Distance from floor to window: standard height according to GOST, in private houses according to SNiP

A housing parameter that is important for the homeowner to know is the height of the window from the floor according to the GOST standard. This directly affects lighting and safety. The distance from the floor to the window in apartments is standard, but in private houses it can vary significantly. But even in your cottage you should focus on generally accepted standards.

Distance from floor to tabletop according to SNiP and GOST standards

Why is the window height parameter important?

The comfort of all people living in the room depends on how high the window opening is located. Moreover, an illiterate solution is not only a window that is too low, but also a window that is too high. Balance required.

This setting affects:

An ill-chosen height makes the room under- or over-lit. If the window opening is too low, there is a higher risk of falling, for example, when washing it.

The window area is always more vulnerable to climate changes outside, which also affects the microclimate. And if this area is too high or low, it will disrupt the optimal air circulation in the room and the temperature regime.


From time to time you have to open a window or at least a window. It is important to wash the glass on both sides occasionally. And of course, all this is inconvenient to do if the height relative to the floor is chosen incorrectly. In addition, in such a room the lighting regime will generally be disrupted.

There will either be too much sunlight, or vice versa.

Aesthetic role

The window opening in the room ideally corresponds to the proper proportions. According to the canon, its area is 5.5–8 times less than the floor area. And of course, the distance from the floor to the ceiling should be approximately the same visually. At least in a typical interior. Otherwise the room will look ridiculous.

Fire safety: rules and regulations SNiP

It is possible to be 100% safe from fire. It is necessary to maintain the required distance between neighboring buildings, thereby reducing the risk of fire. With dense buildings, residential settlements may burn out completely. During construction, you need to rely on SNiP 21-01-97. The document is changed from time to time and supplemented with new clauses.

The standards specify the distances that must be observed during construction:

  • from the building to the neighboring plot;
  • between the house and the utility block on a personal yard;
  • between buildings in the utility block;
  • the distance between the buildings of a multi-storey residential complex.

When constructing and calculating the distance between buildings, the properties of the building material are taken into account

The interval depends on the degree of fire resistance:

  • concrete, brick - about 6 m;
  • concrete + wood – 8 m;
  • tree - at least 15 meters.

It is possible to build houses side by side if it is one cottage with two separate entrances.

Standard window height from the floor

Of course there are many options. It is not always worth following the standard. However, GOST is applied in apartments. At least in most houses. Below are the standards for different types of buildings in height.

Stalinka70 cm
Khrushchev buildings80 cm
New buildings from the 90s and 2000s90 cm
New buildings of the 2010s85 cm
Studio apartments80 cm

In Stalinka, the height is universal. After all, in a children’s room the standard height is 0.7 meters, but here this figure is in all rooms. Yes, for some it will be a little low, but the residents of such a house will not encounter problems with illumination and functionality of the window. Large and low windows are a consequence of the Art Deco style in architecture.

In Khrushchev-era buildings, the window height is set to the same height as in studios. This is perhaps the most familiar option for most middle-aged people. After all, they either grew up, or lived for a long time and still live in Khrushchev-era buildings. The height of 80 cm corresponds to the priorities that were set during the construction of these buildings - practicality and efficiency.

In new buildings, the height is usually either 85 cm or 90 cm. Many prefer 0.9 meters. However, now houses with a height of 85 cm are often built. These are tall multi-apartment structures, at least ten floors, and usually more.

Reducing the height is associated with saving space. The ceilings there are low. This is why developers manage to fit so many apartments into one building. If you look at such a building from the outside, you can see how small the distance between floors is.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the listed height standards is better. Yes, they are justified and established at different times, but until now each value is justified in practice. We should not forget that the location of the windows was taken into account by the architects when planning so that it in no way affected the stability and strength of the structure.

Before remodeling a window opening, it is important to make sure that this will not lead to critical consequences. And this can easily end up happening if one or more experienced architects are not involved. Such redevelopment must always be agreed upon. And even in this case, if something goes wrong, the owner of the premises will ultimately be primarily responsible.

Arbitrage practice

The minimum distance between buildings on adjacent plots of three meters is fixed in urban planning standards. The same rules correspond to the sanitary provision of citizens. In this case, fire safety will be significantly compromised. A safe distance at which no claims will be made by the Ministry of Emergency Situations is established by SP 53.13330.2011. If all norms are not observed, the building may be recognized by the court as an unauthorized construction. Such structures are subject to mandatory demolition.

