How to treat a brick wall as a loft: choice of material, finishing nuances

An industrial loft with brick walls is a practical and simple interior solution for a city apartment or cottage. Here they are used as an accent or the main background; finishing methods differ accordingly: from painting to varnishing. Let's consider how to process a brick wall in a loft style, what types of coatings can be used for the interior, how to prepare the surface before work and many other details.

Design option for a brick wall in a loft style Source

What walls are suitable

Walls made of white and red brick are suitable for a loft; there is not much difference here. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the condition of the masonry.

Important ! If, when cleaning the surface, shedding and destruction of bricks were revealed, the best option would be to plaster the surface and seal all defects. This work also includes the replacement of individual masonry elements with the help of restorers.

Naturally, in this case we cannot talk about any “natural” loft. Therefore, imitation masonry, decorative stone and other methods of wall decoration are used here.

Imitation of masonry using photo wallpaper Source

Features of grout

Professionals call this seam processing technology “jointing”. The method involves applying additional mortar between the installed bricks. The method is suitable for facades that are not planned to be faced with other materials in the future.

Pros and cons of technology

Light grout emphasizes the beauty of the masonry on the wall and gives the picture the desired clarity. White contrasting paneling optically combines vertical and horizontal lines on the surface. The finish looks expressive, neat and complete. The method is suitable for brick and tiles that imitate a beautiful design.

The technology can be used both on new and old, tired masonry. Fresh notes are introduced into the design and the beauty of the building material is emphasized. Advantages of the method:

  • protection of the solution from moisture;
  • extending the service life of the finish;
  • increasing the tightness and density of the seam;
  • improving thermal protection and sound insulation.

Using light-colored grout, it is easy to seal small cracks and cracks that have formed in the old cladding. The additional seam performs not only decorative, but also protective functions. The solution enhances the strength and durability of the masonry.

The technology will not help disguise broken brick corners or defects in the surface texture. This method should not be used to remove unsightly cement stains on a masonry wall. If you choose the wrong dye for the solution, then in 3-5 years the composition will turn gray and take on a nondescript appearance.

White jointing on a brick facade can only be used if the work is done carefully. Lines must be of the same thickness. The width of the horizontal guides is 10-15 mm, the vertical ones are 8-15 mm. If done unevenly, contrasting grout will highlight design defects.

Joining schemes

The decorative effect depends on the method of filling the lines with mortar. The white joint in brickwork can be sunken or convex. For craftsmen without experience, it is better to start with a technology called “trimming”. The mixture is placed in the cracks, the mass that has gone beyond the boundaries of the stone is removed with a trowel. Irregularities are smoothed out with a stiff brush.

The beveled single-cut jointing pattern does not require professional skills. A sharp painting tool is drawn over the line at an angle, removing any residue. You should get a neat seam, 3-4 mm deep.

The concave method (“fillet”) looks very nice. The building composition is distributed between the bricks, compacted with a sharp trowel. Using a spatula, cut off the solution. A jointing tool is passed along the surface, forming a depression along the seam. The edges of the line must be covered with mass.

Dark brick with white seams made using convex technology looks very impressive. The building composition neatly “falls out” from the cracks. To fill the masonry lines, use a special arc-shaped spatula, which is passed along the strips. During the procedure, it is important to completely fill the space with cement. The result is a beautiful three-dimensional exterior element.

A very complex triangular double-cut seam. The solution is removed from the line at 5-6 mm. Use a sharp spatula to place the white compound into the gap. The geometric shape is created by pulling a special jointing tool across the surface.

The work is carried out after the cement between the bricks has dried. If you are decorating an old wall, use a chisel to clean the cracks from the previous grout (2 cm), and wash off debris and dust with water. Before the procedure, the wall should be moistened to improve adhesion.

Painstaking work is the key to obtaining a beautiful seam on the masonry. The contractor must thoroughly rub the building compound into every centimeter of the surface. It is better to start the procedure with vertical lines. It is easier to hold the solution in one palm, and fill the gaps with the fingers of the other hand.

