TOP 11 water filters for washing: rating of the best models + tips before purchasing

Water entering a private home from an external source is almost never completely clean and safe. Initially, it may contain not only mechanical impurities, but also dissolved salts, as well as microorganisms. Installing a water filter can solve the problem. Let's look at what a household filtering device is, what are the features of its design and what are the requirements for its installation, what criteria are used to choose it, as well as what types there are and what are their features.

Water filter installed under the kitchen sink Source

Features of water purification filters placed under the sink

As a matter of fact, their distinctive feature lies in the name.
The filters are installed under the kitchen sink and connected to the water supply pipes using special connections. A separate tap is located at the top, from which you can draw purified water. If there is not enough space under the sink, then wall placement is used as an alternative. The faucet, connected to the filter using a flexible connection, is also installed on the sink. If you look at the variety of these systems, it may seem that choosing the best filter is very difficult.

But, in fact, the whole choice consists of three stages:

  • Selecting a filter type.
  • Manufacturer's choice.
  • Model selection.

Cartridge replacement process

Now let's take a closer look at the process itself.

Printing replacement cartridges

First of all, let’s print out our replacement cartridges from the packages and look at them:

We turn off the water in the apartment

It is necessary to turn off both cold and hot water in the apartment. This is done using conventional ball valves on risers. You can read more about this in the article: Turning off risers in an apartment is easy.

Relieving pressure

I won't belabor the point here. Just after turning off the risers, open any cold and hot water tap. For those who have pressure gauges installed in their apartment's water supply system, the pressure should drop to zero for cold and hot water.

Turn off the tap on the filter

Then you need to turn off the tap that supplies water to the filter:

Remove the filter for ease of use

The filter that was once installed for you is usually not fixed, but simply placed in the kitchen cabinet. Therefore, for ease of work, we simply remove it from the cabinet.

Attention! There is no need to disconnect any supply hoses!

Changing cartridges

Replace the primary cleaning cartridge. To do this, place the key at the bottom of the cylinder and begin to unscrew:

This is what a removed cylinder with an old cartridge looks like and a new cartridge next to it:

As you can see, the changes are quite serious. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to change filters every 0.5 years - a year.

We install a new cartridge (either side) and screw the cylinder back on.

Let's move on to the next filter - complex cleaning. We turn the key from below and unscrew the cylinder:

Unlike the previous cartridge, after removing the central cylinder you need to unscrew the old cartridge by hand (it has a thread on top). After removing the cartridge, you will see the following picture:

When installing, the procedure is reversed. First you need to screw on the new cartridge by hand:

And only then, screw the cylinder with a key.

So, let's move on to the last water purification filter. The procedure is repeated. Use a wrench to unscrew the cylinder:

We see the same picture: the filter is clogged and needs to be replaced:

We install a new cartridge and tighten the cylinder with a wrench.

If the cartridges have not been changed for a very long time

Let's make a small digression. But what if, by some absurd accident, you completely forgot about the filters and the fact that the cartridges in them need to be changed? More than a year has already passed, or maybe more than two years, and now you suddenly remember! I think this situation has definitely happened to many people.

Firstly, this is not good, since cartridges need to be changed every six months to a year, which means that during the entire expired period you have been drinking bad water: one might say even worse than from the tap. Secondly, if detected, there is no need to panic, you just need to promptly replace the cartridges. However, when you replace it, a surprise awaits you. Even after six months (see pictures above), you will see that the white flasks in which the cartridges are placed are far from perfectly white - they are already visibly dirty. When you remove the old cartridges after a longer period of time, you will see that the flasks inside are covered with a terrible brown coating. The lids into which the flasks are screwed will look approximately the same. I don’t even want to install brand new cartridges in such dirt. What to do? Why not buy a new whole filter?

In this case, it makes sense not to change the cartridges one by one, as I just talked about, but to unscrew them all at once, remove them from the flasks, thoroughly clean the flasks themselves from rusty brown deposits, clean the lids and only then install new cartridges in the flasks.

It is easy to clean flasks and lids from plaque using folk remedies:

  1. Take citric acid (2 sachets for 1 cylinder + 1 sachet for lids - total: 7 sachets).
  2. Boil a full kettle of water.
  3. Let the water in the kettle cool a little (so that it is not pure boiling water, but just hot water).
  4. Pour hot water into 3 flasks to the top where there is plaque.
  5. Dissolve citric acid in water in each of the flasks and on the lids.
  6. Let it sit for about half an hour.
  7. Using a special brush-brush, we clean the walls of the flask and the lid.

The result is simply amazing:

Of course, you won’t be able to get perfect whiteness, but it’s quite possible to thoroughly clean it so that you can continue to use it. Some also advise using baking soda in addition to citric acid, but I only used acid.

In principle, if you see that even after six months your cylinders are very dirty, you can, in any case, first clean the cylinders with caps and only then install new cartridges.

Open the water supply tap to the filter

So, after cleaning the flasks, lids and replacing the cartridges, all we have to do is open the water supply tap to the filter located under the sink.

Opening ball valves on risers

Now you can turn on the water in the apartment by opening the ball valves.

Regulating the water supply to the filter

A very important point. Open the faucet of the water filter from which water flows into the sink and check the water pressure. Water from this tap should not fly out in a powerful stream. If so, close the filter tap located under the sink:

Well, that’s actually the whole process. Enjoy clean water!

If you have a different filter, then the procedure for replacing cartridges may be similar to this one, but it may also differ.

Flow filters

Such a system includes three to four modules, which are connected to each other in series. That is, first the preliminary purification of tap water occurs, then the main one, and at the final stage the finishing one. Thanks to the presence of several stages that use different purification methods (using a mechanical filter, sorbent, silver particles, etc.), the water is filtered efficiently.

Both pieces of rust and dirt, as well as microorganisms and unpleasant odors (in particular, the smell of chlorine) are removed from it. If there are harmful substances in the water, such as petroleum products, heavy metal salts or pesticides, the filter system also safely removes them.

The modules that make up the filter can be filled with cartridges of various types.

