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Shower cabin or shower corner from scratch – how to choose?

Hygiene is an integral part of our life. After a working day, it’s so nice to take a bath, relax and escape from all your worries. However, not everyone has the opportunity to install a bulky bathroom. Some people are limited by bathroom space, while others prefer to use compact stalls. And if you want to install a place in your house, apartment or country house for taking water procedures, then you may have a question: a tray or a shower stall, which is better? What are the differences between them? Are they significant?

You can find out this from this article. We will conduct a detailed analysis and compare shower trays and shower enclosures.

Occupied space

Tiny bathrooms, alas, still remain the main problem of our apartments. But we use this room not only for washing, so we also want to place here a washing machine, a basket for dirty laundry, and all kinds of shelves and cabinets for storing everything we need. Do you really have to give up something? Give up the bathtub in favor of a shower stall, and then even in a modest-sized bathroom, there will probably be room for all of the above.

Moreover, for a bathtub in which you can relax with your legs stretched out, there are often simply not enough meters: the owners of such “doll” apartments, as a rule, have to be content with a medium-sized bowl, where they will no longer be able to lie down. If the architects, when creating the project, thought about anything but the comfort of future residents, as a result of which the bathroom turned out to be long but narrow, a shower stall becomes the only acceptable solution.

A walk-in shower is typically touted as a great space-saving option, and in principle it is. However, before making a final decision, we strongly recommend that you visit a plumbing store and take a closer look at the shower stalls. It will be good if, having received the consent of the sellers, you even stand in the cabin that you intend to purchase. With a high probability, you will find that a modest-sized cabin is not very comfortable for you, and a spacious one is already so large that the coveted space saving becomes illusory.

In addition, do not forget that the height of the shower stall is at least two meters. Being placed in the bathroom of a typical apartment, where the ceilings are usually quite low, it will create a feeling of crampedness, even if it occupies a small area.

Let's also remember about such wealth as shampoos, shower gels, scrubs, masks, creams... I want all this (or almost all) to be at hand while washing. You can hang more than one shelf above the bathtub, and there can be a lot of jars and tubes on the sides of the bathtub itself. In the shower stall, of course, you can also hang shelves, but, firstly, they will “eat up” a lot of space in an already cramped stall, and secondly, be prepared for the fact that due to the cramped space you will regularly hit something and drop it.

Good food for thought...

Door type

The door of the booths and corners is made of tempered glass. Its advantage is considered to be impact resistance and safety after breaking. You can order plumbing fixtures with glass thicknesses of 4, 6, 8 mm.

The difference between doors is in the opening mechanism:

  • swing This type of door may create some inconvenience when opening;
  • sliding This option is budget-friendly because the manufacturing process is simple and easy. They allow you to save space without taking up space when opening.
  • folding door. It is installed in small bathrooms when it is necessary to save space. Folding doors are called an accordion or a book. They consist of several glass panels.

Water consumption

The widespread introduction of individual water consumption meters has finally forced us to think seriously about saving, and in the dispute between a bathtub and a shower stall, a new argument has appeared. The volume of a medium-sized bath is about 200 liters. This is the amount of water you will spend swimming. Repeating this procedure every night may be too expensive for many.

Those who prefer to rinse in the shower spend three to four times less water, which means that installing a shower cabin leads to a significant reduction in utility bills, and therefore is beneficial for the family budget.

Here the word “but” appears again... It’s not for nothing that we used the verb “rinse” above, implying that you will spend a few minutes in the shower just to wash off the dirt and sweat from your body. If you prefer to take your time, if you love to sing while in the shower, if you like to stand for a long time under tight streams of water, then this means that each time you spend no less water than you need to fill the bath. Of course, there can be no talk of saving in this case.

The shower cabin does not hide space

Here we are talking about a laconic design with glass partitions, transparent doors and a drain in the floor. It is chosen by modern dynamic people who are not used to spending a lot of time on themselves. The freed up space that the bathroom could occupy can be used not only for a washing machine, but also for a drying machine. The shower cabin looks airy, stylish and expensive, fitting perfectly into the minimalist style.


What is the bathtub for? Of course, for water hygiene procedures. The answer is correct, but not complete. It is common for Russian people to look for alternative ways to use things and objects that seem to have very specific functions, and the bath is no exception. So, we think...

