Typical series of panel houses of 9 floors: features of apartment layout

In urban development, the most common are multi-storey buildings consisting of tens and even hundreds of apartments. It is very rare to see one-story or two-story apartment buildings in cities. This is due to a whole range of reasons. Here are the most important ones:
  • Saving useful land plots;
  • Easy to connect water supply, heating, sewerage and gas;
  • Ease of arrangement of microdistrict infrastructure. Master plan for the microdistrict infrastructure

That is why in modern cities, apartment buildings are considered the best solution. Of course, the planning of a multi-storey building is carried out only by competent specialists, each of whom has extensive experience in performing such work. The premises should be located as compactly as possible, but at the same time convenient. A very important indicator is the provision of living quarters with sufficient sunlight. Therefore, all drawings are drawn up and rechecked several times by professionals.

Dormitory project


December 26, 2021

  • 100

6 167

A diploma project with an architectural, structural, technological and cost estimate section, as well as an explanatory note with a thermal calculation of the thickness of the insulation of the wall, attic and basement floors of the building. The purpose of the building is residential; The shape of the building in plan is rectangular; Type of planning solution – corridor; Building dimensions

Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings / Architectural. Public buildings

Methods for determining the height of a building

The question of how many meters high a house is began to bother residents immediately after the construction of the first high-rise buildings. It was based on simple curiosity. And also pride in my hometown.

Nine-story building from the time of Brezhnev Source domofoto.ru

People reasoned differently and used three methods:

  • One floor was taken as the general standard of three meters. Then multiplied by the number of levels.
  • We personally measured the height of the ceilings. Then we followed the previous scheme.
  • If there was access to the project, they learned the most accurate figures from the latter.

The first two methods literally repeat each other. Because even knowing the exact height of the ceiling in the apartment, simply multiplying by the number of floors will not be enough. The result will be a very inaccurate value. After all, the calculations will not take into account the basement of the building and the attic space.

Plus, you need to know the thickness of the interfloor slabs. Therefore, even after adding the last parameter to the ceilings and getting the same average three meters, you need to remember to add the foundation and roof. As a rule, after all the manipulations with the numbers, an average value of 30 meters is obtained.

Nine-story building during perestroika Source nar.ru

We can stop there. But more meticulous people can contact the department that stores all standard city building designs. And upon an official request, all accurate data will be provided from the archive. The only disadvantage of this method is its slowness. After all, no one is eager to satisfy ordinary curiosity.

It is possible that you will have to resort to cunning and provide a serious basis for the request. Or take advantage of your acquaintance and get information through a personal channel.

25-storey residential building with 184 apartments

Alexey Babochiev

December 19, 2021

  • 100

2 635

The residential building is 25-storey in plan with axial dimensions of 31.0 x 31.0 m. The building is designed from one block section. First and second floor at elevation. 0.000 and +3.600 are reserved for retail premises. All apartments in the building have cross or corner ventilation due to the local climate (hot, humid summers with northwest winds). Height

Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings / Revit

How the material used affects the design of the house

As mentioned above, the technical plan of an apartment building can be drawn up by an experienced specialist from any serious and long-known design company in the market. However, before turning to specialists, it is worth deciding what material will be used during construction. A lot depends on this.

During construction, different building materials can be used, differing in size, weight, thermal insulation characteristics and a number of others.

Therefore, the plan of a 9-story building made of reinforced concrete slabs will differ significantly from the plan of the same building built of brick.

So, how does the layout of apartments and buildings depend on the material used?

Reinforced concrete slabs have strictly standardized dimensions that are optimal in terms of strength, weight and thermal insulation properties. Therefore, designers have to build on existing data, creating house designs according to strictly standardized sizes.

An example of the layout of a multi-storey building made of reinforced concrete slabs

The situation is a little simpler if a project is being drawn up for a brick building, be it a three- or nine-story building. Although the dimensions of bricks are also strictly standardized, their small size (compared to slabs) gives much more room for imagination.

drawing and sample of an original apartment building that can be made of brick

And finally, monolithic houses. Despite the long construction time (compared to panel ones) and not the best technical characteristics (compared to brick ones), they provide the greatest scope for design.

sample layout suitable for both brick and monolithic multi-storey buildings

The thickness and length of the walls here can depend only on the tensile strength of the material, which means you don’t have to adjust every centimeter to the requirements of the materials.