They are:

  • for mechanical cleaning;
  • universal, suitable for the most ordinary tap water, not burdened with a large number of any impurities;
  • designed for too hard water;
  • intended for water containing excessive amounts of metals;
  • antibacterial, purifying water from various microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, cysts).

Thus, you can always choose the option that is most suitable for a particular case. But it is worth noting that if there is very hard water in the house, servicing such a filter will cost a pretty penny. Consumables - cartridges - will require frequent replacement.

The sequence of installing filters in the house

When choosing and installing filters for the whole house, you must take into account water analysis data. For example, installing a mechanical filter made of foamed polypropylene on water with a high iron content will render it unusable very quickly, require frequent replacement and will not provide the necessary pressure for the operation of the entire water supply in the house.

Deferrization and clarification columns are usually installed in front of the water softener. Only after the water has become relatively clear can it be softened. For final cleaning, it is recommended to use high-quality activated carbon - it will give the water ideal transparency and ensure the complete absence of unpleasant odors.

Reverse osmosis systems

The design of such a system is similar to flow-through sorption filters, but has several additional components. Here, several filter modules are mounted on a common console, of which there can be from one to four, and in premium models with a high degree of purification even five. Each of the modules, which is a plastic container with filter cartridges inside, is designed to do its job. The main feature of such systems is the presence of a module with a reverse osmosis membrane, passing through which the water undergoes ultrafine purification.

Here are the main types of cartridges used in such systems:

  • filters (usually made of polypropylene) that cope with a variety of mechanical impurities in water.
  • filters containing carbon sorbent are able to cope with organic matter, hydrocarbons, heavy metal salts, and the taste and smell of chlorine.
  • filters that remove excess iron from water are called iron removers; inside there is an active substance that reacts with iron dissolved in water.

After undergoing preliminary cleaning using the above cartridges, the water flows to the module with a reverse osmosis membrane. It is on this membrane, which allows only water molecules to pass through, that the principle of the reverse osmosis system is based. To pass through the membrane in the water supply system there must be a pressure of about 3 - 3.5 bar. Therefore, an electric injection pump is often included in the delivery package. Some models use an ultraviolet lamp to disinfect water and destroy harmful microorganisms.

Water purified by this method is similar to distilled water. To replenish minerals, a number of reverse osmosis systems have a special mineralizer. Since water passes through the membrane slowly, reverse osmosis systems are equipped with a storage tank - usually up to ten liters in volume. This turns out to be very convenient when a large amount of water is needed at once, but there is no time to wait for it to clear.

To summarize, we note that it is reverse osmosis systems that provide the cleanest water. Exactly the same as what is sold in bottled form in stores. Only the cost per liter will be many times lower. So the savings are obvious - many zealous owners realized this long ago, having acquired similar systems and enjoying the purest, clear, like a tear, water.

Top 11 Best Filters on the Market

Both types of filters are not equivalent to each other and are intended for different categories of buyers, so we have selected the ten best models of flow-through and reverse osmosis systems, and arranged them in order of increasing popularity.

Place No. 11 - Geyser 3VK Lux

Before purchasing such a device, you should consider that its main purpose is to work with soft water. If the water is hard, then it is highly desirable that it has a minimum iron content. Therefore, you need to buy either a water softener or an iron-removing filter for the system.


  • number of cleaning stages – 3;
  • type of cleaning – sorption;
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 3 l/min;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

This is a pretty productive device. Able to work even in systems with low pressure (from 0.5 atm).

Among the advantages, we should highlight the low cost of the filter and replaceable cartridges. This model is one of the most popular in the Geyser product line.

Place No. 10 - Geyser Bio 322

This flow filter model can work with any water supply system. Copes well with loads and is able to provide stable output pressure.

Suitable for those customers whose water in their homes is hard and has odors. Filter elements will rid the liquid not only of mechanical impurities, but also of bacteria.


  • number of cleaning stages – 3;
  • type of cleaning – sorption, mechanical (deferrizes and softens water);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 3 l/min;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

Cartridges are durable. They rarely need to be changed. In systems that use cast iron pipes, the water is often saturated with excess iron, but this drawback is eliminated with the installation of Geyser Bio 322.

Disadvantages: significant cost of the filter itself and cartridges for it. There may also be difficulties during installation, since additional adapters will be needed for connection. One cannot help but pay attention to the weight of the device - more than 6 kg.

Place No. 9 - Geyser Allegro M

This reverse osmosis filter is popular among any category of consumers. There is a place for it in new modern houses and old “Khrushchev” buildings. A good option for purifying centralized cold water.


  • number of cleaning stages – 5;
  • type of purification – sorption (additionally softens water, mineralizes, deferrizes);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.14 l/min;
  • storage capacity volume – 12 l;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

The first three stages serve for preliminary water purification. At the fourth stage, only water and oxygen are filtered through a membrane with a pore size of 0.0001 microns. Next, the water enters the tank.

To prevent bacteria from multiplying in the tank, replaceable membranes are installed there that retain the maximum number of microorganisms. Water in such a container deteriorates 1000 times slower than in a container without a membrane.

At the last stage, the water gets rid of odors and is saturated with minerals. In addition to this filter, you can buy a pump designed to increase the output water pressure. Advantages: long service life; the design includes a pressure relief valve in the tank; high productivity of the cleaning system.

Disadvantages: high cost of construction; difficulty of installation.

Place No. 8 - Novaya Voda Praktic Osmos OU380

The device attracts with its price, small dimensions and lightness. This is an excellent choice for small kitchens where there is not enough space for bulk reverse osmosis filters.


  • number of cleaning stages – 5;
  • type of cleaning – sorption (additionally softens water, removes iron);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.125 l/min;
  • storage tank volume – 7.5 l;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

The tank is small - this is the main drawback. At the same time, it fills up quickly. The speed at which the container fills with water can be increased by purchasing a booster pump. Filling time will be reduced to 15 minutes. Thanks to a high-quality Japanese membrane, water purity is ensured at the level of expensive filters.

Among the shortcomings, the low quality of all components and assembly as a whole is noted. But the device confidently fulfills its warranty period.

