Do-it-yourself turbo deflector: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

Knowing the principle of operation of a turbo deflector, it is quite possible to make such a device with your own hands, spending one working day on assembly and installation. The simplest design and light weight make it possible to install the device on almost any chimney with an annular cross-section. The design of the turbo deflector looks quite attractive, so owners often install it on the chimney even for aesthetic reasons, instead of the old mushroom visor.

What is a turbo deflector

A very nice device, reminiscent in shape and size of a medieval oriental headdress - a turban. Essentially, this is a nozzle on the upper section of the ventilation pipe:

  • The housing of the ventilation turbo deflector is a set of spiral strips of metal, assembled and fixed on a flat steel “top” - a platform;
  • The design allows the pumpkin-shaped body to rotate at low speed around a vertical axis.

The rotation speed of the shiny body is low, only 3-5 rps, so a correctly installed turbo deflector in a slight breeze does not create any discomfort, does not make noise or squeaks.

For your information! According to owner reviews, installing a turbo deflector on the chimney is the best way to scare away annoying birds from a warm chimney.

In this capacity he has no equal. The moving shiny surface of the turbo deflector blades turns out to be much more effective than conventional weather vanes and stationary mushrooms above the ventilation pipe.

There can be no problems with traction

Ready-to-install rotary deflector
The purpose of any ventilation system is to remove polluted air and excess moisture from the premises, that is, to ensure normal air exchange. This will take place if the ventilation duct functions efficiently and correctly - the draft in it is excellent. If there are problems in this regard, they are often provoked by rain, snow, or wind masses entering the canal shaft.

What is a turbo deflector used for?

The first thing that comes to mind upon a superficial acquaintance with the device is the question of why it was necessary to make such a complex design for the nozzle on the chimney. After all, with proper planning of the chimney or ventilation, its performance should be abundant.

A turbo deflector is a device that can increase thrust in a pipe without using any additional energy sources. The unusual design of the nozzle does not have an electric motor, as in conventional supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

It is clear that a mechanical turbo deflector is inferior in air performance to systems based on electric fans, but more often the nozzles are on a pipe and are not designed to compete with powerful electric motors.

The nozzle is used for ventilation ducts or chimneys:

  • In technical buildings with high levels of gas pollution or high humidity. You can install a ventilation pipe with a turbo deflector, and this will help get rid of basement dampness;
  • In rooms and living spaces that remain closed most of the time, without constant heating. This usually reduces the efficiency of stationary supply and exhaust ventilation, so for such buildings they traditionally install low galvanized exhaust ducts with a nozzle;
  • Buildings or private houses, sandwiched by neighboring buildings, with high terrain or plantings of trees, changing the profile and direction of wind flows above the roof.

The turbo deflector attachment for the pipe turned out to be very useful for a summer house or country house where there is no electricity, the room is heated once a week during the next visit on the weekend.

For your information! The characteristics of the turbo deflector are selected in such a way as to create additional draft to the existing vacuum in the main chimney pipe, nothing more. This device cannot replace a standard ventilation duct with a pipe.

What does the modern market offer?

The turbo deflectors produced today from different manufacturers look very similar to each other, but in fact they have significant differences. And today they are produced by such brands as Turbomax, Turbovent and Rotavent.

Rotavent differs from other designs in the built-in canopy, which additionally protects the chimney from water penetration. It also uses a double-block bearing, which is lubricated with a special compound and withstands high flue gas temperatures well.

Thanks to this, the power of this design is retained for many years. At the bottom, the Rotavent is equipped with a release flange attached to the base, which allows it to be easily disconnected from the pipe.

But Turbovent is not installed on the chimney for coal stoves and wood-burning fireplaces. The thing is that here the maximum temperature of the flue gases is 250°C.

Therefore, these products are now actively used for natural ventilation systems, as well as for gas fuel boilers. And Turbovent is made of aluminum with a thickness of 0.5 to 1 mm, and its base is made of galvanized steel 0.7-0.9 mm and painted according to the RAL catalog.

Further, Turbomax is called a natural thrust supercharger. It is based on AISI 321 steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm. This turbo deflector is suitable for ventilation pipes and smoke ducts, as they are designed for exhaust gas temperatures up to 250°C.

