Drawings and photos of a DIY garden swing made of metal: dimensions and instructions for creation

Garden swings made of metal - drawings with dimensions
You can make a swing for the garden to relax in the summer at the dacha with your own hands, and you just need to choose the appropriate drawing. You can have garden swings made of metal or other materials, and you can also choose models to suit your taste.

Metal garden swing. Structures made from profiled pipes, bent sheet iron, and forging are strong and reliable, with a long service life. You can make a swing with your own hands, even from recycled materials.

Features of metal models

The metal structure is the most durable.
The following structures can be distinguished by frame type:

  • welded or stationary, where the elements are secured by welding;
  • collapsible - this design is easy to disassemble and move to any place.

According to the supporting configurations there are:

  1. A-frame support. Consists of two logs connected at the top. The crossbars are connected by a jumper to give the frame rigidity.
  2. U-shaped frame. The support pipes are connected to the crossbar in the shape of the letter “P”. It is the simplest to construct. To make the structure more stable, it is necessary to bury the pipes and fill them with concrete mortar.

The stationary swing is installed on a foundation; strong wooden beams are used for the structure.

A hanging swing is a simple design that consists of a double or single seat suspended by cables, chains or ropes from a crossbar or tree.

Types of structures

Manufacturers present a large selection of ready-made models from different materials. They differ:

  1. Material from which they are made: plastic, metal, forged, wood, rope.
  2. Size and shape.
  3. There are stationary, portable, collapsible, hanging.
  4. Covered with an awning, roof or without canopies.

    Installation of portable wooden swings under a fabric awning

Conventionally, there are swings for adults and children. Large sofa-type models designed for several people are the most popular type. They are additionally equipped with an awning and soft pillows. Suspended structures with a spring attract attention. The seat is made in the shape of a basket-cocoon made of wicker or rattan. They are hung on thick tree branches.

Design and construction of a wicker garden swing in the form of a cocoon

Cabinet sofas attached on ropes to tree supports, beams of a country terrace, gazebos, pergolas will add romantic appeal to a corner of the garden.

For entertainment and active recreation, a Russian swing for several people is suitable. Designs with mosquito nets and a tent are practical and convenient for relaxation and recreation.

Children's ones are smaller in size, in accordance with the child's height. Additionally, they are equipped with safety elements and side supports.

Classic Russian swing made from logs using a chain

Main types:

  • balancers;
  • hanging;
  • pendulum;
  • carousel.

You can choose a model according to your wishes, idea of ​​relaxation, and landscape style.

Swing drawings

Currently, on the Internet you can find a large number of design drawings for metal swings.

You can make a metal swing portable or stationary.

For children's games, you can equip a special playground at your summer cottage.

Portable swing

When mounting and installing a portable swing, 4 reinforcement pins are used to secure the legs. The ends of the pins can be easily bent with a vice to ensure that the swing is stable and prevents it from tipping over.

When installing such a swing, the pins are driven into the ground, and if they need to be moved to another place, they are simply pulled out of the ground.

Garden swings are welded for safety, and gussets are welded at the joints. Gussets are metal triangles that are welded at the corners of the connection between the crossbar and the supports.

They ensure the rigidity and reliability of the swing design. Portable swings are also very convenient because they can be put away for the winter so that they do not rust from the snow.

Stationary swing

They are convenient to use on areas that have a large area.

According to safety rules, when operating a swing, there should be about two to three meters of space behind and in front of the structure.


Helpful advice! After you install the swing, you must paint it with any metal paint. This will make your swing more attractive and protect it from rust.

Rules for safe holidays

When using the swing, the following safety precautions must be observed:

  • Do not exceed the permissible load on the mechanism. This can lead to distortion and breakage of the structure;
  • It is not recommended to swing too much on the swing, as it may tip over or fail;
  • It is not recommended to sit on the product too sharply. This will lead to a violation of the strength of its foundation. It is also prohibited to jump or rock the seat from side to side on such products.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that garden swings with bearings can cause a lot of delight not only among small users, but also among adults. With them you can remember your childhood, swinging high or just relaxing in the garden on warm summer evenings.

Do-it-yourself swing from a profile pipe

To create a swing for a summer house with your own hands from metal, you need to provide the following components:

  • quadrangular frame (it should become a load-bearing frame in the finished swing);
  • A-shaped sidewall. It is made by welding several crossbars;
  • one long tube. It will become the basis for attaching the swinging bench.

