Film for windows: what to do so that it is not visible from the street what is happening in the apartment (photo, video)

Owners of apartments located on the first floors experience inconvenience due to the glances of passers-by or a nosy neighbor. A similar situation can arise for residents of apartments on any floor if the windows of another building are located opposite. At night, you can simply close the curtains. But how to combine the desire to fill the house with daylight and at the same time maintain privacy?

Window film from neighbors will help keep everything that happens in the apartment behind the scenes. Protective films expand the functionality of windows due to the specific features of the material.

Window screens come in transparent and tinted varieties. The darkening effect is provided by a layer of metallized coating. This does not affect the level of daylight passing inside. The materials differ in their internal structure.

Solar film on windows as one of the effective methods of combating indoor heat

Every year modern manufacturers develop new technologies that allow them to achieve maximum comfort and improve the quality of life. Solar control film on windows helps solve one of the most common problems, such as heat in the home. Tinting has become widespread due to the low cost of both material and installation. By gluing the film, you can reliably protect the room from excessive sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.

Using window tint film is an inexpensive but highly effective method of sun protection.

Decorative window film

Decorative films not only protect the room from the sun and prying eyes from the outside, but can also help create an attractive and complete interior design. Double-glazed windows decorated with film in the form of plants, three-dimensional images, landscapes, and ornaments decorate plastic windows and at the same time reduce the possibility of viewing the interior of the apartment from the street.

These films are an ideal solution for people who do not want to decorate their windows with traditional accessories. They allow you to protect from prying eyes from the outside and at the same time act as an attractive element in the design of the premises. It’s not for nothing that decorative films are called “film curtains.”

An unlimited range of patterns allows you to make a standard plastic window truly individual and increase the possibility of window “self-defense” from curious neighbors.

What is solar window film made of, what functions does it perform?

In the summer, in a metropolis, the constant heat turns an apartment or house into a real steam room. Therefore, most residents are wondering how to protect the premises from the penetration of sunlight and reduce the temperature in the home. Despite the fact that reflective film on windows from the sun was first used specifically to protect a car, recently it can be increasingly found on apartment windows. The material became widespread due to the large number of advantages that car lovers identified for themselves.

In the manufacture of tint film, polyester is used, which significantly improves the strength and elastic characteristics of the material.

Today, solar protective films for windows are used not only in residential premises, but also in office buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, which have a large glazing area. The main advantage of use is that without losing the transparency of the window, it is possible to significantly increase the comfort and convenience of living or staying in the room. Another advantage is improving the appearance of the home and giving it a more modern look.

The main substance from which solar protective film is produced is polyester, and the specific properties are achieved through the application of a thin metal layer. The main materials here are:

  • aluminum;
  • titanium;
  • nickel;
  • bronze;
  • silver.

On a note! As a rule, manufacturers recommend gluing reflective film to windows with the metal side. This method of gluing will simplify the dismantling of the material.

Using the decorative function of covering the film, you can create a special shaded atmosphere in the room.

Many people want to use film painted in a certain color. Such a product will consist not of two, but of three layers. The third layer will be a material that is applied under production conditions using a laminator. This technology ensures longer color retention, and the additional layer will provide better sun protection.

Modern manufacturers have made it possible to solve several problems with the help of reflective materials: some glue film to windows so that what is happening in the room from the street cannot be seen, and others purely to protect the home from the penetration of solar flow. The simplest product options can only provide room protection from the sun, while more expensive branded products prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the room, thereby preserving the surfaces of furniture and household appliances from fading and loss of color.

It is with the help of the decorative function of the coating that it will be possible to create a special shaded atmosphere, give the room coziness and, if necessary, fill it with the desired color scheme. Decorative film can be used to decorate both the facade and interior design of a room, when it is necessary to highlight or, conversely, emphasize the style of the room.

The metallized layer acts as a kind of screen for solar radiation.

Double-glazed window with variable transparency level

Another solution from curious neighbors is glass with variable levels of transparency (smart windows), which perfectly ensures privacy. It features laminated, safety active glass that changes from opaque to transparent without causing a reduction in light transmission when needed. Using the switch, you can easily change the transparency of the double-glazed window, isolating yourself from curious neighbors at the required moment.

This glazing works great in offices, conference rooms and residential apartments. Variable transparency glass can be used in single glazing or in glass units with any other glass panel, such as low-e glass, bulletproof, fire-resistant or triplex. Due to its properties, it does not transmit 99% of UV rays.

A double-glazed window with a variable level of transparency (smart windows), however, is a very expensive solution, which developers have been trying for years to adapt to the financial capabilities of the average buyer. This niche is the most promising, since a double-glazed window with a variable level of transparency simultaneously provides a lot of advantages to the user, allowing them to most effectively solve pressing problems, and not least to ensure privacy

Benefits you can get by installing solar control film on your window

The wide popularity of solar reflective films for windows can be explained by the large number of benefits that the user receives as a result of its use. Let's consider the main advantages of using such products.

