Advantages and disadvantages of English and American windows

Elena Orlova
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Elena Orlova November 18, 2016

A real English window – comfort, proven over centuries.

I admire rooms designed in modern styles, but I prefer to live not on a spaceship or in an eccentric, but in a cozy classic house. Therefore, for the window openings in the kitchen, I chose sash windows. What are the features of such structures, what are their advantages, and are there any disadvantages? I'll explain everything now.

What are American sash windows?

American windows with casements of the lifting type are glazed structures whose sashes are sliding, but when opened they rise up.
They are very popular in the USA; such products can be found somewhat less frequently in Canada. Not so long ago, the design appeared in Russia and began to gain popularity. A special feature of the window is its high-quality thermal insulation; when the sash is lowered, it is not inferior to a regular casement window, and when opened, it saves space and has no risk of breaking if a strong wind blows. In addition, the system does not interfere with using the window sill as a stand. American slider windows can be equipped with one or two sashes that can be moved. They will be independent of each other, which allows you to use the structure comfortably and save its resource. It is also convenient to wash such a window by opening the sashes one by one, but even if the design has one sash, you will not have any problems washing it, since it will not be difficult to get the glass.

American plastic windows are often called Double hung. In Russia, it can more often be found under the name “vertical slider”. Such windows have two sashes and open independently of each other in different directions. The sash can be fixed using a compensator. In addition, these elements allow the system to open easily, without experiencing resistance from the sliding mechanism. The English slider window does not require complex maintenance; if necessary, the sashes can be folded into the room, which allows you to wash the glass or carry out any manipulations with the glass without the risk of falling.

There are no protruding handles, thanks to which you can use any type of curtains, use mechanisms that protect from the sun, without paying attention to how far they should be located from the window. Instead of the usual window handles, you can use clamp locks. With their help, the structure can be opened without using unnecessary effort. When ordering a window, you should not forget about installing seals and brushes. It is better to install American devices, as they meet high quality standards, do not allow air to pass through, making the structure airtight. You can pay attention to the products of the company Amesbury Group, LLC, Inc.

Plastic windows in English style

Negative sides

In addition to a large number of advantages, English windows have some negative qualities that cannot be ignored:

  • When installing a double-glazed window, the elegance characteristic of this type of glazing will be partially lost, which can be solved by using external jointing of the sashes with decorative overlays (shpros).

  • The shutters weigh a lot, especially large double-glazed windows, and the design of English windows involves lifting them manually when opening, which will require some effort, despite part of the weight being compensated by a lifting mechanism.
  • The sealing rubbers must be replaced annually, otherwise the tightness of the connection between the sashes and the frame will be lost.
  • An English window can only be opened half way, which means that in emergency cases it will be quite difficult for a large person to leave the room.
  • Compared to their swing counterparts, English windows are significantly more expensive.

How did windows with vertically rising frames come about?

The vertical principle of opening window frames is very popular in the USA. For some reason, many people mistakenly consider such windows to be a purely American invention. However, the design of windows with vertically rising sashes originates in England. It was here in Derbyshire, during the construction of Chatsworth House, which was the main residence of the Dukes, that a special design of sash windows was first used.

The peak of popularity of slider windows dates back to the 18th-19th centuries. Due to their recognition, they have become a characteristic symbol of English houses and one of the signs of the Georgian style in architecture. It is quite possible that the English origin of windows is related to the peculiarities of climatic conditions. Indeed, in winter in England severe frosts are quite rare, but sharp winds often blow. Pivot windows did not catch on, as the design with vertically opening frames provided better protection from the wind.

How did vertical windows get from England to the American continent? It turns out that they appeared along with the first wave of New World colonists, who were attracted to North America. They were predominantly English. By the way, windows with vertical frames are not common throughout America, but only in its northern states.

Consumer reviews about English windows

We found reviews about wooden English windows only on one website - Forum House. And it’s not surprising, because in Russia they are not very popular.

Few Russians have dealt with such windows. The climate is not the same, and neither are the earnings

Among everyone who participated in the conversation, only one user lived next to such windows. “I had them in my old apartment, a convenient type of opening. That’s why I want these again ,” writes Matroso.

