(+40 photos) House layout two bedrooms kitchen and living room


When building modern wooden or brick cottages, planning must be carried out especially carefully and correctly. This is necessary so that you can make the most functional use of the entire space of the room and at the same time feel freedom.

Before planning, you need to decide what the area of ​​the house will be and how many floors it will have.

A feature of proper planning and construction is that it should take up little space on the site, but at the same time provide comfortable living, taking into account the wishes of all family members.

Nowadays, when planning, only new technologies are used to save space and other indicators, for example, energy costs. When planning a modern house, preference is most often given to rectangular houses with several floors. This way you can expand your living area by taking up less space on the site.

When planning, it should be taken into account that the most practical option would be with walls of the usual type without protrusions.

In addition, an attic is perfect, as it will save money on roof installation. Nowadays, a feature of the layout of modern cottages is that they are more and more often combined with garages. This will make you more comfortable because it will be easier for you to monitor the car. In addition, by combining buildings you can save area of ​​the site.

In this case, the garage can be directly adjacent to the residential area, and if the area of ​​the site allows, then you can make a small walk-through area for industrial purposes between them, equipping an installation office or something else there. In addition, you can place a living room above the garage, but you need to take into account that the garage must have separate ventilation.

It should be placed so that it does not interfere with the living space above. But it is best to allocate a terrace or other industrial premises when planning above the garage.

The location of all functional areas and rooms is calculated taking into account the cardinal directions. This way you can make the room brighter and warmer where it is needed. When planning a house, they think in advance about the possibility of expanding the living space so that the house can be built upward or to the sides.

The most undesirable, but acceptable option is to arrange the basement floor, where you can make your own gym or utility workshop.

Create a house plan in such a way that you do not have to do any redevelopment in the future. The layout will depend on the number of floors in the house, as well as its area.

The arrangement of a small house and the layout of the areas inside it will resemble a studio apartment, while the arrangement of a cottage can be more spacious and functional. One-story structures are cheaper than two-story ones, but they take up a lot of space on the site.

But two-story ones, although they save space, require that you think through your budget and the furnishings of all rooms in advance.

Any project of a house where a family will live must include a kitchen, living room, hallway, children's room, bedroom, as well as a bathroom, and more than one if the room has several floors. You also need to provide space for industrial premises, as well as for a guest room.

But the specific breading will depend on the composition of the family and how often you receive guests.

These zones can be divided or combined depending on the area of ​​your home. When planning private houses, many abandon hallways, making instead a closed porch outside. This way you can make a more interesting layout and interior design.

“DomNad” series – a new approach to budget housing

Despite the many advantages of the new buildings “DomNad”, this is still budget housing, although it costs a little more than apartments in many other “mass-produced houses”, and does not cause too many complaints. Everything here is simple and without much frills - luxurious entrances and expensive decoration of common areas are not provided. But there is everything that is typical for a well-maintained panel house: elevators, utility networks, other infrastructure, solutions are quite well thought out and well implemented.

You must immediately take into account that the houses in this series are new, but still panels, so by definition you should not expect perfect sound insulation and large space for redevelopment. It’s better to immediately choose an apartment that suits you best and think about interesting renovations; fortunately, the space allows you to realize many design ideas.


A special feature of the layout of a private house is that you can independently set boundaries between rooms or even abandon them in some areas. But for this it is important to study the capabilities and functionality of some rooms, the rules for their location relative to each other.

Single storey

It is much easier and faster to build a one-story house than a building with several floors. In addition, you can choose absolutely any interior and layout, without adjusting to the number of floors of the building and without excluding a separate space for passage upstairs.

This is an excellent option for owners of large suburban areas, which is suitable even for a large family.

The most important part of such a house is the foundation, but it can have a lightweight structure, since there will be no floors other than the first. In addition, you will not have to strengthen the walls when planning, as is always necessary when planning multi-story structures. The choice of building materials will be limitless.

A one-story house can be easily extended to the sides if expansion is necessary. Therefore, it is considered the most universal design.

You will only need a staircase if you want to make a house with an attic, but at the same time it will be more compact and simple. Often the owners of such houses need to increase the area, but since not everyone has a lot of free space on their site, an attic is perfect. On it you can arrange a nursery, bedroom or dressing room with a storage room.

In addition, when planning, some consider the option of arranging the basement floor, where they place billiard rooms, storage rooms, a gym, and a recreation area.

You can even build a small house 7 by 8 m by making an additional area in the form of a basement floor. There may be a living area, but this may cause certain difficulties with lighting. Therefore, it is better to place a bedroom or even a kitchen there.

Some people, when planning such a small house, prefer to move all utility rooms to the ground floor. This breading option is suitable even for a small house measuring 4 by 6 m. For more spacious houses 10 by 12 m, you can provide both an attic and a ground floor at the same time. But for this, it is necessary to install a heating system into the premises and insulate them.