The ability to transmit visible light, but at the same time block infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation. All modern window tinting films work this way, although earlier versions of the materials simply darkened the windows, but did not prevent overheating. The latest technology is designed in such a way that the sticker does not absorb visible light, but the temperature in the room can be reduced in some cases by 10 degrees.

Preservation of heat during the cold season. Sun protection for windows helps to retain about 50% of the heat in the room, which indicates sufficient energy-saving properties. The principle of providing this advantage is as follows: the material from which the film is made repels infrared rays in the direction from which they come. Therefore, the heat generated in the apartment does not escape through the windows, which is especially important for houses with panoramic windows or apartments with a large glazing area.

Window tint film can reduce infrared radiation by up to 80%.

Creating a mirror layer that does not allow prying eyes to observe what is happening in the room. This property is useful for both residential and commercial premises located on the ground floors or near other buildings. In addition, the interior, thanks to the mirror tint film, is reliably protected from optical-visual surveillance devices.

Additional security. If for some reason the integrity of the window is damaged, the glass will not crumble into small fragments, but will be fixed on the glued protective film. This will avoid injuries and cuts.

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Note! Despite the fact that a window with film does not crumble into small pieces, it is still quite easy to break it from inside the apartment, which is required by fire safety standards. This is because if there is a fire in the house, windows may be the only way to escape safely.

The unique film manufacturing technology allows us to minimize the amount of incoming solar energy without significant loss of optical visibility.

Partial dimming methods

Partial dimming methods:

  1. External products are made of metal or wood - lamellas . Most often they are equipped with remote control. Many apartment owners are reluctant to install blinds to protect themselves from the sun because they consider them more suitable for offices. To get a pleasant coolness, you can resort to this method. The products are functional and easy to use. There are even special brushes for washing slats.
  2. You can also use partial dimming . Bamboo curtains are used for these purposes. These are products that are assembled according to the principle of blinds. They are small sticks that are collected into dense sheets and wound on a reel or roller. They are fixed in the upper part of the window; when opened, they allow a small amount of sun to leak through. Thus, the inside of the room becomes dark, it is not very hot in summer, and it is comfortable.
  3. It is recommended to use Awnings. These are thick curtains that resemble a canopy that is hung outside the window. They provide excellent protection from the sun, but do not block your view.
  4. Lately, products made using the day and night technique have become quite popular. For their manufacture, several types of fabrics are used: one is transparent, and the other is dense. By changing the position of the slats, you can adjust the density and brightness of the sun's rays.

Window tinting

Positive qualities of window tint film highlighted by most users

In addition to the practical side of using solar films on windows in an apartment, one can also highlight the aesthetic component. This includes the ability to choose the optimal color of glass, which will be an excellent addition to the exterior and interior. Thanks to a large selection of shades (from silver to soft purple, blue or gold), you can choose the best option that matches the color of the roof or walls of the building.

According to reviews, sun-protection films for windows have the advantage of being able to protect expensive curtains from fading, because even high-quality textiles can lose color under constant sunlight. Thanks to the wide temperature range (from -40 to +80 °C) at which it is permissible to use the film, both textiles and furniture will have their original appearance for a long period.

If you take into account the fact that the coating protects the windows from the sun, which causes an increase in the temperature in the room, you will be able to save a little on the electricity that is spent on air conditioning. There is also the possibility of purchasing a device of lower power and operating it in energy-saving mode. The cost savings will be especially noticeable if you apply the film in an apartment or cottage with large windows or in a spacious retail or office space.

The tint film allows you to avoid possible overheating of the room in hot weather.

Most users consider the possibility of simple, self-installation to be another important advantage of solar glass film. The material can be applied to already installed windows. There is no need to remove glass, unscrew frames or purchase special tools. All that needs to be done before work is to thoroughly wash the windows with soapy water, removing excess moisture with a slime, and let them dry thoroughly. The entire installation process is unlikely to take more than a few hours. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, it is better to invite a specialist to do the work, which will avoid damage to the material.

How to tint a window in an apartment with your own hands: instructions

It is necessary to adhere to several rules that will help you complete the task as quickly as possible. These films are very easy to install and dismantle. You can glue them yourself without any problems.

How to tint a window in an apartment with your own hands, instructions:

  • There are no special secrets. The main thing is to know the procedure and not be afraid to carry it out. First, you need to wash the glass several times with soapy water and wipe thoroughly.
  • After this, rinse off the soap one last time with water, leaving the moisture behind. It is necessary to cut the film to the size of the glass and remove the protective layer, but not completely.
  • It is necessary to carry out gluing by gradually pulling back the protective film and pressing the canvas against the glass. It is best to straighten with a spatula. Please remember that there are no bubbles or creases allowed.
  • To dismantle such a film, simply pull the corner. Other sources recommend gluing the film directly onto the soap glass. Using a rubber spatula, you can easily remove excess moisture and soap solution.