When moving to horizontal types, the mixture is placed on a wide spatula, which is brought to the scars. Using a narrow joint, the substance is pushed into the holes. Remains of building mass that fall on the surface must be removed immediately. Frozen particles look sloppy, giving the design a sloppy look.

How to treat a brick wall in a loft interior

There are several options for covering a brick wall for this industrial style:

  • facade or interior paint, water-based or oil-based.
  • stain.
  • primer.
  • varnish

In some cases, several of the above methods are combined to obtain a protected coating for bricks. For example, the surface is first primed and then varnished.

Painting a brick wall to look like a loft

The most popular way to give the interior the charm of an industrial style, and at the same time soften the texture of the brick, is to paint the masonry.

Latest trends on how to treat a brick wall as a loft:

  • Carelessly painted walls white.

The main thing is that no special effort is required here; you can apply the emulsion as you please. The beauty is that tonal transitions are created from translucent shades, through which the brick is visible, to a dense snow-white layer. The effect of old crumbling whitewash looks especially beautiful against the background of white walls.

Whitewashing in loft style Source

To create it, you need to dilute the paint in a 1:3 ratio with water and apply it to the surface with horizontal strokes. After absorption, you will need a few more layers in some places to get what you need. To make an uneven and dense surface, you can also use a variety of spatulas.

Designer advice! When painting, focus on small areas, adding white little by little. Also, always start work from an inconspicuous area, and not from the center, so that if something happens, you can correct any defects.

  • Densely painted in a snow-white shade.

This finishing option is for those people who would like to preserve the brick texture, and at the same time give the interior a more “smooth”, glamorous look. The advantage of this method is that the white space is combined with cornices, ceilings, and partitions of the same color. This results in a more classic interior.

White loft in the living room Source

To make such walls, you will need to apply paint in several layers, achieving uniform coloring.

Important ! Brick is a porous material, so any coloring compounds penetrate inside and are absorbed. This will require many layers before the result is satisfactory.

  • Gray or black walls.

A deep shade of gray looks most beautiful in a loft interior. The combination of metallic details and gloss makes this surface an ideal backdrop.

A good effect can be created if you first apply a layer with the main tone, and after drying, add gloss to it using silver glaze.

  • Red brick walls.

For the main coating, choose a reddish-brown or orange shade, for the seams - white or black.

On a note ! The walls should be painted with a wide brush from 6 to 10 cm wide; in this case, a roller will leave untouched areas.

Many designers believe that painting a wall should only be done with neutral colors. Therefore, if there is a risk of spoiling the interior, it is better to leave the masonry in a natural shade or give it a stained look.

The red brick wall serves as an excellent accent in the interior. Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in finishing materials and related work

Loft style stain

If the color of the brickwork is too light and the apartment owner does not like it, use stain. Cover it in the same way as paint over the entire surface of the wall.

The advantage of this method is a darker, more saturated color of the brick, and preservation of the full structure of the masonry. When painting, you get a stunning “stained” wall effect.


This finishing option is used to protect the brick coating from dirt and preserve the original color and structure of the material.

Before applying the varnish coating, the surface must be cleaned of dust. And then carry out the work using a small long-haired roller or brush. Several layers will need to be applied. Before the surface is completely ready.

Advice ! Use only matte varnish in the loft. Designers believe that gloss spoils the brick finish and destroys the natural appearance.


As the main protective coating and final finishing, a deep penetration primer or paint diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:5 is used.

This finishing option is suitable if the owner would like to maintain a completely natural appearance of the masonry.

Coating a brick wall with a primer Source

A special primer penetrates to a depth of 5 mm and adheres all elements to each other, which makes the surface stronger.

Paint selection

The choice of material directly depends on the type of work: external or internal. Any paint will not work, since brick has a complex structure; special facade paint for brick is needed. Many people believe that facade paint can be used indoors, but due to the release of harmful substances, this is undesirable.

