Which is better and more reliable - a chainsaw, an electric or cordless chainsaw?

The time of good lumberjacks (known to us from fairy tales for children) has already passed. Today, instead of the rhythmic blows of an ax in the forest and in the garden, you can hear the creaking whistle that electric and chainsaws emit. They are used by almost everyone - from professional loggers to ordinary residents. Chainsaws are ideal for various types of woodworking. These devices can significantly reduce the number of operations, including precise and complex ones. This tool can be powered by a gasoline engine or an electric one.
Before purchasing, the question arises: what to choose, a chainsaw or an electric saw, which is better, which is more reliable? To purchase the right tool, we must tailor our purchase to our needs and capabilities. Using a saw, we can cut wood, prepare wood for burning, prepare it for processing and cutting into boards, make various types of structures, or even cut branches and bushes. All these operations can be carried out quickly and effortlessly.

However, saws are available in a wide range of models and types that differ in design and capabilities. Today this type of device is already a standard, but not everyone knows how to choose the best one. In this article we will try to give some tips.

Chainsaw or electric saw: which is better to choose?

Before purchasing a tool for your needs, you should understand its technical characteristics and compare them with your needs.
First of all, we need to clearly define our needs. If we use a saw in our own garden, then most often the tool is required to cut the cut tree into smaller pieces; for this it is enough to have a compact, convenient electric saw, powered from a regular power outlet.

However, if the job requires more power or we have to work in harsher conditions, away from a power source, it will be necessary to purchase a high-quality chainsaw. Both the first and second types of saws are currently represented on the market by many models, and at least several manufacturers are global brands specializing in this equipment.

It is always important to compare offers not only in terms of price, but also in terms of parameters, because the performance of the tool in specific conditions will mainly depend on them.

First of all, the most important decision will be the choice of engine, as well as other main parameters, let’s look at them in more detail. Below are comparative characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of saws that will help you choose and buy the right chainsaw or electric saw.

General parameters that are very important when using this device on a daily basis.

  1. Versatility. Naturally, when buying more expensive equipment, we want it to serve us as often as possible and for different needs. Therefore, it is worth choosing models that are useful, for example, for cutting down trees in the garden, as well as for cutting bars for fuel. Of course, a lot depends on our needs, but greater versatility means lower operating costs.
  2. Safety – Although modern saws are equipped with safety systems, it is always a good idea to double-check the safety systems when working with such a dangerous tool. The device must have an overheating prevention system, safety switches and quick start.
  3. Environmentally friendly - Much depends on the efficiency of the energy system itself, which, for example, consumes less electricity or fuel and therefore has lower emissions. Many manufacturers have their own, very strict standards in this area, often certified.
  4. Operating comfort – Provided by features such as quiet operation and comfort (important for long-term use), performance and wireless connectivity. These qualities are especially important for professional models intended for higher demands. But the most expensive option is not always the best for our needs.

Electric and chainsaws have been in use for a long time, so individual models have evolved so much that it is sometimes difficult to find the only device of your dreams in a huge range. However, paying extra for equipment that is used once or twice a year is not always advisable. Let's analyze what we need, what functions are most important to us. Then the likelihood that we will buy a good device that meets our expectations will increase significantly.

Recommendations that will allow you to make the right choice

Electric saws from Makita received the highest rating from buyers on Yandex.market - 4.7 points on a 5-point system. The rest of the above – 4.5 points.

Rating 4.7. 133 reviews. All this speaks to the popularity of the instrument.

Makit has one drawback - the highest price. Technically, this is a reliable and high-quality tool with the best ergonomics (ease of use).

The Patriot captivates with its low price, but this is also alarming. Quality is rarely cheap. This option is suitable when you have to cut a little and rarely.

Huter electric saws of German origin, purchased 10 years ago, still serve their owners in everyday life.

Ideally, when choosing, you should first look at quality, and only then at price. Especially for workshop and professional construction. But the price is not always affordable, so the most popular models are those in the mid-price segment.

The power of the electric saw is selected based on the volume of work to be done and the dimensions of the workpieces that will need to be cut.

Most manufacturers complete their products with high-quality chains from global manufacturers so as not to spoil their reputation. A low-quality chain may end up in a set of inexpensive tools when the manufacturer skimps on everything to reduce the cost.

If an inexpensive electric saw comes with a bad saw set, you should try to see how it will work. Sometimes it makes sense to immediately buy a high-quality chain.