Other advantages of solar control films for windows and some disadvantages

In addition to the advantages listed above, using glass film will help prevent glass fogging, which affects the appearance of the entire room, especially if there are no curtains on the windows. This is true in apartments where “crying windows” are observed in winter. An additional protective layer will prevent the glass from freezing, which is why condensation forms on the inner surface of the window.

Note! Few people know that after gluing a protective layer on the glass, the harmful effects on the eyes resulting from too bright lighting are reduced. This will keep your vision normal for longer. You will also be able to use computer equipment and watch TV with greater comfort, because rays will not hit the screen.

Poorly applied or low-quality film can peel off from the glass unit.

As you can see, the coating has a large number of positive qualities, the main one of which can be considered to be the protection of the room from overheating.

But before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the main disadvantages, such as:

  1. Fragility of the material. The surface of the film is thin, which is why it is quite easy to damage, especially if you are not careful during installation.
  2. Excessive stickiness. In some cases, the self-adhesive film on glass may stick so strongly that it cannot be torn off even with the use of heating devices.
  3. Excessive darkness on cloudy days. Due to the fact that the coating blocks some of the light, you will most likely have to use lighting items more often, especially if it is cloudy or dark outside.

In general, the service life reaches 7-10 years. Here everything depends not only on the installation technology, but also on the quality of the purchased products. A poorly glued or low-quality film can peel off or has an insufficient light-repellent effect.

How to make glass opaque?

It depends on what degree of transparency, or rather non-transparency, you are interested in.

You can sand the glass with sandpaper using a grinding machine or even sand using a wooden board; the more scratches there are on the glass, the less transparent it will be. This can be said to be the first option using mechanical impact on glass.

Now about the coating, it can be covered with a film of varying degrees of transparency or even covering the entire glass with a plastic-based solution; it also comes with varying degrees of light penetration.

How to choose a film

First of all, you should not take products from cheap Chinese bush producers. The difference in cost with the original products will not be critical (taking into account that the work will be completed a decade in advance), but you will definitely be disappointed in the quality (dismantling will also reveal all the delights of “savings”).

The following brands can be called well-proven:

  • SOLUX (Singapore)
  • "Armolan" (USA)
  • "Ultra Vision" (USA)
  • "Professional Window Film" (South Korea)

In addition, tinting can not only prevent the penetration of sunlight, but also protect from prying eyes (mirror film), mechanical damage (shockproof), decorate the interior, fitting the window into the interior space in an interesting way. Let's look at each type of tinting.

Sun protection film

Designed for darkening glass. By preventing the penetration of ultraviolet rays, it protects furniture, wall coverings, and indoor plants. After tinting, there is a noticeable decrease in temperature on the balcony or loggia on hot days.

Used for tinting office windows and apartment balconies.

Protective film

This tinting has many advantages:

  • does not allow sunlight to pass through
  • adds strength to the glass (of course, it can be broken if desired, but not as easily as if it were without protection)
  • prevents fragments from falling if the glass does break
  • can contain the spread of fire for a certain period of time
  • suppresses external noise, preventing the glass from resonating

Mirror film

The outer surface is mirrored, and the inner surface is simply darkened. For apartments on the first floors, this is an ideal combination - from the outside the room will no longer be an object of curiosity, and from the side of the room nothing will interfere with the view. But in the evening, the tinting will still be transparent, so you will still have to take care of blinds or curtains.

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Decorative film

Such tinting will be more of an alternative to blinds; it does not have a sun protection or mirror effect, so it will not save you from heat penetration. But it will cope with the shading of the room perfectly.

There are a large number of different options for decorative films on the market, these include graphic abstract designs and entire compositions where the design begins on one sash of the window and continues on to the next.

Architectural film

This tinting is multi-layered; it is not just a reflector, but a whole system of layers, each of which has its own function. Architectural or spatter tinting can be colorless or painted in any color (bronze, green, light blue, etc.).

Architectural tinting allows visible light to pass through while reflecting infrared rays. That is, in summer it does not let heat in, and in winter out. This tinting will make the glass durable and impact resistant.

Each category has its own color shades and coating densities. There are several types according to the degree of painting:

  1. Non reflective (NR). These are deeply colored films.
  2. High Performance (HP). Tinting with spraying effect (metal imitation).
  3. Gradient (GRD). Films with the presence of the effect of transition from one color to another.

stained glass window

Stained glass windows can also be an effective solution for window “self-defense” from nosy neighbors. This artistic accent will also act as a sophisticated interior decor. And there may be several solutions. You can limit viewing of the room from the outside, but leave the possibility of viewing from the outside. It all depends on the chosen glazing.