Is a turbo deflector worth the money?

Often, in an effort to avoid unnecessary heat losses during the heating season, owners build ventilation in the house with a minimum performance margin. In winter there is still enough capacity, but in summer the flow of fresh air is vital for a comfortable stay. In this situation, installing a turbo deflector on the pipe turns out to be a cheaper and more practical solution than reworking the chimney pipe or ventilation shaft in the house.

Another problem that most gardeners and summer residents have to face is related to storing crops in homemade cellars. It is not easy to regulate the humidity inside an earthen storage facility using a ventilation pipe, so the situation can be significantly improved by installing a turbo deflector on the hood.

In a similar way, you can get rid of condensation and excess humidity in the attic, in the glazed balcony or in the garage. Initially, the idea of ​​​​using a rotating turbine was aimed at increasing the productivity of moisture removal and drying the under-roof space. Years later, it turned out that such an important advantage as ventilation with a turbo deflector without electricity can solve a lot of problems, including in old buildings with clogged and crumbling air shafts.

Of course, the size and weight of the turbo deflector are limited by the large windage of the structure, therefore, despite the attractive idea, it is practically impossible to completely provide ventilation of the room without the use of pipes, only using a blade system, and the effectiveness of such a solution would be low and would completely depend on the wind force at street.

Weather vanes

Pipe deflectors - weather vanes are also called weather vanes. Sometimes all chimneys in general are called this, but this is incorrect, because... A weather vane is, by definition, a rotating device.

The deflector on the pipe - weather vane can be made rotary, self-orienting and rotating. The latter are also called turbo deflectors, and self-orienting smoke teeth, which is also incorrect. The smoke tooth is part of the chimney of an English fireplace. The weak point of all weather vane deflectors is the bearing. It becomes very easily clogged and covered with soot, and the seals are subject to increased wear. Therefore, you need to inspect the weather vane deflector at least once every 2 months. But the weather vane deflector itself almost never becomes overgrown with the main enemy of all fixed deflectors - icicles.

Pipe deflectors - weather vanes

A multi-bladed weather vane deflector (items 1 and 2 in the figure) provides stable draft in winds of up to 9-10 points with minor loads on the pipe, so it can be installed on sandwich, ceramic and glass chimneys. A single-blade weather vane deflector puts a lot of stress on the pipe in a strong wind, so it must be strong and the house must be located in a place where the storm wind will not blow up. But a single-bladed weather vane deflector can easily be designed in the shape of a bird (items 3 and 4).

Turbo deflector (item 5) – remember and don’t trust anyone – not smoke! It is ventilated or for gas boilers with electric ignition. The turbine rotates both by the wind and by the air current in the pipe, and a correctly made turbine, as in some types of wind engines, is self-spinning: the weakest initial thrust or a light breath of breeze is enough for the turbine to spin and draw air, and it will stop only when the thrust , and the wind will stop completely. In a house ventilation system with turbo deflectors, you have to turn on the fans in the vents, as they say, once a year, not every year. Unfortunately, the turbo deflector is easily filled with dust and debris from the air, so it also needs to be checked at least once every 2 months.

The technical properties of the turbo deflector are the same as those of a multi-bladed self-orienting one, but it loads the pipe even less. It is quite possible to make a turbo deflector with your own hands, see the video below.

Turbo deflector design

Therefore, the turbo deflector uses wind energy; a wind of 2 m/s is sufficient to increase draft in the ventilation system or chimney. The maximum air flow speed is usually limited to 20 m/s.

The design of the deflector nozzle for the pipe consists of three parts:

  • The body is a turbine made of two dozen thin metal blades with a curved surface;

  • Shaft with bearing support connected to the housing;
  • Mounting ring installed on the ventilation pipe. In the center of the ring there is a support sleeve to hold the shaft in a vertical position.

Previously, the turbo deflector was sold with the expectation of installation on round galvanized pipes used in the installation of modern ventilation ducts. Today you can buy several options for adapters and mounting rings that ensure reliable retention of the device on an asbestos-cement pipe or brick edge of a ventilation shaft.

Review of popular models

In practice, the following types have proven themselves well: Grigorovich, Volpera, TsAGI, double and H-shaped deflector, rotary weather vane of the “Net” or “Hood” type.