Place No. 7 - Aquaphor Favorite B150

The model is ideal for autonomous water supply systems. If you plan to install it in a centralized water supply system, then it is necessary to use additional filters for mechanical cleaning. This is due to water contamination in the systems. You can do without this, although you will have to change the cartridges more often.


  • number of cleaning stages – 2;
  • type of cleaning – sorption;
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 2.5 l/min;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

The filter is equipped with an additional stainless steel housing. This allows you to complete the appearance of the device.

The cartridge resource is quite large - 12,000 liters. Even for a large family it will last a very long time. Changing the cartridge is easy - there is only one. Replacement must be carried out no more than twice a year. Advantages: clean water output, no chlorine smell; installation can be done independently; The pressure of purified water is sufficient for domestic needs.

Disadvantages include the high cost of replacement cartridges. It is also recommended to install additional pre-filters and water softeners. This will be more expensive, but will make it possible to maximize the life of the cartridge.

Place No. 6 – Novaya Voda Expert M310

Well suited for hard water systems. The liquid goes through four stages of purification, where it gets rid of odors and impurities. The manufacturer claims the filter’s ability to operate at a pressure of 45 atm, which is confirmed by tests carried out in a laboratory.


  • number of cleaning stages – 4;
  • type of purification – sorption (additionally softens the water);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 2.5 l/min;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

Among the advantages, the pleasant cost of the device and thoughtful appearance stand out. Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks: the low resource of cartridges and the high cost of purchasing them. Otherwise, this is an excellent budget option for apartments and houses.

Place No. 5 - Aquaphor Crystal Eco N

The filter combines such qualities as performance and a high degree of purification. The 0.1 micron membrane retains all water pollutants. At the same time, it allows the required amount of salts and minerals to pass through. The sorption component of the filter retains and eliminates bacteria.


  • number of cleaning stages – 4;
  • type of cleaning – sorption;
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 2.5 l/min;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

The cartridge resource is quite high - 8000 liters. A reliable faucet is included. The device weighs only three kilograms. This model is well suited for those who have little space under the sink. Aquaphor Crystal Eco is a compact water filter that will be an ideal solution for autonomous water supply systems.

Place number 4 - Aquaphor OSMO-Crystal 100

This is a worthy option for installation under the sink by residential property owners. Having a low cost, the filter purifies even very contaminated water. Removes not only rust, but also heavy metals, pesticides and chlorine.


  • number of cleaning stages – 4;
  • type of cleaning – sorption (additionally softens water, removes iron);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.26 l/min;
  • storage tank volume – 10 l;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

Water from this filter can be used for bathing babies and preparing formulas. The tank capacity is enough for cooking. This model is suitable for all lovers of clean water. The filters will have to be changed every 6 months, so the device can be classified as economical.

Place No. 3 - Atoll A-550m STD

A popular reverse osmosis purification system that additionally mineralizes clean water at the 5th stage. The liquid purified in this way enters the container, where it remains until it is consumed.

The storage capacity is enough to store drinking water and cook food. As soon as water is withdrawn from the tank, the purification of new water automatically begins.


  • number of cleaning stages – 5;
  • type of purification – sorption (additionally softens water, mineralizes, deferrizes);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.08 l/min;
  • storage capacity volume – 12 l;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

A mineralizer plays an important role, adding chemical elements that a person needs to the water. Depending on the pressure in the system and the purity of the water, the storage tank will fill in about 1-1.5 hours.

Among the disadvantages, the following points stand out: it is necessary to remember about timely replacement of filters - it is best to make a table with replacement dates and place it on the device body; the price of cartridges is quite high; difficulty during installation.

Atoll A-550m STD is a suitable option for both apartments and private houses. With this device, clean water rich in essential minerals will always be available.

Place No. 2 - Geyser Prestige PM

The products of this manufacturer are truly trusted, and numerous reviews on various sites speak about the quality and unpretentiousness of the device, which took the fifth step in our rating.


  • number of cleaning stages – 5;
  • type of purification – sorption (additionally softens water, mineralizes, deferrizes);
  • cleaning from chlorine - yes;
  • productivity – 0.14 l/min;
  • storage capacity volume – 12 l;
  • The presence of a faucet is included.

This device is ideal if the water definitely requires purification. The 5-stage system can handle even heavily contaminated water. The model does not have any particular disadvantages. You can focus on the fact that the system is quite cumbersome. Inconveniences are caused by connecting tubes, the length of which is .

It can work without a pump, but if there is low pressure in the water supply system, then you should immediately purchase such an auxiliary device. This feature applies to all reverse osmosis filters. It is quite simple to install, as well as replacing filter elements.

Location No. 1 - ICAR water purification system

The best water filter for washing is the ICAR filter. The highest degree of water purification in combination with the ICAR module, which ionizes water, giving it a negative ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) and mineralizes it portionwise using the injection method.

This mineralization method is superior in quality to all other purified water mineralizers. That is, the output water is not only purified, but also alive. The characteristics of living water were studied back in the 70s of our century, and the most authoritative scientists around the world never cease to write about its beneficial properties.

Water after the ICAR filter becomes a powerful antioxidant - it fights free radicals, stimulates the immune system and cleanses the body. This water is good for everyone to drink without exception. The technologies of the Research Center "IKAR" have been awarded several prestigious international awards in Belgium and Switzerland. Water after the ICAR purification system is recognized as water of the highest category.

Typical connection diagram for the Ikar filtration system


  • water purification stages – 5;
  • type of purification – premium reverse osmosis;
  • cleaning from viruses and bacteria – yes;
  • cleaning from chlorine and any other types of contaminants - yes;
  • allows only a water molecule to pass through;
  • resource – 1,000,000 l.;
  • gives water a negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP);
  • storage tank volume – 10 l;
  • availability of a clean water tap – yes;
  • comes with the mineral supplement “Severyanka +” No. 4 (contains Ca2+, Mg2+ and iodine);
  • Possibility of connecting a pH reactor to adjust the pH of the water.