Window professionals, on the contrary, say that it is better not to install English windows: “They have leaky seals, a deep frame - the walls will freeze. And if you insert a double-glazed window, it will be difficult to open. I don’t see anything better than making an English fixed window with double-glazed windows. It’s warm and there’s no need to open it.”

Everyone - both consumers and installers - is outraged by the high price . For example, in the Nth company one of the users received a calculation. For a window 1900x1500 mm they asked for 3000 euros - 150 thousand in rubles (the window is made of Latvian pine).

Only some on the forum were relatively calm about the price. These are probably the few potential customers.

Related article: I opened a plastic window incorrectly, what to do?

Manufacturing materials

For the manufacture of classic models, wood is mainly used. The most preferable in this regard is laminated veneer lumber of coniferous or hardwood (pine, larch, oak). To make the material resistant to environmental influences, it is treated with special impregnations and sealed with a protective varnish. Colored products are tinted with stains.

Modern designs are often made from metal-plastic or aluminum profiles. These products, as a rule, are more practical and allow the implementation of a variety of design solutions; in addition, profile models are more suitable for the construction of warm systems.


Noise insulation up to 23 dBVentilation without obstructionsHigh thermal insulationSashes without reinforcement

There is a huge selection of different windows on the market today.
There are people who are not able to purchase standard windows because the opening is too narrow for them. In such cases, we are in a hurry to offer windows with a vertical sliding mechanism. The design is characterized by the presence of two doors located one above the other. The sashes can be tilted, which distinguishes these windows from plastic ones. After tilting, the sashes are fixed in the specified position. Fixation occurs thanks to the “vertical slider” compensator.

Each leaf has its own mechanism. They are independent of each other’s work, which allows them to be recorded at different levels.

These windows were brought from America, which produces windows not only for its climatic conditions. As for the characteristics, vertical sliding windows have:

1. Noise insulation up to 23 dB; 2. High thermal insulation and high-quality ventilation; 3. Light weight, which is due to the lack of reinforcement;

The profile width is 82 mm. This will allow you to install double-glazed windows up to 33 mm thick. The windows have a seal, which is represented by 4-circuit felt.

Do-it-yourself windows: step-by-step instructions

Windows are constantly exposed to external influences and temperature differences between indoors and outdoors, which inevitably leads to changes in the geometry of the structure when it comes to wood. To minimize possible warping, frames and sashes are made not from solid timber, but from laminated veneer lumber. You can purchase a ready-made one if there are reliable suppliers, or you can glue it yourself. In the second case, a workpiece of at least three lamellas is assembled, so that the fibers are directed in opposite directions. If possible, choose radial sawn wood; tangential sawn wood “leads” more. For gluing, special, moisture-resistant compounds should be used.

Related article: How to cash in windows in a wooden house

The section of the beam is chosen based on the number of double-glazed windows - for a window with one chamber, a 6 x 4 cm beam is usually used. In production conditions, grooves are selected in the frame not only for the double-glazed window and external seals, but also for internal ones. One of the former manufacturers of wooden European windows shared his drawings, by simplifying which you can get high-quality structures that are almost as good as ready-made ones. In order to make a window with your own hands, the drawings are quite suitable.

Design features of American sliding windows

The main highlight of rising windows is the layout method. The glazing itself is installed in wooden or metal-plastic frames and has the ability to move in the vertical direction using a special mechanism.

Lifting windows can have a different number of sections:

  • single-leaf. They are moved thanks to a sliding-type lifting mechanism. The sash is lifted by a rotary-lifting device and, when closed, presses it tightly against the frame;
  • double-leaf. They consist of a fixed upper part and a mobile lower part, or vice versa. The sash moves vertically using a roller mechanism and is fixed with a braking device;
  • tricuspid. In such windows, a stationary section is installed in the central part of the window frame, and the upper and lower sections can be raised or lowered using a sliding mechanism with a brake.

Different types of vertical sliding frames differ in the width of the profile, the number of glasses in the package, as well as the design of the brake mechanism. It is possible to partially open the doors to ventilate the room and install a mosquito net on the windows.