Before purchasing, you should not only inspect the models, study the characteristics, but also hold the products in your hands. Feel the weight, evaluate how the electric saw sits in your hands. This is easy in a regular store, but impossible when purchasing remotely online. In this case, it is advisable to study reviews on independent sites.

How to choose a chainsaw, its advantages and disadvantages

Good chainsaws are usually equipped with a two-stroke engine that is powered by a mixture of gasoline and oil.

Benefits of a chainsaw

  • Such devices are characterized by much greater power compared to electric saws, so they are usually used for particularly heavy work (for example, cutting thick and hard trees).
  • Their design is also more massive, which in itself makes them more widely used.
  • Thanks to the features listed above, the chainsaw is reliable and durable - it is not afraid of overload and mechanical damage.
  • Another advantage of the petrol model is that we can use it anywhere, without any restrictions on cable length. Thanks to its mobility, this is an excellent option for working in the forest and in remote areas where it is quite difficult to reach electricity.

Disadvantages of a chainsaw

  • First of all, it should be noted that it emits harmful emissions into the atmosphere, which affect the environment and those who use it.
  • In addition, it is much louder than electric saws - the noise emitted requires the use of special hearing protection.
  • A gas saw is also very heavy. Due to the design of the engine and the use of gasoline and oil containers, the weight of these devices can exceed 5 kilograms.
  • In addition, the more complex design of the saw makes it more expensive to operate. This is mainly due to the need for frequent maintenance of the device and possible repairs, which can hit the pocket. For this reason, it is important to use the correct gasoline and oil to reduce the likelihood of various types of failures.

How to choose a chainsaw?

To make the right choice, you should pay attention to a number of parameters that determine the performance and capabilities of the tool.

  1. Power – measured in horsepower (hp). What power will be appropriate? Of course, it all depends on the purpose for which the tool is purchased. For the smallest jobs - cutting branches or small trees, saws with power up to 2.5 hp. will be enough. When cutting large trees, firewood, boards or various types of wooden structures, it is better to choose a saw with a power of 2.5 to 5 hp. For professional work and cutting hard trees, the power should exceed 5 hp.
  2. Engine displacement is directly related to engine power and performance (the larger the displacement, the harder the job can be done). Of course, it should be remembered that high-power engines will require more gasoline and oil, which leads to increased costs. The engine size cannot be too small because it will take us a long time to complete the planned activities (which will also increase the use of gasoline and oil) or too large because the combustion of fuel will be excessive for our needs.
  3. The length of the guide is the working element on which chainsaws and electric saws are mounted. The longer the guide, the greater the saw's potential. Which guide will be sufficient? In the case of chainsaws, the shortest guides are about 30-35 centimeters. They will seem quite satisfactory during light work. However, if we go into the forest, we will need a guide between 40 and 45 centimeters long. The heaviest work will require a model with a guide from 50 to 100 centimeters.
  4. Weight – the weakest devices weigh less than 4 kilograms. However, heavy-duty saws can weigh more than 5 and even 10 kilograms.
  5. Noise Level – Internal combustion engines typically generate noise levels above 110 dB, so you will also need to purchase hearing protection.
  6. Features and accessories. First of all, there are a number of systems that make work easier. These include, but are not limited to, ease of starting and chain tension, safety brake, exhaust purge system and vibration minimization. In some cases, it is advisable to purchase a chain saw with a long shaft. Thanks to this, we will be able to cut high branches without climbing a ladder.

Briefly about the main thing

The question of choosing a saw for the household comes down to comparing the characteristics and capabilities of a gasoline and electric motor. The criteria are parameters such as power, engine size, guide length, and unit weight. Depending on these data, a tool is selected for decorative pruning of trees, for construction purposes, sawing firewood, and processing boards.


Write in the comments what you think - which tool will be more stable (reliable) in winter work, an electric or chainsaw?

Electric saw - advantages and disadvantages

Before you buy a tool with an electric motor, it is worth knowing what its strengths and weaknesses are.

Benefits of a power saw

  • The greatest advantage of an electric saw is the absence of exhaust gases.
  • We don't have to worry about high noise levels either.
  • Repairing such a model will not be as difficult and expensive as in the case of internal combustion engines.
  • It's also worth mentioning that electric saws are easier to work with - they're much lighter and don't produce as much vibration, so they're ideal for precision work.

Disadvantages of electric saws

This is where the advantages of an electric chain saw come to an end; it is worth learning about its disadvantages.