Filters need to be changed once every 6-12 months; they are sold at any filter store. The ICAR system is classified as economical - the cost of the highest quality water, taking into account the cost of purchasing a filter, is 2 rubles. per liter

Pros and cons of flow filters

This design has many advantages:

  • The cost of such a filter, even if additionally equipped, is relatively low.
  • The liquid filtration rate is high.
  • Beneficial salts and minerals are retained in the water.
  • A system of such filtration does not require a storage tank.
  • Absolutely all liquid that passes through the flow filter is suitable for use.
  • Water can flow through such a filter indefinitely.
  • Replaceable filters – cartridges can be easily and quickly replaced. If the need arises.

This design has one disadvantage, but it is quite significant. Typically, complete filtration of water occurs at a speed of 1 l/sec. And when the tap is fully open, up to 5 liters usually flow out per second. Thus, it turns out that the liquid has time to be filtered by only 20% when the tap is fully open. This is usually mentioned in the instructions for the filter, but not everyone pays attention to it.

See also: 12 best anti-corrosion products

In addition, cartridges tend to become dirty over time, and accordingly, the degree of filtration decreases. If this is not taken into account, after a while the water stops being purified altogether.

Expert opinion

Borodina Galina Valerievna

The simplest flow filters can be purchased for 500 rubles, but these products are short-lived and not of very high quality. If you want to really purify your drinking water, spend at least twice as much. In the end, spending money on such a system will be much cheaper than going to some point of sale for purified water every day. And the degree of purification of such water is not always of high quality, despite bright advertising.

Installation of a liquid softener

The peculiarities of this product are that it cannot be transported assembled, as the internal elements may be damaged and stop functioning. Therefore, the best way out of this situation is to contact the company where you made the purchase. Specialists will give you free advice on assembling and commissioning the model.

AMETHYST - 02 M up to 2 cubic meters/day.

Aeration unit AS-1054 VO-90

Main table dispenser AquaPro 919H/RO (hot and cold water)

Cartridge filter installation process

The sequence of actions is identical to how any cleaning equipment is installed:

  1. Find a suitable location. Leave free space in case of repair work and replacement of capsules.
  2. Stop the supply of liquid to the residential building.
  3. Drain off the remainder.
  4. Use a drill to drill a hole in the sink to accommodate an additional faucet.
  5. Connect to the main line with special couplings.
  6. Seal the connecting areas.
  7. Check the condition of the factory cartridge and install it inside the case. Tighten the nut tightly using a rubber ring.
  8. The operation of the system is checked. If no leaks are detected, the equipment can be operated on an ongoing basis.

Reverse osmosis

Filters of this kind are successfully used on the ISS, in sea and ocean cruise ships, and in hotels on the sea coast.
Osmosis is a method of separating liquids into molecular components. What is a special membrane used for? Water under a certain pressure passes through such a membrane from a liquid with a high concentration of certain substances into a solution with an almost complete absence of them.

Industrial production of such filters began in the seventies of the last century. At first they were used for narrowly targeted purposes, but gradually began to be used at the household level.

The design consists of filter cartridges, a membrane and a storage tank.

This system works like this:

  1. Before entering the membrane, water is purified from large, poorly soluble impurities.
  2. Then it passes through the membrane, while up to 75% of the water with filtered impurities is poured into the sewer system, and the purified water is sent to a special storage tank.
  3. The water from the tank is further purified and becomes suitable for use.

Filters of this kind have a production resource of 4,000 to 15,000 liters with a productivity of up to 250 liters per day. Approximately once every six months it is necessary to change the input cartridges, once a year – the finishing cartridges. This is easy to do; no special tools are required for this procedure.

Expert opinion

Borodina Galina Valerievna

Such products cost quite a budget, if you keep in mind their benefits for health and purification of drinking water - from 7 to 10 thousand rubles.

How to properly install purifiers in a house or apartment?

To organize the water purification process, it is necessary to install and connect the water purification device to the cold water supply system. The location for installing the hydraulic filter is selected based on its type and overall dimensions.

How to connect the system under the sink with your own hands?

The most convenient place to place a flow filter and reverse osmosis device is the space under the sink.

Installation of the system in the washing area requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  1. Availability of sufficient free space for installation of the cleaning device. Compression or squeezing of the filter components is not allowed.
  2. Free access for equipment maintenance. The location of the flasks should ensure easy replacement of cartridges.
  3. Free access for inspection and repair of plumbing equipment - valves, siphon, etc.

To carry out installation work you will need the following set of tools:

  • drill;
  • drills with a diameter of 12 and 3 mm;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • tubular wrench 14 mm;
  • Phillips screwdriver.

In addition to the flow filter itself, the delivery set includes a connection unit, supply pipes and a special tap for purified water.

Before starting installation work, mark the installation location of the water purification device and faucet.

Next, the process of connecting a flow-type system occurs in the following order:

  1. Using a drill and drill bits, drill a hole in the sink to install the faucet.
    Place a decorative washer and a sealing gasket on the faucet shank. Insert the tap into the prepared hole. Secure the faucet to the bottom surface of the sink using gaskets, a lock washer and a nut. Tighten the nut using a tubular wrench.
  2. Place a union nut on the supply tube equipped with a brass insert. Screw the nut onto the valve shank and tighten with a tubular wrench.
  3. Shut off the cold water supply. Drain any remaining water from the system by opening the cold water tap on the kitchen faucet.
  4. Using an adjustable wrench, unscrew the flexible hose connecting the mixer and the supply pipeline.
  5. Screw the union nut of the connection unit onto the inlet pipe of the cold water pipeline, first making sure that the gasket is present. Tighten until snug using an adjustable wrench.
  6. Screw the union nut of the flexible hose onto the threaded part of the connection unit, first making sure that the gasket is present. Tighten the nut using an adjustable wrench.
  7. At the connection point, close the supply tap. Open the valve on the cold water supply line. Check the connection unit for leaks.
  8. Connect the inlet tube to the outlet fitting of the connection unit. Remove the locking clip from under the collet. Insert a tube moistened with water to a depth of 15 mm. After this, secure the collet with a locking clip.
  9. Assemble the filter. On the wall of the sink cabinet, drill holes at the previously marked points and tighten the screws. Hang the water purification device on the screws.
  10. Connect the tube coming from the connection point to the inlet of the water purifier. Connect a tube to the tap for purified water into the outlet hole.
  11. Open the purified water supply tap and wait until air is removed from the system. Close the tap. Check the components for leaks.

