Rating of TOP 10 storage gas water heaters. Tips on how to choose a reliable model

What are gas storage water heaters? Which companies make the best models? Rating of storage gas water heaters depending on tank volume.

Gas is one of the most inexpensive sources of thermal energy. Therefore, many people prefer to buy gas water heaters to provide themselves with hot water.

The household appliances market offers many models with such characteristics.

Let's look at the best gas storage water heaters and what to look for when purchasing.

Rating of the TOP 10 best storage gas water heaters

The best models with a volume of 50 liters
#1Ariston S/SGA 50
#2Ariston SGA 50
The best models with a volume of 100 liters
#1Ariston SGA 100
#2BAXI SAG3 100
The best models from 150 to 300 liters
#1American Water Heater PROLine GX-61-40T40-3NV
#2American Water Heater PROLine G-61-50T40-3NV
#3Ariston SGA 200
#4Ariston SGA 150
#5Ariston NHRE 26
#6BAXI SAG3 300

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What is a gas storage water heater?

Keep in mind! Operating principle of gas storage structures:

  1. At the bottom of the housing there is a burner, which releases heat when burning gas. Its task is to generate heat and direct it into the flame tube.
  2. The walls of the heated pipe come into contact with cold water to convert it into hot water - heat exchange occurs.
  3. The heated water is located in a tank covered with thermal insulation material. This ensures that the temperature remains high for a long time.

The first heating is carried out within half an hour, then the energy is directed to maintaining the temperature.

Top brands manufacturers

For your information! High quality storage gas water heaters are produced under the following brands:

  1. Ariston. A company that produces equipment in Italy. Manufactured products are sold in more than 150 countries around the world. Water heaters from Ariston are made of stainless steel, enameled, coated with silver ions for reliable protection against corrosion.
  2. BOSCH. A German manufacturer that occupies a leading position in the sale of household appliances. Water heaters of this brand are not only of high quality and wear resistance, but are also characterized by the speed of heating water.
  3. Electrolux. Heating equipment is characterized by a modern exterior and a large number of additional functions.
  4. A.E.G. Another German brand. The equipment has simple and convenient functionality, comfortable to use.
  5. Timberk. A Swedish manufacturer that specializes in the production of climate control equipment. Water heaters are characterized by high heating speed and safe operation.

Types of water heaters and criteria for their comparison

All water heating devices for household needs are divided into 2 groups: storage boilers and instantaneous hot water columns. The first are a tank of a certain volume, where water is heated in various ways to a maximum of 75 ° C, after which it can be used. Flow-through heaters (aka columns) are designed to “on the fly” raise the temperature of the flow passing through the heat exchanger.

The main element of a storage water heating device is a tank with a capacity of 35...200 liters

The stores sell 3 types of water heating devices for private houses and apartments:

  • electric and gas water heaters;
  • storage boilers running on electricity or natural gas;
  • indirect heating boilers.

Users are usually interested in which option is better - a gas water heater or an electric water heater, since these 2 types are the most popular.

The secret of popularity is quite simple. These household appliances are superior in quality to others: they are more reliable, more efficient and cheaper. Installing an electric speaker is more difficult - the device consumes a lot of power, so it is not suitable for installation in an apartment with old wiring or a low power limit.

Due to the absence of a tank, the dimensions of flow-through heaters are much smaller

A gas storage water heater for hot water also cannot be classified as a popular household appliance. The speaker is more convenient to use, and it’s easier to install. In turn, an indirect heating storage boiler is used in conjunction with another heat source - a heating boiler. These hot water tanks hold 100...300 liters, take up a lot of space and are offered in 2 versions: floor-mounted and wall-mounted.

We will compare an electric boiler and a gas water heater according to 3 criteria:

  • equipment price;
  • complexity of installation;
  • ease of use.

But first, it doesn’t hurt to look at all the advantages and disadvantages of these water heating devices.