The choice of “wind nozzle” is based on efficiency, cost of the deflector and climatic conditions of the area. Some models are available for self-assembly and installation

View #1 - classic Grigorovich cap

The most common option used in ventilation and smoke removal systems. Due to its simplicity and accessibility, the Grigorovich deflector holds a leading position among analogues.

The device is represented by a pair of umbrellas connected into a single “plate”.

The cap is installed on round pipelines or mounted through an adapter plate on rectangular and square shafts.

Basic equipment: 1 – diffuser in the form of a narrowed cone, 2 – protective umbrella, 3 – return hood. Mounting spacers connect the nozzle elements

Thanks to the design, double air ejection is carried out - in the direction of the expanded part of the diffuser and in the direction of the return hood.

The flow velocity under the lower cone increases due to the narrowing of the channel cross-section, as a result, the pressure difference increases.

Type #2 - TsAGI universal nozzle

This design was developed during the USSR by a specialized research institute (scientific institute). The deflector consists of the following parts (shown in the drawing):

  • lower glass with a diffuser (extension) at the end;
  • outer body – shell made of cylindrical roofing steel;
  • cover in the form of an umbrella;
  • cover fastening posts made of metal strips.

The operation of the product is simple: wind blowing the body from any side creates a vacuum zone above the diffuser open at the top. The exhaust gases coming from the mine are carried away by this rarefaction, come out and are picked up by the wind - the ejection principle works.

The table below shows the characteristics of typical TsAGI deflectors - dimensions, performance depending on the wind flow speed.

Comment. Capacity does not include the resistance of the duct system crossing the roof. The actual exhaust volume depends on the height of the pipe and the temperature difference between the indoor/outdoor air.

Of all the static traction amplifiers, the TsAGI cap is recognized as the most effective, despite the venerable age of development. Design advantages:

  • ease of manufacture and installation;
  • maximum protection against rain and snow, and traction overturning;
  • reliability, no rotating parts;
  • the direction of wind flows does not matter;
  • lowest drag coefficient (0.6).

The disadvantage of the deflector is its dependence on wind speed. If the flows move slower than 2 m/s, the efficiency of the device tends to zero. However, calm weather has a negative impact on the operation of any attachment designed to enhance natural draft in the ventilation duct.

The hood works thanks to wind support - a vacuum appears above the cut of the air duct

Please note: in modern versions of TsAGI factory-made, insulation of the lower glass is provided if the cap is attached to the roof sandwich pipe. Under the “fungus” we see a skirt, although the flow area of ​​the channel does not decrease.

View #3 - Astato static-dynamic hood

The static-mechanical deflector is a development of the French company Astato . The device increases the draft of the exhaust flow of the natural ventilation system due to the wind and the fan.

The nozzle is mounted on houses of any number of floors, reconstructed and new buildings.

In passive mode, the vacuum level created by Astato is equal to the sum of wind and gravity pressure. This value corresponds to the operation of a static deflector

After turning on the electric motor, the aerodynamics of the ventilation duct are maintained, the degree of vacuum is the total value of the fan pressure and pressure.

Deflector characteristics:

  1. Installation methods . Nipple connection for round ventilation ducts, through an adapter - for a group of air ducts or rectangular shafts.
  2. Control modes . Manual regulation and automatic regulation are permissible - via a pressure sensor or time relay.
  3. The material of manufacture is aluminum.
  4. The lineup . The Astato deflector is available in six positions, with a nominal diameter of 16-50 cm.

Modifications of the DYN-Astato are equipped with a two-speed fan, the cost of products is 1300-4000 USD. depending on the dimensions of the deflector.

View #4 - DS series deflector

The open-type static nozzle DS looks like the Astato deflector. But, unlike the French cap, the DS series models do not have moving parts. The cap contains three conical disks.

The umbrellas of this type of deflector are truncated and located opposite each other, forming a channel similar to a Venturi nozzle. The diameter of the central hole of the lower disk corresponds to the cross-section of the pipe. Brackets hold the mesh

The highest speed of wind swirl is observed in the truncated channel of the hood - above the ventilation pipe. The pressure difference inside the deflector and remotely from it causes additional vacuum, which increases thrust.

