Requirements for a door to a kitchen with a gas stove: norms and rules

It's time for renovation and the idea of ​​demolishing the wall between the kitchen and the nearest room has matured? Or did you just decide to remove the kitchen door as unnecessary? Or maybe you are going to buy an apartment with illegal redevelopment? Agree, when such desires arise in a gasified apartment, they give rise to many doubts about legality and registration.

To protect yourself from the possibility of gas poisoning or fire, and from claims and fines from gas workers, study the requirements for the door to the kitchen with a gas stove or water heater, and other related regulations. In this article, we have collected all the important information on the topic, so you don’t need to rummage through a cloud of regulations, rules and other documents.

From this article you will learn about the current regulations that gas workers can refer to, as well as in which room you can install the stove without any problems. In addition, you will receive several options for resolving the issue with step-by-step instructions, advantages and disadvantages - everything in order to make and implement the right decision.

About the need for a door to the kitchen

An aesthetic and practical solution for a small apartment.
Sliding doors to the kitchen are not a luxury, but a very functional element of the interior. They perform the main task: they do not release moisture, steam, or odors outside the kitchen, which cannot be avoided during the cooking process even in the presence of a good hood (and even more so in the absence of one). If the opening is not closed by a door, then the inevitable happens: carpets, curtains, wallpaper, upholstery of upholstered furniture become saturated with foreign aromas.

Sliding model in Khrushchev

The difficulty of installing doors in very small rooms often lies in the fact that there is simply nowhere to open the swing doors. The sliding option in this case is the ideal solution.

Common mistakes

If the door is chosen incorrectly or errors are made during its installation, then it ceases to fully perform its functions and brings more problems than benefits.

Here are the main points that should not be allowed.

  1. The design was poorly chosen. Double-leaf or rotary doors in a narrow opening are impractical, and hinged doors are contraindicated in small kitchens.
  2. It closes loosely and loosely. This happens due to a mismatch between the dimensions of the door leaf and frame, deformation of the frame, sagging hinges, or installation errors.
  3. It slams noisily. The problem often arises due to improper installation of fittings. High-quality doors with seals and closers do not have such problems.
  4. It's skewed. A product made of natural wood must be pre-dried so as not to deform over time.
  5. The features of the room are not taken into account. The kitchen is humid, and, therefore, the coating must ensure the moisture resistance of the canvas.
  6. The design is not consistent with other interior doors in the house. They must be in the same style and have the same material.

Advantages of sliding systems

In addition to the most obvious advantage of gaining space, sliding systems also have other positive features. First of all, they are compact, that is, they do not require additional space for opening/closing. To operate the sash, a narrow strip of only 6-10 cm wide is allocated along the wall.

This is what the floor guide looks like

The usual width of the opening in the kitchen in typical apartments is 70 cm. After installing a swing-type door structure, the clear opening narrows to 63-65 cm. Bringing popular household appliances inside the kitchen becomes a difficult task; a refrigerator or stove may not fit at all. Installing a sliding door allows you to leave the opening without changing the dimensions or even expand it slightly.

Option for finishing the opening under the sliding door

A variety of custom designs is more appropriate than ever in this case. The door can be decorated with a mirror panel, adding light to the room, or made of plastic, solid or with a transparent insert. There are no restrictions, so it’s easy to allow yourself any sophistication of your imagination.

It’s not even immediately clear that this tree is a door

Often the installation is so simple that even an inexperienced technician can do it. Many buyers install sliding doors themselves.

Combining kitchen and room with an electric stove.

For this type of redevelopment there are no prohibiting standards, so it can easily be carried out either by creating an opening in the wall between these two rooms, or by completely dismantling it.

Below is the agreed plan for one of these redevelopments:

Combining kitchen and living room

At the same time, the kitchen area in its previous dimensions on the plan is most often distinguished by a conventional boundary in the form of a dotted line.

Housing inspectors of some administrative districts have prohibited combining a kitchen with a living room, citing the fact that this entire room becomes a kitchen, which is prohibited by the 47th Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Commentary on the video: The clause has been changed: it is no longer possible to combine a gasified kitchen with a living room according to clause 10.16 of Moscow Government Decree No. 508 after the release of PPM No. 1335 of 08/19/2020, which is also valid in 2022. Expanding the kitchen into wet rooms is now prohibited, even if you provide a notarized letter about the voluntary deterioration of your living conditions.


Many people are afraid of the relatively high cost of a retractable door. On average, prices are at least 30% higher than for a swing model of similar size and material. It is important to immediately take this point into account when planning your renovation budget.

Among other disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • There remains a gap of at least 1 cm between the wall and the door. Since there is no ideal tight fit, odors, gas and sounds from the kitchen will inevitably penetrate into the apartment.
  • The weight of the door rests entirely on the wall, so partitions made of plasterboard (the kind that appear after redevelopment in a studio apartment) will require the installation of a reinforced aluminum frame. This will be quite expensive.
  • Not all, but some models require a bottom rail on the floor of the room. Dust and debris “like” to get stuck in this rail. For fans of hygienic cleanliness, doors have been created with only one top rail (it’s even easier to install).
  • If you want to put a lock on the kitchen door, then a regular one will not work. As a rule, hooks, chains or similar structures are attached to sliding sashes. It will be extremely difficult to put anything on the glass.