A cover of this design can be plastic, wood or canvas. PHOTO: sadovyrai.ru

Next, you need to act according to the step-by-step algorithm.

How to make a swing with your own hands from metal

The process of installing a swing for a garden with your own hands consists of the following steps.

  1. Using a grinder, we cut the material into separate fragments. To do this, you need to have a preliminary diagram according to which you can make blanks in accordance with the dimensions.
  2. We sand the boards using a special machine or manually using emery.
  3. We connect all the necessary parts together using special fasteners, bolts or welding seams.
  4. We dig 4 holes in the ground, install a metal swing for the cottage and fill it with concrete. Next we paint the structure.

The design and design of the product can be anything. The more complex the frame design, the longer the swing will take to create. PHOTO: krainamaystriv.com

As a result, you get an individual forged swing for the garden. For such a product it is necessary to have a preliminary diagram indicating all dimensions.

What kinds of swings are there in the garden: from simple to the most original options

Swing sphere

Such a swing is suspended from a tree or a solid base. They are usually made from wood, rattan, durable plastic or metal soaked in a special composition. The metal structure is heavy, so it is rarely used in the garden, because only a powerful metal support can support it. These swings look stylish and original.

Swing chair

There are a lot of options for making a chair-shaped swing. The basis can be a ready-made soft seat, or a wooden base with a soft cover, as in the photo. You can make such a rocking chair from an old chair without legs. To do this, attach reliable fastenings to the back and armrests to hang the seat from a support or a thick wooden branch.

Hanging beds and sofas

A novelty for modern summer residents are entire suspended recreational complexes. The rigid base of a bed or sofa is suspended from the ceiling of a gazebo, veranda or to a permanent base on the street. Such a structure is attached to chains or reliable ropes. This option is convenient for any vacation, meeting guests and even sleeping outside at night.

Simple children's swing made of wood

The most popular swing that can please not only children, but also adults is a wooden swing with ropes. A simple design, a minimum of materials and no more than an hour of time - these are the main reasons why this swing is found in almost every garden. All you need is a wide board, a few meters of strong rope and a strong branch on a tree. The rope needs to be cut in half (or thrown over a branch), the ends attached to the board with a secure knot, and the swing is ready!

Swing “Hand made” from scrap materials

Creative owners have come up with many options for homemade swings from a variety of materials. See photo. The items used are car and bicycle tires, metal and plastic basins, troughs, wicker baskets, garden barrels and other things that have already served their main purpose.

Forged swing

To make a forged swing yourself, you need to have special equipment for welding, bending, leveling and cutting metal. Artistic forging always looks rich in the garden. This option, although costly in terms of effort and finances, looks very decorative and lasts for many years.

Universal wooden swing bench

A favorite option for domestic gardeners has become a wooden swing with a hanging bench. The bench is attached with bars, chains or ropes to a stable A-shaped base. We will dwell on this convenient option in more detail.

To get started, we suggest you watch a short video:

And also look at the illustrations that we have carefully prepared for you:

Sofa swing for a summer residence

Country sofa swings are in great demand. If it is not possible to buy them, then they try to make them themselves. Metal options are highly durable. And if it is also properly processed, it will not be afraid of moisture.

Tools and materials for manufacturing

For production you will need metal profiles, a welding machine and seating material. Typically, wood is used for such purposes. In addition, you will also need material for the roof. Those who plan to use polycarbonate should know that it is quite hot under it in sunny weather, and it is not practical during hail (the material begins to crack). It is ideal to take a tension awning.

How to make a garden swing with your own hands from metal: instructions with photos

Let's start following the instructions for assembling the garden swing.

IllustrationDescription of action
We weld the frame. You can take your own sizes. It all depends on how much material you have. As a result, you should get a base like the one in the photo.
We weld the frame for the swing to which the sofa will be attached. Next, we bend the arcs from the metal profile. They will play the role of armrests
We hang the finished part on carabiners. Next we prepare the tree
The finished version should look like this. The swing folds out into a sofa. The upper part of the frame is attached to the frame using strong chains. All metal parts must be primed and then painted

To make the bed soft, it can be covered with a special fabric or periodically laid on top of a mattress and pillows for relaxation.