6-storey 24-apartment residential building

Kirill Doronin

December 15, 2021

  • 0


Graduation project. Contains RPZ and drawings: facades, ground floor plan, sections, explication of premises, general plan, foundation plan, floor plan, roof plan, structural units, floor design, work schedule, SGP, section 1-1, instructions for work, technical safety regulations , calendar plan, etc. The six-story facility has a high-rise

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

Why do you need a master plan?

A master plan is necessary for any type of work carried out on the site - construction of a house, its reconstruction, construction of an extension and outbuildings, landscaping of the territory. The master plan of the house is made in the form of a drawing on a selected scale, indicating on it all the features of the site and all future buildings. It is superimposed on the general engineering and topographic plan of the development area, which can be either a “bare” field or a populated area.

This document is required for at least two purposes.

  • Obtaining permission for construction or other types of work.

According to the laws of our country, any work on land can only be started with the approval of the relevant authorities. Even if the land plot is owned by the owner, he does not have the right to erect buildings on it, drill deep wells or lay communications without obtaining permission to do so.

To build a house, it is not enough to make a project. It must be tied to the site and existing utility networks, which is what the general plan of a private house allows you to do.

Without a building permit, construction is considered illegal Source prodom365.ru

For reference! Since 2022, permits for the construction of private houses have been canceled, but there is a requirement to submit a notice of the start of construction. It should contain information about the area of ​​the building and setbacks from the boundaries, as well as a development plan.

  • Simplification of construction work.

Having a detailed drawing in hand, you can clearly imagine the location of future objects and correctly mark out the building site. It will serve as an accurate guide for determining the location of the house and outbuildings, garden, vegetable garden, recreation area, fence.

When purchasing a standard project, you only acquire documentation for the house and understand what it will be built from, its dimensions and layout. But you will probably have to make changes to it, adapting to the topography and shape of your site, its location relative to the cardinal points, existing buildings in the area, roads, power lines and other important features.

Scheme for linking a typical house on a site Source arch-berloga.com

Planning project for a residential neighborhood for 5,900 people


November 27, 2021

  • 0


Characteristics of the location of the microdistrict in the structure of the city and its natural conditions. Calculation of the main parameters of the microdistrict: - calculation of the project population of the microdistrict; — calculation of the housing stock and its distribution by type of residential buildings; — calculation of the capacity of daily service facilities; — calculation of the territorial needs of individual

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

What to consider when drawing up a master plan

There are many rules and restrictions regarding the location of buildings and other objects on a land plot, if these are not observed when drawing up a general plan, construction permission will not be given. These restrictions are not a whim of the supervisory authorities. They are necessary for fire safety, compliance with sanitary standards and the convenience of not only the owners of the site, but also their neighbors.

Red lines

Red lines are boundaries that cannot be crossed during the construction of buildings. They create the necessary distance from the boundaries of the site and existing objects.

For example, the distance from the road to the building boundary must be at least 5 meters, and from the house or other building to the boundary with the neighboring plot - at least 3 meters. This is a requirement of sanitary and fire regulations.

Main red lines Source ast75.ru

Also, the general construction plan must take into account the offsets from the main utility lines - gas pipelines, power lines. Which is quite understandable: you cannot dig a pit where there is a gas or water pipe or build a house directly under an overhead power line. You can’t even plant tall trees near such objects.

Relief features

In areas with a pronounced slope or relief, it is more advantageous to place the house on an elevated place, protecting the foundation from melt, rain and groundwater. At the same time, we must not forget about the convenience of access and location of other buildings. If it is impossible to fulfill all the conditions, leveling the site, building a drainage system, changing the design of the foundation or its additional waterproofing is planned in advance.

Vertical layout option for a site with a slope Source saucyintruder.org

Multifunctional 10-story office building with retail and catering premises


November 25, 2021

  • 0

1 380

Multifunctional 10-story office building with retail and catering premises. In this diploma project, a project for a “Multifunctional building in Novokuybyshevsk” was developed, which includes sections: AR, KZH, OiF, TiOSP. a 10-story office building being designed with retail and catering premises; the 1st floor is designed as administrative and

Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings / Architectural. Public buildings

How panel housing construction began

A big problem in the post-war years was communal apartments, in which several families lived at once.

The construction department was then tasked with creating a residential building project that would be as budget-friendly as possible and would allow apartments to be occupied by families.

As part of its implementation, the idea of ​​construction based on a load-bearing frame was introduced. In 1951, the first microdistrict was built in the capital using frame-panel technology with ten-story buildings. At the same time, development of frameless houses was carried out, the first of which was built within three years.

