. The legal issue is that we are talking exclusively about a gas pipeline, but whether this includes the situation when a user installs new cooking equipment instead of old one is unclear. Although on the Internet you can find complaints from users who were issued this fine.

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