Positive sides

English type windows have the following advantages:

  • Like any sliding systems, lifting windows significantly save free living space, making it possible to place flower pots or decorative elements on the windowsill, avoiding the need to remove everything to open the sashes.

    Wood laminated vertical sliding windows

  • The internal arrangement of the fittings eliminates the possibility of opening from the outside and thereby reliably protects the room from unauthorized entry from the outside. In addition, the design provides the ability to enhance security by installing alarm sensors.
  • The lifting system of English windows allows you to ventilate rooms in any weather, as sliding sashes are not afraid of drafts, unlike swing models.
  • The gaps between the moving elements of the window are sealed with sealing rubber bands, and the fittings are protected with special gaskets, which minimizes the likelihood of drafts and blows;
  • Equipping small sashes with folding fittings allows you to easily wash frames and glass from the street side, even on the upper floors.
  • Classic curtains look great on English-type windows, especially in combination with roller shutters or Roman mechanisms.

Advantages and disadvantages of sliding windows with a vertical mechanism

American sash windows have a number of advantages. Main advantages:

  • stylish appearance, providing a harmonious combination with various interior solutions. Original frames will decorate any facade;
  • ease of use due to the absence of protruding handles. Sliding frames not only open easily, but also harmonize perfectly with any curtains;
  • the impossibility of opening English windows by small children, subject to the installation of special protection. The design allows the frames to be locked for safety;
  • possibility of free access to the windowsill and placement of flowerpots on it. In addition, there is no need to empty the window sill in order to ventilate the room.


The following requirements apply to structures::

  • all moving parts must move without jamming;
  • structural parts must be replaceable;
  • reliable fixation of the sash in open mode;
  • fastening of parts and assemblies must comply with manufacturers' recommendations;
  • the doors should not open or close under the influence of wind;
  • the sliding device must withstand 25000+1% cycles;
  • the device must withstand a static load, the value of which is specified in GOST.

Counterweights and spirals must be of very high quality so that the system can work for a long time. The same requirements apply to elements of moving parts, bearings and profiles.

All product parameters must be indicated in the manufacturer’s documentation.

Operating principle and device

American windows work by moving the lower sash, which moves up/down on a special slide, along the second, fixed part. Currently, frames made of plastic and wood are made in the classic style for one leaf, as well as for two and three, which allows them to be installed in any room. In Russia, due to climatic conditions, the pseudo-English type is more common.


Plastic slider windows have the same design as classic wooden frames. They are equipped not with one large glass, but with a complex of smaller ones, which are connected by slats. Modern English-style window frames are made from PVC, equipped with single-glazed windows and decorative beads.

During frame manufacturing, pieces of molded PVC are cut to specific dimensions and soldered together to form the frame. The profile may have several hollow internal sections. The number of cameras affects the characteristics of the window: the more there are, the better the sound insulation. To prevent curvature of the supporting structure due to mechanical damage or temperature changes, the frame is reinforced with steel liners, which makes the frame more rigid. To order it is possible to produce sliders from wood.

The more cameras, the better the sound insulation

Double-glazed window

At the base of the window there is a double-glazed window made of several glasses. It is attached to the frame with special glazing beads. The design is completely sealed, which is ensured by precise sizing, a thick layer of sealant at the ends and rubber seals. To prevent condensation from accumulating in the bag, small holes for drainage are provided on the lower outer part of the frame.


The opening and reliable closing of the sash, the ventilation mode, and the tightness of the closed window are ensured by the guides and locking parts of the structure. Their quality directly affects reliability, burglary protection, heat loss and sound insulation.

The fittings include the following parts:

  • handles that differ from ordinary ones and are protrusions and recesses;
  • bridges along which the doors slide;
  • clamps holding the open sash in the desired position;
  • locking design (it not only secures the window in the closed position, but also protects against external break-in).

Fake English windows are also good!

Analogues of English lifting windows are structures made of plastic or wood with double-glazed windows . In them, the sliding sash fits more tightly to the profile (slightly different fittings and seals are used). So there is not even a hint of blowing.

A fixed window with double-glazed windows and vents looks like an English one. And all thanks to decorative glass covers

Sometimes English windows (or fakes for them) are made completely blank (see photo). But at the same time, they can also stick sprats onto the double-glazed window. From a distance you can't tell it from the original! And one more plus - such an English window is easier to make with your own hands than any other.

