How to clear a blockage
How to clear a clogged sink - a step-by-step guide on what to do if the water won't drain. Review of the best ways, how and with what to break through a blockage
/Order/ Using household items and some products from the medicine cabinet or kitchen cabinet, you
Storage water heaters – electric and gas
Rating of TOP 10 storage gas water heaters. Tips on how to choose a reliable model
What are gas storage water heaters? Which companies make the best models? Cumulative rating
How to hang a cabinet on a plasterboard wall
Is it possible to hang and attach heavy shelves on a plasterboard wall: selection and installation of fasteners, methods and options for do-it-yourself fastening
Drywall is a universal building material that is in great demand. The easiest way to do this is with it
Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes: main stages of self-welding + table of values
In the material about polypropylene pipes, I briefly explained what these pipes are. Now a little
pouring a cement ceiling in a house
Types of materials for sealing seams in panel houses: mastic, sealant, polyurethane foam and others
The ceiling in the interior has never received much attention. This is often a plain, white canvas. Popular
Repair in winter
Where to start renovating a bathroom in a new building? Sequence of work
If you ask any person whether he would like to do repairs in winter, most will answer: of course
The shower smells like sewage, what should I do and why does it stink in the shower?
Causes of odors from sewer pipes Stale air in the bathroom can arise not only
Boar tiles for the bathroom: features of beautiful installation + advantages and disadvantages of using finishing in decoration
What is a hog tile? Previously, “hog” tiles were used for façade cladding. The tiles were used for
Example of ceiling lighting
At what distance should lamps be installed on the ceiling?
11/17/2016 master Repairing the ceiling is quite a responsible undertaking, which, among other things, is associated with
The compressor does not turn off when the set pressure is reached
A compressor is a technically complex device, the parts and components of which wear out over time and fail.
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