TOP 7 mistakes when installing interior doors and ways to eliminate them

You are tired of loudly slamming doors and unpleasant chips on the walls left by the door leaf, then it’s time to purchase and install a door opening limiter. Next, we will analyze in detail the types of such devices, and finally we will show how to install a door stop with your own hands.

Door opening limiters are quite varied.

Consequences of improperly installed doors

Unstable fastening of the door frame, excessively tightened hinges, poor-quality mounting foam, illiterate sequence of repair work, incorrect ratio of the weight of the interior door and the strength of the opening, coupled with installation errors, can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • deformation and distortion of the door frame;
  • fast wear of hinges;
  • difficulties with operation;
  • the appearance of damage to the canvas;
  • violation of sound and heat insulation;
  • creaking when closing and opening doors;
  • difficulties with locking mechanisms.

In order for interior doors to last without breaking, serve for a long time and not cause inconvenience to the owners, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive inspections for them. If you inspect the doors in a timely manner, you can detect minor defects that arose both during operation and due to improper installation, and remove them in a short time yourself.

Repairing a door frame when fasteners are loose

If the wood screws that hold the frame become loose, you can simply tighten them. Sometimes this method does not bring results, because the screws do not hold well in loose holes.

In this case, it is advisable to replace the fasteners. You can also equip old holes with plugs and install self-tapping screws in them.

If the door frame was fastened with nails, it is worth strengthening the structure with additional screws.

If the door frame is fixed in brickwork, then holes are drilled in the slopes and dowels are used for fastening.

If the door does not close tightly and the door vibrates in the frame, repair work consists of rearranging the locking device. For this purpose, unscrew the fastening screws and carefully remove the mechanism. To move the locking device latch, you need to expand its socket. This is done using a chisel, the old mounting holes are sealed, and the device itself is installed in a new location.

If the sash swings open and closes with difficulty, the leaf rubs against the threshold, which means the fastening hinges have become loose. To correct the situation, tighten all the screws so that the hinges stop moving.

Important! If the subsidence continues over time, the screws will need to be replaced.

TOP 7 installation mistakes

In addition to the installation technique, it is important to think through many little things in advance that can result in unpleasant surprises:

  • To install a door correctly, you need to approach the issue professionally. Tools required: level, milling cutters, high-quality polyurethane foam. And to be on the safe side, it is important to have a set of markers and putty on hand that matches the color of the door.
  • Before installation, be sure to check the walls using a level. If the walls are crooked, the door will not fit correctly.
  • When installing a double door, it is important to pay attention to the texture pattern. This is a common mistake: one sash is installed incorrectly, and the pattern turns out to be directed in the opposite direction.
  • If the platband does not cover the gap between the wall and the frame, a gap remains above the canvas. The defect can be eliminated by setting a threshold.
  • Doors must be installed at the same level.

Incorrect finishing algorithm

The most common mistake is the incorrect sequence of work during repairs.
For example, apartment owners purchase new doors, install them, and only after that start decorating the walls. But new wallpaper is not the biggest problem. The difficulties begin further when the craftsmen arrive to level the floors and fill the screed. In the best case, the door will not close; in the worst, they simply cannot install it. How to eliminate the consequences of improper repairs can only be decided on the spot. But it’s very easy to avoid them - you just need to follow the correct sequence of finishing work.

Advice! Repairs should begin with dismantling work, then connect electricians, pour screed on the floor, level the walls, plaster corners and slopes, hang wallpaper, install suspended ceilings if desired, lay laminate, parquet or other flooring. Only when the renovation is actually completed can interior doors be installed.

Main disadvantages

Interior doors are subject to less stringent requirements than entrance doors. They should not be so durable, heat-insulating, soundproof. It is unlikely that a professional burglar will live in the next room, so protection against unauthorized opening, like serious locks, is also not needed. The main functions of interior doors are to decorate the apartment, protect against light drafts and provide acceptable sound insulation.