Features of the DS series model:

  • the deflector is compatible with forced means of inducing air exchange - fans;
  • a wind flow speed of 5-10 m/s increases thrust by 10-40 Pa - the data is valid at a relative humidity of 50°, air temperature +25 °C and a wind flow deviation of up to 30° from the horizontal plane.

Deflectors are available in 13 standard sizes. Designation of ventilation hoods: DS-*** , where *** is the internal diameter in mm . The DS-100 model has the minimum dimensions, the DS-900 has the maximum dimensions.

Type #5 - rotary turbine or turbo deflector

The dynamic deflector consists of a fixed base and a rotating turbine head.

The elements of the spherical cap are made of light, thin metal, which allows the drum with blades to start working in light winds - from 0.5 m/s.

The head rotates in one direction of the wind vector. There is a “partial vacuum” under the hood - the air at the top of the ventilation duct is rarefied, the likelihood of the ventilation overturning is minimized (+)

Advantages of a turbo deflector:

  • efficiency is 2-4 times higher than that of static models;
  • protecting the premises from overheating in summer and reducing air conditioning costs in hot weather;
  • aesthetic appearance - the deflector head is made in the form of an elegant spherical cap;
  • preventing the appearance of condensation inside the roof by lowering the temperature in hot weather;
  • economical operation - the active deflector operates without electricity.

The turbo deflector removes excess heat, moisture, dust, vapors and harmful gases from the shaft from the building and under-roof space, thereby increasing the service life of the structural elements of the house.

The disadvantage of an active deflector is zero performance in calm weather.

The marking of Aerotek products is presented as TV-160, etc. The digital index indicates the cross-sectional diameter of the fixed base of the cap

Dynamic nozzles are available in a wide range. The products of the following companies are in demand: Aerotek (Russia), Turbovent (Ukraine), Rotowent (Poland) and Turbomax (Belarus).

How does an air turbine pipe attachment work?

The operating principle of the turbo deflector is based on the effect of asymmetric air flow around the dome-shaped body of the device. Regardless of the direction and strength of the wind, the air flow, moving perpendicular to the axis of rotation, flows around the left half at a lower speed than the right. When interacting with the open edges of the blades, the air flow is slowed down and at the same time imparts rotation to the body.

On the right half of the turbo deflector wheel, the blades face in the opposite direction, so the incoming air flow flows around the surface without resistance and loss of speed. As a result of the Bernoulli effect and centrifugal force, flue gases or polluted air are thrown out of the housing at a speed only 30% slower than the wind. True, the gases ejected from the turbo deflector are dispersed unevenly in the surrounding space.

Why do you need a deflector?

For a better understanding of the issue, we present data from reference literature. The magnitude of local resistance to air flow in ventilation systems is characterized by a dimensionless coefficient. The greater its value, the stronger the shaped element - umbrella, elbow, gate - slows down the movement of gases through the pipeline.

In relation to our cases, the coefficient is:

  • at the exit of the air flow from an open pipe of any diameter ξ = 1;
  • if the channel is covered with a classic cap, ξ = 1.3–1.5;
  • a Grigorovich umbrella with a diffuser (section expansion) is installed on the pipe, ξ = 0.8;
  • Volper nozzle is cylindrical or star-shaped “Shenard”, ξ = 1;
  • TsAGI type deflector, ξ = 0.6.

Note. There is no mistake here - even with free release from the shaft, the air stream overcomes local resistance from sudden expansion. Source: Handbook of Heating and Ventilation, 1976 edition.

So, a deflector is a nozzle that, under the influence of wind, creates a vacuum at the outlet of the vertical ventilation duct and thus reduces the aerodynamic resistance to the flow. That is, it acts as a traction amplifier.

In addition, the exhaust device solves the following problems:

  • protects the air duct from precipitation;
  • does not allow the wind to blow inside the pipe;
  • prevents the occurrence of reverse thrust (overturning).

The operating principle of any deflector is based on two effects: vacuum from the wind load and ejection (entrainment) of a slow gas flow by a faster one. Although some foreign manufacturers implement mechanical incentives - they simply equip the umbrella with an electric fan. Let us consider the structure of each design separately.