It is better to use water-based compositions or adhesive-based paint. A brick wall breathes, so the coating must provide vapor permeability. How to paint a brick wall outdoors or indoors is determined by the characteristics of the paint. There are various facade paints. The choice of brick paint will be limited to the following compositions:

  • Acrylic. Protects from moisture, does not allow salt stains to appear, will perfectly cover all defects, the disadvantage will be low vapor permeability and low strength of the coating;

  • Silicate compounds. They breathe, but have low resistance to moisture and elasticity, but they are very resistant to mold and other microorganisms;

  • The best choice would be a silicone coating. The disadvantage of this will be the high cost, but the paint will ensure air circulation and help close small cracks, the only coating with which you can paint the brick is two days after the construction of the wall.

Oil paint will not work; it will not allow the surface to breathe. When purchasing coverage, you need to check with the store for what type of work you are purchasing it for. For old or new masonry. It is important to consider the drying speed and the type of surface created: glossy or matte.

Brick paint for exterior use is characterized by the presence of a large number of impurities harmful to health; indoor use of such a coloring composition is categorically unacceptable. But the main choice of what to paint the brick with is determined by the budget and the required speed of work.

Preparing the wall

Before painting the walls, you need to clean the surface of old plaster, dirt and dust, salt deposits and mold.

After treatment with the drug, you need to carefully prime the masonry several times. Then cover everything with paint and finish with varnish, ensuring each layer dries well.

Efflorescence stains

Such unpleasant phenomena arise from the composition of the water used to dilute the clay. Sulfates lead to the formation of white spots on the masonry, and they can only be removed with the help of professional facade cleaners, for example, Antisolex and other analogues.

How to paint with your own hands?

Painting consists of several stages. The preparation stage includes :

  1. Cleaning . It is necessary to remove dust, debris, and old finishes from the surface. Inspect all seams to avoid fraying later. All falling out elements are removed, and their place is filled with silicone sealant or sand-cement mortar. The restored area is cleaned with sandpaper.
  2. Removing efflorescence . This can be done using a stiff brush and a solution of bleach and water (1:3); after treatment, rinse the area with clean water. The opinion that this defect is painted over with paint is erroneous. After some time, efflorescence will appear on the decorative coating.
  3. Prevention and control of mold and mildew . You can use special antiseptics or regular “Whiteness” diluted in half with water. All affected areas are treated with the solution and left for 15-20 minutes. for disinfection. After disinfection, the wall must be washed with water.
  4. Getting rid of greasy stains . In those places where there is an accumulation of fat, the paint will not adhere and will peel off over time. To neutralize this effect, you need a special construction degreaser.
  5. Washing the surface with a soap solution . This stage completes all previous ones. After it, you need to wait until it dries completely (about 5-7 days), then start priming.
  6. Priming . The choice of product depends on the purpose of using the surface and the specifics of the material. The primer is applied in two layers, always with drying between them.

Video description

Learn how to get rid of efflorescence on brickwork by watching this video:

Joining seams

To create a loft wall, the brick needs to be half cleared. Here they use a special tool for jointing - a chisel. This procedure is best done in pairs: one person will measure the seams with a building level, and the second will make passes.

You can use both electric tools like a grinder and a hammer drill, and mechanical ones like a chisel and a hammer.

Important! In order not to damage the neighboring bricks, they begin to break off pieces from the edge of the shaped product.

During work, the seams are cleared to the required depth - 2-4 mm, so that the bricks are clearly distinguishable.

Sanding and priming masonry

After clear cleaning, use a grinding machine or ordinary sandpaper. This operation allows you to make the masonry wall even.

Important! After sanding, you need to clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner or broom. You can also wash the wall with clean water.

The priming process is also used as an intermediate step on the way to painting or stenciling. The surface treated with this composition does not crumble and absorbs paint or varnish well. This allows you to reduce the consumption of basic materials.

Sanding the wall Source

Preparatory work

Many people wonder how a brick wall is prepared for painting. We present an algorithm of necessary measures.

Preparing the foundation

The quality characteristics of the paint layer and the duration of its operational period depend on the preparatory work. It is necessary to remove all dirty spots and efflorescence to prevent the paint from peeling.