Dear readers, if you do not understand enough about the question of how to make a garden swing with your own hands, do not hesitate to ask questions and share your opinion. Our team will definitely contact you as soon as possible.

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Selection of material, tools and place to work

If possible and good carpentry skills, hardwood should be used as a material. A bench made of such wood will be especially resistant to precipitation and, therefore, more durable. However, processing hard wood (oak, hornbeam, beech) is a labor-intensive task. Therefore, without a good tool and knowledge of the matter, it is better not to take on such material.

A simpler option is to use high-quality dried pine. The tree must be free of large knots, which significantly reduce the strength of the structure. In order not to have to plan wood to the required size yourself, purchase ready-made blanks (timber, board) right away.

Tools you will need:

  • an angle grinder, known to most of us as a “grinder” (useful for cutting off protruding ends of metal parts);
  • manual milling machine (optional, but some operations will go faster with it);
  • hand sander (or sandpaper);
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • clamps;
  • hacksaws;
  • chisels;
  • hammer.

Don't forget to make sure you have:

  • a supply of self-tapping screws coated with anti-corrosion protection;
  • furniture bolts M 10 with round heads,
  • varnish for the final coating of the bench;
  • wood glue.

When setting up a workplace, you should take into account the presence of:

  • access to fresh air;
  • good lighting;
  • convenient workbench.

Note! An unstable “flying” bench can cause serious injury. This explains the importance of maintaining the sequence and timing of all technological processes.

Garden swing with supports

What do you need

  • Beam 100 × 100 mm;
  • timber 50 × 50 mm;
  • galvanized chain;
  • board 25 × 100 mm;
  • bolts;
  • mounting plates;
  • screws;
  • sanding paper;
  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

How to do

Photo: YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Deryvedmid"

1. Cut four racks with a height of 195 cm from 100 × 100 mm timber.

2. Assemble two supports in the shape of the letter “A” with upper and lower jibs from 50 × 50 mm timber. Drill through the parts and connect with bolts.

3. Cut a 1.8 m long cross member from a 100 × 100 mm beam and secure it to the upper supports of the racks, tightening them with bolts.

4. Cut six boards 120 cm long: three for the back and three more for the seat.

5. If desired, cut out a pattern on the top board of the backrest with a jigsaw. Sand everything well with sandpaper.

6. Attach three boards with screws to pieces of 50 × 50 mm timber - this will be the seat.

Do the same for the back and join the two pieces together at the desired angle.

7. Cut out armrests from two boards and attach them with screws through the beam to the seat and back.

8. Drill holes in the beam for the bolts and install them through the chain link. Secure it on top with a nut, and to prevent it from falling into the wood, place a metal plate or washer of large diameter.

9. Make holes in the seat beams, insert bolts into them and secure the ends of the chains.

10. Adjust the length of the hangers to the desired position.

What can be changed

  • For greater strength, you can add another cross beam along the bottom of the rear of the supports.
  • If desired, build a canopy made of polycarbonate or tarpaulin to protect from the sun and precipitation.


We install a garden swing with our own hands

Making a garden swing device on your site with your own hands is not difficult when the preparatory stage is completed in good faith. Wooden models offered for installation require a flat surface. It is advisable to do the work with a partner to make it more convenient. We begin to assemble the elements of the garden rocking chair from the prepared material:

  1. We make the base in the shape of the letter “A”, for this we take prepared logs with the parameters: 2.5 meters by 120 millimeters thick - 2 pieces, and 2.1 meters long by 90 millimeters thick - 1 piece. The transverse log is superimposed on the main one, taking into account the indentation.
  2. At the intersection of the logs, it is necessary to drill holes, then we tighten the entire structure with prepared bolts. Using a grinder or a hacksaw, you need to cut off the remaining length of the bolts for aesthetics and safety. We also assemble the second part of the swing device.

Making a bench

Comfort and convenience will depend on how this assembly of garden swinging devices is made. It is necessary to select a seat angle that is comfortable for all family members; it is necessary to conduct a survey, especially with children. What is the bench angle? If you do it at a right angle, then the ratio of the back to the seat will not provide comfort and relaxation.