From this angle it is clearly visible that the cross-section of the lower nozzle pipe does not decrease, which means that the speed and pressure of the gases does not change

Comment. On the Internet, the operation of such caps is often explained by the action of Bernoulli’s law or the Venturi effect. Both physical phenomena involve a narrowing of the air duct, an acceleration of flow and a drop in pressure. In reality, deflectors do not reduce the cross-section of the channel (see photo above) - the vacuum is created solely by the force of the wind.

Turbo deflector performance

There are quite a large number of estimates of the efficiency and performance of a turbocharged deflector, from advertising statements about increasing pipe thrust by 4-6 times, to minimalist estimates of 20-30%.

In reality, the increase in thrust using a turbo deflector in ideal conditions and with average winds is 150-250%.

As can be seen from the graph, the theoretical performance of the device increases almost linearly with increasing wind speed over the pipe. In practice, such growth is only possible if it is possible to place the turbo deflector in the most favorable location on the roof.

The value of a turbocharged deflector

Ventilation without electricity using a turbo deflector is 4 times more effective compared to other models of this device. In this case, the system works on a simple principle: the active head rotates under the influence of the wind, providing dynamic air circulation.

Homemade deflector option for garage ventilation

The turbine rotates only in one direction, ensuring the intensity of air flow circulation and preventing the formation of reverse draft. The air in the ventilation duct becomes rarefied and gases, steam, moisture, excess heat, and dust are drawn out from the under-roof space, as well as from the interior of the building.

Important! The use of a turbocharged design will allow the homeowner to avoid unpleasant moments when a conventional deflector tilts to the side over time and, torn off by gusts of wind, flies down. To make a pipe deflector, thin sheet aluminum or stainless steel is used. And the elements are fixed on metal bearings. All this as a whole represents a stable unit.

How to calculate the performance of a turbo deflector

Typically, a turbo deflector is simply placed at the outlet of a vent or chimney without any additional flow analysis, and the base value is used to calculate the performance of the turbo deflector. This value is indicated by the manufacturer in the labeling of the turbomachine; for example, the most popular model TD 400, according to its passport, has a capacity of 400 m3/h with a base wind speed of 2 m/s.

To calculate the required number of turbo deflectors, it is enough to take the required air exchange rate in the room and multiply the coefficient by the volume of the room. Next, the resulting value in cubic meters of air is divided by the basic performance of the turbo nozzle, and the number of devices is obtained.

Application area

Turbo deflector on the ventilation duct of a multi-story building.
The rotary nozzle on the head of the ventilation shaft is intended for rooms that require accelerated air exchange. The device has proven itself as part of a smoke removal system for heating buildings.

The turbo deflector is used:

  1. In multi-storey buildings and private buildings. The device increases draft in the ventilation ducts of the top floors and eliminates the risk of reverse draft. In our own homes, a deflector is installed to ventilate cellars, pantries, food storage, and is used for chimneys.
  2. On farms in buildings for livestock and agricultural purposes. They are used to equip shaft risers in poultry houses, stables, haylofts, and grain storage facilities.
  3. In environmentally friendly industries and processing shops.
  4. In public halls and places with large crowds of people, for example, sports complexes, shopping areas, theaters, etc.

The installation is used for ventilation of attic floors and ventilation of the under-roof space. For this, a device with a bottom diameter of 315 - 355 mm is used, which covers an area of ​​50 - 80 m2. The size of the ventilated attic area depends on the roof slope and increases with the steepness of the slope. The fireplace hood will work more efficiently when using a rotary deflector.

Turbo deflector dimensions

The popularity of the turbocharged nozzle is quite high; it is widely used for private households, apartment buildings and even in the construction of industrial facilities. The smallest diameter of the ventilation pipe is 100 mm, the largest size of the ventilation shaft is 1000 mm.

In addition to models with a classic round seat ring, turbo deflectors with transitional box-shaped bases are also produced. Such nozzles can be installed on ventilation ducts on high-rise buildings made of bricks and blocks.

For your information! It is believed that the turbo deflector maintains its performance characteristics if the area of ​​the landing ring differs from the quadrature of the pipe or shaft cross-section by no more than 15%.