  • The main limitation is the cable that must be connected to the network. This feature allows you to use the tool only for work around the house.
  • Electric motors are much weaker than internal combustion engines, so they will not cut large trees.

A definite solution is electric saws with a battery, thanks to which we gain mobility. But such saws are very weak, the battery takes a very long time to charge, and it is also quite heavy. Rechargeable batteries can work without charging for up to an hour, which is also not very encouraging.

Which electric saw should you choose?

Such devices are evaluated according to the following parameters.

  1. Power measured in kilowatts (kW) or watts (W). For the simplest household work, we do not need a saw with a power of more than 1.2 kW (1200 W). For slightly more demanding activities, it is wise to choose a tool with a power output of 1.5 to 2.4 kW (1500-2400 W).
  2. Power supply - most models are powered by 220 V.
  3. The length of the guide is the same as for chainsaws, the longer it is, the more we can do. Due to some limitations of electric models, the maximum guide length is significantly shorter than that of combustion engine saws. The shortest devices are equipped with a guide from 15 to 20 centimeters. For more powerful devices, this value ranges from 30 to 40.6 centimeters.
  4. Weight – it is less than that of chainsaws and usually does not exceed 5 kilograms.
  5. Noise level – maximum values ​​fluctuate within 100 dB.
  6. Additional functions and accessories - on the market we can also find models with a locking start button and a chain sharpener.

Chainsaws and electric saws - prices and manufacturers

Prices for chainsaws. The cheapest saw with an internal combustion engine that we can buy costs just over 2800 rubles; such models are produced by Edon, Soyuz, Kalibr and others. Its power will not exceed 2.5-2.7 hp, so it should be used for the lightest work. If there is a need to purchase a 5 hp chainsaw, we will have to pay from 10,000 rubles for a Carver tool, to 30,000-35,000 rubles for Husqvarna brand models. Makita saws with a power of more than 4 kW (6 hp) usually cost more than 40,000 rubles. It is worth noting that reliable brands such as Makita, NAC and Husqvarna are trustworthy.

Prices for electric saws. Makita, NAC, Einhell, Husqvarna, Triton, Bosch and Hitachi are some of the most popular manufacturers. How much can you buy an electric saw for? The cheapest model from Sturm, Kolner, Caliber will cost 1300-2000 rubles. And for a device that allows us to do more labor-intensive work, we will have to pay more. A Makita electric chain saw with a power of 2000 W will cost 8,500 rubles. A Bosch electric chain saw with a power of 2100 W costs from 16,000 rubles. A Makita diamond saw with a power of 2400 W (3.3 hp) will cost more than 30,000 rubles.

Main characteristics of chain saws

The motor power of industrial chainsaws (for example, for felling trees) reaches 5-6 kW, while for an electric saw the value is no more than 2.5 kW. This is easily explained by the production necessity of each of the tools.

Comparing saws of the same power shows differences in performance.
With a single value of 2.0 kW, the electric saw operates in a continuous cycle for no more than 30 minutes. She needs a 15-minute break to allow the engine to cool completely. A chainsaw does not have this problem. It works until the gasoline in the tank or the oil for lubricating the chain runs out.

What is better than a chainsaw or electric saw - reviews

With a chain saw we can quickly cut down the trees in the garden and prepare firewood. Electric models are generally cheaper and lighter than gasoline ones (up to 4 kg). They do not emit exhaust gases and are always ready for use. The power of electric saws for home and garden work is 1.3-2 kW. Unfortunately, the electrical cord is located under your feet, and the length of the cord determines the range of the device. The smallest chainsaws have a two-stroke engine with a power of 1.5-3 kW. They are louder and heavier due to the engine. Although such devices allow free maneuvering without limiting us to the length of the cord, they, unfortunately, vibrate a lot in the hands. It should be noted that the device may have a vibration reduction feature. It is also important to take into account fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.

For both electric and petrol models, it's worth checking how much a new chain costs and how it's tightened before you buy. If you rarely use the equipment, the length of the guide is less important and 35-40 cm is sufficient. For frequent use, it is recommended to buy a saw sharpener.

Before buying a tool, it is worth studying its technical characteristics, as well as reading reviews about different models, their strength, reliability, operating features and service life. If you have reviews about an electric saw or chainsaw, possible breakdowns, or features of use, you can leave them in the form of comments to this article. They will help others interested in choosing the appropriate model.