On a note! After completing the installation work, it is necessary to wash the filter. To do this, open the drinking water tap and leave for 10 minutes. Then turn on the tap and wait another 10 minutes. Open the water supply and leave it on for 50 minutes.

The principle of installing a reverse osmosis water purifier is similar to the process of installing a flow filter.

The difference is the need to attach additional elements:

  • drainage clamp for sewerage;
  • membrane element;
  • storage tank. Sequence of installation work:
  1. We assemble the filters of the lower row of pre-treatment.
  2. Membrane installation. Disconnect the flexible connection at the inlet to the membrane housing. Unscrew the lid. Insert the membrane element and screw on the cap. Connect the tube to the membrane body.
  3. Connection to the water supply system. Shut off the water supply, bleed air from the system by opening the tap on the mixers. Disconnect the flexible hose. Install the adapter tee and supply valve. Connect the flexible mixer hose to the opposite end of the coupling.
  4. Installation of a drinking tap.
  5. Connecting the storage tank. Wrap fum tape onto the thread located on the lid of the hydraulic accumulator tank and screw on the ball valve. Connect one end of the flexible tube to the valve, the other to the tee at the inlet of the post-filter.
  6. Installation of drainage clamp. Unpack the drainage clamp, separate the front and back parts. Place the clamp elements onto the sewer pipe under the sink and secure with two fastening bolts. Drill a 6 mm diameter hole in the center of the front part of the drain clamp. Place a crimp nut on the flexible tube and connect it to the clamp. Connect the free end of the tube to the flow limiter.
  7. Flushing the system. When performing work, use fum tape to seal the threaded connections.

Installation and connection of the backbone system

Main filters are designed to purify water coming from the water main. Structurally, the main water purifier is a sealed flask, inside of which there is a mesh filter material or cartridge.

Instructions for connecting a backbone device:

  1. Close the inlet valve on the water supply system.
  2. Relieve the pressure in the network by opening the tap on any plumbing fixture.
  3. Mark the location of the filter. Make holes in the wall, insert plastic flasks under the dowels.
  4. Make a visible rupture in the main pipeline at the location of the water purification device. Install the water purifier into the main line using couplings. To seal threaded connections, use fum tape. It is important to embed the filter device into the main line in accordance with the direction of water flow. The filter is connected to the main pipeline with the side indicated by letters.
  5. Fix the filter on the wall using the fastening element and dowels included with the device.
  6. To check the quality of the installation work performed and flushing the system, open the inlet valve and one of the taps for 5-10 minutes.

How to install a rough cleaning system?

The coarse filter is designed to retain the largest particles of mechanical contaminants.

The simplest mud collector is a metal cylinder-barrel with a beveled branch designed to collect dirt. There is a filter element inside the cylinder. The end parts of the tube are threaded. There are signs on the device body. Indicating the direction of water flow.

Install a coarse water purifier on the inlet pipeline after the shut-off valves, before the metering device.

To carry out installation work to connect the mud trap you will need:

  • two adjustable wrenches or wrenches;
  • sanitary flax or fum tape.

The installation process is quite simple and consists of several operations:

  1. Close the inlet valve.
  2. Wrap sealing material onto the filter threads.
  3. Screw the dirt filter onto the inlet valve pipe. Tighten using an adjustable wrench.
  4. After the water purifier, a water meter is installed using keys. Use one of the keys to hold the mud trap, and use the second to tighten the metering unit. The dirt filter is installed in such a way that the dirt sump is located at the bottom.
  5. Check the quality of work and the tightness of the system. To do this, open the water valve and turn on the water.

Installation of a softener

Softeners are designed to reduce the concentration level of alkaline earth metal salts . Increased water hardness negatively affects both the human body and household appliances and contributes to the formation of scale.

A water softener consists of a flask with a filter medium, a salt solvent tank and a control unit.

The installation is installed at the water supply inlet, near the sewerage network. When choosing a location for placing a softener, you should take into account the availability of free access for servicing equipment and filling reagents.

On a note! It is recommended to install a coarse filter in front of the softener.


  • turn off the water supply;
  • connect the filter softener to the water supply line using the installation kit;
  • install a bypass;
  • connect the drainage line;
  • connect the overflow tube to the drainage system;
  • wash the filter;
  • check the tightness of the connections;
  • connect the power supply and configure the microcontroller;
  • Fill the salt solvent tank with water and add salt.

Pros and cons of reverse osmosis

The advantages are quite significant:

  • After passing through such a filter, water becomes absolutely clean, free from impurities, germs and bacteria.
  • This quality remains constant, regardless of the filter membranes.
  • During membrane operation, only the quantity of filtered water decreases, but not its quality.
  • There is no need to monitor the filtration speed.
  • The supply of the storage tank is relatively large - from 8 to 12 liters of liquid.
  • A liter of clean water accumulates in 5-6 minutes.
  • The tank is completely filled with clean water in about an hour.
  • Only water and oxygen molecules pass through the membrane; the membrane does not allow other particles to pass through.
  • Already on the way from the storage tank, the water passes through an additional carbon filter, where final cleaning occurs.