In practice, when choosing a suitable turbo nozzle option, preference is usually given to models with higher productivity; the nozzle efficiency is higher, although it increases the load on the pipe.

Installation features

The factory turbo deflector is a one-piece design, ready for installation. It has an active movable top and a base that includes zero-drag bearings. The product is designed in such a way that even in a strong gusty wind it will not tilt or blow down.

Deflector with polymer protective coating

In conclusion, we would like to note that rotational deflectors are the most expensive in their segment. In this case, the consumer is asked to choose a suitable structure made of stainless steel, galvanized or structural steel with a protective polymer coating, the color of which can be matched to the façade design. Of course, the type of material from which the deflector is made affects its cost.

Tags: ventilation, deflector, hand, your own, drawing

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How to make a turbo deflector with your own hands

There are two options for a homemade turbocharged nozzle that you can build with your own hands, the performance of which will be only slightly inferior to industrially manufactured products.

In the simplest case, the housing of the turbo nozzle for ventilation can be made from a cylindrical steel container.

To make blades, just make vertical cuts and bend the edges outward. The housing is mounted on the axis of rotation without any bearings; the mounting ring is cut out of a piece of metal chimney and secured to the ventilation with a regular clamp. The appearance of a homemade turbo deflector is inferior to industrially manufactured models, so such products are used primarily for ventilation pipes in cellars and outbuildings.

For the second option, you will need to make a drawing or use the dimensions from the photo below.

First of all, you need to make a fastening; for this, a strip with a thickness of at least 3 mm is best suited.

The diameter of the ring can be taken from the diagram, but it is better to first measure the pipe along the cut edge.

The second important element is the shaft and bushing.

The steel grade and diameter are not particularly important, the main thing is that the parts are made of the same material.

How to choose the right one

choosing a turbo deflector
Plastic turbo deflectors are becoming increasingly popular. This material does not oxidize when exposed to air. Unbalance of plastic deflectors is a very rare occurrence. However, such material significantly reduces service life and cannot withstand high temperatures. Therefore, plastic turbines are used only for ventilation.

Copper does not rust, lasts a long time, but is more expensive than other materials. Aluminum is used in rotor-type products to create a rotating element. Stainless steel is cheaper than copper and aluminum, is protected from corrosion, and looks attractive. Galvanized steel is the cheapest, but less durable.

The area of ​​the room must be taken into account when choosing. A deflector with a base width of 110-160 mm is suitable for a separate room, basement or garage. If the room is up to 40 sq. m. There are at least 4 people constantly, you will need a size from 200 to 600 mm. Turbines with a base diameter of 400-680 mm are installed in warehouses, livestock farms and apartment buildings.

Drawings of turbo deflector blades

The most complex element of a turbocharged nozzle is the blade or blades.

Since the turbo deflector body is formed by bent profiled elements, the main condition for a high-quality attachment will be the accuracy of the geometry of each blade.

As an example, you can use the diagram in the photo.

To bend the workpiece, you need to step back 20 and 60 mm from the edge and draw a bend line. Next, we retreat 12 mm from the front edge and mark the points for drilling three holes.

All that remains is to bend and rivet the blades to the top cover of the turbo nozzle.

Installing a turbo deflector

Mounting to a pipe is not particularly difficult or labor-intensive. To install the deflector, you only need to align the nozzle body with the axis of the ventilation pipe.

If the diameter of the mounting ring turns out to be slightly larger than the cross-section of the pipe, then the problem is solved by winding up the spacer material; you can use tin or thin galvanized metal. Rubber gaskets cannot be installed, in this case the turbo deflector and pipe will rot in a few months.

After alignment, the body is fixed to the pipe cut with four self-tapping screws.

Can it be installed on a chimney?

By installing a deflector, unlucky homeowners are trying to solve the problem of lack of draft. This happens when the chimney pipe is made incorrectly - the head falls into the zone of wind support of the roof, is raised to a low height, or a neighbor has built a tall building nearby.