In 1955, a truly historic decree was issued by the then communist leader N.S. Khrushchev. It talked about eliminating excesses in building design. The “ostentatious” architecture characteristic of the years of Stalin’s rule no longer corresponded to the party’s ideas about what buildings in the country should look like.

Stalinist architecture fell out of favor under Khrushchev

The party took a new course, the rationale for which boiled down to the following: moving several families into one apartment represents a social problem. Communal apartments are unprofitable housing from an economic point of view.

Builders were given the task of developing projects that, due to their low cost, would help provide housing for workers in a short period of time. It was planned that by 1980 each Soviet family would receive a separate apartment.

This is how the notorious small-sized “Khrushchev” apartments appeared, which to this day make their owners rack their brains over how to expand the space at least a little (see the link for ideas on the layout and design of “Khrushchev” buildings).

By this year, it was not possible to provide everyone with separate apartments, and already another leader in the hierarchy of Soviet party rulers, Gorbachev, had to put forward a new slogan and move the deadline to 2000.

Multi-storey single-entrance residential building with a public part of 16 floors

Arina Levina

November 11, 2021

  • 0


Course project. Contains RPZ, 3d model and drawings: plans of the 1st and typical floors, section 1-1, facades, general plan, visualization, floor roof. Includes a 3D model of the general perspective of a multi-story residential building. Project of one entrance multi-storey residential building with a public part. The building has a stepped plan. One-section house,

Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings / ArhiCAD

Preparation for the construction of an apartment building

Perhaps any person, even someone not related to construction, will agree that the construction of a multi-story building in which hundreds or even thousands of people will live is a very complex and responsible task. And it begins with cadastral work.

They are carried out by the cadastral chamber, which usually takes up to one month. To obtain the necessary data, the applicant must collect the following package of documents:

  • Documented surveying;
  • Decision of government officials to provide a certain plot of land for private ownership (2 copies);
  • Statement;
  • Documentation payment receipt.

The applicant can receive a completed certificate from the land registry in person or by mail. This note is the requested cadastral plan. The application must indicate how many copies the applicant wants to receive. It is worth considering that you usually have to provide at least two copies to justice institutions. To receive this document in person or at the post office, you must provide a passport.

Upon receiving documents, the applicant must study them as carefully as possible. All instances must contain the same data. Each sheet of the extract is assigned a unique serial number, which is certified by a specialist from the cadastral chamber.

The finished cadastral extract contains the following data:

  • Cadastral number is a unique number that has been assigned to a specific land plot, and by which it will subsequently be used in all archives and lists;
  • Name of the site. Most often this line simply states “land use”;
  • Location within the cadastre block;
  • Category of land. In some cases it may be marked “not installed”;
  • Purpose of provision;
  • Square. The data is taken from documents on the resolution on clarifications and land surveying;
  • Special notes. Various data are specified here, for example, information about the applicant’s rights.

Sample cadastral extract

9-storey residential building


October 17, 2021

  • 0

1 292

Working draft. Contains RPZ and drawings: facades, roof plan, floor plans, section 1-1, machine room plan, axis developments, staircase, elevator, entrance to the technical underground, exterior decoration, technical underground plan. 9-storey residential building in 15 microdistrict. Tobolsk. The relative level of 0.000 is taken to be the level of the finished floor of the first floor of the building, corresponding

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

In pursuit of standards and savings

The number of floors in the house was designed purely on economic principles. If the city budget did not allow spending money on expensive elevator equipment, then buildings no higher than five floors were planned. But if the latter was included in the project, then the house was no longer built below nine levels. To get the most out of the building.

Standard nine-story panel house Source hypecrib.com

They did not want to build standard buildings higher than this. Because it became necessary to significantly rework the project, introducing expensive elements into it. Because this was required by safety measures for residents.

When standard designs for high-rise buildings were developed, the maximum of nine floors was observed for a simple reason. Fire trucks of that time had a standard ladder with a reach of 30 meters. Therefore, in case of trouble, rescuers could evacuate people from the top floor.

If the building for any reason exceeds these dimensions, it must be equipped with an additional smoke-free staircase with mandatory passage through open balconies. Therefore, it was forbidden to glaze the latter, as well as to force them with things.