You can create a fragmented stained glass window, alternating translucent and transparent elements, which will allow you to see what is happening outside the window, preventing prying eyes from penetrating inside. You can also create stained glass glazing to the required level - up to half the window or make it up to the eye level of the person standing behind the window. Stained glass can be integrated into the window frame, but also act as a cover for the window.

In any case, while trying to ensure privacy, you should not unduly restrict the access of natural light to the room. It is better to install a stained glass window in rooms where a strong flow of natural light is not required, such as a bathroom. If there are a large number of windows in a private house, you can alternate between stained glass and ordinary windows. This will add an unusual charm to the interior, beautifully protecting it from the prying eyes of neighbors. Of course, stained glass windows are not cheap: costs depend on the size and type of glass used.

As you can see, the methods of window “self-defense” from curious neighbors have something in common with sun protection systems, which allows you to “kill two birds with one stone” by purchasing one product.

Methods for tinting plastic windows

Classic or roller-type solar curtains are an excellent option if you want to protect your bedroom from the scorching rays of the sun. Unlike self-adhesive coatings, such products can be removed in cloudy weather, when the heavenly body does not penetrate the house with its rays.

Film tinting coatings are well suited for plastic windows in the attic or balcony.

They are often installed directly at the factory, and when purchasing double-glazed windows, you have the opportunity to choose the best solar protection option for your apartment.

If the window is already installed and needs to be darkened, this can be done in two ways: with your own hands or with the help of professional workers. The second option is the simplest, but more expensive. Therefore, it is worth considering the first method.

To darken windows from the sun with your own hands, you will need to stock up on the following devices and materials:

  1. Directly, the sun protection coating itself.
  2. Stationery knife.
  3. Rubber spatula.
  4. Spray bottle with a supply of soapy water.
  5. Ruler.

Before darkening the windows on the balcony, some craftsmen advise taking the glass out to make the task easier. This method can lead to depressurization of double-glazed windows and damage to plastic windows.

But in any case, before starting work, you need to clean the glass surface from dirt and fine dust, and then degrease it with any detergent. This will help darken the windows in the apartment better. Once the glass is completely dry, you can begin the pasting procedure.

How can you tint the windows in your apartment?

There are several tinting options, depending on the intended purpose. Very often in the summer we want as little sunlight as possible to penetrate into the house. Ultraviolet radiation significantly heats objects, increasing the temperature in the room, which makes the living conditions in it uncomfortable. Therefore, the best option is to use products that reflect the sun's rays. Using blinds or Roman shades is less effective, since some of the sun's rays are still absorbed even by light-colored curtains, and increase the temperature in the room.

How can you tint windows in an apartment, types of films:

  • Dark mirror
  • Mirror opaque


The process of applying the sun protection layer

Further actions will not cause difficulties if you are careful during the entire procession. The tinting coating is applied to the glass surface in several steps:

  1. Window tint film is sold rolled up, so it must be properly straightened by rolling it out on a flat table. Also, if the size of the coating greatly exceeds the length and width of the glass unit, you need to cut the tinting layer so that at the edges it is half a centimeter wider than the window opening;
  2. Then the glass is moistened with soapy water from a previously prepared spray bottle. This is necessary in order to prevent spontaneous adhesion of the film to the window;
  3. The protective layer is removed from the darkening coating. The adhesive side is also wetted with soapy water;
  4. Now that the glass and film are reliably protected from unwanted sticking to each other, you can carefully align their upper edges. Then, using a rubber spatula, the darkening layer is smoothed from top to bottom;
  5. To darken balcony windows efficiently and for a long time, it is necessary to remove soapy water from the gap between the glass and the protective layer. This is done simply - with the same spatula, starting from the center;
  6. Lastly, the protruding edges of the film coating are trimmed. During this process, care must be taken not to cut off excess, otherwise gaps may form. But you shouldn’t leave protruding edges either. This affects the final result of the work.

The result should be beautiful plastic windows with tinted glass.

When applied in accordance with all the rules, the tinting coating prevents excess light from entering the room, stopping the process of fading of objects in the home. This is a very useful property, since dark leather furniture is vulnerable to solar radiation.

Even darkened plastic windows prevent the room from getting too hot in the summer and make watching TV more comfortable due to the lack of glare on the screen. The only disadvantage of film coating is that the room darkens earlier than usual. So, before darkening your windows from the sun, you should weigh the pros and cons.

Aluminium foil

Foil, which everyone is used to using in the kitchen, can also be used to cover windows. If you place it with its shiny side facing the street, it will not only protect you from those who want to look into someone else’s apartment, but will also significantly reduce the heating of the air in the room during the warm season.

