How I build a house: mistakes of builders, quests with documents and light at the end of the road

Have you decided to add a shed to your dacha? Or do you dream of building a garage for your “iron horse” yourself? Perhaps you actually want to dedicate your life to the construction industry and engage in this business professionally? Well, in any case, you will find various VKontakte communities that are dedicated to this topic useful!

In our article, we decided, according to tradition, to review the most popular and informative groups and public pages, which are regularly updated and can please you with excellent content on the topic. Of course, there are a lot of different virtual clubs on VKontakte about construction. But there is no point in getting into everything. You just need to join those whose descriptions you see on this page.

Public of the same name

The largest community dedicated to construction is VKontakte. It has a record number of subscribers - 184 thousand users! True, not all of them are real people - quite a lot of them are fakes. But it doesn't matter. You can find this public page at this address: An open wall for comments, interesting posts, some advertising and more than forty discussion topics. In particular, you can talk about work (find it or offer it), ask something about roofing, electrical, doors and windows. In general, everything is very conveniently divided into thematic discussions. And this is an excellent storehouse of information and other people's experiences that you can learn from.

Architectural solution

The AR project contains the most complete data on the modular prefabricated structure:

  • Its appearance after completion of construction;
  • Structural solutions for laying out sandwich panels;
  • Step-by-step drawings for installing walls and roofing;
  • Drawings of fastening with additional elements (specification and cross-section of materials are indicated).

Example of an AR project: Dormitory for 40 people

If inaccuracies are discovered and regional authorities make changes to the project, its cost may increase.

Modular construction allows you to do without state expertise and permission to erect a building. With the exception of some details, the package of documents is similar to that required for capital construction.

Completed projects on the topic

JSCB Kaliningrad

October 2022

Suburban construction

Here you will not find useful advice on how best to putty a wall or dig a well. However, there are quite a few different country house projects in this community. Why don't I lend you a couple if you're up to it? You can find the community here: Here you can also find ten photo albums with very interesting images. Apartment interior designs, photographs from the construction of country houses, frame houses, photos of the roof replacement process and much more. You will also find a discussion of various topics here, but the questions are not covered as well as in the previous case. However, in this open group you will find a lot of interesting information if you are interested in the construction of VKontakte. By the way, especially for such people, there is an application on the social network called Tropical Island, where you have to arrange your own island.

Mandatory minimum documents

One of the main documents is the architectural project. Design begins if the customer has the legal right to develop this particular site (property rights or permits from the owner).

All documents (building plan, architectural solution, design plan for reinforced concrete and metal structures) must be drawn up taking into account the legislation and engineering and technical requirements in force in the Russian Federation.

The production of a prefabricated structure begins after the following package of documents has been collected:

  • Certificate of right to use the site;
  • Draft draft;
  • Project approval - permitting documents are issued by authorities supervising compliance with standards (environmental, fire, sanitary);
  • Architectural solution (AR);
  • Technical conditions for making engineering connections;
  • Projects for reinforced concrete and metal structures (KZh and KM).

Specifications requiring approval by the relevant authorities (at the regional level):

  • Conducting communication systems (cold and hot water supply, electricity, gas, sewerage, heating);
  • Creation of reclamation systems;
  • Landscaping of the area adjacent to the construction and removal of waste from the territory.

Authorities to contact:

  • Sanitary epidemiology;
  • Fire Safety Inspectorate;
  • Supervision of AR (architectural solution);
  • Geodesy Service.

Components for modular buildings are manufactured in accordance with the architectural design. The basis is projects on CM and QOL.

Our modular technologies

We apply the most modern approaches in the field of construction of prefabricated structures. We offer both ready-made solutions and develop individual projects.


An open group that is very interesting for builders, as well as for those who want to become one. You can find the community here: Fifteen topics with discussions, two hundred photos and a wall with various tips. Starting from recommendations from landscape designers, professional designers and builders who have been in this field for many years. If you love to read, this community wall is what you need! Although it is updated not as often as we would like, what has already been published here should definitely be read. You will gain a lot of new and interesting information. So we looked at three communities about construction in VKontakte. Join them and increase your level of knowledge to the maximum. Remember that it is never too late to learn, and there is no limit to perfection!

How I build a house: mistakes of builders, quests with documents and light at the end of the road

I've had a tab open with this article for several days. I still want to speak out, but I can’t get my thoughts together, because, thinking about my construction process, in which, naturally, there are many points of intersection with the author’s story, I feel exclusively despondency and melancholy)