Nine-story building with an external fire escape Source lestnitsygid.ru

Five-story residential building with 50 apartments

Alexander 29

September 26, 2021

  • 0

1 961

Working draft. Contains drawings: basement plan, 1-5 floors; explication of premises; roof plan; roofing units; cuts 1-1, 2-2; blind area unit; frame plan; floor plan; specification of elements for filling window openings; plan of the pile field; frame plan; reaming layout plan; reaming Rcm-1, Rcm-2, Rcm-3,

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

Design of the foundation of a block section of a five-story twenty apartment building

Sofia Buyukyan

February 28, 2021

  • 0

1 137

Coursework: 38 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, 10 sources, illustrative part – 1 sheet of A1 format. The work presents the calculation and selection of strip and pile foundations for given sections. During the work, the strip and pile foundations were calculated, and the settlement was calculated. Basic structural and technical-operational

Project drawings / Construction, reinforced concrete structures, metal structures

Multi-storey panel house with 9 floors

Evgenia Vladimirovna

September 18, 2021

  • 0

1 305

Drawings: typical floor plan at elevation. +3,600, plan of floor slabs at elevation. +3,400, foundation plan at elevation. -2.458, roof plan, plan of covering slabs at elevation. +34,400, facade 1-14, section 1-1, section 2-2. Residential apartment building of industrial type from fully prefabricated structures. Available without VIP. For free.

Category with free drawings, projects and 3D / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

A little history

Since the urbanization process is still in the expansion stage, a city center with private buildings is complete nonsense. The population of large cities is increasing from year to year. Therefore, the problem of people's resettlement remains constantly pressing.

Cities cannot expand indefinitely. The seizure of agricultural land for residential areas cannot lead to anything good. And covering significant distances to get to the right place is also not an option for residents of megacities.

Apartment buildings are nothing new. But the building, capable of housing a hundred families in an area that was previously occupied by 2-3 private buildings, has become a kind of lifesaver. After all, if you resettle this number of people into one-story houses, you will need to build up an entire block.

An area with standard nine-story buildings Source 3dvector-pro.ru

Actual floor height

Nine-story buildings in the post-Soviet space were built according to different standard designs. And, practically, everyone had their own ceiling height in the rooms. In most cases, this depended on the use of panels, which also had different sizes.

Unites the height of the ceilings of all buildings of nine floors and above only one. They are all larger than the Khrushchev standard provided. And it ranged from 2.45 to 2.55 meters. But after the change of state leader, construction standards were also replaced. It was decided that Soviet residents should breathe much more freely.

Modern nine-story building Source ruzray.ru

Therefore, in nine-story buildings with new layouts one could find ceilings whose height varied from 2.65 to 2.75 meters. The change of power brought new meanings and new brick buildings of nine floors began to have ceilings up to 2.85 meters. As for modern high-rise buildings, you can see in them the distance from the floor to the arch as much as 3 meters and 20 centimeters. True, only some elite apartments have such dimensions.

All panel houses had minimum parameters. The brick buildings were already distinguished by their large space. And the most optimal dimensions came from monolithic structures. The technology for their construction was developed not so long ago, so only modern buildings have really high ceilings.

General information

Naturally, a multi-storey plan-project of a multi-storey building can only be carried out by professionals, and they must have extensive experience in performing such work. The premises should be located as compactly as possible, but at the same time convenient. An extremely important indicator is the provision of residential buildings with a large amount of sunlight. For this reason, all drawings are drawn up and rechecked several times by specialists.

What kind of layout can the house have?

The main difference between houses may be the architectural and planning solutions. In other words, we are talking about a systemic type of apartment arrangement. So, the plan of a multi-storey building with a large number of floors can be of different types.

  1. Sectional is the most popular option, and can be seen by visiting almost all five-story houses built in the last 50 years. A floor is a landing with several adjoining apartments, usually from 2 to 4. The shape and size of the landing can vary greatly, and apartments usually have from 1 to 3 rooms, due to which each family can choose the option that suits them. A common entrance for each floor and a separate one for each apartment provides not only economy, but also excellent isolation of apartments from each other. This was the main reason for the incredible popularity of the sectional type of planning, and the number of entrances in a large number of cases ranges from 4 to 12 (sometimes 16) floors, everything will depend on the wishes of the developer who has the land plot and the hardness of the ground.

  2. Point - such houses are called “towers”, and they are a type of sectional buildings. The floor plan in them is exactly the same as in a sectional type house. But unlike point-type sectional houses, they usually consist of one entrance. With a small free area allocated for construction, and even when working with poor soil and terrain, point-type houses are excellent if the plan was calculated correctly.