We putty the surface

We clean the wall with a brush with metal bristles, treat traces of fungal mold with an antiseptic composition, and wash off the efflorescence with soapy water. If you are going to paint brick walls without plastering, chipped areas and cracks are puttied, after which the solution should dry well. The final stage is sanding with sandpaper.

Apply the primer mixture

Applying a primer for brick before painting is the most important step. With the help of this composition, the absorbency of the brick material is reduced, the consumption of covering material is reduced, and the adhesion index is improved. In addition, the solution contains special additives that prevent the formation of mold. Priming is carried out in two to three layers, mixtures are used based on acrylic or latex.

Brick imitation

If the original appearance of the brickwork leaves much to be desired, designers advise using imitation. Here you can use 3 ways to decorate the walls:

  • clinker tiles;
  • stencil plaster;
  • wallpaper with a pattern.

Clay tiles

The surface of such a product is also rough, and is almost no different from natural brick. When purchasing, it is recommended to purchase several batches at once in order to achieve a variety of shades, since only bricks of the same color are usually packaged in one package.

This option is used if you plan to decorate the wall in the form of natural masonry. But it is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it.


An inexpensive way to get loft-style brick walls is to buy a plastic stencil and use it to make an imitation of plaster. You can also use regular masking tape instead of a stencil.

Plastic stencil Source

The tapes are glued along the proposed seams of the future masonry. The dimensions of a standard brick are 250x160 mm.

For plastering, tile adhesive and plaster are used in a 1:1 ratio. After this, apply the finished mixture to the wall, avoiding the ends of the masking tapes, using a large and small spatula. The thickness should be approximately 8-10 mm. Once this is done, remove the stencil.

The bricks are finally sanded after drying, the seams are deepened where necessary, and everything is treated with a primer and then with white paint.

Application technology

The work is not difficult, although you will have to try to make the painted brick look presentable. Many people believe that they paint bricks solely to form a protective layer. This is an erroneous opinion, since first of all it is necessary to try to translate design ideas into reality and make the walls attractive.

The first layer of paint is applied liquid, for which the material is diluted with a solvent. After this, the main covering layer is applied, for which a spray gun, roller or wide brush is used. Work begins from the top section with a gradual shift downwards.

Treatment of facade walls is carried out in warm weather, when the temperature is twenty to twenty-five degrees.

Video description

For details on how to make a plaster imitation of a brick wall, watch the video:

Brick wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is rarely used in loft interiors because the coating looks unnatural. But sometimes, they choose this finishing option to reduce the time and cost of clearing a brick wall.

This is relevant if the work of knocking down old plaster and cleaning masonry is very labor-intensive, but you want to get the result here and now.

The advantage of this method is the ability to create an eclectic loft, into which interior elements from other styles will fit, for example, a Victorian bed, etc.

Brick wallpaper in the interior Source

Smooth color or special effects

It is better to paint a brick wall with a brush - it is easier to feel contact with the surface and apply even strokes. The direction of painting is horizontal, according to the masonry pattern. For acrylic paint, brushes made of polyester fiber are recommended (but high quality!), alkyd and oil paints require brushes made of natural hair. The universal size and shape of a tool for painting walls is a flat brush with a width of 75 to 100 millimeters. To work out the corners, brushes that are twice as narrow, with an obliquely cut edge, will be useful.

It is better to use a roller if you want to achieve the effect of a primer layer: brick absorbs a lot of paint at once, so it will take a long time to work with a roller on a smooth coating. But a carelessly rolled layer will turn out quickly and easily!

If you apply paint with a sponge, you will get the effect of old faded masonry. In this way, you can whiten the wall and make the paint layer translucent (as in the case of working with a roller). You can use a sponge to apply bronze or silver highlights, add spots of contrasting color to the wall, or paint over images using stencils.

Another common (but more labor-intensive) painting method is to paint each brick with a paint of the same tone using a brush and use a contrasting color compound for the joints.