Key parameters when choosing

Important! When purchasing a specific model, you should pay special attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Tank material. Leading manufacturers offer water heaters made of stainless steel, enameled, and titanium coated. Stainless steel is the best option, providing long service life and protection from corrosive damage. Enameled models are budget equipment and are easily subject to mechanical damage. Titanium coating is similar to stainless steel and also provides good wear resistance to the device.
  2. Burner type. There are atmospheric and closed ones. The choice depends on the technical conditions in the room.
  3. Volume of the tank. It is calculated based on the number of people living in the house.
  4. A type of ignition. Automatic - runs on mains power or batteries. Piezo ignition - performed manually, the wick is constantly working.
  5. Power. The higher this indicator, the faster the water heats up.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

It is possible to give a definite answer about the benefits of purchasing a gas or electric water heater only taking into account the purpose of purchasing this equipment and the characteristics of the room where it will be installed:

In retail chains, markets and online stores you can find a huge selection of water heaters for every taste and budget. However, the most important thing is to take into account the characteristics of the room where you are going to install this equipment. Do not forget about the purpose of the purchase, because if this equipment is needed only for a couple of days a year when there is no hot water, you should not buy a very powerful boiler.

Don’t rush into purchasing - carefully analyze your conditions and needs, and then you will definitely be able to find the right option for you and your family members.

What type of water heating equipment did you choose? Share your experience of use with other visitors to our site, tell us if you are satisfied with your device or if you think you made a mistake in your choice? Express your opinion, participate in the discussion - the comment form is located below.

The best models with a volume of 50 liters

A fairly compact variation for obtaining uninterrupted hot water supply . Let's consider the best models designed to heat 50 liters.

2 best models in this category.

Ariston S/SGA 50

An indispensable device in homes where there are frequent interruptions in the supply of hot water.

The model is easy to operate. Has an enameled surface on the inside.

Operational safety is ensured by gas control and protection against overheating/freezing.


  • thermal power - 2.9 kW;
  • type of ignition - piezo ignition;
  • control type - mechanical;
  • dimensions - 495x675x495 mm;
  • weight - 27 kg.


  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • ergonomics;
  • stylish exterior;
  • simple and comfortable control.


  • not always high-quality assembly;
  • high price;
  • short warranty period - only 1 year.

Ariston SGA 50

A simple and easy-to-use model that dynamically heats water.

The design is quite easy to install and does not require much space.

The inside of the tank is covered with enamel, which provides protection against corrosion.

The only caveat is that you should protect the outer surface from mechanical damage.


  • thermal power - 2.9 kW;
  • type of ignition - electric ignition;
  • control type - mechanical;
  • dimensions - 495x495x315 mm;
  • weight - 26 kg.


  • reliable design;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • comfortable control;
  • fast water heating;
  • good equipment.


  • high price;
  • not available in all stores;
  • makes noise when heating.

Boilers with double heat exchanger

This is the most compact and inexpensive design solution. The gas burner heats one heat exchanger, divided into two independent sectors for hot water and coolant. One circuit is inside the other. They are united only by the metal of the converter and do not mix in any way.

However, there are also significant disadvantages of the bithermal design. To increase efficiency, the sectors of the circuits are located very close and different-temperature fluid in them can strain and deform the entire structure. Corrosion in this system is also increased and requires high-quality water and coolant, otherwise the narrow channels will simply become overgrown with scale and become clogged.

The best models with a volume of 100 liters

Water heaters with a 100-liter tank will be a good alternative to central hot water supply. Let's consider the best models with this parameter.

Ariston SGA 100

This device is very powerful, thanks to which it heats a full tank within 30 minutes.

The device has a classic design, so it will be a good addition to a modern interior.

Economical to maintain, does not require special technical skills to configure and manage.


  • thermal power - 4.4 kW;
  • type of ignition - electric ignition;
  • control type - mechanical;
  • dimensions - 495x635x495 mm;
  • weight - 26 kg.


  • efficiency;
  • compact dimensions;
  • reliability;
  • Beautiful design;
  • quiet in operation;
  • water pressure at a stable temperature.


  • high price;
  • some consumers complain that the device leaks after 1-2 years of operation;
  • weak equipment.


An economical and durable device that provides a large supply of hot water.

The water heater can fully function with reduced gas and water pressure.

Stably maintains a high temperature regardless of the current flow rate.

The system is equipped with an adjustable thermostat.


