How to properly decorate the interior of a girl’s room in a modern style

A personal room is the most important room for any individual resident of an apartment or private house. For a modern person, this is not only a bedroom, but also a place for relaxation, solitude, and even, possibly, work. In order for all the necessary zones to be present in the room, creating a comfortable and functional interior, you should think through all its details very carefully. This is especially important if you are planning the interior of a room for a girl. Unlike men, young girls are more attentive to small details, and even the smallest elements in the room are of great importance to them.

A girl’s room should reflect the character of the owner, as well as be cozy and comfortable

In order for the design of a room to be acceptable for a young woman, it is important to take into account all the nuances of her lifestyle: how much time she spends at home, who she works for, how much attention she pays to her appearance, etc. All of the above factors have a direct impact on what materials and furniture to use , into which zones to divide the interior and how to plan lighting.

A girl must participate in the interior design of her room.

In addition to the arrangement of furniture, finishing colors and decor play an important role. Since a personal room is a room in which a girl will spend a considerable part of her free time, you should use colors and shades that are most pleasing to her eye. A properly designed room interior for a young girl should ideally combine functionality and convenience, practicality and beauty.

Stylish interior of a modern girl's room

In order for the design of a room intended for a young girl to please her eye, it is important to take into account not only the global features of modern style, but also personal preferences. Special musical preferences, an unusual hobby, a favorite sport and even a favorite food can find their place in the interior, making it native and dear to the heart in their own way. For example, you can decorate the interior in the colors of your favorite superhero’s clothes, use wallpaper as in your favorite movie, or arrange a decorative shelf in the shape of your favorite musical instrument. Such original design solutions can create a unique room that you will always want to return to.

When decorating a room, you can use hobbies and hobbies: collecting, drawing, books - all this will allow you to create an original and modern interior

If we talk about global things, then modern interiors cannot do without zoning the premises. Even a small room can be divided into a sleeping area, a working area, and others. You can add a nook on the windowsill or in the corner of the room where the girl can lose herself in her thoughts. The design of a room for a girl in a modern style cannot be similar to other rooms, because every young lady is unique and inimitable, and her characteristics simply must be reflected in the interior.

The sleeping area should have a comfortable bed and spacious storage system

To sit with a laptop, look through email or write notes, you need a workplace. It is best to place it in the brightest place - near a window.

And of course you need a dressing table

Only the main distinctive features of the modern style should remain unchanged:

  • The predominance of simple and laconic forms in the interior. There is no place for excess curves and decorations - everything is simple and functional.
  • A game of contrast. Unusual decorations that draw attention to themselves must be present, but in moderation.
  • Free space. The interior should have enough light and air.
  • Combinations of materials. The modern style harmoniously combines the most modern finishing materials, as well as natural wood and metals.

If the space of the room allows, you should think about creating a guest area with a sofa, armchair or poufs

Everything that is within the boundaries of these general rules can be varied as you please, creating a real dream room.

For a romantic and gentle fairy, you can create a snow-white room, the highlight of which will be the white color in everything except the floor.

Active girls like an abundance of bright colors

We divide the room into zones

Decorating a beautiful and cozy bedroom for a young girl between 16 and 18 years old is not easy. Before taking decisive action, you should carefully consider the interior design, choose wallpaper or photo wallpaper for the walls, harmoniously select the color of finishing materials, curtains and furniture, and purchase the necessary decor.

Related article: Interior wall painting

To begin with, you should divide the space into at least two zones:

  • work area;
  • relaxation area.

Zoning the interior is extremely important. This will help teach girls to order and self-organization. The interior design should include proper lighting, especially in the area where girls do homework, reading and writing. You can learn from specialists how to properly divide a girl’s room into separate zones.

A lack of lighting can negatively affect a teenager’s health, so provide three levels of lighting: top, middle and individual.

The basic principle of room design for a girl

Rationality is a fundamental element designed to create a comfortable living environment. Designing a girl's room involves more decorative elements than a typical men's bedroom, but it is important to maintain balance here. A personal room is, first of all, a functional room with a clearly defined task (providing comfortable rest and, possibly, work), and not a museum in which the visitor’s eyes run wild. In this regard, the modern style is the best option - it is extremely difficult to “go too far” when implementing it.