The attic does not allow you to use the area as functionally as possible, but you can place a living room, a library and even a bathroom there. Separately, a small garage can be built in such a house. A pantry or laundry room is installed in it.

In a one-story house, it is better to place all rooms sequentially in accordance with their purpose.

In addition, you need to properly implement communication systems. In this case, it is better to place the kitchen next to the bathroom. Wider spaces for imagination are provided by the layout and design of a large one-story house with an area of ​​100 square meters. m. Absolutely all functional areas can be provided in it.

An excellent solution for such a house would be to install panoramic windows, as they will fill the house with light and make its interior more elegant. Therefore, it is important to provide for their placement at the front of the house when planning.

Such a house will even fit a guest area and a study, and all rooms should be of impressive size.

It can provide a closed veranda or a terrace for relaxation. This layout of a one-story house will allow you to show creativity and make living in it more comfortable.

Double decker

A two-story private house should have some design features that distinguish it from a one-story structure. So, an important difference and feature of this layout is that it is necessary to find a place for stairs that will be located between two floors.

For large country houses, a spacious straight staircase of the classic type, made of natural wood, is suitable. But for a small country house it is better to use compact metal screw structures.

This staircase allows you to differentiate between the day and night areas.

In this case, the day zone is located on the first floor, and the night zone on the second floor. In addition, on the second floor you can place a dressing room and even a storage room. But if the inhabitants of the house are elderly people, then the bedroom in this case is located on the first floor, but the utility rooms are on the second.

In a 2-story house, you need to provide several bathrooms so that they are within walking distance from the central residential areas. Thus, they should be on both the first and second floors so that they can be conveniently used, including by guests. It is better to place bathrooms so that the entrance to them is not visible from the living room.

In addition, the bathroom near one floor should have a shower, and the bathroom on the second floor should have a bathroom. This way you can reduce water consumption.

The second floor bathroom should be located near the bedroom. The bathroom on the ground floor should have a guest character, that is, it is better to place a shower and some bath accessories, a sink, and a toilet in it. A similar room on the second floor can be larger and more spacious. It can accommodate a large bath and sauna.

In a two-story house, the main communication systems are located below. The boiler room is always located near the kitchen. But in some cases, the boiler room is moved to the garage if it is attached to the house.

The kitchen area is best placed below, as is the adjacent dining room. Near the kitchen there should be a small room for storing food - a pantry.

In addition, if the house has two floors, then there should be two dressing rooms: one near the bedroom upstairs, and the second downstairs, so that you can quickly get ready for work in the morning. On the second floor, next to the bedroom area, you can make a small laundry room, where you can install a washing machine, clothes dryer and ironing board. This way you can separate it and make it more invisible to guests.

Reviews and criticism

There are not many reviews from the owners of the improved DomNad panels yet, since relatively little time has passed since the first high-rise buildings were sold, so most potential buyers still have more questions than answers. Many are pleased that the windows are located on both sides of the living spaces, which allows, if necessary, to carry out redevelopment and make light partitions without violating the requirements for insolation.

A serious bonus is the presence of guest bathrooms in two-room and three-room apartments, as well as high ceilings. However, pragmatic potential buyers report that they would much rather see an additional storage room instead of an additional toilet. Many residents would still like to have slightly more spacious kitchens and loggias.

Some potential buyers consider rooms that are almost identical in size to be a disadvantage, while others would still prefer to have medium, small and large - a more traditional breakdown of apartment area. However, most would exchange several “squares” of spacious hallways for additional kitchen space. In addition, the absence of a traditional window in the kitchen, the role of which “part-time” is performed by the door to the loggia, is confusing. Many see in these houses the same features as in new buildings of the P-44T series, and choose between these two proposals.

Design styles

Country houses are often decorated in a classic style. It involves a traditional design using calm, restrained shades and design solutions. For finishing it is better to use light colors and shades related to pastel colors.

Beige, sand, natural wood, milky, brown shades are perfect. For finishing it is better to use as many natural materials as possible.

Ceilings should be light to make the room appear taller. But it is better to finish the floor with natural parquet. In this case, you should use only classic prints or make the walls monochrome and decorate them with paintings. A striped print is acceptable for classics.

A special feature of this style is the presence of a large number of accessories. These can be paintings, elegant candlesticks, antique watches and beautiful figurines.

To decorate a room in an English style, you can use a Middle Ages theme. This is an excellent option for houses with a bay window or a round domed cottage.

From the outside, such a house should be elegant; it can resemble a castle. And inside everything should be filled with wealth and luxury.

This design option is more suitable for spacious private houses. In this case, large furniture with carvings and curly legs is used. To finish the floor you can use parquet, marble, artificial stone. For the walls, you can choose elegant wallpaper with silk-screen printing.