Let's sum it up

When choosing a chain saw, think carefully about the purposes for which you need it. When goals are clearly visible, it is much easier to make a choice and make a decision in favor of one option or another.

Many, oddly enough, have both a gasoline and a corded saw, and some even have a battery-powered one. Therefore, weigh carefully and consider everything. Let me finish here, I wish you only a reliable and working tool, do not forget to subscribe, and if you liked the video, put your likes, good luck to everyone and see you again.

Permanent address of the article: https://stroimasterskaya.ru/reviews/3075 with the support of the YouTube channel CleverBILL

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An electric saw is inferior to a gasoline saw in this regard. For the device to work, it must be connected to an electrical network. You won’t be able to move far from the outlet; The sawyer's freedom of movement will be limited by the length of the cable. To move to another area, you will have to connect the cable to a new outlet located closer to the place where you need to cut. However, the device is lightweight and can be operated by women and teenagers.

A chainsaw is more convenient: it can be easily moved to another place. However, the device is heavier than an electrical device, which makes it less easy and convenient to carry. The gasoline-powered version can be used for work in the forest, in large areas where there is no electricity or the ability to connect to the network.

Making a choice

Which tool to purchase is a personal matter for the user. We can only give an approximate outline of situations when the use of one type of saw or another would be more appropriate.

Who needs a chainsaw

Having put together all the features, we can recommend a chainsaw for purchase if:

  • you have a large plot and trees are scattered throughout the area;
  • You need to cut not only on the territory, but also behind the fence
  • you take the saw with you fishing, camping or just on the road;
  • you are planning construction on a site without electricity;
  • the material you have to deal with is thick trunks and hardwoods.

Dmitry, 42 years old, Chelyabinsk.

I'm for the chainsaw. I often take the tool with me and travel on dirt roads. It is easy to dissolve a tree blocking the road. I’m generally silent about wood for the fire. It helps if you get stuck - you can put a lever under the wheel and make a lining. Well, at the dacha, of course, he cuts everything he needs. Well, refueling and starting is a kind of ritual. There are no problems with the adjusted carb.

When is the best time to buy an electric one?

For those who are in doubt, you should opt for a network tool if:

  • the saw will be used rarely, from time to time;
  • there is no need to prepare large quantities of firewood;
  • you will have to cut small and medium-thick trunks, and mostly branches;
  • all work will be carried out on the site, no further than 20 - 25 meters from the house or indoors.

Nikolay, 34 years old, Kursk.

Everyone recommended a chainsaw, but I bought an electric one. I thought soberly, why do I need a chainsaw? I was building a bathhouse - you only need to cut boards, beams and clapboards, they are quite thin, no power is needed. But I drink both in cold and hot weather. While you are working with something else, the saw has time to cool down. Now I use it for caring for the garden - it’s enough, I don’t see the point in messing with the internal combustion engine.


A chainsaw is a safer device because there is no risk of getting an electric shock during operation. The electric option cannot be used for work in wet weather or with high indoor humidity. You are equally likely to get injured by the cutting part of the device when using an electric or gasoline saw.

It is important to buy a quality tool. Poor quality equipment can cause injury

This is true for both options.

High-quality gasoline saws last longer than electric ones. Since these devices are more powerful, developers make them more durable. Chainsaws are wear-resistant, designed to withstand heavy loads, and are suitable for long-term work. Mechanical damage to these devices is less likely than breakdowns of power saws.

The service life depends on the quality of the device and compliance with the rules of its operation: if you do not take care of the tool, the likelihood of failure will increase for both options.

Design Features

The design of chainsaws is not very different in general terms. In any case, the working part of a chain saw is the saw chain. It consists of small segments with a sharp tooth, which are hinged together into a closed ring.

The movement of the chain is directed by an elongated bar with a groove along the end of the entire perimeter. At the ends of the bar there are sprockets, between which the saw chain ring is stretched. The groove of the bar, along which the tensioned chain slides, directs its movement and provides pressure on the chain when sawing.

On one side, the headset is attached to the frame and motor of the chain saw. In the tire mounting unit, one of the sprockets is connected to the main gearbox of the unit and provides the chain drive with the energy of the unit’s engine. The mount allows you to rotate the headset and change its angle relative to the motor unit.

Most of these units use two-stroke engines. They require gasoline with a small addition of motor oil to operate. The exact brands of gasoline and oil, as well as their proportions, are indicated in the instrument passport.

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