Consider the fact that the foil is completely opaque. It does not let sunlight into the room, so it should only be used on old-style windows, covering the lower (high) glass and leaving the upper (small) glass transparent. However, even in this case, semi-darkness will reign in the room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Protecting privacy with special glass

Some owners of private houses without a fence or apartments on the lower floors think about hiding their home life even at the stage of repair and installation of windows. For this purpose, there are double-glazed windows with special coatings:

  1. Matte. Suitable only for bathrooms or other rooms from which the view of the street is not important. After all, such glass will protect not only from outside views, but also limit the view from the inside. There will also be less sunlight in the room.
  2. Mirrored. They work on the principle of sun protection film for windows. The mirror surface is built into the structure of the glass unit.

Advice. Before installing such structures, you need to thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons. No matter how the film stains the window, it can still be removed. This won't work with glass, so it will be more difficult to fix anything.

Both with film and with special windows, it is advisable to use additional methods of window protection. For example, ordinary curtains. In the evening they will be indispensable. And during the day they can remain constantly open.

How do tinted home windows look at night?

As mentioned above, tinted home windows look just like regular windows at night.

How tinted home windows look at night:

  • They transmit light and are almost completely transparent. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of light inside the room, which is not reflected from the film.
  • If you want to protect yourself from prying eyes, you need to cover your windows with curtains at night. This film protects from sunlight only during the daytime.


Method 1. Tinting balcony windows on your own

Tinting balcony glass is not a complicated process. Each person is able to tint a balcony with their own hands.

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Using the right tool and accurately following the recommendations, you can achieve a result that is not much different from the work done by specialists.

For successful pasting you will need the following tools:

  1. Stationery knife
  2. Spray
  3. Rubber spatula
  4. Lint-free towel
  5. Degreaser

Balcony tinting should be carried out at temperatures no higher than 35 degrees. It is not advisable to apply the sticker at temperatures below 10 degrees. The air humidity in the room should be between 25 and 70%.

Before starting work, you should clean the window from dirt and dust. To do this, we recommend using detergents. You can add ammonia to the solution. Apply the solution to get rid of dirt and dust. Allows you to remove grease stains on the window.

Then you should prepare the required piece of film by measuring the required dimensions of the window around the perimeter. To the resulting size you need to add 0.5 cm on each side. The allowance will be removed later. For successful gluing you will need a spray solution. Add 5-6 drops of detergent to 1.5 liters of water.

The prepared solution is sprayed using a spray bottle over the entire surface of the window. Excess moisture must be removed using a rubber spatula. The prepared piece of film is removed from the base. The part being removed may curl or wrinkle. To avoid kinks, folding, removal should be done with an assistant.

The removed part is glued to the window from top to bottom. Any bubbles that arise are removed with a spatula. Try to avoid horizontal folds. You should carefully ensure that the film adheres tightly to the surface of the window. If bubbles appear, if you cannot get rid of them with a spatula, you should pierce the bubble with a thin needle. After this, use a spatula to expel the remaining air from the edges to the hole.

After the sticker is completely applied, you should cut off the excess around the perimeter. The work should be carried out carefully, slowly, so that gaps do not form between the frame and the film. The resulting gaps can spoil the entire appearance of the work done.

If you follow the recommendations, you should get perfect window tinting, and all questions about how to cover a balcony with film will disappear. Manufacturers guarantee preservation of properties regardless of external or internal application to the window surface. But we recommend that you carry out the gluing work from the side of the room. Internal adhesive will protect the film from external weather conditions, and its service life will be longer.

How to install and care for window foil

In order to apply the coating without shifts, air bubbles and other nuances, you should pay attention to exogenous factors, such as:

  1. Ambient temperature. The optimal range is considered to be from 5 to 35 °C. If you glue the coating at a temperature below the minimum recommended, it will take a lot of time for the glue to dry, and if it is too high, the glue will dry out quickly, and the coating will not have time to fix.
  2. Humidity. Despite the fact that during the work you need to use a spray bottle, you need to pay attention to humidity levels, which should be in the range of 30-75%.
  3. No dust. Before gluing, you should wet clean the room so that dust particles in the air cannot deteriorate the quality of the gluing.

On a note! Installation usually begins with surface preparation and cutting of reflective film for windows. To completely cover the window glass in one piece, take a piece whose dimensions are 2-3 cm larger than the parameters of the glass.

When gluing, the film should not contain foreign particles.