Latch design for sliding sash

Types of sliding systems

The most popular type is a sliding door to the kitchen. These are the ones that are usually bought for a small apartment. One or two doors move on one or two rails that are attached to the floor and wall. But there are other models:

  • Cassette - the sash slides into the wall, in which a special cage is mounted for this purpose. The design is complex and expensive, but easy to use.
  • Cascade - special structures designed for installation where the thickness of the walls to the right and left of the opening is different.
  • Intra-opening - consist of two doors that move freely along guides, but only inside the opening. As a result, at least half of the opening is always blocked. This option is for very wide openings, for example, in studios.

Cassette door
Folding (accordion) and pendulum structures cannot be completely classified as sliding doors, since they require additional space to open/close.

Studio apartment

Such a popular apartment layout does not take into account the features of the kitchen. Therefore, there is often a desire to separate the cooking area from the rest of the room.

Since in the studio there is only one window for the entire area of ​​the kitchen-living room, it is impractical to divide the space with a stationary opaque partition.

The best solution for such apartments would be a glass sliding partition. It reliably zones the space, while leaving enough light in both parts of the room.

To prevent large sliding doors from resembling a storefront, it is better not to use ordinary glass for them. Depending on the interior style, glass can be:

  • matte;
  • embossed;
  • stained glass;
  • with an image.

Or you can combine several materials in one partition. For example, the lower part, which is easiest to break (by hitting it with your foot, or moving furniture), is filled with MDF, and the upper part is made of glass.

Sliding door selection criteria

In order to successfully purchase and install sliding doors for the kitchen, it is important to initially determine their main characteristics:

  • Type of sliding system. It depends on this what exactly needs to be added for this model: one or two rails, an internal frame in the opening, etc. Typically, the installation of the fastening system is coordinated with the weight of the sash, since the buyer is interested in the longest service life of the doors.
  • Manufacturer. Imported models supplied from Italy or Germany are distinguished by their exquisite design, durability, reliability, reliability, and a wide selection of colors and sizes. There is only one drawback - the high price. Products from China are much more affordable, but their service life is shorter. An intermediate position is occupied by brands from Russia, offering a fairly wide range.
  • Material. It affects not only the price, but also the weight and service life of the product. It's not worth saving too much. A cheap design will not last long, and since each family member enters the kitchen more than once a day, this fact must be taken into account.
  • Accessories. These are not only hinges and guide rails, rollers, but also handles, latches, and decorative elements. When purchasing them, it is important to look not only at the color and shape, but also at the design, since not every model is suitable for sliding doors.

Internal door
The sliding door to the kitchen is often selected to match one particular set - the kitchen one or the one in the living room. As a last resort, you can decorate both sides differently if the furnishings of the two rooms are too different from each other.

Material for the manufacture of sliding systems

Among the most popular materials for the manufacture of sliding doors, it is worth noting the following:

  • Chipboard or laminated chipboard. The most affordable option. Its drawback is its short service life. On average, after a year (in very neat families - after two), chips, cracks, scratches, and abrasions appear on the sash. It makes sense to install such a door only as a temporary one, in order to later replace it with a more durable one.
  • MDF. Eco-friendly and durable material has inexhaustible possibilities for decoration. The design can use lamination, patination, insertion of glass or mirror elements, milling, etc. Such models look stylish, are affordable, and last a long time.
  • Glass. Nothing prevents the sash from being made entirely of glass. Fittings for such solutions are available in a wide range, so if desired, such kitchen decoration can be ordered without any problems. There are many possibilities for decoration: stained glass, alternating shades, sandblasting, photo printing, etc. The advantage of glass is its ability to transmit light, which is always very important in any home.
  • Metal. It is used less often, but creates a very special atmosphere. The door can be made of a single sheet of stainless steel, composed of forged elements, assembled from an aluminum profile, etc. The price of such a model will be high, but its service life is practically unlimited.
  • Tree. Solid wood doors look presentable and expensive. Such a door has only two flaws - high price and considerable weight. Both can be circumvented: choose an available type of wood and reduce the thickness of the sash to a minimum. Sliding wooden doors have an important advantage - they can always be repainted and restored.

Wood never goes out of style

Photo ideas

To understand which door is best suited to your environment, we suggest looking at photos of them in the interior of houses and apartments:

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What interior style does a sliding door suit?

What’s especially pleasing is that sliding kitchen doors are easy to match to any style. This design looks very interesting in combination with popular country or modern styles, and with a successful selection of materials it is easy to give the interior the sound of Asia or the Mediterranean. There is only one limitation - the financial capabilities of the buyer.

An example of country style design

Getting around such a difficult obstacle as the inability to install a swing door in the kitchen is quite simple. You can use a sliding door; fortunately, the variety of models will impress the most discerning buyer. And if you don’t find a suitable model, you can always use the services of an atelier and make an individual order.

Partition design

Sliding partitions are gaining popularity every year. In interiors, options that resemble window frames are often used. Light partitions equipped with wooden slats are suitable for Scandinavian interiors. With minimalism, matte or smooth glossy panels are used without any additional decor. Such partitions are made according to an individual project, taking into account client requests, on the website Now everyone can turn their design ideas into reality. Loyal prices, prompt completion of the task and professional service are guaranteed.

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