Thermal efficiency of “fake” windows is much better. Therefore, they can be safely installed even in apartments. But since the openings there are not high, they are often used for dachas, balconies and country houses.

Choosing a double-glazed window

The glass unit is selected depending on the glazed room. If this is, for example, a dacha, single glass will be quite sufficient. For greater thermal insulation, you will have to use a single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window.

The glazing must be light, so the package is made of low-emissivity glass, and the chambers are filled with inert gas. This design can reduce the heat transfer of the opening by 45% compared to single glass.


The bedroom is a room for night rest. In order for it to be of high quality, it is important to create a cozy and comfortable environment. It is preferable to purchase curtains made of thick fabric and complement them with voile curtains. You can also use various decorative elements - tassels, braid, beads. They will add a touch of homely warmth.

The density of the curtains is important to provide reliable protection from excess sun. Light curtains of the correct texture can also cope with shading. So don't be afraid to choose pastel colors.

Where is the best place to install

The thermal insulation performance of English-type windows is somewhat lower than energy-saving casement windows, which somewhat limits their scope of application. The most convenient and elegant option, with single glass frames, will be relevant anywhere in the country house, summer kitchen and other buildings that are not heated in winter.

If you plan to glaze a residential building or apartment, you should pay attention to structures with an insulated profile and double-glazed windows that are suitable for the weather in winter. However, in regions with extremely cold climates, it is better to refrain from using English windows, even the most energy-efficient ones. After all, their homeland is Britain, and there it mostly rains, not thirty-degree frosts.

Eurowindows: do-it-yourself made of wood

The process of manufacturing a wooden euro-window will require certain financial investments - the cost of wood, components, equipment. It is also easier to order double-glazed windows from professionals, although some craftsmen manage to assemble this unit themselves. But even taking into account the impressive cost of the finished product, which is an elite and therefore quite expensive product, the savings will be significant. If we are talking about building a new house or completely glazing an old one, the difference can be tens of thousands.

Installation of American windows

Replacement or installation of American windows involves their installation. But if you do not have contractors for this, you can use the services of our specialists who will deliver your windows and carry out high-quality installation. This event happens quite quickly if experienced specialists are involved. We use our own tools and supplies for installation, so you don't have to worry about installation at all. Just order the required number of windows and you will soon be using them.

High-quality and correct installation is a very important measure for the overall service life of windows. Therefore, installation, repair and other work with windows must be trusted to experienced specialists. If you want to get high-quality windows along with installation at the lowest cost in Moscow, contact Okna Lux, because we have enormous experience and qualified personnel who have been working in this field for many years. With you you will receive the best product and you will be convinced that the services we provide are much higher than their cost.

Approximate prices

Let's look at some examples:

  • The cost of a meter by one and a half window block, made of pine with single glazing - 5,000 rubles;
  • Another organization offers a 1m x 0.9m window for 40 thousand rubles;
  • In St. Petersburg you can find options with a minimum cost of 12,000 rubles. It will be the size of a meter by one and a half or a similar area, made of the simplest metal-plastic profile and equipped with the same double-glazed window.

The cost of English windows depends on the degree of thermal insulation, construction material, sash frame and country of manufacture. Finding classic options in the regions of the country is quite difficult. Due to climatic conditions, they are not very popular. Pseudo-English variants are relatively common, the prices of which vary depending on the manufacturer.

Ready-made solutions for your home

Window slider

  • Total area: 1.26 m2
  • Profile: MIKRON EnergyCore 82 (White)
  • Accessories: Vertical slider
  • Filling: 4M1-20-4M1

25,000 rubles

Window slider

  • Total area: 1.26 m2
  • Profile: MIKRON EnergyCore 82 (White)
  • Accessories: Vertical slider
  • Filling: 4M1-20-4M1

32,000 rubles

Window slider

  • Total area: 1.26 m2
  • Profile: MIKRON EnergyCore 82 (White)
  • Accessories: Vertical slider
  • Filling: 4M1-20-4M1

46,000 rubles

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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