The mildest option in this case would be a court order to move the building. Often such strict rules are simply impossible to comply with. A written agreement between neighbors would be a good help in this case. Under no circumstances should you negotiate verbally. Neighborhood relationships are a separate type of cooperation. You should not rely on maintaining mutual understanding.

To defend your right to preserve the structure, you may have to additionally hire experts. These specialists will have to prove that despite the violation of the permissible dimensions, the danger of fire spreading is minimal. If you have no experience in participating in court hearings, it will be useful to seek help from a lawyer. He will be able to fully prepare for the meeting and, if necessary, involve witnesses.

If you have doubts about the possibility of constructing a property, you can contact the municipality directly. This is due to the fact that even the Administration can act as a plaintiff. Even if the neighbors have no complaints and act as witnesses in court, the decision in any case will be in favor of the state. This is due to the fact that Emergency Situations Ministry employees react more sharply to requests from municipal authorities. In addition, the administration often argues about the location of communications.

The distance between houses depends not only on urban planning, but also on fire regulations. It is the fire building regulations that have the most stringent requirements. Often, they are simply impossible. It is quite problematic to fit a house, a barn and a garage on six acres of land. A free-standing toilet will become an unattainable luxury, because it must be located 12 meters from a residential building.

Other window height options

In a private house it is already possible to “turn around”. But here it is also better to take into account accepted norms. According to SNiP, when placing a window from the floor in a private house, different types of premises require different heights. Below are the standards for the main types of premises found in the home of the average family.

Kitchen90 cm
Living room90 cm
Bathroom, toilet or sauna130 cm
Bedroom100 cm
Loggia or balcony100 cm
Children's70 cm

For other rooms, a distance from the floor to a standard window of 90 cm is suitable. This is a balanced distance that will create good illumination and the microclimate of the house.

In addition, it will be convenient and pleasant. After all, windows that are too high or too low will not please the eye with the landscape and are unlikely to decorate the room. These parameters are also relevant for wooden houses made of timber. This is not a minimum or maximum level, but an optimal one.

However, if you want something special, other options are possible. For the first and even second floor, an interesting choice would be to glaze almost the entire space from floor to ceiling. In this case, the bottom of the window will almost visually merge with the floor.

It is possible to combine two floors by removing the stairs and the attic. Such planning will provide unprecedented space and a creative environment. This is an excellent solution for broad-minded people who want to create optimal working conditions around themselves.

This solution will also help to visually increase the space, if required.

Another thing is that such a step sometimes comes at the expense of comfort. Even if it is possible to cover the windows with electric blinds. This still cannot be compared with windows with a rounded top shape and a wooden frame. Classics are classics, and hi-tech or other modern trends will never replace them. Just add some color.

Distribution of territorial zones

Each standard used to determine the distance directly between high-rise and other buildings necessarily takes into account the distribution of territories in the city. The peculiarities of operation, intended purpose, in accordance with urban planning regulations, and the presence of environmental and sanitary zones are taken into account. Separately, territories are allocated for general use, which can be occupied by streets, driveways, squares, embankments, roads, parks, reservoirs and other objects aimed at meeting the public needs of the population. You can learn about the procedure for exploiting public land from local authorities, since they are the ones who develop regional legislative acts.

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Urban planning activities may also be limited if there is a historical building nearby, a cultural reserve, an area where cultural and historical monuments are protected, a specially protected natural area, a coastal protective strip, an area with minerals, territory , where development is prohibited due to the possible occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies.

If you want something else

Sometimes even the most intricate design catalogs fail to satisfy the searcher. After all, the flight of your imagination is incomparable with someone else’s. But, unlike painting, architecture is much more demanding of the creator. She doesn't forgive mistakes. So no matter how broad the imagination, it is always worth thinking about the possibility or impossibility of practical application.

Many people want to see the distance between the floor and the window small. This is understandable, because it is in this case that the room will look extremely spacious. However, it is important to choose windows that will be strong enough if an adult accidentally falls on them.

Sometimes a room with windows in the form of portholes without window sills will be an interesting option. For example, in the style of an ocean liner. Here a distance of 1.5 meters or more is possible. It all depends on the size of the window. However, this is not typical for most homes and therefore requires assessment by an architect.

Some people prefer artistic chaos to orderliness and symmetry. For example, a combination of windows of different geometric shapes, including triangles and trapezoids. This is perhaps the most difficult option of all.

