internal aerated concrete plaster
Plaster for aerated concrete: features of internal and external
Internal and external aerated concrete plaster must have optimal parameters, protecting the walls of the structure from destruction
Expansion of heated liquid
What pressure should be in a closed heating system
The operation of water heating networks is characterized by two main parameters - temperature and coolant flow. But
Sauna with swimming pool under one roof
How to build a simple and comfortable sauna with your own hands
A home steam room is convenient, and for sauna lovers it will cost much less than a paid one
Corrugated roof
Roofing from corrugated sheets - characteristics of the coating, nuances of choice
Covering a roof with your own hands is not that difficult, but first you need to choose the material. One
Storage solar collector
How to make a solar collector with your own hands: types of structures and stages of work
The rise in cost of traditional energy sources encourages private home owners to look for alternative options for heating their homes and
sewer inclination angle of 1 meter in a private house
The angle of inclination of the sewer pipe: why is it needed, how is it calculated, correct installation
One of the conditions for a comfortable life in a country house is the proper and continuous operation of the sewer system.
10 smallest houses in the world. One of them stands on a stone in the river
Small houses can be extremely beautiful and cozy. Today, talented architects have developed many professional
What criteria should you use to choose a warm electric floor?
Comfort and coziness in the home largely depend on the optimal temperature regime. Convenient and
foundation at sub-zero temperatures
Should I wait or start now? Is it worth pouring the foundation when it’s already winter outside?
November 29, 2020 The basis of any building is the foundation; reliability and durability depend on it
optimal stair step height in a private house
Comfortable height of staircase steps in a private house - we study all the nuances
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