  • thermal power - 5.3 kW;
  • type of ignition - piezo ignition;
  • control type - mechanical;
  • dimensions - 440x1140x440 mm;
  • weight - 39 kg.


  • high build quality;
  • fast heating;
  • uniform water temperature;
  • efficiency;
  • works quietly.


  • subject to corrosive damage;
  • high price;
  • bulky design;
  • heavy weight.

What to choose - boiler or column

The first thing that worries the average user when choosing any product is the price. But an electric storage water heater and a gas water heater are completely different devices in terms of operation. This means that their cost can be compared only on one basis - the ability to provide hot water to a family of 3 people.

As an example, let’s take fairly reliable devices in the mid-price category - a flow-through heater from the NEVA brand and a 50-liter Gorenje boiler. That's what came out of it:


  1. If we take a geyser from the Gorenje brand for comparison, it will cost even less than the Neva - about 135 USD. e.
  2. The table shows the electrical power of the boiler, but it is almost equal to the thermal power.

Conclusion. In terms of the price of the equipment, the hot water heater running on natural gas clearly wins.

Comparison of installation and connection complexity

This criterion plays an important role because it is associated with certain costs – financial and time. When comparing, we will not take into account the cold and hot water supply; it is present in both cases. The installation features of different water heaters are described in the comparison table:

Conclusion. Although some difficulties arise when installing a heavy and large boiler, in general it is much easier and cheaper to install and connect it than a gas water heater. If desired, you can install the storage heater yourself.

Ease of use

Having analyzed all the pros and cons of operating household water heating devices, we will collect them in one list:

  1. The column heats the water immediately after opening the tap, which is very comfortable. The boiler takes time to prepare water - from 1 to 3 hours, depending on its temperature and tank volume.
  2. The storage device produces a high flow rate and supplies several consumers at once. When drawing water at 2-3 points, the column does not have time to heat the water and its temperature drops.
  3. A flow-through gas heater heats water indefinitely. The duration of supply from the boiler depends on its capacity.

Over the years of operation, scale accumulates in the tank and on the surface of the heating element, and the magnesium anode is destroyed

Speaking about operation, we should not forget about equipment maintenance. In this regard, a storage electric water heater is more reliable, since it only requires periodic cleaning of the tank and replacement of the anode. Gas water heaters are complex devices and not everyone can maintain and repair them.

Conclusion. It is still more convenient to use flow-through devices, provided that they have enough thermal power for all needs. Another thing is maintenance and repair; in this regard, maintaining the boiler will be cheaper.

Maintenance work on a gas-fired hot water heater should be entrusted to a specialist.

The best models from 150 to 300 liters

Models with such a large volume can be used for both household and industrial purposes . Let's look at the best options.

TOP-6 rating of the most popular devices from 150 to 300 liters in terms of price and quality ratio.

American Water Heater PROLine GX-61-40T40-3NV

A premium unit with appropriate quality and functionality.

The reliability of this device is ensured by a heating temperature limiter.

This makes it possible not to use it to the maximum, which significantly extends its service life.

It should be remembered that sudden changes in temperature must be avoided, since the internal coating is made of glass ceramics.


  • tank volume - 151 l;
  • thermal power - 10.2 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open;
  • highest heating temperature - 70 degrees;
  • dimensions - 457x1530x457 mm;
  • weight - 55.4 kg.


  • reliable assembly;
  • rapid heating of water;
  • efficiency;
  • strength;
  • long service life.


  • requires special conditions of use so that the internal coating does not deteriorate;
  • high price;
  • noisy work.

American Water Heater PROLine G-61-50T40-3NV

A device with a modern design and non-bulky design.

Ideal for houses with a large number of residents, since the tank volume allows the use of hot water in unlimited quantities.

This also makes it possible to maintain the temperature for a long time.


  • tank volume - 190 l;
  • thermal power - 11.7 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open;
  • highest heating temperature - 70 degrees;
  • dimensions - 508x1450x508 mm;
  • weight - 67.2 kg.


  • dynamic heating;
  • long warranty period - 6 years;
  • long period of operation;
  • reliability;
  • ergonomics;
  • simple controls.