However, poorly adjusted doors may not meet these minimum requirements. The main disadvantages may be poor or incorrect closing, opening, squeaking and noisy slamming. To combat these shortcomings, it is necessary to know the reasons that cause them, and also to decide who should carry out the adjustment work. You can do this yourself, or you can invite specialists.

Gaps big and small

Another cause of problems with doors is gaps that are too large or too small.
Because of them, the door becomes impossible to close; it begins to touch the frame. Too large gaps lead to poor thermal and sound insulation in the room. Incorrect installation of the door leaf or frame causes gaps to appear. There may be several reasons for a gap to appear:

  • Warp door frame .
    Usually occurs due to uneven distribution of load on one of the fasteners of the longitudinal post screwed to the wall opening. For example, an overtightened lower or upper fastener of a hinge beam can deform the box, which will result in the formation of gaps. You can detect the distortion using a building level, and adjusting the fastening of the door frame to the wall opening will help fix the problem (you will have to tighten the fasteners somewhere, and slightly loosen them in another place). In addition, using a level you can determine the presence of convex or concave areas on the surface of the beam.
  • Inaccurately cut and joined door frame beams . This defect will deprive the inner corners of the box of the ideal dimensions of 90 degrees. Even a couple of extra mm of one of the beams will provide a significant gap. In this case, only dismantling the box, followed by adjustment and correct installation will help.
  • Unaccounted for room microclimate . If the ability to shrink or expand wooden structures is not taken into account when measuring, temperature differences and humidity will lead to deformation. You can try to solve the problem. For example, if the door does not close due to the fact that it has swollen under the influence of moisture, it is enough to dry it well. Or, on the contrary, the door has dried out due to the high temperature in the room - in this case, you just need to remove the heating source. If all else fails, the door will have to be dismantled and replaced with a new one.


As you can see, mistakes can be made at every step when installing interior doors yourself. As a result, the door will look unkempt; it will open spontaneously or touch the floor. And with all this, the work will take a lot of time, effort and nerves, and if the installation was ordered by shabatniks, then also money. And you will still have to pay professional craftsmen for the rework, and maybe even buy damaged moldings.

Is there any point in wasting time and driving yourself into additional expenses if everything can be created perfectly and perfectly right away? Masters are always at your service. In addition, the prices for interior doors will pleasantly surprise you. Call!

Incorrect fastening of door hinges

One of the main reasons that interior doors no longer close is improper fastening of the door hinges.
If they are too recessed on the counter or door, or, conversely, are not fully recessed, the door stops closing normally. Subsequently, the decorative lining of the door will suffer, cracks, chips and scratches will appear on it. To solve this problem, you should remove the incorrectly installed hinges and correct the defect. If the door starts to open too tightly, the problem may be sagging hinges. You can try to fix the problem by placing cardboard under the hinges, or replacing them with new ones. Also, if the hinges sag, they need to be lubricated.

Advice! It is not recommended to use sealant on self-adhesive paper. The door seal must be made of durable and high-quality rubber. It is installed in the groove.

Incorrect installation of the door frame

To properly install the door block, you need to use a plumb line and level.
Using wooden wedges, the box is wedged, the side with the hinges is secured, checking for verticality and opening. After this, polyurethane foam is poured, installing spacers so that the foam does not deform the box. The main indicator that the door frame is installed incorrectly is the doors opening or closing spontaneously.

If the door opens on its own, then the reason should be looked for at the very top of the door frame. Typically, this is where the top of the post tilts to the right from vertical. Doors that close spontaneously indicate that the lower part of the box has deviated to the right of the vertical. Problems associated with installing a door frame are very difficult to resolve.

There is only one solution to this defect - dismantling the door along with the frame. After this, you need to correctly align it vertically, measuring with a level, and reinstall the door leaf.

There is one more way out of this problem - to get by with little expense, you can try to install platbands according to the European standard: joints at 90 degrees, and not at the usual 45.

