Roofing materials for flat roofing
How and with what to cover a flat roof: materials for the roof, coating device
0 7766 09/02/2014 From the first days of the origin and development of architectural and construction art in the history of mankind,
Valliant gas boiler
What kind of preventive maintenance does a gas boiler need to do?
Gas boiler maintenance must be done regularly. During the annual inspection, malfunctions are identified
Arrangement of a balcony above the terrace: design and materials
SlavagodM 7895 0 1 SlavagodM September 27, 2016 Specialization: master of interior and exterior decoration
At what depth to bury a sewer pipe in a private house - all options
Before you start installing sewer pipes in a private building, for example, in a cottage, you must first
Layout of sockets in the kitchen - 5 mistakes. Distances and placement heights.
The most active consumer of electricity in a house or apartment is kitchen appliances. Therefore it is important that
Expanded clay as floor insulation or mineral wool - the choice of specialists
No matter how modern and powerful the heating system is, without high-quality reliable thermal insulation
Polymer sand rings for prefabricated wells
Plastic rings for wells: what they are and how they are used
For a long time, concrete rings served as an indispensable material when arranging a private plot. But with development
How to refuse gas in an apartment and connect an electric stove
Despite the benefits that gasification of an apartment provides, the consumer is tired of paying for unclear services,
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Technical characteristics of Isover mineral wool, 50 mm thick
Today there are many manufacturers, each of which is trying to enter the world market
How to choose and install a plug for a water pipe
The purpose and principle of operation of a plug is to shut off the water supply to a certain section of the water supply system. A plug is called
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