If you just increase the angle by just 10 degrees to 100 degrees, you will immediately feel that you can lean on the back of the bench. You need to take prepared bars of 60x60 millimeters, and laying them on, spread them to the required angle, it may not be entirely accurate, you will get an obtuse angle of 95-100 degrees. Using a pencil, we make marks on the bars, get our size, and places to select with a chisel. Sampling is necessary for better connection and a beautiful appearance of the bench.

Work must be carried out in the following sequence:

  • We take a chisel, a hacksaw and do the following: use a hacksaw to cut down the pencil marks, use the chisel to select the wood inside the cuts. We try the bars on to each other and work with a chisel.
  • When we have achieved an ideal connection, we drill a hole in the center for a bolted connection, in two bars at once, then it is advisable to cover the holes with PVA and connect everything with a bolt. We cut off the excess length of the bolt with a grinder.
  • We attach the armrests to the made bases (logs: length 100 centimeters, diameter 80 millimeters). Using a hole made with a drill, we connect them with bolts, after putting on the chains.
  • The resulting triangular structures must be connected with boards 1.8 x 0.14 x 0.04 meters. There can be no difficulties here. Using self-tapping screws, the boards are attached to the bases of the future bench. After the work done, we will see the finished element of the garden swing, a bench.

Making a roof

We prepare the beams for the rafters, take the prepared timber 60x60 with a length of 900 millimeters and 60x60 with a length of 500 millimeters, assemble 3 triangles with the parameters: 560x560x960. A swing rope made of a log 2.8 meters long and 140 millimeters thick must be placed inside these triangles.


The advantages of self-construction are that you can make an original and exclusive product. You can not only ride and relax on the swing bench, it stylistically successfully complements the area. The atmosphere of comfort is immediately felt.

Before any task, it is important to properly prepare for it. First of all, you need to decide on a place for the structure, draw up a project, and resolve the issue with the material.

If you have at least minimal carpentry skills, we recommend using hardwood, oak, beech, hornbeam. A bench made of such material is not afraid of precipitation and is durable. The main disadvantage is the difficulty of processing hard wood, so you will need proper tools and experience in carpentry.

Wood processing has its own nuances

A simpler option is dried pine. The tree should not contain large knots that significantly reduce the strength of the structure. You can do the jointing of the material yourself, or it is better to buy already made blanks.

It is advisable to choose a place for a swing bench away from the road, drainage pits, and enclosures. Peace and tranquility are a priority. It will be nice if the bench offers a good view of the entire area. And of course, there must be enough space so that the structure can be used without obstacles.

Measurements and calculations

The critical phase is the preparation of the design design. This stage cannot be skipped; the correctness of future construction depends on it. Based on the drawing, you will determine how much material is needed and roughly transfer the image of the structure onto paper.

Measurements and calculations are carried out taking into account individual requirements. Creating a project on your own is quite difficult, especially if we are talking about a complex and detailed plan.

The best option is to use the Internet, where there are dozens of ready-made sketches. All you have to do is choose what you like and adjust it to your conditions.

How to equip a swing on a tree?

The simplest type of garden swing is its installation on a tree branch. If there is a sufficiently mature tree in the garden at the dacha, the branch of which can be used to attach a rope, the issue of their arrangement is solved simply:

The classic version using a plank and a pair of nylon ropes for fastening

For these purposes, we pay attention to fastening the cables, using the safest knot. We drill holes in the board and pass a cable through them, which is attached to a tree branch. It is better to use oak for these purposes, if you have one.

If not, you need to take action: inspect the branch on which they will be attached; it should not have cracks or be diseased.

If chains are used for reliability, they must be wrapped in a plastic tube so that your fingers do not get caught in the chain links.

It is necessary to check the condition of the branch on which the gurney is attached weekly for safety. When kids want to ride them, check them out yourself first.


Basic requirements

Before you begin, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of requirements, compliance with which will allow you to create a high-quality product. Since garden swings are considered quite dangerous, it is necessary to take proper care to ensure that no funny situations spoil your vacation. All elements must be reliable. And during operation, there should be no objects nearby that could become an obstacle to the maximum movement of the swing.

As a rule, children love to swing. But sometimes adults don’t mind relaxing after hard working days. When deciding how to make a swing, you should definitely provide for high load capacity and maximum dynamic load. Having a strong swing frame is an important safety feature.