Rating of quality wall stoppers

This popular model belongs to the category of wall stops that can also be fixed to the surface of the floor covering. High-quality aluminum alloy is used for manufacturing. The manufacturer's warranty is 5 years. Dimensions declared by the manufacturer: 7x4 cm. The design allows you to easily fix the doorway in the open position.

Cost – 1070 rub.

This design is in high demand among domestic consumers, largely due to the possibility of hidden installation. For production, 100% zamak is used - a type of zinc alloy. An excellent solution not only for protecting coatings from interior doors, but also from entrance doors. The product does not have any foreign odors despite the fact that silicone is used. Galvanic coating is used as a protective layer. The material is characterized by resistance to mechanical damage, scratches and corrosion. All necessary fasteners are included in the kit.

Cost – 500 rub.

This wall-mounted stopper will prevent damage to furniture and walls when opening the door. Dimensions declared by the manufacturer: 21x16x4 mm. The shape is classic. The product is often found in public places, offices and shopping centers. It will also protect the hinges from significant damage. The delivery set includes all the necessary elements that will be required for subsequent installation. Produced in the Middle Kingdom. Copper alloy is used for manufacturing.

Average price – 400 rubles.

This model is characterized by compact dimensions and a rubberized tip, which eliminates the risk of damage to the door leaf in the event of a strong impact. For subsequent installation, a person will need 3 screws, which are included in the package. A high-quality alloy based on copper, aluminum and zinc is used to make the case. Galvanic five-layer coating is used as a protective coating. Produced in the Middle Kingdom.

Cost – 350 rub.

This inexpensive holder falls into the category of practical solutions that will help eliminate the risk of doors slamming. An indispensable assistant in a home where a small child is growing up. It is characterized by convenience and ease of subsequent operation. You will need several screws to secure it. A roller-type latch ensures reliable fixation. The set includes not only the limiter, but also 4 screws. Dimensions declared by the manufacturer: 40x20x70 mm. Plastic is used for production. Produced in Turkey.

How much does the set cost? The purchase will cost 350 rubles.

Incorrect hanging of the canvas

Improper door hanging leads to premature wear of locks, hinges, and misalignment in the block.
Gaps resulting from this error disrupt the connection between the door frame and the opening. The mounting foam holding the box in the opening begins to crumble. Professional carpenters and installers always make the edge angle of the blade on the hinge side less than 90°. This is especially important if the doors are made of solid wood. When hanging doors made of chipboard and other factory materials, you need to ensure that the hinges do not “press” when closing. The door leaf, hung correctly, should not touch the frame when closing, even from the hinge side. The only point of contact is the seal.

It is very easy to check whether the door is installed correctly: just take a sheet of paper and insert it between the frame and the leaf - if the paper passes smoothly along the entire length of the door, then the installation was successful. If not, you need to rehang the canvas, having first found out the causes of the defect.

Important! The more the door leaf weighs, the more hinges need to be installed. It is important that all the hinges are in their grooves. There should be no play or gaps.

New doors in an old frame: what you need for work

When renovating an apartment or private house, it is often necessary to replace the interior door. But it is not necessary to reinstall the entire structure: if the box is in good condition, then it is enough to change only the canvas. This is easy to do yourself, and it will cost significantly less than complete dismantling. Next, we’ll look at how to install new doors in an old frame.

What will you need for the job?

No complex preparatory work is required. It is enough to have the simplest tools on hand: a tape measure with a pencil, a level, a hammer, a drill and a jigsaw, a chisel and a grinder. This work can be done independently, but it is better with a partner. This makes it more convenient and reduces the risk of straining your back, especially if the door leaf is quite heavy, for example, made of natural wood.

How to dismantle an old door?

Installing a new door into an old frame, as always, begins with removing the old one. The process is simple and will not take much time.