Firstly , the bathtub is washable. Of course, almost every home today has a washing machine. However, sometimes there is a need to wash some bulky and heavy items - curtains, bedspreads, winter clothes, etc. And this is where a large bath bowl comes to the rescue. Here you can also place a basin with items made of delicate fabric, which many housewives simply do not dare to entrust to the washing machine.

Secondly , you can wash dishes in the bathroom if necessary. Of course, there is a kitchen sink for this purpose. But how can you scrub the baking tray without pouring water on the floor? Or wash a ten-liter saucepan that simply doesn’t fit in the sink?

Thirdly , a bath is an indispensable thing for dog owners. Furry pets need to be bathed periodically, and their paws need to be washed after every walk. And if you can try bathing a Chihuahua, Toy Terrier or Pekingese in a basin, then what should owners of large dogs do?

Fourthly , the bath allows you to store a supply of water if necessary. In our country, an announcement on the entrance door about a planned or emergency shutdown of water is almost commonplace. It happens that cold water is turned off for a day or more. And without water, as you know, you can’t go here or there. What to do? In anticipation of the upcoming “drought,” simply fill a spacious bathtub bowl.

Fifthly , a bath will help extend the life of flowers. After all, they sometimes give you bouquets? Well, at least on the occasion of a major event, for example, an anniversary? (Although, for sure, there are still romantics who shower their women with roses for no reason...) How I want to preserve this splendor longer! And for this, it is better to leave flowers that stand in a vase during the day in cool water at night. And here again the bath comes to the rescue.

How, besides washing, can you use a shower stall? In which of the above situations can she come to the rescue? Alas, the shower cannot boast of such versatility...

If it comes to comparing a bathtub and a shower cabin, we can mention one more function of the bathtub: it can play the role of... a shower. If you don't have the time or desire to soak in warm water, you can take a shower in the bathroom. All you need for this is a curtain that will prevent water pouring from the watering can from getting onto the floor. The ability to replace your direct competitor is one-sided: you can take a shower in the bathroom, but you can’t swim in the shower.

What's best for children

In families with small children, the question “What to choose – a bathtub or a shower?” doesn't even get up. For young parents, the answer is obvious – definitely a bath.

It is difficult to imagine how you can bathe a newborn baby in the shower, who requires especially careful care for his delicate skin. A simple ablution under running water will not allow you to do this fully. In addition, by refusing a bath in favor of a shower, you are depriving your baby of his first pool, but swimming is very useful for strengthening the muscle corset.

So what is next? In a year, in three, in five? For a long time, the baby will need the help of mom or dad while washing - soaping his back, rinsing his hair, scrubbing his blackened knees from crawling on the ground and his belly painted with felt-tip pens... In the shower, you will have to do this with one hand, since the other will have to hold the removable watering can so as not to get wet yourself and do not flood the floor outside the cabin. We warn those who are just planning to have a child: some preschoolers often manage to get so dirty that only a long soak in the bathroom can save the situation.

Now let's try to look at this issue through the eyes of a child. What do you think your child will prefer? Undoubtedly, a child will be much more willing to play in the bathroom than to take a shower. After all, a bath is not just a vessel filled with water, but a small sea is a source of delight and joy. Be sure that your child will not exchange a bath for anything.

The bath is more practical

In modern realities, many are faced with the problem of turning off water. It is the bath that allows you to stock up on enough water without using buckets, bottles and basins. You can soak clothes and wash delicate items in the bathtub. Also, the bathtub is always equipped with a shower head, so the home owner has a choice - to quickly rinse off or comfortably soak in warm water. If you only need to wash your hair, it is more convenient to do it under the tap, leaning over the bathtub, rather than under the shower.

According to pet owners, it is more convenient to wash their pets in the bathtub, especially large dogs.

Accessibility for people with disabilities

We talked about the children, it’s time to remember about the parents. Most older people will undoubtedly prefer a shower stall. The fact is that over the years, joint mobility decreases, muscle strength decreases, and it becomes more and more difficult for an elderly person to overcome such an obstacle as the side of a bathtub. People with various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system face the same problem. Getting into the bath can be an overwhelming and even dangerous task for them.

Entering the shower stall is much easier. If necessary, you can even dispense with a low tray by installing a drain directly at floor level. If it is difficult for your loved one to stand while washing in the shower, you can buy a shower stall with a seat. In addition, such a seat will allow you not to worry that the old man may suddenly become dizzy during water procedures.