Despite all the diversity, in the end, windows should ideally meet the standards of safety, lighting and creating a microclimate in the room. And, of course, it’s worth thinking about how convenient such windows will be.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to install the standard option - a regular rectangular window. The height from the floor should be the recommended one or close to it. Such windows seem uninteresting at first glance, but there is one important nuance.

When choosing a room design, it is important not to be guided by the first impression of a particular concept, but to look into the future. The variety of all kinds of geometric shapes, amazing the imagination, tires over time. At the same time, boring-looking ordinary windows will be perceived no worse over the years, but simply as a familiar element of the interior.

Legislator on distance standards

Houses must be built according to established rules

The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates many areas of life. The construction and reconstruction of real estate is no exception, therefore everything related to their implementation is covered in a number of legislative acts.

Some provisions in these documents are advisory in nature, others are mandatory. In any case, compliance with the norms regulated by laws will definitely not be superfluous, because the feasibility of their use has been confirmed by experts and time-tested.

In order not to lose such important information, before building their site, every citizen of our country should familiarize themselves with the information from:

  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (GSC RF);
  • Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”;
  • Technical regulations and recommendations of the Government of the Russian Federation; relevant GOSTs;
  • Code of Design and Construction Rules in the Russian Federation;
  • Construction norms and rules (SNiP).

Ideally, it is advisable for a potential “developer” to thoroughly study all the submitted acts. However, if you don’t have enough time, it’s enough to look through the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and study the SNiP requirements in detail. It is these regulations that contain the most important information on “construction” issues in Russia, including those being considered today.


If you want to take a risk and bring your wildest fantasies to life, you should first consult with an architect. Regarding the shape and dimensions of the window, its height from the floor. Perhaps dreams do not coincide with reality. Then installing such windows is impossible.

If, on the contrary, you want to make everything simpler, it is better to be guided by standards in all aspects. Perhaps someday views on what the distance to the floor from the window should be will change, but it is unlikely that these changes will be significant. Because a certain limit of architectural thought has already been reached.

Here's what to consider when choosing this height in a private home:

Sometimes it is more practical to make the windows small. For example, where there is little sun and a cold, damp climate, somewhere in the northern regions close to the ocean. In sunny latitudes, on the contrary, it is better to make large windows, like in Stalin buildings, in order to more effectively use the abundance of daylight and moonlight.

And it is better to choose the distance to the floor as 70 cm. And everywhere except the bathroom. In a private home, it is also worth considering the height of the flooring. If it is tall, then the height to the window will be less.

If we are talking about an apartment, you should think ten times before remodeling. In any case, the owner will be responsible. Moreover, most likely, no one will give permission for this. And for good reason.

At a minimum, the appearance of an apartment building, where everyone changes the height of their windows, will be strange and unaesthetic.

Since the 1930s, in homes and public buildings such as schools, windows have been located at an acceptable height relative to the floor. And in brick, and in panel, and in buildings made of aerated concrete. So there is no practical sense in remodeling window openings. If you want something of your own, it is better to immediately buy or build a private house.

The distance from the window to the floor is an important aspect for any room. It determines how much light the room will have. In addition, this plays an important role in the microclimate of the room. The parameter also affects safety. This is why it is worth considering the standards, even if we are talking about a private home.


Residential building in the village of individual housing construction

Unlike the owners of land plots in the SNT, the owners of plots for individual housing construction are guided by a different regulatory document - SP 30-102-99. For low-rise construction, the norms for distances between buildings on the individual housing construction site are the same as in SNT, but there are also differences:

  1. From the windows of a residential building to the walls of the house, drainage, bathhouse, neighbor’s garage - 6 m.
  2. The construction of separate garages and premises for keeping small livestock and poultry is not allowed - these objects must be attached or built into a residential building.

The Code of Rules says nothing about the height of fences surrounding local areas. This parameter is regulated at the level of administration of the municipality on the territory of which the settlement is located.

Location of windows in the wall and their heating

Distance from window to ceiling

The optimal distance from the ceiling to the top of the window is 240-250 mm - this way the sun's rays can reach the most remote corners of the room.

What not to forget when determining the distance from the ceiling to the top of the window:

Photo: for curtains, it is better to choose in advance the shape of the cornice and the method of hanging the curtains themselves. For example, curtains with grommets require at least 100 mm above the cornice

Distance from window to walls

This size is determined by two parameters - the type of wall decoration and, again, the shape of the cornice.