Depending on where the swing will be installed, you choose what to make it from. Most often they are used in the garden, outdoors. Building materials, accordingly, must have weather-resistant characteristics. Then they will last a long time. We should not forget about appearance. In order to give your homemade garden swing a neat look, you need to choose materials that are easy to care for.

After analyzing all the requirements and deciding on the parameters, you can choose the type of product. According to the installation method there are:

  1. Mobile. If there is no exact place for their installation, then it is better to opt for a portable model for the dacha. Then the swing can be moved to any convenient place.
  2. Stationary. When creating a swing with your own hands, the installation location is determined once, it remains unchanged throughout its entire service life.

According to the principle of the device, they are distinguished:

  1. Hanging. The seat is attached to the frame using hangers.
  2. Frame. They are characterized by a solid frame welded from pipes or made from wooden beams.

As for building materials, the most popular are DIY garden swings made of metal, wood, or a combination of both. All of the above designs meet the requirements to one degree or another. However, if you put safety first, then the best option would be a stationary frame swing made of metal. They have greater stability and load capacity compared to other options.

Assembling a swing

We assemble the frame. It's better to start with the sides of the swing. Take measurements and cut the pipes according to the drawings using a grinder. Check the identical dimensions of all four elements from which the sidewalls will be assembled. Using a welding machine, connect the prepared pipes in pairs, making two identical structures in the shape of the letter L.

Then the sharp upper end of each structure should be sawed off at the same level, preparing platforms on which the horizontal beam of the swing will rest. It is better to carry out work according to a pre-prepared template.

The short sides of the support frame must correspond in size to the distance between the lower ends of the resulting sidewalls. They are connected by welding to long base elements, the size of which corresponds to the drawing. The sidewalls and the upper horizontal pipe are welded to the supporting frame. Assembling a metal swing requires checking the geometry of the structure at each stage: the side planes must be positioned strictly vertically, and the beam for hanging the bench must be parallel to the base. Use a building level to check.

Bench. To make the frame, it is most convenient to use a steel corner. For the bench to be comfortable, the backrest should be positioned at approximately 120 degrees to the seat. A triangular cutout (60 degrees) on one of the shelves will help you bend the corner correctly. The frame can also be made by welding from a rectangular pipe of a suitable cross-section. The sidewalls are connected by horizontal jumpers along the edges and at the bend of the structure. If desired, you can make armrests of a suitable shape.

The seat and back of the bench are made of sanded boards or bars, cut to size. To fasten wooden elements, holes for bolts are drilled in them and in the frame. It is advisable to completely drown their heads in the wood, making appropriate recesses. Before assembling the bench, the wooden elements are impregnated with an antiseptic and varnished, the metal elements are primed and painted.

Install eye-bolts at the corners of the bench frame; chains will be attached to their eyes for hanging using carabiners with a latch or a threaded coupling.

The same eye bolts are mounted on the upper beam of the swing - above the edges of the bench or at the corners of the structure, at the junction of the side frames and the horizontal element. In the second case, the bench will practically not sway from side to side.

Instead of eye bolts, special blocks for hanging swings, equipped with bearings, can be attached to the horizontal beam - this system is more comfortable to use. The blocks are bolted through through holes in the horizontal beam. The chains are adjustable in length so that the bench is parallel to the base with a slight inclination towards the back.

We make a visor. It will protect people sitting on the swing from precipitation and the scorching sun. A rectangular structure made of a metal frame with jumpers and a sheet of cellular polycarbonate is mounted at a slight angle so that precipitation flows freely to the ground. The frame of the visor is welded from rectangular tubes of small cross-section. The canopy is then welded at an angle to the top of the swing frame. After all work is completed, the entire structure is primed and painted.

The cellular polycarbonate covering is attached to the frame with special self-tapping screws and sealing washers. The ends of the sheet material should be covered with a polymer profile to protect against dust and insects.

It is advisable to securely attach the finished swing to the site. If the structure is installed on dense soil, the frame can be fixed with several clamps made of reinforcing bars. The ends of the clamps should be pointed and extend into the ground about half a meter. The swing is attached to the concrete platform using anchor bolts pre-installed in the right places. After screwing the nuts, the protruding threaded part is cut off with a grinder.

Video on the topic “do-it-yourself garden swing made of metal”:

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