Installation includes the following steps:

  1. After the window has been thoroughly washed, clean water is sprayed onto the surface of the glass: in this case, it is better to use bottled or distilled water.
  2. To prevent dust from floating in the air, it is recommended to spray a little water 60 cm from the glass.
  3. The protective coating is removed from the surface of the film, and the material itself is sprayed with water from the sprayer. This is done in order to prevent hardening and to provide an opportunity, if necessary, to correct installation flaws.
  4. A pre-prepared piece is applied to the window.
  5. Using a rubber spatula, remove water from under the film by pressing movements from the middle to the edges of the sheet.

After completing the work, you should carefully inspect the surface to ensure that no water, air or dust accidentally remains under the sheet. It is also necessary to ensure that the film adheres evenly to the glass. After this, the excess material is cut off and the edges are pressed tightly against the glass. It is not recommended to touch the film for 5-7 days until the glue is completely dry.

The humidity level when installing foil should not exceed 80% and be below 20%.

Like any other protective coating, the film requires care and respect. To avoid integrity violations, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Do not use any abrasive substances or detergents that contain elements that can scratch the coating to clean windows.
  2. Do not use a hard sponge during the washing process. The best option is a microfiber cloth or a special soft material for polishing glass and mirrors.

On a note! The best way to clean the surface is a solution consisting of warm water and liquid soap.

No matter how good the foil for windows is, you will still have to remove it over time. To do this, it is recommended to use one of the methods:

  1. Mechanical. It is carried out using a sharp knife, with which the canvas is cut into small strips and removed in parts.
  2. Chemical. For this method, you will need ammonia, in which a cotton cloth corresponding to the size of the glass is generously moistened and applied to the window for 2-3 hours. After this, you just need to rinse the window thoroughly.
  3. Using a hair dryer. After heating the glass surface, the film can be easily removed, but traces of glue may remain, which must be removed with a solvent.

Foil, like any protective coating, requires care and respect.
Purchasing reflective solar film for windows is considered a profitable option, because the material is low cost and easy to install, which you can do yourself with minimal skills. In addition to the fact that the coating will reduce the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the organs of vision and prevent excessive heating of the room, the film will give the room a cozy look and make living more comfortable at any time of the year.

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Method 2: Description of the workflow

In order to tint the windows on the balcony, no special skills are required. It's quite simple:

  • clean the glass surface
  • paste the material
  • smooth to get rid of bubbles

Solar film for balconies is very sensitive to temperature and humidity levels. Therefore, it is better to carry out work when the temperature outside is from +10° to 30°C. The humidity level should also be in the green zone, that is, from 40 to 70%.

Stage 1. Material selection

Having decided on the type of tint, you will need to select the light transmittance. It is measured as a percentage:

  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 30%
  • 50%
  • 70%

The lower the value, the darker the glass you will get at the output. The width of the products may also vary, standard sizes:

  • from 0.50, 0.76 and up to 1 m.

Before purchasing, measure the windows on your balcony and choose the size of the film so that you have to cut off as little excess as possible, and ideally not cut it off at all.

Stage 2. Preparatory activities

To work you will need the following available tools:

  • scissors (sharp) or stationery knife
  • ruler
  • ruler
  • shampoo or liquid
  • spray
  • sponge
  • window scraper

The room or balcony where the tinting will take place must be cleaned in advance. Since even slight dust in the air can settle on the film and ruin the appearance of the window.

A soap solution is prepared in a spray bottle (1 teaspoon of soap or shampoo is enough).

The glass is washed thoroughly; for convenience, you can use a scraper with a silicone blade and window cleaner. The surface is wiped dry.

Stage 3. Gluing tint

Can be glued inside and outside. Of course, if you need to tint the windows on the balcony on the floor, then the work is definitely done from the inside.

The glass needs to be measured and the canvas drawn according to size, cut with scissors or a stationery knife. You can leave a 5mm margin, which can then be easily cut to size.

The glass is wetted with a soap solution from a spray bottle. The adhesive side of the tint is removed from the protective layer by 5 cm. You also need to spray the adhesive side with a spray bottle. Gluing begins from the top edge of the glass, gradually peeling off the protective layer. The tint is carefully straightened from top to bottom.

The tinting surface is treated with a soap solution and a window cleaning scraper (you need to move in a “herringbone” pattern) to remove air bubbles. You need to spray the film so that the scraper glides well without catching.

It may happen that an air bubble remains, then a thin needle is pierced in this place and the air is expelled through this microscopic hole.

It may happen that an air bubble remains, then a thin needle is pierced in this place and the air is expelled through this microscopic hole.

This method of tinting loggias and balconies will suit most of our readers, since in the case of plastic windows it will be difficult to remove the glass from the frame. If there is such an opportunity, then carefully gluing the film will be even easier. Only two steps will be added here - you will need to remove the glass, the tinting sticker is done in exactly the same way, after the tinting has dried, you can insert the glass back into the frame.