On average, about 250 mm from window to wall is enough for any decoration and any cornice.

Distance from window to floor and heating

This is the most difficult size, which depends on many factors.

The first thing to consider is the size of the heating appliances. To prevent the window from becoming covered with condensation, it must have access to warm air from the radiator. Therefore, the distance from the window sill to the battery should be 80-120 mm. There should be at least 100 mm from the battery to the clean floor for comfortable cleaning. It turns out that with a battery height of 300 mm, the distance from the finished floor to the window will be about 500 mm.

The second factor is the purpose of the room and the furniture that is planned in it.

For example, a window in the kitchen. Now it is fashionable to create a countertop with a sink and a work area under the window.

Attention! The countertop combined with the window sill must have through holes for warm air from the radiator. You can close them with beautiful ventilation grilles.

Features of panoramic windows

Fashionable full-wall windows require the most careful approach, especially from a heating point of view. Without a heating device, the panoramic window will become covered with condensation.

Photo: a floor radiator cannot be placed close to the glass. Minimum distance – 30 cm

Photo: floor convector designed for heating a room with panoramic windows

Attention! For panoramic sliding doors without a threshold, this is the only possible option for heating and cutting off cold air from the street.

Photo: a wall-mounted radiator will not warm the entire window space

Photo: heated baseboard - an ideal solution for panoramic windows Taking into account all of the above factors, you can decide on the size of the windows. In order for it to serve for a long time and without failure, you need to take into account the characteristics of the material - the rigidity of the profile and the capabilities of the fittings.

How does the distance between racks depend on the type of cargo?

The distance between warehouse racks also depends on what products are loaded into the cells.

If the storage facility is intended for storing car tires, then the following proportions are relevant for the distances between the storage racks.

The width of the longitudinal passage must be at least 1.2 m, and the width of the transverse passages to emergency exits must be at least 4.5 m. The number of the latter is determined based on the length of the entire warehouse: for every 25 m between the axes of the doorways there must be one passage, however, it should be no more than 25 m from the transverse wall.

These requirements for the distances between warehouse racks are not determined spontaneously; they are dictated by fire safety rules.

Special requirements for the distances between warehouse racks apply to storage facilities in which batteries are stored.

In this case, the following standards must be adhered to:

  1. The distance between the warehouse rack and the wall on which the heating device is mounted must be at least 0.75 m.
  2. The width of the passage for battery maintenance should not be less than 1 m for one-way maintenance and not less than 0.8 m for two-way maintenance.

Thus, comfortable operation of the warehouse is achieved by observing standard distances between warehouse racks and by meeting the requirements of the following regulations:

  • GOST 16140-77,
  • SNiP 31-04-2001,
  • GOST R 55525-2013,
  • SN 426-82,
  • GOST 16140-77.

If you follow the recommendations for designing the distances between warehouse racks, work in the warehouse will be comfortable and safe.

Window configuration depending on size

Window sizes depending on profile

The influence of profile strength on window size is mainly related to the thickness of the reinforcement (internal steel liner). The thicker the reinforcing profile and the more complex its shape, the larger the window size can be made.

For panoramic windows, the minimum reinforcement thickness should be 2 mm.

The maximum window sizes are individual for each company. They depend on the capabilities of the equipment and the materials used. The market average is 2500x3500 mm. Larger structures require special calculations to select the appropriate profile.

Photo: additional bends on the walls of the reinforcing profile increase strength. If the reinforcement is chosen incorrectly, the profile will bend under the weight of the double-glazed windows, temperature and wind load. Such windows rarely survive the first frost - their profile corners and double-glazed windows begin to crack.

Window sizes depending on fittings

The dimensions and weight of the opening window elements - sashes - depend on the capabilities of the fittings.

Incorrectly selected fittings will lead to:

Let's look at possible sash sizes using the example of windows with Roto fittings from a world-famous concern. The comparison shows three models of window fittings - Roto Ok (economy version for project construction), Roto NT (model with a 20-year history) and Roto NX (new for 2022).