This filter also has disadvantages:

  • The dimensions of the system are relatively large; the storage tank does not always fit under the sink.
  • Installation of a reverse osmosis filter can sometimes only be successfully carried out by a specialist.
  • The cost of most reverse osmosis filters is still more expensive than flow-through filters, although their service life is much longer.
  • Not all of the incoming water is used; part of it, along with retained particles, is sent to the sewer.
  • To obtain 1 liter of clean water, up to 3 liters of running water is required; this is a significant difference when water consumption is calculated according to the meter.
  • For normal operation of the filter, a certain water pressure is required; if it is absent on the upper floors or in the country house, the system will not work.
  • The water coming out of such a filter is so purified that it has virtually no taste.
  • For this reason, some doctors doubt its usefulness due to the lack of vital minerals in it.
  • For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink practically distilled water without beneficial salts and minerals for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Start-up and flushing

Before starting operation, it is necessary to flush and check the system. This is done like this:

  • Wash the filter elements by running water with the valve of the storage tank closed. About 10 liters of water are drained. Simultaneously with flushing, air is forced out of the system.
  • Stop the flow of liquid into the filter. Check for leaks. If necessary, correct errors during connection.
  • Fill the system with the valve of the storage tank open. This will take several hours. Afterwards all the liquid is drained.
  • For drinking and cooking, use water only after refilling the container.

Aquaphor OSMO 50

The development of a well-known Russian company will significantly improve the lives of those who are forced to use hard water. This reverse osmosis water purifier, in addition to the membrane, has 5 stages of purification, thanks to which it removes dangerous impurities, including bacteria, parasites and viruses, and also completely eliminates water hardness - the cause of scale and breakdown of many household appliances. And everything would be fine, but residents of private houses with their own sewage system are unlikely to be happy that for 1 liter of purified water they will need another 6 liters, which will go into the drainage - this is a lot, and will cost a pretty penny.

Filtration speed0.13 l/min.
Water temperature5-38°С
Line pressurefrom 3.5 to 6.5 atm.
Storage tank capacity10 l
Water purifier weight10 kg

Cost: 6,090-11,826 rubles.


  • high-quality cleaning;
  • large storage tank.


  • noisy;
  • high water consumption.

I have been using a reverse osmosis filter for 3 years. Before this, I tried various water purification systems, ranging from jugs to flow-through filters. To my regret, nothing could save us from the hardness of our water. I lost count of the kettles I had to throw away, and also buried the idea of ​​installing a water heater. And here’s a miracle - Aquaphor OSMO 50 corrected the situation. Now I don’t even think about scale.


The design of the BARRIER EXPERT Hard flow filter involves three stages of cleaning: mechanical, softening and post-carbon. Complete with the filter, the manufacturer supplies all the necessary elements for installing and using the device: a separate faucet for washing, cartridges and connecting parts. You no longer have to worry about leaks, since the Smartlock technology used in the design eliminates the possibility of unscrewing the fasteners.

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Performance2 l/min.
Module resource10,000 l
Dimensions267 x 95 x 368 mm
Device weight3.5 kg
Inlet water temperature5-35 °C

Price: 2,371-3,901 rub.


  • easy installation;
  • easy replacement of cartridges;
  • protection against leaks.


  • if the water is too hard, the cartridge will have to be changed every 2 months, and this is not cheap.

After installing the filter, the scale disappeared immediately. Finally the kettle is clean! But early I was happy, because two weeks later it appeared again, I had to change the cartridge. Unfortunately, the store didn’t explain to us that the filter is intended mainly for water of medium hardness. We bought it just to cope with this problem. Otherwise, there are no complaints about the system, but we will apparently have to buy a reverse osmosis filter.

Atoll A-550m STD

The reverse osmosis system fully copes with its task - it purifies water to a crystalline state, passing it through 5 stages of purification, and also mineralizes it in order to saturate the water with substances necessary for a person and balance the pH level. The filter’s performance is quite enough for a family of 4-5 people. You don't need to wait for the water to clear, because the kit comes with a 12-liter capacity container.

Recommended water pressure2.80 – 6 atm.
Filtration speed0.08 l/min.
Water purifier functionspurification from free chlorine, mineralization, iron removal, reverse osmosis, softening
Filter sizes43 x 42 x 15 cm
Weight9.8 kg

Price tag: 10,650-14,812 rubles.


  • mineralizes water;
  • high quality cleaning;
  • ease of installation.


  • quite expensive consumables.

An excellent filter, reverse osmosis should only be taken with a mineralizer! I installed it myself, fiddled around for an hour and a half, there were no particular difficulties, do not forget to drain 2 tanks after installation, because the components are from the factory and you need to wash them! Our water was terrible, after one boiling scale immediately appeared, after installing the filter I never saw scale again! Water with mineralizer without foreign tastes! I no longer carry water from the store.

Geyser Eco

Due to the mini-body made of stainless chrome-plated steel and advanced filter cartridge technology, the compact model takes up very little space under the sink.

Main parameters:

  • Height - 225 ml;
  • Diameter - 171 ml;
  • Water temperature - from +4 to +40 degrees;
  • Equipment productivity - 3.6 liters/minute;
  • Cartridge resource - 12,000 liters;
  • Price – from 5000 rubles.

Advantages of Geyser Eco:

  • Additional protection against oxidation and destruction;
  • Five-fold safety factor, confirmed by NIITM;
  • Quick and easy cartridge replacement thanks to Fast Lock technology.

The Geyser Eco filter has a special modification “Aragon 3 Eco”, which allows you to combine different types of cleaning:

  • Mechanical;
  • Sorption;
  • Ion exchange.

According to consumer reviews, the model has one drawback - sometimes scale appears .

Required tools and materials

Incorrect assembly of the filtration system can lead to failure of the membrane filter, as well as increase the flow of water into the drainage.
To independently install a filtration system for tap water, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials in advance.

The equipment set includes the following elements:

  • instructions: installation, operation and maintenance manual;
  • cartridges: each should be stored in a separate flask to preserve the active substances;
  • pass-through tap or tee;
  • 2 connecting hoses – for outlet and inlet;
  • faucet designed for purified water;
  • wrench for unscrewing and replacing cartridges, fittings;
  • gaskets;
  • bracket for secure fixation.

Some systems are additionally equipped with a storage tank. To install the filter you will need:

  • adjustable wrench and knife;
  • pipe cutter;
  • drills with different diameters;
  • fum tape and tow.

Before proceeding directly with the installation, you need to familiarize yourself with the various installation methods and step-by-step algorithm of actions.