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Sergey Vladimirovich

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The modern market of film coverings for windows offers the buyer a wide range of similar products. Among the traditional options, a picky client can buy a coating with a special effect. For example, the film can be:

  • athermal;
  • reflective;
  • anti-vandal;
  • booking;
  • perforated;
  • architectural;
  • heat-saving;
  • heat reflective;
  • stained glass;
  • combined.

In this case, the film can be matte opaque or glossy traditional. Today it is available in several varieties for windows. Coatings can be options for film protection of glass sheets of double-glazed windows or have several functions.

In addition to being functional, the film can be purely decorative. This coating is called stained glass. This is a self-adhesive decorative film with a transparent base and a pattern. Its purpose is to partially decorate windows, as well as to decorate the glass of interior doors. Essentially, this is a colorful coating that covers the glass, decorating it. The themes of such films are often geometric shapes, lines, and floral motifs. Less often, it imitates the translucent texture of stone and silk textiles.

In some cases, it serves as a curtain and is presented more as a decorative element, indicating that it belongs to a certain style. Stained glass film can have a simple pattern and cover only the lower part of the windows. It is used more often on windows whose frame consists of 6-12 small glasses. The fragments are filled flush with film, while the lines of the overall pattern may not coincide.

Sometimes the coating imitates frosted glass with a transparent pattern. In other cases, the print depicts window openings divided into many small windows. This film is used in different rooms of the home, including bathroom glass curtains and bay windows. It does not interfere with the opening of windows and can imitate different patterns carved on glass, including python skin.

Products with a functional focus are divided into several varieties. These include sun-protection and energy-saving coatings. Each type has its own categories. Products differ in the type of fastening. Some options are fixed from the inside of the home, others must be fixed from the street. The former are often distinguished by a wide range of colors, the latter are characterized by a reinforced coating of the top layer, which protects the surface from negative environmental factors.

Sometimes the film is glued to the glass during its production process. At the same time, any type of film coating undergoes certification. It indicates its compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. Interior and exterior coatings differ in characteristics and resistance to external factors. These are products that are safe for human health, do not emit toxic substances and are not susceptible to the appearance and spread of microorganisms.

Sun protection

This category includes solar control coatings to reduce the light flux that enters the room through glass. Depending on the type, they may have one-way visibility of the glass sheet after installation of the film. The coverings are designed in such a way that what is happening in the room cannot be seen from the street. Even the outlines will not be visible, the room will not be completely visible. However, anyone inside the room will see everything that happens outside.


The budget type is foil film materials based on polyethylene in rolls. Such coatings are used in hot weather, fixing them to the glass from the inside. Unlike the bulk of varieties, they do not have a sticky backing. Fixation is carried out using tape.

After the heat subsides, they are removed. There is no tight fastening, and it is problematic to see through them.


An alternative to them are mirrored counterparts with tinting. They are used for plastic windows. The quality and performance characteristics of this film are quite high. It is characterized by strength and durability. If properly applied to the glass unit, it will last for several years.

Due to aluminum and tin oxide in the composition of the layers, the roll film reflects visible light outward, as well as infrared radiation. Compared to its budget counterpart, it is distinguished by its aesthetic appeal. The architectural variety protects the glass from mechanical damage. It involves pasting on the outside. At the same time, its light reflective abilities are no less than its classical counterpart.


The main difference between these varieties and their mirror counterparts is the fact that instead of reflecting visible light and infrared radiation, they absorb them. However, the effectiveness of films in this category depends on the degree of toning. The film can be dense or completely transparent: the efficiency coefficient varies from 15 to 60%. At the same time, the film differs in appearance: the less tinting, the lighter and brighter it conveys the image of what is happening.

The disadvantage of tinting coatings is that they cut off most of the visible light flux. This factor especially manifests itself negatively in cloudy and rainy weather, making the room dull and gloomy.

Lack of illumination of the space inside the house (apartment) can provoke depression. Therefore, the use of such film must be approached thoroughly. For example, it is not advisable to glue it if the windows face the north or west.

Thermal insulation

The principle of operation of such a film differs from its sunscreen analogues. All coatings in the line are aimed at minimizing heat loss in a particular room. In fact, they can be called an alternative to energy-saving double-glazed windows. Their purchase will save your budget, and installation will cost less than replacing glazing. Such coatings do not change quality indicators under the influence of temperature changes.

A fairly high percentage of rays are reflected inward. The daylight braking level does not exceed 30%. This is a thin multilayer material characterized by transparency. To increase heat-reflecting and energy-saving properties, alloys of silver, chromium, and nickel are used in the production of such films. Energy-saving film can be combined, having the protective function of preserving glass.