Dismantling of the old structure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. All existing fittings are removed from the door leaf. If the handles, peephole and locks are in good condition and they match the color of the new product, then they can be used for the purchased product.
  2. More often, for interior systems, hinges are used from which the fabric can be removed without difficulty. If their device is complex, then you need to unscrew them one by one. You need to start removing from the top, so there is less chance of damage to the elements from the weight of the canvas. For some hinges, you must first remove the rods and only then remove the product.
  3. To remove the old canvas, you can use a crowbar or pry bar, lifting the canvas like a lever. This must be done slowly so that the door does not fly off its hinges. It is better to work with a partner, when one person holds the canvas and the other lifts it.
  4. After this, you need to unscrew and inspect the hinges on the box and on the door. If they have no defects, then the part on the door frame is left in place. If there is damage, the fittings need to be replaced. This option is preferable since the hinges also tend to wear out. In addition, they must fit the new design, and old fittings can significantly deviate from the overall design.

The entire door frame should also be inspected. It is better to remove the platbands and see if there are any cracks or crevices underneath them. If they appear, be sure to putty them, and then just put the planks in their original place.

How to install a new door?

It doesn't take much time to install a new door into an old frame. And if you have the skills and an assistant, you can do it even faster (especially if the size of the canvas already matches the opening).

This second stage in replacing an interior door without destroying the old frame is performed as follows:

  1. If necessary, the new canvas is adjusted to the dimensions of the old one. If the box is made of metal, it may have different widths at the bottom and top. Then the product is narrowed a little. The cut edge must be decorated (painted, pasted over) after installation of the structure.
  2. Make markings for future loops. They may be new or from a previous door. This must be done precisely. The hinges are mounted using screws (screwdriver or screwdriver). From the bottom edge of the canvas to the lowest loop, there is usually a 20 cm offset. From the top of the canvas to the top loop, the optimal offset is 15 cm. The required amount of fittings depends on the weight of the canvas. For a regular wooden structure, two hinges will be enough.
  3. Install all the fittings on the canvas. To do this, markings are also carried out and the necessary holes are drilled. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the upholstery (if any), and also to ensure that all fittings function well. A jigsaw is suitable for the job. Often a new door has a lock and handles already installed, which is convenient.
  4. After this, the canvas is hung.
  5. Check the functioning of all fittings, especially locks. If the structure is even slightly skewed, they will close with force and wear out more. If necessary, adjust the hinges.
  6. According to this scheme, a hinged interior system consisting of one or two doors is replaced.

Replacement of the entrance structure is carried out in the same way. A new iron door can be installed in an old frame without any problems, but it will not be possible to adjust the door leaf if the dimensions do not match. Therefore, parameters should be measured as accurately as possible.

Installation of a compartment door

Many houses today have “compartment” type doors. It’s convenient, practical, and it’s also not always necessary to change something radically.

Installation of such a door occurs according to a different scheme:

  1. The first step is to dismantle the old product.
  2. Next, existing cracks are sealed and all defects are eliminated.
  3. A groove is made at the bottom end of the panel; a chisel is required for this. You need to insert a guide into this groove (it is made in the shape of the letter P), and then securely fasten it. The rollers will move along this guide.
  4. Rollers must be installed in the prepared plank.
  5. The door is placed on the lower guide, while the door leaf is attached to the rollers. The canvas must be inserted into the corresponding grooves on the rollers. It is difficult to do this on your own; it is better to work with an assistant.
  6. Make markings for the top guide. It must be installed above the doorway.
  7. A metal guide is attached to a wooden beam. It is fixed using an anchor in the upper part of the canvas. It is important to check the correctness of the work performed with a level.
  8. Now you need to insert the new door into the old frame. To do this, place it vertically and slightly tilt it away from you. The upper rollers need to be placed on their guide. After which the product is slightly raised and placed on the lower bar, placing it on moving rollers.