  • An abundance of accessories in the form of tall vases and large statues will fill the house with luxury.
  • Country houses are also decorated in country style. The design of such a rustic house interior may include a fireplace not only in the living room, but even in the bedroom. All furniture elements must be wooden. Brickwork is perfect for a fireplace. In this case, it is better to place it in the corner. It should resemble a large oven.
  • The beds are placed in the center, like the sofa in the living room. With this layout, most of the space is allocated to the bedroom and living room. Furniture should be simple and seemingly unfinished. It is better to use wood materials.

  • Private houses can be filled with light by decorating them in Provence style. It involves the use of shades related to pastel colors and light, unobtrusive patterns on floral themes. White should be used where possible.
  • A private house can be decorated in a modern avant-garde style. It is a combination of bright color accents. Zoning in this case is carried out with color. In this case, it is better to use as many glossy surfaces as possible.
  • It is permissible to combine rooms with different purposes into one and divide such a spacious room into different zones using floors of different levels. Moreover, the difference between them can be significant.
  • It is better to use interesting and quirky furniture; natural leather upholstery is perfect. In this case, the main color should be a light and calm shade, but it must be complemented by bright contrasts.

If you want to highlight a certain area, you can use coverings with geometric or abstract prints to decorate it, and in this case you can even use the ceiling.

It is better to decorate all rooms in the same style. This way you can create a harmonious layout and create a feeling of a single space.

The use of several styles, even in small quantities, within one, even a large house, makes its interior too colorful and visually reduces it. Directions can be mixed and combined, but then the resulting composition must be used in all rooms.

Design Constraints

It should be noted that the stinginess of expressive means noted by many critics and the minimal set of opportunities for the owners’ initiative is a thoughtful author’s move, an architectural choice to which the main decisions are subject. As for the color palette in the decoration of facades, here the imagination can be limitless.

Smooth facades were also not to everyone’s taste. Some see in them the latest trends and restrained harmony of the urban environment, while others are sorely lacking protrusions and curves, decorative elements and, in general, general brightness. But most reviewers agree that this property deserves attention.

If we talk about standard-class “sockets,” then this is a completely acceptable option. Moreover, houses are being delivered almost on time - domestic home buyers are very tolerant of delays in commissioning for several months, since this phenomenon (for certain reasons) has already grown into a trend.

Who is it suitable for?

Not only relatives should consider a duplex as housing. This option is suitable for friends or those who are ready to live in one apartment themselves and offer the other for rent. In addition, many families prefer to build two separate apartments at once with an eye on the future of their children, who are provided with housing in advance.

A huge house with many rooms does not have this advantage, and the construction costs are approximately the same as a duplex.


Let's look at some of the nuances that need to be taken into account at the stage of planning a home.

  1. There must be harmony and symmetry of both halves of the house, this will make the structure whole. Achieving this is not always easy, especially if buildings of different sizes and separate entrances are planned.
  2. The common communications line, which is divided into two parts in the house, will require the coordination of future neighbors.
  3. Layout. It is necessary to create a visual project that will show absolutely all the rooms of both apartments. A drawing version of the facade and adjacent area is also required.
  4. Materials. Here it is important to come to a common decision; most often houses are built from SIP panels, foam and cinder blocks, timber, and brick. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so even at the stage of drawing up the project, you need to agree on what the duplex will be made of.


I am posting apartment drawings for everyone who wants to buy an apartment in a new house of the DOMRIK series from DSK1. In June, with their team they should begin construction of this new series. I think you'll figure out the layout of the apartments. Drawings only KR, for work. In my opinion, the apartments are much better than in the old series.

Comments 16

It's just terrible at home. The audibility is such that you can hear people talking through 3 floors. The interpanel seams are leaking. The valves are sticking. There is a swamp on the balconies.

In the old series there was a drain hole on the balcony. Now he's gone. If the seams are leaking, they will be redone under warranty. Horizontal ones should not leak, the panel has a tooth. Only vertical ones are possible. Well, audibility in panel houses suffers. Now new outer panels will go in without a tooth, without gluing the vertical seams from the inside with rubber tape. The seam is protected with foam and mastic from the street. This is where I don’t envy buyers.

Residential complex Semenovsky Park. If you read in the forum there is horror with this type of house. It's getting ridiculous. People have water leaking from their sockets)))))

I’m probably a little late with this question, but maybe you can shed some light on me...

Question about the DomRIK corner section. The general plan of the floor model shows additional side panels on the balconies. In some places there are two. Each is 25cm.

Questions about them are:

Are the panels insulated? If yes, then why in two-room and three-room apartments there are two panels on one side. If they are not insulated, then the corners will freeze, since 18 + 25 cm of reinforced concrete is not enough even for our regions.