Comparison of maximum sash sizes using Roto windows as an example

Construction typeAccessories modelMaximum sash dimensions
Standard windows (pivot, turn/tilt)OK1300240080
Tilt-and-turn children's windowsNT16002400130
Folding transomsOK130080050
NT, NX2400120080
Stud windows and doorsOK1300240080
Anti-burglary windowsNT14002400130
Windows for disabled peopleNT, NX1400160050
Arched windowsNT, NX1300190080
Trapezoid windowsNT, NX1300240080
Windows with automatic openingNT, NX + E-Tec Drive14002200100
Panoramic doors Roto
Accordion doorsPatio Fold12002800100
Lift and slide doorsPatio Life32352670400
Parallel sliding doorsPatio Alversa20002700200
Parallel sliding doorsPatio Inova15002500200
Parallel sliding doorsPatio PS2700200
Parallel sliding doors with forced operationPatio 100S, 160S1250 / 16502350 / 2700100 / 160
Parallel sliding doors with forced or automatic controlPatio 160Z, 200Z20002700160 / 200

As can be seen from the table, Roto NX fittings have maximum opening capabilities.

This is the result of the painstaking work of the company’s testing laboratories engineers.

Following the trend towards increasing window sizes, the manufacturer increased the thickness of the metal, which made it possible to obtain a loading capacity of the fittings of up to 150 kg.


The characteristics of window blocks largely determine the purpose of the premises inside the building.
Through window openings, not only the sun's rays enter inside, but also cold temperature and humidity. Therefore, if installed incorrectly, mold and dampness will settle inside the house. When making window openings, great importance is given to the material used to make the walls.

A window opening in a brick or concrete wall is made according to some parameters, but in a log house it must meet completely different standards.

Established standards and restrictions on window openings are of little demand in housing, especially in private construction. Owners of private housing under construction often choose their shape and size according to personal preferences.

Focusing on your own taste leads to the fact that finished windows turn out to be too small or too large. Sometimes they are installed in the wrong places. This approach causes the frames to skew, the sashes not to fit tightly, and condensation to form. Sometimes rain gets inside the window, and dew even appears on the walls of the apartment.

According to the rules, a window opening must appear in the wall during the construction process. These blocks are very rarely made in solid masonry.

The window opening must provide:

  • correct installation of frames;
  • reliability of fastening of the window structure;
  • sealing;
  • humidity output;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • decorativeness of the main part of the exterior and interior of housing.

The window frame should easily fit into the window opening. Internal and external window sills should not be fixed with thick mortar. There must be a niche for cladding.

The horizontal and vertical lines of the structure must be precisely measured. The top plank should not bend under the weight of the wall material. The type and location of windows must be selected according to standards.

To make the right choice, it is enough to study the typical parameters for window openings installed in residential or utility rooms.

In modern construction, ready-made PVC windows are mainly used. It turns out that initially it is wiser to choose products of standard sizes. It is easier and cheaper to adjust openings to standard structures.

Individual production of structures for existing openings is always an expensive pleasure. Finished windows and PVC in factories are manufactured according to the state standard, since builders at the construction of multi-storey buildings make openings according to the same state standard.

A generalized concept for modern GOSTs is the mandatory presence of quarters for openings. These are protrusions from the outside of the wall that must be of a certain size.

The presence of quarters will close the gap on the outside between the window frame and the wall. This will hide the mounting seal. The windows will receive better protection from blowing and moisture, and the entire structure looks more beautiful.

The position of windows in a brick house is calculated taking into account the size of the brick used.

A quarter is a corner of a facing brick that protrudes a quarter of its own size. Usually mounted inside the opening. A larger protrusion will interfere with the design of the side slopes. A smaller corner size will not guarantee frames falling out. Construction standards require a match accuracy of up to one centimeter.

Let us examine in more detail the parameters of window openings for walls made of different materials.

What else should you consider when calculating window sizes?

When choosing the size of a future window, you need to take into account the comfort of opening/closing the sash, namely the location of the handle.

As a standard, the handle is placed in the center of the sash. On high doors it may end up in a place that is inconvenient for constant use.

Photo: in Roto windows it is possible to move the handle down to a height of 500 mm or place it on the bottom of the sash*

An alternative option is automatic door opening with the Roto E-Tec Drive option.

Buy Roto windows in different sizes*

What shape should I choose for the window opening?

Today, window systems of almost any size and shape are available. The choice of solution depends on the style of the building and its purpose. Maximum light transmission for square window profiles. Those elongated vertically or horizontally transmit less light. Moreover, in a room with thick walls the difference is especially high. Among modern profiles, you can choose rectangular structures or windows of complex shapes: arched, triangular, trapezoidal, round. But more complex designs with a larger glass area are more expensive.

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