  • installation difficulties;
  • uninformative instructions;
  • makes noise during operation.

Ariston SGA 200

A reliable unit that is economical to maintain.

The water heater is easy to control and configure.

Difficulties may arise during installation, so it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

Produces water at a comfortable temperature.

The large tank volume completes the pleasant impression of the device.


  • tank volume - 195 l;
  • thermal power - 8.65 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open;
  • highest heating temperature - 75 degrees;
  • dimensions - 495x1700x495 mm;
  • weight - 61 kg.


  • produces a large amount of hot water in a short time;
  • reliable assembly;
  • wear resistance;
  • reasonable cost;
  • equipped with power and heating indicators for added comfort;
  • Retains temperature for a long time.


  • There is no thermometer included;
  • the outer surface is easily subject to mechanical damage;
  • prone to breakdowns.

Ariston SGA 150

The ideal combination of price and quality, perfect for a large family.

This unit heats the water quickly enough and maintains a high temperature for a long time.

Relatively compact dimensions do not require a separate space for installation.

This model is easy to operate.


  • tank volume - 155 l;
  • thermal power - 7.22 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open;
  • highest heating temperature - 75 degrees;
  • dimensions - 495x1450x495 mm;
  • weight - 53 kg.


  • easy installation;
  • good build quality;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • durability;
  • simple controls.


  • no thermometer included;
  • there is no damper for the exhaust pipe, with it the temperature would remain longer;
  • high price.

Ariston NHRE 26

A very large device that can be installed not only in residential buildings, but also for public premises.

The tank volume is 275 liters.

This amount can provide hot water to many people.

Despite this scale, the device is economical and easy to maintain.


  • tank volume - 275 l;
  • thermal power - 28.9 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open;
  • highest heating temperature - 75 degrees;
  • dimensions - 700x1840x781 mm;
  • weight - 171 kg.


  • efficiency;
  • large supply of hot water;
  • comfortable control;
  • wear resistance;
  • reliable design.


  • high price;
  • very noisy when heating water;
  • bulkiness.


Floor standing water heater with large-scale performance.

A mechanically controlled unit that does not require technical knowledge and skills to operate.

Allows you to heat water to a temperature of 70 degrees.

It is possible to connect to several points in parallel.


  • tank volume - 300 l;
  • thermal power - 29.3 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open;
  • highest heating temperature - 70 degrees;
  • dimensions - 650x1680x650 mm;
  • weight - 137 kg.


  • provides a large volume of hot water;
  • low cost;
  • simple controls;
  • efficiency;
  • makes virtually no sounds.


  • unreliable design - the water heater leaks after several years of operation;
  • bulkiness;
  • weak equipment.

What is the difference between a system with a single-circuit boiler and a gas water heater?

Abandoning the universality of two heating circuits in favor of specialization leads to a significant simplification of the control system and an increase in its reliability.

This system allows:

  1. Autonomously heat a building using any coolant, regardless of hot water consumption.
  2. Heat the required amount of water while maintaining its temperature, regardless of distance from the boiler.
  3. Failure or shutdown of one of the systems as unnecessary does not entail consequences for the other circuit.

The disadvantages of this approach are already known:

  1. The total cost of installed equipment is significantly higher than with a universal scheme.
  2. The requirements of regulations SP 62.13330 (formerly SNiP 42-01-2002) complicate and make the project more expensive.

The rules for installing two gas appliances prohibit placing them on top of each other; equipment manufacturers indicate in the instructions the minimum distances between them. Regulation SP 62.13330 defines the minimum area of ​​a room for joint installation of equipment up to 9 m2 and a ceiling height of more than 2.2 m, the gap under the door to the boiler room must be at least 5 cm. It is also worth noting the serious requirements for ventilation of the room.

Typical misleading photo. Above the floor-standing boiler there is a wall-mounted boiler, not a gas water heater. Subject to certain conditions, it is possible to install 2 boilers into one chimney, but not a gas water heater and a boiler.

The chimneys for both gas appliances must be separate; combining them completely violates the requirements of the regulations. Two gas connection points also make installation and obtaining permits more difficult and expensive.

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