Maybe you have diagrams or photos of the installation of these panels and the balcony floor slab. I would like to understand which of the two slabs the floor slab rests on. If the panels are insulated, will they have enough load-bearing capacity?

If the floor slab rests on load-bearing walls, and not on additional panels, will there be any problems with the slab, since it also rests not on the edge, but over another 50 cm of length (I no longer remember the strength of materials, but I remember that there was a nuance).

Good morning. A monolith with an open plan is just right for you. All series of panel houses are approved by the Moscow government. First the project, then for their consideration. Then into the series. It's easier with a monolith.

No, no, I can't stand him. Yes, a monolith allows you to build any layout, but it is not only more expensive and takes longer to build, but the vibration is terrible if someone is doing repairs. But I looked at modern designs of panels from different ABs, I liked a lot, there are both ordinary panels and panel-frame ones (remember the luxurious Lagutenkovsky Series-K7, one of the best, if not the best, in its time. For those in doubt, look at the K layouts -7, you won’t believe your eyes. For Khrushchev apartments, the living spaces are simply huge. 48-49 m versus 45 for the ever-memorable P-44, + all the rooms are in two-room and three-room apartments with a separate entrance, there are no walk-throughs) ... So I’m completely in favor of panels/frame - panels.

Good for you man, don’t you have drawings of three rubles?


Principles of room arrangement

In order to make the correct layout of a private house, it is necessary to take into account some important principles. So, first of all, you need to divide the entire interior space of the house into two large groups:

  1. residential;
  2. economic, non-residential.

The living area is divided into day and evening. After this, all these rooms must also be divided into children's and adults and guest areas must be separately allocated. According to this principle, the day zone should consist of:

  • corridor;
  • hallway;
  • living room;
  • dining room;
  • verandas.

The night zone should include:

  • bedroom;
  • dressing room;
  • additional bathroom (if the area of ​​the room allows).

As for the non-residential - economic zone, this part of the house includes:

  • kitchen;
  • pantry;
  • garage;
  • workshop room;
  • toilet.

When choosing the right rooms and dividing them into day and evening zones, it is necessary to take into account the position of the sun and the placement of windows, as well as the view from the window. The next principle is to reduce the size and number of corridors and wide passages. This is due to the fact that the presence of large non-residential spaces reduces the cost of the cottage significantly.

It is better to get rid of them by creating walk-through areas or using a large room as one common room with different functional areas, introducing less pronounced zoning in it.

Based on this principle, you can make a study in the bedroom or living room, and combine the kitchen with the dining room or living room. If there is not much space in the house, this principle should be fundamental. That is, it is better to abandon the halls and make continuous rooms such as the kitchen, dining room and hall. Near them you can arrange an entrance hall with a small corridor.

Another principle of good planning is the allocation of separate rooms for couples and children.

It is also customary to arrange one common room where all family members could gather together. If you plan to accommodate guests, then it is important for you to allocate a guest bedroom in advance, which can serve as a study or relaxation room in your free time.

The next principle is to place the family separately in a house if several generations live in it.

It is better to provide for this purpose different bathrooms and bedrooms and separate entrances to these areas. This way you will correctly delimit a private house. In addition, it is important to consider that if elderly parents live with you, it is better to place them on the ground floor.

The next principle is the arrangement of two entrances to the house. One door should be central at the entrance to the site opposite the gate, and the second should be located on the back side of the house, where the terrace is usually located. It should only be used by the owner of the premises. This way you don’t have to go around a large house to enter it from the site.

If you do not want to comply with this principle, then you can make a separate entrance, placing it at the end so that you can easily enter it from any side.

Optimal dimensions of a two-story house

The optimal minimum building area is considered to be a rectangle of 7x8 meters or a square of 8x8.

Project of a two-story 8x8 cottage with a terrace and balcony

It is these dimensions that make it possible to build a small country house, where the rooms will be rationally located, a full-fledged staircase will conveniently stand, rather than an attic, and there will also be space not only for the kitchen, living room and master bedrooms upstairs, but also for guests to have a place to stay.

With a smaller base, the structure can also exist, but then the layout of a two-story house will be inconvenient and non-functional. The living room will turn into a walk-through room, most of the usable space will be eaten up by the staircase, and upstairs, provided that not a full floor is built, but an attic one, only one bedroom will fit.

This option can be considered as a country house for one person or a married couple without children. The upper limit for the size of a two-story house is limited only by common sense and specific needs. For a family of two with two or three children, a two-story house with a total area of ​​110-130 square meters will be sufficient. If we consider the total area of ​​the house with a garage, then we can talk about increasing the area of ​​the house to 200 square meters. Houses larger than this area will be very expensive to operate and maintain, and most of the premises, as practice shows, simply will not be used.

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