How to avoid noise from the street

Soundproofing double glazing reduces noise levels by 35 dB or more. The sound wave is reflected by thick glass and dampened by the design of asymmetrical air chambers. In sound-proof double-glazed windows, glass 6 mm thick, triplex with reinforcing film is used. Rehau Delight and Rehau Brillant window systems with Siegenia-Aubi Titan AF fittings serve as a reliable barrier to noise. The sound insulation of Delight windows reaches 35 dB, Brillant - 40 dB. The Intelio profile from Rehau has the highest noise insulation performance. A PVC system with an installation depth of 86 mm and a double-glazed window with a thickness of 53 mm helps to achieve them.

Inert gas inside the air chambers of the double-glazed window helps to increase sound insulation by several decibels. The quality of seals and window installation also affects noise protection. Errors when installing windows will not allow the glazing to fully function and protect the opening from noise from the street. Order the installation of soundproofing windows from professionals - a window company with a good reputation and extensive experience.

Pleated blinds: a tribute to fashion

The classic design of strips of fabric connected by a lifting mechanism, in this version is complemented by a day-night function, which allows you to make the shading more or less dense. This design is made from two types of fabric, one of which is translucent.

The model is attractive due to its versatility of use, and its external resemblance to horizontal blinds inspires consumer confidence. They can be used to decorate a bedroom or a nursery.

Windows, first floor: how to close them from prying eyes.

Residents of the first floors have many problems with windows. The age-old dilemma of “sunlight or privacy not in full view of the whole street” is one of them. I tried many options: I used curtains of various types, glued film, installed blinds. I offer for your consideration a list of the most popular options.

Sun protection film

Self-adhesive frosted film is the best option for quickly and inexpensively protecting glass from the sun and idle glances of passersby. In this case, light will penetrate into the room.

The coating is easy to attach - just wet the adhesive side, stick it on the glass and smooth it out, expelling any air bubbles with a cloth.

Removing the film is no more difficult than gluing it. In addition, after use there are no traces left at all.

The only drawback of the product is that the film reflects the sun's rays, so those who like flowers on the windowsill will have to place them in another place or abandon the idea of ​​​​the film.

Tip: you can stick a film on the outside to prevent the glass from overheating by reflected ultraviolet radiation.

Mirror film

Mirror technology allows you to see everything that is happening outside, but no one can see anything from the street. From a privacy point of view, this is a unique solution.

The disadvantages are the same as those of the matte analogue: the film slightly, but still darkens the room. This can be a good thing on a hot summer afternoon and depends on whether the windows face south or north. But still, most of the year, I want to get more daylight into the apartment. Increasing the flow of sunlight into the first floor windows, especially if they are northern, is not an easy task. To smooth out this drawback, I installed windows with a low frame Ilmari Solo, which significantly improved the situation. But it did not protect him from curious glances from the street.

Advice: buy a mesh mirror coating rather than a solid one. Both you and light-loving plants will like it.

Stained glass

Stained glass is an interesting design solution that carries a touch of noble antiquity. A composition of multi-colored glass will decorate a spacious living room designed in a vintage spirit, but it is unlikely to be suitable for a small apartment. In addition, stained glass requires wide frames. In general, the material perfectly transmits the rays of the sun, beautifully refracting light through yellow-green-red “filters”.

Note! Now stained glass can be framed not only in a wooden, but also in a plastic frame. The pattern, as in the case of forged gratings, is selected from a catalog or developed individually by the client.

A budget substitute for real stained glass is an imitation on film. This product is actively sold on the market. Just like regular stained glass film, it can’t be easily removed when you want to change your surroundings.


There are many modern varieties of curtains and drapes that can successfully replace tulle, roller and regular curtains:

  • a “cafe” curtain like those hung on trains;
  • pleated.

“Wagon” curtains cover the floor of the window (its lower part), as they are attached to the center of the glass unit. The disadvantage of such curtains is that they can only be used if your windows are located high from the ground. Otherwise, you can forget about privacy.

Pleated curtains are a technically advanced option for residents of the 1st floor. Pleats cover the windows, but only on one side (top or bottom).

Green spaces under the window

Decorative bushes right under the window perform several tasks at once:

  • protect personal space (in summer - due to the thick crown, in winter - thanks to the snow cap on the branches);
  • do not obscure the sun (for example, lilacs do not grow higher than 3 m);
  • fill the air with aromas during the flowering period.

Important: it is best to plant lilacs under the window: they are quite thick and not too tall.

Alternative options

Garlands of LED lamps around the entire perimeter of the window are good as a distraction. They draw the attention of passers-by to themselves, so it is uncomfortable to look inside your apartment.

So, the choice of protecting the first floor windows from excessive attention from passers-by and too bright sun depends entirely on the homeowners.

If you absolutely do not like the film, tint the windows. If you want something original, order stained glass from a catalog or your own drawing. Even leaving traditional window textiles, you can show your imagination in terms of curtain design.

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