Examples of brick walls in loft style

Brick natural kitchen finish Source

Decorative brick in a loft interior Source

Unusual decoration of a brick wall Source

Accent wall made of natural brick Source

Gray brick wall in loft style Source

Black loft looks stylish Source

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I read that before painting the wall needs to be brushed with a wire brush, washed and primed. Everything is clear with the primer, but with washing I’m not sure))

Tatyana, won’t the sausages from the rotband fall off over time?))

The house, by the way, is not young, Stalin. There were no problems with the old plaster.

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I painted it with white acrylic paint without primer three years ago, the only thing is that the seams are poorly painted with a roller. Don’t listen to anyone about stitches (rotband), leave it as it is. You need a loft, not a primitive remake. The wall is about three by six, the plasterboard frame around the edges is stylized as a picture (gold), the walls are British green, the suspended ceilings are matte, the lamps are metal IKEA. I did it myself, I have little experience, but I think everything worked out.

Briefly about the main thing

Loft-style brick walls are an excellent solution for the interior. To treat them, you can use paint, stain, primer or varnish. Before painting work, the surface is prepared: the wall is cleared down to the brickwork, the seams are highlighted and the surface is sanded.

To create beautiful masonry, you can use imitation. To do this, use photo wallpaper with a pattern or create an artificial plaster wall using a stencil. A good way, but expensive, is clinker tile cladding. All these finishing options are used depending on the wishes of the home owner.

Important points

At first glance, the technology is simple, but compliance with certain conditions will help save time and money:

  • completely rinse and remove efflorescence from the wall surface;
  • remove the previous coating with a scraper, subsequently cleaning with sandpaper;
  • After washing or applying a coat of paint, let the wall dry completely;
  • Be sure to apply a primer, the financial costs will increase, but they will pay off in the durability and quality of the coating.

We take into account the nature of the material

Brick, as a natural material, has a special porous structure, which, in general, is difficult to paint. The paint simply soaks into the brick surface, and in order to get uniform, smooth bricks, you will have to apply several layers, waiting until each new layer dries completely.

In addition, no matter how durable the layer of paint on a brick surface is, most likely, after a few years it will begin to crumble, revealing specific salt deposits.

Cork and wood covering

Cork panels are used to decorate bedrooms and children's rooms. This material has good sound insulation, has a pronounced texture and intricate pattern, and its installation is not difficult:

  • the plug is attached with self-tapping screws to a wooden frame made of a block, previously installed on the surface to be finished;
  • the seams between the panels are sealed with a special sealing material;
  • The process is completed by coating the panels with varnish.

Various wooden materials are actively used for interior decoration.
They do not require additional finishing, as they have an attractive appearance and go well with wooden furniture. When finishing interior brick walls, the following important features must be taken into account:

  1. Such coatings should not be allowed to come into contact with moisture.
  2. When installing wooden coverings, it is necessary to use a membrane vapor barrier, and its fastening must be done on top of the sheathing.
  3. Wooden finishing boards, lining and other materials are connected to the frame and to each other without gaps, which eliminates the need for additional processing of the seams.
  4. Wooden coverings have good thermal insulation properties. For more information on how to cover walls with plasterboard, watch this video:

The color range of this material is quite diverse, which allows you to choose the necessary colors that harmoniously combine with the surrounding interior.


Varnish manufacturers

There are many varnishes available on the construction market that are suitable for processing brick. For this reason, it is difficult for beginners to make a choice; then you can focus on popular manufacturers:

  • Pufas, the varnish of this brand adds a beautiful shine to the material, creating reliable protection against water;
  • Petri, a popular polyurethane varnish that is resistant to abrasion and dirt, increasing the service life of the brick;
  • Neomid, with a matte effect, does not emit an unpleasant odor, can be used inside a building, creating protection from water and biological formations;
  • KrasKo produces several high-quality varnishes for brickwork.

Can be used inside a building, creating protection against water and biological formations.

Varnishes for brick surfaces are used to increase the durability of the material. There are several types of varnishes that can create a film coating that qualitatively protects the base from moisture, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and other influences, while maintaining the appearance of the brick unchanged. You can get a matte, semi-matte or glossy finish, improving the decorative properties.

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