OMOIKIRI Pure drop 1.0

Rating: 4.1

The TOP 10 includes products from the Japanese manufacturer Omoikiri. The filter system contains 3 stages of purification and produces up to 180 liters of drinking water per day. The blocks contain not only carbon and nylon mesh for mechanical cleaning, but also silver to ionize the liquid and kill germs. Bacteria will not only not pass through the reverse osmosis membrane, but will also be neutralized in the channels. In the reviews, customers are satisfied with the dimensions of the filter system, which fits perfectly under the sink. It also weighs 2 kg (when filled), so the screws will not fall out, even if it is attached to the MDF partition of the kitchen furniture under the sink.

The product was included in the rating due to the use of a Japanese membrane. If you do not trust domestic manufacturers, then you will find exclusively Japanese quality in the reverse osmosis system of this model. Another distinctive feature of the equipment installed under the sink is the cleaner resource - 10,000 liters. This indicator contributes to savings, since cartridges will have to be changed less often.

Novaya Voda Expert M330

The multi-stage filter model contains Karelian shungite , which is a natural filter medium with excellent sorption and bactericidal properties.

Advantages of the New Water Expert M330 filter:

  • 4 filter elements: K874, K876, K873 and K870;
  • 5 stages of purification - removal of particles of mechanical impurities, chlorine ions and heavy metals, dissolved salts, pesticides, radioactive elements, petroleum products;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors and significantly improves the taste of water;
  • Stylish ergonomic design;
  • Ultrasonic sealing of connections in device elements;
  • Quick connection fittings;
  • Convenient eyeliner made of environmentally friendly material - non-toxic plastic;
  • High resource capacity and low cost - price from 6,000 rubles.

Only one K870 cartridge, included with the Novaya Voda Expert M330 filter, is characterized by a sorption surface area of ​​more than 3000 square meters. meters, which provides excellent water purification.

Consumers leave exclusively positive reviews about the model.

Geyser Prestige P

During operation of the water purifier, the liquid is filtered through a semi-permeable membrane . As a result, its properties approach those of melt water from environmentally friendly glaciers. Recommended for baby food.

The filter is equipped with a pump operating at a pressure of at least 2 atmospheres. The cost of a water purifier starts from 9,000 rubles.

The device provides five stages of cleaning. The design has a block of three cartridges:

  • Polypropylene - 2 pcs;
  • Coal - 1 pc.

At the pre-treatment stage, water is freed from mechanical particles, impurities and active chlorine. Then the fourth stage of purification, considered the main one, occurs in the Vontron 50 membrane element. Afterwards, purified water is supplied to the tank.

The hydraulic accumulator serves to accumulate filtered liquid. From it, the water goes through the fifth stage of the process - purification with a carbon post-filter.

Resource life of water purifier cartridges Geyser Prestige P:

  • First stage of purification - 20 thousand liters;
  • Second stage of purification - 7 thousand liters;
  • Third stage of purification - 7 thousand liters;
  • The fourth stage of purification - the resource of a reverse osmosis membrane of 50 gallons reaches 2 years;
  • The fifth stage of purification - the resource of the carbon post-filter is 1 year.

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Buyers mostly respond positively to the filter system.

Barrier EXPERT Ferrum effective removal of iron

The model is an effective home water filter for the kitchen, which has the following advantages:

  1. High degree of water purification from impurities of iron, chlorine and other substances.
  2. Easy installation and affordable cost.
  3. No influence on the overall pressure.
  4. Ease of replacing cartridges, due to the special technology of their installation.
  5. No leaks.
  6. Compact dimensions and ergonomic design.
  7. Compared to jugs, cartridges are changed much less often.

The disadvantages include low efficiency in working with scale due to increased hardness. Replacement elements are quite expensive, and they cannot be found in any store. To do this, you will need to visit the manufacturer’s website or contact the official supplier by phone.


In the Russian Federation, the cost of cartridges varies widely. It depends on the manufacturer, type, filter mass and size. Today the prices are as follows:

  • adsorption – 250-5500 rubles;
  • ion exchange – 350-1700 rubles;
  • membrane - 1500-4500 rubles;
  • osmotic – 3500-7000 rubles.

You should select the correct cartridges for the installed drinking water filtration system. They all have different input and output parameters. Before installing a specific water purification system, you should inquire about the cost of all the necessary consumables for it.

Aquaphor Crystal Quadro - for home cleaning experts

Built-in household filters for drinking water from the “Aquaphor Crystal Quadro” series are characterized by the following advantages:

  1. Possibility of purchasing any modules, including fine filters.
  2. Easy to replace removable cartridges (they are removed along with the body by slightly turning).
  3. Ergonomic sizes and stylish design.

However, the model also has important disadvantages:

  • the presence of a fourth filter does not always pay off, but it affects the cost of the equipment;
  • replacement units are quite expensive, since the cartridge comes with a flask;
  • The fastening places are not of high quality, so in case of leaks there is a possibility of flooding of neighbors.

Subtleties of installation and operation

To install the filter safely, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparations. First of all, you will need to rinse the device to get rid of small particles of the manufacturing material. To do this, the membrane is removed and the storage tank is cut off with a valve.

Having completed the washing, the part is put back and the drive is connected. After such measures, the filter under the sink can be considered ready for use.

How to install a drinking filter under the sink?

To keep the device in working condition for as long as possible, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not allow hoses to kink.
  2. Replace cartridges promptly.
  3. Install carbon cartridges with the membrane removed and wash them.
  4. At the stage of restoring the ion exchange cartridge, you need to follow the step-by-step guide.

Aquaphor filter connection diagram

All sets of multi-stage cleaning systems have instructions.
It describes how to install the device. Anyone can handle this on their own. To correctly connect the Aquaphor filter, you should follow several sequential steps:

  • choosing a location for installation;
  • installation of a tap for supplying purified water;
  • connecting the mixer supply to the unit;
  • connection of the unit and the supply tube;
  • removing stoppers on both sides;
  • draining water to clean cartridges.

Each action includes a pair or several separate manipulations. Competently following the Aquaphor filter connection diagram is of great importance for proper functioning.