Let us also recall that for some ailments, a bath is completely included in the list of taboos. First of all, we are talking about people with high blood pressure and/or cardiovascular diseases. Immersion in hot water can lead to a serious deterioration in their well-being, but being in the shower is not contraindicated for them.


Nothing better than water will allow you to relax and unwind after a hard day. The effectiveness of relaxation largely depends on which water procedures you choose.

The shower cabin will easily provide you with the opportunity to relax your body and soul. Submit your tired muscles to the directed jets of water that beat under strong pressure from the wall nozzles, and in a few minutes you will feel as wonderful as after a professional massage session.

By the way, the nozzles can be mounted at different levels, which will allow each family member, including the little ones, to regularly enjoy this type of hydromassage. The soft pressure of water flowing from the ceiling shower will create the effect of summer rain and help calm overexcited nerves. Some models are equipped with steam generators, which allows you to simulate the microclimate of a bathhouse inside the shower cabin.

As you can see, it is quite possible to relax in the shower. But how can this compare with the possibilities that a bath provides you? Only in the bathroom can you lie quietly, closing your eyes and stretching your legs. Only in the bathroom can you soak in the fragrant foam and enjoy the smell of essential oils. Only in the bathroom is your skin deeply steamed, which guarantees that it retains its elasticity and blooming appearance, and gives you a feeling of lightness and good mood. Only in the bathroom can you finally retire to your favorite book - here, for sure, no one will distract you.

You can also spend pleasant moments alone with your significant other in the bathroom. Will you be able to enjoy the flickering of candles in your soul? Drink champagne? Throw rose petals across the waves? Having intimate conversations, after all? It is unlikely that you will choose a shower stall if you still have at least a little romance left in you.

Equipped with additional functions

In terms of functionality, the bathtub cannot be compared with a modern shower cabin. The first is just a snow-white container without any frills, while the second looks a little like a spaceship. Using the buttons on the shower cabin control panel, you can adjust the water temperature, its pressure and delivery method.

Smart sensors will give the command to dispense a portion of liquid soap as soon as you raise your hand to the dispenser. Manufacturers have even taken care of those who like to sing while standing under elastic streams of water: waterproof speakers will fill the shower stall with pleasant music. Some showers can easily be turned into a real sauna - they are decorated with special heat-insulating materials, equipped with steam generators and equipped with control systems.

Of course, the more additional functions a shower cabin is equipped with, the higher its cost. But you will go to any lengths to feel like the lord of water.

Installation of a shower compartment in St. Petersburg

A tiled shower pedestal is an excellent choice that more and more professional designers and ordinary citizens are leaning towards. Over 10 years of work, the European Standard team has designed about a hundred shower pedestals, trays and corners. We are professionals in our field. By contacting us for repair services, you receive human relations, high-quality repairs and guarantees for all work.

The final price for installing a shower tray in St. Petersburg is announced only after inspecting the premises and agreeing on all necessary work with the customer. On average, the price for installing a shower tray in St. Petersburg from “European Standard” craftsmen is calculated from 5,000 rubles .

To install a shower compartment from scratch, contact us right now by phone: +7 (812) 970-77-70.

Care and cleaning

Every housewife wants the place where hygiene procedures are carried out to be sparkling clean, but, alas, not everyone has a free minute to polish it up. What is easier to clean – the smooth surfaces of the bathtub or the numerous protrusions of the technical elements of the shower stall, which also has high walls? The answer, we think, is obvious.

Drops of water on the transparent walls of the shower stall, if they are not wiped off in a timely manner, turn into unsightly stains. However, you will not limit yourself to wiping the walls and doors of the cabin after each session of water procedures. Every time the cabin must be thoroughly dried: insufficient ventilation in a closed space leads to the rapid proliferation of various microorganisms and, as a result, to the appearance of fungus, mold and unpleasant odors.

Device characteristics

Adopting hygiene procedures is the main task of plumbing. In addition to the main functions, the kit often contains additional options that are not always known to users. Let's look at the characteristics of the devices in detail.

Bath functions

Horizontal structures for hygiene procedures are made in the form of a bowl. Bathing tanks can be traditional in shape (rectangular, oval, corner) or non-standard. The volume of the bath varies between 100-250 liters, although upon individual order you can get a bath of any capacity.

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