  3. Corridor - houses of this type are much less common, and they differ in that the staircase landing is a long corridor that has one (sometimes two) exits to the staircase. The apartments here open onto a corridor, and the main disadvantage of this option is the one-sided apartment orientation and not the best residential isolation from each other. For this reason, a corridor apartment layout is usually found in the construction of hotels, small families and hostels.
  4. Gallery - such houses are very similar to corridor ones, and the main difference is the presence of an open gallery, the exit to which is available in each of the apartments. They are located on each floor and stretch along the longitudinal building walls. such a solution will provide high quality ventilation to every apartment, even very small ones. They are also economic - a small number of elevators and stairs (if the building has more than 5 floors) serves many apartments.

    But the difficulty of installing high-quality thermal insulation makes houses of this type not very popular in the Russian Federation, which are characterized by the severity of the climate. But they have found incredibly widespread use in most Western countries, including Holland, the USA, France and England.

Let's move on to the preparation process.

Projects of 2- and 3-storey houses (reusable and series 1-2xx)

Projects of 2- and 3-story houses 1941-1957

List of all series and projects

All photographs of buildings in this series
○ Series 994


Reusable projects of 2-story residential buildings (1941-1957)

TsAM Soyuztransproekt projects

Series 1-2хх

Database statistics

Belarus, Vitebsk region21
Belarus, Gomel region18
Belarus, Grodno region26
Belarus, Minsk120
Belarus, Minsk region41
Belarus, Mogilev region39
Kazakhstan, Almaty14
Kazakhstan, Karaganda region5
Moldova, Administrative-territorial units of the left bank of the Dniester6
Russia, Arkhangelsk region7
Russia, Vladimir region2
Russia, Volgograd region19
Russia, Voronezh region149
Russia, Ivanovo region38
Russia, Irkutsk region18
Russia, Krasnoyarsk region12
Russia, Leningrad region122
Vsevolozhsk district, other villages P. 3
Named after Morozov7
Named after Sverdlov3
Priozersky district, other villages P. 6
Russia, Moscow region63
Mozhaisk district, other villages P. 1
Russia, Murmansk region7
Russia, Nenets Autonomous Okrug12
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region46
Nizhny Novgorod25
Russia, Omsk region64
Russia, Orenburg region4
Russia, Oryol region6
Russia, Perm region77
Permsky district, other settlements1
Russia, Pskov region3
Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan54
Russia, Republic of Buryatia9
Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)1
Russia, Republic of Tatarstan45
Russia, Samara region6
Russia, Saint-Petersburg236
Red Village4
Saint Petersburg218
Russia, Sverdlovsk region26
Upper Pyshma3
Russia, Smolensk region1
Russia, Stavropol region3
Mineral water2
Russia, Tver region1
Russia, Tomsk region1
Russia, Tula region16
Kimovsky district, other settlements12
Russia, Udmurt Republic13
Russia, Ulyanovsk region1
Russia, Khabarovsk region17
Sovetskaya Gavan14
Russia, Chelyabinsk region3
Russia, Chuvash Republic1
Russia, Yaroslavl region22
Pereslavl district, other settlements5
Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region25
Krivoy Rog20
Ukraine, Zaporozhye region16
Ukraine, Lugansk region8
Lisichansk, Novodruzhesk1
Ukraine, Nikolaev region3
Ukraine, Odessa region48
Ukraine, Poltava region5
Ukraine, Sumy region2
Ukraine, Ternopil region2
Ukraine, Kharkov region46
Zmievsky district, Slobozhanskoye town10
Kegichevsky district, other settlements1
Kharkov district, other settlements2
Ukraine, Kherson region1
Ukraine, Cherkasy region3
Czech Republic, Moravian-Silesian region39
Estonia, Ida-Viru County142
Estonia, Lääne-Viru County8
Estonia, Rapla County2
Estonia, Harju County56
Total in the database1803

List of all series and projects

All photographs of buildings in this series
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Heating and ventilation project for a 9-storey residential building KPD N8 in the N20a microdistrict in Gomel


September 2, 2021

  • 0


Working draft. Contains drawings: general data, technical underground plan, heating system pipeline diagram, 1st floor plan, 2-9 floor plan, heating system riser diagram, thermal input for hot water supply and heating systems with an elevator and façade regulation, UV-5 input unit for heating and hot water supply, flow control unit

Ventilation, air conditioning / Water supply, drainage, sewerage

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