Try to maintain a balance between aesthetics and practicality

Despite the widespread stereotypes that there are “female” and “male” colors, preference should be given to the colors that you like most

Although the main difference between modern style is laconicism, it can also provide opportunities to create special comfort. For example, you can use delicate curtains, a figured stretch ceiling or patterned wallpaper. Any interior element, used wisely, will create a cozy room without overloading the space.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are very popular today. Photo wallpapers are practical and durable, and their variety is simply amazing. You can choose both regular and 3D photo wallpaper for the bedroom.

So that the girl has a choice in decorating the interior of her room, instead of photo wallpaper, you can hang a large poster, painting, or print. This item can be changed frequently, which adds variety and gives a reason to change the mood of the interior.

Picturesque landscapes, flower fields, still life, architectural delights and even photos of famous media personalities, fairy-tale characters - all this can become a real decoration for a child’s room. You can see how correctly selected photo wallpapers transform an ordinary girl’s room in the photo in the manufacturer’s catalogue. You can use photo wallpaper in rooms of various shapes and sizes, the main thing is to choose the right color, shade or pattern.

What room design do young girls prefer?

Perhaps the most difficult question that could be raised is: “What do girls like?” Surprisingly, it is almost impossible to give a general answer, because every girl is unique, and in the age of modern technology, preferences can differ dramatically.

Shabby chic is one of the most romantic styles. Many girls choose it to emphasize their femininity.

Perhaps it is worth highlighting the main nuances that are most important for every young representative of the fair sex:

  1. Stylish. Everyone’s sense of style is different, so you won’t please a girl with an ordinary trend. Only what she personally considers stylish can give her aesthetic pleasure, so it’s worth taking personal preferences into account as much as possible.
  2. Originality. This is an important difference between women and men. It is unlikely that a girl will want the same room as her friend’s. She wants to be unique, so developing an interior design for a young lady should be done in close collaboration with herself. And even in this case, you will have to work hard to create something unique.
  3. Modernity. Most girls want to keep up with the times, so they will highly appreciate the presence of new technologies on their personal territory, even if their role is not so significant.

Modern style with a minimal amount of furniture is chosen by girls who live with the times

A classic bedroom for a girl is a calm atmosphere, comfort and a little solemnity

Scandinavian style with its simplicity is ideal for small spaces

As you can see, none of the above points are anything specific. Any furniture, decoration and decor should be selected in close cooperation with the girl. This is the only way to please her dreams and whims.

Designer curtains

You can choose catchy, stylish curtains or neutral colors, however, you should avoid heavy materials. The range of this decorative element on the modern market allows you to choose an original design to match the overall interior design.

A good option would be to use blinds. The main emphasis should be on providing the room with enough light.

Wallpaper in the interior of a room for a girl

Of course, in any interior, both furniture and lighting play an important role. However, it is the surface finishing that largely shapes the impression of the room as a whole. Properly executed decoration can even change the visual size of the room, not to mention the emotional perception. And if the walls and ceiling in a modern interior, as a rule, are within narrow limits, then the walls provide enormous scope for creativity.

Lovers of bright colors will love a room with floral wallpaper

When decorating a room in a modern style, a huge variety of materials can be used, however, if we are talking about a room for a girl, wallpaper would be the best option. The variety of wallpaper types allows you to use them in completely different areas, and countless colors will help create a unique coziness that any young housewife will appreciate.

Romantic wallpaper in a room for a young girl

Decorating the wall above the bed with photo wallpapers with large flowers

It is important to remember: wallpaper should not be oversaturated with bright colors, otherwise they will distract attention from the entire interior, and at the same time, boring monotonous colors should be avoided.

Everything that the owner of the room likes is used as decorative elements - photographs, souvenirs, toys, embroidery or drawings

Properly selected wallpaper, especially if the pattern and color are the girl’s favorite, will play a key role in the formation of a modern room that can become the real pride of any housewife.

Girl's bedroom style

The bedroom is a room for relaxation. It can have a corner for a workplace. However, you cannot use this room as a living room for parties, unless the room has a large area where you can allocate guest, work, and sleeping areas. This option is possible either in a one-room apartment or in a country house. However, in a mansion there is no need to combine a bedroom with a living room.

There are different design ideas, and the choice should be based primarily on the character and hobbies of the hostess.

The Mediterranean style was used to decorate the girl's bedroom. Turquoise accents and themed wallpaper with photo printing make the interior light, unobtrusive, and summery.

A stylish room for two sisters is equipped with functional, roomy furniture.