The best solution for insufficient draft is to raise the chimney to the required height. Why is it undesirable to jam various attachments onto the head:

  1. It is prohibited to place umbrellas and other exhaust devices on pipes that discharge combustion products from gas boilers. These are safety requirements.
  2. When burning, stoves and solid fuel boilers emit soot that settles on the internal surfaces of chimneys and caps. The deflector will have to be cleaned, especially the rotating one.
  3. At the bottom of a properly constructed smoke channel there is a pocket for collecting condensation and excess moisture. There is no point in covering the pipe from precipitation; it is enough to attach a nozzle at the end that protects the insulation of the sandwich.

The heads of stove flues can be equipped with umbrellas, but a turbo deflector is definitely not needed there. The topic of installing hoods on smoke exhaust ducts is covered in detail in a separate material.

Operation of the turbo deflector

The design of the turbo nozzle is quite unpretentious and reliable. If the rotating cap is installed on the pipe according to all the rules, then the turbo system can serve without maintenance for several years in a row.

Experts recommend that after installing the turbo deflector, remove the cap every two years, check and lubricate the bearing. For high-speed small-sized turbochargers, you can use motor oil; other models are lubricated with Litol or any other high-quality grease.

The most unpleasant incident that happens with a turbo deflector is associated with freezing of condensing moisture along the edge of the pipe. The design will not suffer from this, but the efficiency of the turbo nozzle is reduced to zero.

Maintenance and troubleshooting

Almost the only malfunction of the device is the lack of rotation of the impeller.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • Insufficient wind force or no wind at all. You need to make sure there is enough wind for the device to work properly.
  • The bearings are jammed. In this case, check whether there are any mechanical obstacles to their rotation. If necessary, lubricate or replace the bearing.
  • The deflector has frozen. You need to check the device or wait for the temperature to rise.
  • Mechanical damage. It is necessary to check whether a foreign object has entered the device.

The turbo deflector used for ventilation is a fairly simple device and does not require frequent maintenance.

To extend the service life of the ventilation deflector, it is enough to lubricate the bearings once a year (after winter). For processing, litol is used, a waterproof lubricant based on recycled petroleum products.

To lubricate or replace a failed bearing, disconnect the cap, open the retaining ring with a special tool - a puller - and lubricate or replace the bearing.

Unlike pliers, a snap ring puller works by unclamping. Without it it will be difficult to remove the ring

You may also find useful information on how to properly clean the ventilation shaft, discussed in our other article.

Owner reviews about the turbo deflector for ventilation

Sergey Alexandrovich Zaslavsky, 33 years old, Novorossiysk

The idea of ​​installing a turbo deflector on the garage and cellar ventilation pipe was suggested by a neighbor. I installed the turbo head myself in half an hour, without even checking the quality of the bearing lubrication. As if on purpose, half an hour later a rain squall came. The turbo deflector roared like a turbine, but there wasn't a drop of water in the garage. I liked the work of the nozzle, I will definitely make it for the attic and for the boiler room pipe.

Viktor Anatolyevich Spesivtsev, 68 years old, Omsk

At first I didn’t even believe in the capabilities of the rotating attachment; it looks like a beautiful toy, nothing more. My son gave it to me, I had to install it. I have a canopy attached to my house, and it’s hellishly stuffy under it at noon. I put it on the roof for testing, I liked the result. I bought four of them and put them on the roof of the house. The neighbors laughed, but this year I saw two of them, they were also standing, which means they assessed it correctly. The only drawback is the high price.

Vladimir Barlevich, 45 years old, Moscow

I don’t recommend installing it, I had a turbo deflector at my dacha, no effect. I moved it to a pipe in the outbuilding, closer to the road, and a week later it was stolen. The neighbor says that he placed it incorrectly, they wouldn’t have taken the trinket, but since it was stolen, it means the thing is worthwhile.

Case studies of positive applications of turbo deflectors

Situation #1 Backdraft

  1. Problem. In a high-rise 9-story building, in the apartments on the upper floors, a reverse draft effect was observed - air flows flowed from one channel to another.
  2. Solution. The concrete canopies of the ventilation ducts leading to the roof were dismantled. A TD-500 turbo deflector with a transition was installed in their place. To avoid the formation of condensation, self-adhesive insulation is used on the transitions.
  3. Bottom line. All air exchange problems disappeared. The draft became stable, the blowing and flow of air masses disappeared.
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