Bathroom sink - which one to choose? 75 photos of exclusive models and modern design

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A sink in a bathroom is an essential attribute. It is almost impossible to imagine this room without a washbasin.

Let's figure out what you should pay attention to when choosing this piece of plumbing and consider popular options.

What types of shells are there?

In fact, there are many of them, but we will highlight the most popular types:

Wall-hung sinks

Wall-hung sinks are more common than others, so let's start with them. They received this name because of the method of fastening to the wall, for which brackets or similar fasteners are used.

But it happens that they use cabinets that have special advantages:

  • The sink with cabinet is small in size and this allows you to save useful space for other interior elements;
  • They are easy to install at a suitable height, which is considered a major advantage.

Important: But they also have serious disadvantages. Communications will have to be sewn into the wall or decorative panels used for this purpose, otherwise it will look tasteless and the bathroom design will be ruined.

And they also do not cope well with large masses of shells, which makes them take the quality of the fasteners seriously.

Choosing a washing machine

Only front-loading machines are suitable for the washbasin. Vertical a priori make joint installation impossible.

Now there are special models that are sold ready for simultaneous installation. If you want to buy a regular machine or keep your own, carefully calculate all the dimensions. Especially the height.

The recommended height is up to 70 cm. In this case, a medium-depth washbasin is just convenient to use. The width of the machine is 40-45 cm. There are enough mini-models in stores with a load of a couple of kilograms. Do not forget that there should be a distance between the sink and the surface of the equipment - at least a few centimeters.

There is one more trick: the accompanying documentation for washbasins for joint installation indicates which models of washing machines they can be combined with.

Sink bowl

The bowl sink has interesting benefits and different names. It is also called an overhead product because it is installed on the countertop.

Nowadays, the overhead sink for the bathroom has gained great popularity due to its qualities:

  • It has a stylish appearance and helps create a sophisticated design;
  • Its functionality is beyond doubt, since this sink is very easy to use.

Tip: But it may not be suitable for short people or children as it is installed quite high. The bowl itself has impressive dimensions, plus it is mounted on a tabletop, which has its own considerable height.

How to choose the right mixer?

The bathroom sink faucet must be selected correctly, otherwise water may simply splash out in different directions and create discomfort for the owners.

Recommendations for selection:

  • Decide on the exact purpose of the sink: wash your hands, wash your cat, etc. The height of the faucet will depend on this;
  • Choose a faucet that matches the shape and size of the washbasin (wide, narrow, deep, flat).

The height and length of the mixer will depend on these parameters.

Following our advice, you can safely go to the store.

Below is a gallery of photos of bathroom sinks, where you can choose a suitable design in advance.

  • How to seal the grooves with pipes in the bathroom?
  • How to drill a hole in bathroom tiles?
  • How to close the water pipes in the bathroom?

Corner bowl

A corner bathroom sink will help you make perfect use of all the available space in the room. Sometimes it is too little, and in this case she may turn out to be a reasonable way out of the situation.

The advantages include some important points:

  • It can be placed where other types cannot be mounted because there is too little space;
  • Based on it, modifications are offered that combine the functionality of a tulip, wall-hung or built-in sink.

Important: The negative side of this sink is its not particularly beautiful appearance. It is difficult to integrate into different design styles.

But its functionality is offered at the highest level; according to this indicator, it occupies a leading place among all types of sinks.

Comparative analysis of materials

Our washbasins can withstand heavy loads, because in addition to hygiene procedures, they are often used for washing or playing (if we are talking about small children). You can accidentally drop a heavy bottle of cosmetics into the bowl, or hit it while turning awkwardly in the cramped space of the bathroom.

In addition, the sink is affected by water, the composition of which is far from ideal, and aggressive household chemicals that damage the top coating.

Therefore, the product material must be:

  • durable
  • durable
  • resistant to mechanical and chemical influences
  • with good decorative characteristics

Let's look at the most popular options.

Plumbing faience

Ceramic is the best choice for a bathroom sink . A wide range of design solutions, resistance to moisture and detergents, including abrasives, ease of maintenance are just a small list of the advantages of this material.

Thanks to modern technologies, earthenware washbasins have ceased to remain snowy white, but have sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow. Colored bathroom sinks offer great expressiveness and a variety of designs. They will fit perfectly into both classic and modern interiors.