Photo: 50 examples of decorating rooms for modern girls

Layout features

The main task when arranging a ladies' room is to get a warm and homely environment where everything you need for a comfortable life will be located. To do this, the bedroom is allocated a place for sleeping, storing things, a work area, as well as a boudoir area.

Having your own single bed will ensure a healthy and sound sleep. It can be replaced with a sofa, combining the sleeping area with the guest area. But this is done only as a last resort. For example, if there is no full-fledged living room in the house.

In the work corner you should place a table with a computer, books and important papers. Both a housewife and a businesswoman will need such a place for work and leisure.

It is advisable that the space include a wardrobe or a spacious closet, since girls usually have a lot of clothes and shoes. When arranging your wardrobe, you must not forget about the mirror so that a woman can admire herself in full height. There should also be good lighting here.

In a studio that combines a lounge and a living room, it is recommended to install a partition and place a separate sofa with a small coffee table.


A room for a teenage girl is multifunctional. In addition to the functions of a dressing room, bedroom, living room and office, it should also play the role of a beauty salon. Therefore, the room must have a designated place for a dressing table or dressing table, a bedside table for jewelry and cosmetics and other girlish accessories. This place should be well lit; it will give the interior a feminine touch and add coziness.

All other furniture should be soft, mobile, easy to move, and not take up much space, and also be easy to clean when necessary, for example, for musical parties when guests gather. The interior of the room should not be cluttered, it should have a lot of space and light.

We are not afraid to combine wall coverings

The photo shows an example of combining several types of wall coverings

The main secret that allows you to decorate a modern interior in a teenage room with your own hands is to use bold combinations of several types of wallpaper. Moreover, you can combine finishing materials both for the purpose of visually adjusting the room and to create an original atmosphere.

Again, by combining leftover wallpaper from previous renovations, you can save some money.

Remember, you can combine any coatings with any wallpaper, but there are two rules that you should never forget:

  • firstly, the composition of the combined materials should be as homogeneous as possible;
  • secondly, the combination of texture and color should not be tasteless, at least from the point of view of a teenager.

Choosing the color and pattern of the wallpaper

Choosing the color and pattern of the wallpaper

So, you have calculated the amount of costly material, decided on the type of wallpaper, and found a pattern that suits your apartment. All that's left to do is buy wallpaper and hang it on the wall. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of interior design:

So - the smaller the room, the smaller the drawing. Large figures in the composition will look non-conceptual in a small space. It’s no big secret that wallpaper with vertical stripes will make the room taller, and wallpaper with horizontal stripes will make it wider. Glossy, moreover, plain wallpaper is glued only to perfectly smooth walls. If the surface has roughness, it is better to disguise them with colorful embossed wallpaper without shine. Photo wallpaper or natural wallpaper on one wall is an excellent solution for zoning and expanding space

Here it is important to choose the picture and shade of the background wallpaper so that they correspond to each other. The shade of the wallpaper should suit the intended room. For the bedroom and in those rooms where a person spends quite a lot of time, you need to choose mostly pleasant pastel colors

And, for example, in the kitchen, in order to whet the appetite and so on, for mood, the walls can be pasted over in bright colors: orange, green, yellow. In small rooms, try to avoid black, white and contrasts:

  • blue plus orange,
  • purple plus yellow
  • green plus pink and so on. Although this combination enlivens the interior, it ultimately visually narrows the space.

It is important to remember: in a store or shopping center where you buy wallpaper for your apartment, the lighting is always brighter than at home, so wallpaper in a roll looks different than on the wall. So, get ready for a discrepancy between expectations and reality.

Contemporary style

The name of the style translates as “modern”. It combined the features of constructivism and Scandinavian style. The direction gives designers freedom for creativity, because, despite the restraint and laconicism, the interior in the contemporary style can be varied.

Neutral colors are used for the background, and accents are placed on furnishings. For example, a bright painting, sofa cushions, original figurines. Don’t be afraid to combine materials of different textures in one space: wood, glass, metal, varnish. Together they will give the room expressiveness.

To emphasize the style in the bedroom, a steel-colored bedspread looks good together with a classic carved headboard. Place a modern wooden table nearby and place several metal lamps.

Preference is given to folding and spacious furniture: walls, cabinet products, folding sofas. Blinds and light tulle are hung on the windows. The design provides lightness and simplicity in every detail, so you should not get carried away with patterns and designs.

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