At the end of the work, special limiters are installed. They are necessary so that the canvas does not fly off the guides. Then install the handle and check how the door works. It should move smoothly, without significant effort. If any deficiencies are found, they must be corrected immediately.

What should you pay attention to?

To ensure that the new door leaf in the old frame is installed correctly, is easy to operate and harmoniously complements the interior, it is important to take into account all the nuances.

So, when replacing an old design with a new product, pay attention to the following points:

  1. When choosing a new door leaf, it is important to match it in color to the old door frame so that there is no imbalance. When going to the store to buy a new interior door, you can simply take the removed trim with you, this will make choosing it much easier.
  2. It is important to measure all dimensions accurately. To do this you need a tape measure. The standard width is 80 cm, but it is better to measure at floor level and several more times along the entire length. The height may be standard at 210 cm, but sometimes differs. Therefore, this parameter is also important to measure.
  3. If you plan to replace the flooring, then first carry out all the work, and only then install the interior system.
  4. It would be a good idea to check the doorway for its evenness. For the vertical, use a plumb line or level. Both diagonals are also measured; they should be almost the same.
  5. When purchasing a product, you should take measurements in the store and check with the required parameters. If there are minor discrepancies, the product can be adjusted to size. To do this, after purchase, a new door leaf is laid on the old door. They are aligned along the top side and the vertical where the handle is located. If necessary, the excess part is sawed off.
  6. You can leave the old box without replacing it only if it is in good condition. In many older houses this will not be possible, since the entire system is often in poor condition. Moreover, in old buildings, doors are often of non-standard size, so you will have to widen or, conversely, narrow the opening, which cannot be done without dismantling the frame. In this case, not only the wallpaper is often damaged, but also the plaster. All these defects will need to be eliminated.

Also, in some cases, it is better to negotiate with the door seller about their installation. Many companies provide such services; they have experience and all the necessary tools. Therefore, replacing the entrance system will be quick.

Installing a new door into an old frame yourself is not such a difficult procedure. It can be carried out without involving workers. This is much simpler, faster and cheaper than changing the entire structure along with the box. And no construction debris or dust.

Cheap polyurethane foam

Even after purchasing an expensive door and high-quality hinges, the owner cannot be sure that an unscrupulous craftsman will not ruin the door using cheap polyurethane foam.
Polyurethane foam replaces screws and self-tapping screws. It is used for good adhesion of doorway elements. And yet this is the invisible material on which people often save, mistakenly hoping that nothing depends on it. In fact, due to low-quality foam, the door frame may become skewed. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to use polyurethane foam only from trusted manufacturers, and do not forget about spacers during installation.

Master's choice

Door installation begins with choosing a specialist. It is important not to make a mistake, because the final result of the work depends only on his professionalism. Is it possible to find an experienced specialist through an advertisement in a newspaper? Maybe, but, usually, a good master is constantly busy with work and does not need additional advertising of his own services. One of the most common mistakes is that the client chooses a craftsman based on his ability to talk extensively about the various intricacies of carpentry. Sweet speech will not change skill. Often amateurishness is hidden behind laudable odes to oneself, but the most ideal thing about a master is his work.

Poor quality materials and errors in measurements

To avoid numerous problems with the operation of interior doors, you should take the choice of door leaf seriously, taking into account the characteristics of both the door itself and the opening.
It is necessary to measure the dimensions, find out the weight, composition and density of the door. For example, if the installation takes place in a room with brick walls, then you will first need to strengthen the doorway. Factory trims and boxes from inexpensive MDF are made according to standard measurements. Such platbands use cheap and simple materials, which is why they cannot withstand a heavy door.

How to adjust an interior door so it doesn't close

When renovating an apartment or house, a lot of effort and energy is spent on choosing interior doors. They should decorate the room, provide reliable sound insulation and protect from drafts. And so - beautiful doors are installed, but then it turns out that they are not able to protect from noise and wind, since they close and open poorly and, in addition, they also creak like a rusty gate.

Adjusting the interior door

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