Disadvantages of ceramic products:

  • heavy weight
  • cracking of the top glazed layer over time
  • low impact resistance, which leads to cracks and chips that are almost impossible to repair.

In the photo - faience washbasins:


Glass bathroom sinks are at the peak of popularity today. With proper hardening, this seemingly fragile material becomes durable and resistant to the specific microclimate of bathrooms.

Spectacular design is another advantage of glass. Transparent bowls made of it make the interior light and airy.

However, glass sinks have one significant drawback - they are difficult to maintain. Limescale deposits, streaks and stains are immediately noticeable, and they are not easy to remove, since compounds with abrasive particles and brushes can leave visible scratches on the surface.

To be on the safe side, families with small children should avoid glass, even tempered glass.

Photos of glass bowls in the interior:


Less aesthetically pleasing enameled washbasins have become a thing of the past; they have been replaced by high-quality products made of copper or stainless steel (see photo ).

Metal sinks are more rare than common, although they are durable, beautiful and easy to maintain.

Among the disadvantages: limescale stains are visible on the bowl, and water makes a loud sound when it comes into contact with the surface of the washbasin.

Marble vs artificial stone

There are styles that require either luxurious or exotic decoration. This is classic, art deco and ethno. In this case, a ceramic or glass washbasin is unlikely to be a worthy choice.

But sinks made of natural stone in the bathroom will look great. They usually use durable, low-porous rocks: granite, onyx or marble. Such products have a high cost, which is justified by the complexity of their processing and the exclusivity of the material.

Marble is considered the most vulnerable of the listed minerals. It requires regular cleaning, otherwise an unpleasant, difficult-to-remove plaque will form on the sink. Chips and cracks are also a constant threat to marble plumbing fixtures.

Artificial stone is no less beautiful than its natural counterparts, but is affordable and has better performance characteristics. The material based on polymers and stone chips is suitable for any style, which is easy to see by comparing the photos :


This material is rarely used in the manufacture of sinks. Products made from it are considered elite and are made by hand with special processing and impregnation with water-repellent compounds.

Wood requires special care - it should be cleaned only with neutral detergents and a soft sponge. If the protective top layer is damaged, the washbasin will quickly become unusable under the influence of water.

Attention : every four years the wooden sink will have to be restored to extend its service life.

Ceramic sink

Ceramic modifications are often used for the bathroom, and they have long gained their admirers. This is due to their sought-after qualities:

  • Such bathtubs are environmentally friendly and easily fit into the designers’ ideas;
  • They feature a smooth surface that helps simplify the cleaning process;
  • They have a relatively low price.

Important: But even with such advantages, they are still very fragile products, characterized by noticeable massiveness.

Glass sink

Glass types of bathrooms have gained popularity relatively recently. Typically, a tempered type of glass is used, which is sufficiently durable and difficult to break. Often, various additives are used in its composition to further increase the strength of the structure.

The material has many advantages:

  • Glass sinks are easy to maintain because they have a flat surface;
  • Special glass easily copes with high temperatures and exposure to chemicals;
  • It has a relatively moderate mass.

Important: But such sinks quickly become clogged and require a lot of attention. At the same time, you cannot use products based on a powder component for cleaning.

Installation method

One of the main criteria by which washbasins are chosen is the installation method. The price is determined by the complexity or ease of fastening, as well as the possibility of self-installation of the equipment.

Installation methods used:

  • suspended, requires a solid wall and reliable fastening;
  • “tulip”, attached to the wall and supported by a leg, a method that has become most widespread;
  • overhead, imitates a bowl on a tabletop or cabinet, common in public places, advantages: ease of installation, variety of types, reliable design against leakage;
  • built-in, easily fits into countertops, cabinets;
  • “water lily”, designed for placement under the sink of a washing machine, features a flat bottom and horizontal drain;
  • placement on a cabinet;
  • corner - installation method in which the space of the room is used most economically; it is possible to place plumbing fixtures in the corner of the room;
  • above the bathtub is the most economical use of space; manufacturers produce special pairs - a bathtub with a washbasin.

When designing a plumbing layout, make sure there is a separate drain for each device.

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