I understand all this pain and suffering very well! My situation is somewhat simpler: my colleagues and I built townhouses through collective efforts. And, if at the stage of erecting the box it was somehow still possible to distance oneself from pressing problems due to the presence of a more or less competent foreman (as it seemed then) and the entire construction process consisted only of timely payment for work, then when it came to internal work, it was necessary plunge into it all headlong. Rough and final repairs, landscaping, communications - all this is very difficult to get into if you don’t have acquaintances, connections, relatives who are builders. It was painful from any kind of interaction with this wonderful world of construction: - from the choice of a contractor (“Mikhalych and I will start working tomorrow, we will come after 19-00, otherwise we have work earlier, and sometimes on weekends”) - from the realization that there is no direct connection between the money spent and the quality of the work performed: you either exercise complete control over all processes, constantly call, clarify, stop believing that “well, I seemed to have expressed myself clearly, why would I repeat this?” , you draw explanatory pictures, study the difference in materials, rush around and choose these same materials, and then in the end you also overpay for the “complexity” of the work, or you get a bunch of problems with redoing what they did for you (but at the same time you understand this only after a while, somewhere at the next stage of repair). - from a lack of understanding of how builders can independently make decisions that require coordination with the customer, without conversation (“well, we saw that there was a cable lying here, but no one said that it needed to be laid in a cable channel, so we covered everything with soil and planted a lawn,” “well, no one said at what distance the curb stone should be placed, we figured it out ourselves,” “well, no one said that this shaft was made specifically for laying pipes for water and heating, so we started digging plate"). This is incredibly bombing. Plus, it’s also difficult to communicate with the performers, because for some reason they hate you by default and consider you the very last person whose advice you should ask. Of course, all people are different, there were also wonderful comrades with whom it was pleasant even just to talk, but there is not a single story in which the employee behaved adequately from beginning to end. - from the fact that for some reason each new employee immediately begins to “save money” on any little things that would not be worth saving on (and in fact, such savings result in 2% of the total cost of work and materials). And then you stand and think: at what point did this person think that this boiler piping, which looks 40 years old, would look organic in this house? (which also leaked in three places at the stage of starting the heating system). - from the fact that any announced deadlines are for reference only. The classic scheme: today - “no, today it’s not working, I’ll start next week”, tomorrow - “well, I’ve arrived, where are you?”

At some point I simply stopped enjoying the whole process. It turns out to be some kind of vicious circle: in order not to fall for amateurs and soberly control the whole process, you must understand this yourself; but if you understand this yourself, then why would you hire someone? In short, as one friend jokes, who has now been planning to lay tiles at my house “next week” for six months now, “you build the first house for sale, the second house for yourself.” :)

Building permit - as it was before

Previously, to build a house or garden shed on land, a building permit was required. This document was established by Art. 51 of the Town Planning Code. Now in Art. 17 of the code stipulated that for the construction and reconstruction of individual housing construction projects it is not necessary to obtain such permission - it was replaced by notifications. Similarly with outbuildings on the site: greenhouses, cellars, baths, sheds, wells.

To obtain permission, it was necessary to collect a large package of documents, including a town planning plan, a land plot diagram, and design documentation. The permit was valid for 10 years, that is, it was possible to build on the site during this entire period. When selling a plot for which a building permit had already been obtained, it was transferred to the new owner, making a corresponding entry in the register through the administration.

Without permission, it was impossible to connect water, sewerage, electricity and heating to the house, register ownership of it and obtain registration. In addition, there was the danger of fines and demolition for illegal construction.

Notification of completion of construction

The final notice of completion of construction must be submitted within a month after the house is completed. It contains almost the same information as the planning notice, but this time factual. The notification is accompanied by a technical plan, which is prepared by the cadastral engineers you invited. They can also be asked to fill out a notification to avoid mistakes. Additionally, an agreement may be needed to divide the plot into shares between the copyright holders if there are several owners.

This notification will also be considered within seven working days. If you did not deviate from the plan during construction, then approval is almost guaranteed. A compliance notice will be issued again in response. It will be needed to register ownership of the house.

The authorized body will independently send to the registering authority an application for cadastral registration and registration of your rights. If this is not done in a timely manner, you can submit the application yourself.

What documents are needed to start construction

To build a residential, garden or country house on a site in 2021, you need to submit a notification about the planned construction to the authorized body and attach the following documents to it:

  • Confirming rights to the site.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for a land plot
  • Describing the planned construction - this is important if it is located in a historically significant settlement.
  • Power of attorney for a representative if necessary.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for a land plot

The notification and documents should be sent to the authority that previously issued construction permits, including this is possible through the MFC.

The notification indicates the details of the future house: how far the walls will be from the boundaries of the site, how many floors it will have, what the area and layout will be, what materials will be used, etc. Information about the land plot will also need to be indicated in the notification of the planned construction:

  • Cadastral number.
  • Address.
  • Document confirming rights.
  • Information about the rights of other persons.
  • Type of permitted use.

You can quickly find out the necessary information on land using an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Order an electronic extract of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, certified by the digital signature of Rosreestr , in order to fill out the notification and submit a document confirming your information to the registration authority.

Additionally, you will need a graphic description - a drawing of the house, including its facades and configuration. It is important that if your region provides for any standard architectural solutions, it should be indicated separately in the notification. Then the graphic image need not be attached.

The notification form is approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction No. 591/pr.

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