How to rinse the Aquaphor filter

Restoring Aquaphor filter modules requires purchasing a special kit.

After purchase, washing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • The first step is to turn off the water supply tap. Then you need to turn it on to relieve the pressure.
  • Using the wrench included in the kit, unscrew the glass from the filter housing.
  • Remove the used module from the glass. The first one needs to be washed to remove dirt.
  • Pour the ionic resin from the module into a glass container. A plastic one is also suitable for this purpose.
  • Pour the resin with the previously prepared solution. You need to mix 1 liter of water with table salt. Combine the resin with the solution and leave for several hours.
  • Pour out the solution and add cold water. Then stir and drain. The action must be repeated 3 times.
  • Pour the resin back into the module.
  • Rinse the device thoroughly and reassemble the structure.
  • Let the water run for 10 minutes. Finally, make sure there are no leaks.

The filter is now ready for further use. Aquaphor water purification devices have almost no competitors. To make them last longer, they need to be changed and washed on time.

What influences the choice

Here are some points that interest a potential buyer when looking for a filter for a sink:

  1. Quality of cleaning.
  2. Device price.
  3. Manufacturer's mark.
  4. Cost of replacement cartridges.
  5. The value of a liter of filtered water.
  6. Design.
  7. Service life.

The consumer is also interested in the efficiency of purification of tap water containing:

  • chlorine compounds;
  • iron;
  • phenol;
  • petroleum products;
  • pesticides;
  • nitrates;
  • organic impurities;
  • heavy metal ions;
  • bacteria.

When choosing a filter, it is advisable to be guided by the results of analysis of tap water, having previously submitted samples to a local laboratory. This way you can accurately select a cleaning system for a specific apartment.

Which water filter is better to buy?

To choose the most suitable water purification filter, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • The choice of model depends, first of all, on the degree of water hardness in your home. If the water is too hard, you need to buy a device with softening technology. Otherwise, a sediment of salts will remain at the bottom, and kitchen appliances will be damaged by scale.
  • You also need to know what pressure is in the pipes. If it is weak, then filters with a special pump will suit you.
  • In addition, it is important that in addition to cleaning, the model leaves useful microelements in the water, or mineralizes it itself using an additional cartridge. Otherwise the water will be dead and useless.
  • Before purchasing, also check with the seller what kind of warranty the manufacturer provides for the model and what the service life of removable cartridges is.
  • In addition, some consumers pay attention to how much a liter of clean water purified by the selected filter will cost them. They compare this price to bottled water sold in the store.
  • For large families, the power and performance capabilities of the model will be important.
  • For families with tiny children, it is necessary that the device not only cleans the water well from mechanical debris, but also disinfects the water and makes it safe.

Of course, the choice of product also depends on financial capabilities. However, if you want to buy a reliable filter that will last a long time, it is better to purchase filters from the mid-price segment or even buy a premium device.

Installation procedure

Aquaphor Modern faucet filter
The simplest and most cost-effective way to purify tap water in the house is a filter attachment. Its peculiarity is that it has a direct connection to the water supply. If a coarse filter is not enough in a particular case, it is better to purchase more expensive equipment that is mounted under the sink. All work can be done independently without the help of specialists. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Select the location where the filter will be located. It is important to maintain a short distance for easy access to the equipment, its maintenance and replacement of cartridges. It can be located horizontally or vertically under the sink; this point is not important. Since its location does not affect its performance and service life, it can even be mounted in a kitchen cabinet.
  2. Inserting a filter into the central water supply. First you need to stop the water supply. After this, all threaded connections are carefully processed using fum tape. Next, you can begin installing the insert. There is a cold water supply line under the sink; it is disconnected and the previously installed connection is carefully inserted. It is important that all tubes maintain their natural position, without any displacement or compression.

Installation diagram

Installation. When purchasing a filter, you need to pay attention to its packaging; it must include mounting nuts and pipe clamps. For proper installation, a hole is made in the sink for an additional tap. The diameter of the drill used is no more than 13 mm. During work, you need to exercise maximum care and caution. Once the hole is ready, the faucet can be installed.

  1. Installing the clamp is also an important step that cannot be avoided. Mount it above the hydraulic valve on a vertical or horizontal hose. Again you will need a drill, about 7 mm in diameter. Use it to make a hole in the drain pipe. A protective thick rubber band is attached near the hole for sealing. Next, install the clamp support so that the holes on it and the pipe coincide.

Before installing a storage tank, you need to consider whether there is enough space for it

One of the final stages is the installation of a storage tank. When installing, it is important to take into account its internal operating pressure; it ranges from 0.5 to 0.9 atmospheres. First of all, you need to wrap the thread with Teflon tape. Next, install a small plastic tap into the storage tank. In order not to damage the entire system, it is strictly forbidden to overtighten the threads. Before installation, it is important to find a suitable place for the tank so that it does not get underfoot.

  1. Conduct a test run of the filter. Turn on the water supply. To prevent leaks, you need to make sure that the valve on the storage tank is closed. Next, the tap opens through which purified water will flow. After 10-15 minutes, a thin stream will appear. Equipment, taps and pipes are carefully examined for leaks.

System connection diagram

Before using filtered water for food purposes, it is recommended to flush the system at least twice.

Before installing the purification system, it is recommended to conduct a water analysis and take a sample to the sanitary and epidemiological station. A detailed description of the composition and chemical formula will allow you to select the desired filler in the cartridge, since each of them has its own individual characteristics and affects tap water differently. Cartridges must be replaced at least once every six months.


So, when choosing a filter for your sink, it is important that it is suitable specifically for your water. Therefore, first of all, you need to do an analysis, and then look at exactly what shortcomings need to be eliminated.

  • unpleasant odor and color of water;
  • scale;
  • metallic taste and “rusty water”;
  • bacteria.

Each problem is solved by a specific filter.

It is also important that the manufacturer’s name is well-known - this means that he cares about his reputation, and that the filter design is reliable and as easy to use as possible. Quickly replacing the filter element may not seem like a big deal at first glance, but imagine having to do it every few months!

If you take all these points into account, the choice of filter will be successful.



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