Waterproofing the basement from the inside: achieving complete dryness
It has been raining heavily in Central Russia since the very beginning of May. There was a day when
Historical rubble stone masonry
Rubble foundation: what is it, how to make a strip foundation from rubble
When people began to build houses, concrete had not yet been invented, so the foundation for them
TOP 15 best fecal pumps: 2022 rating for reliability and which one to choose for pumping out sewerage in a private home
Water supply to a private home involves the use of pumps. But, if for pumping clean water without large
Prefabricated monolithic floors: features, types and installation
Any developer would like to build a reliable roof in a country house for minimal money. Usually
house with pitched roof
23 beautiful house projects with a pitched roof + video
A house with a pitched roof looks stylish and unusual. Designers are increasingly using such
brick bathhouse
Projects of brick baths, where and how they are built, layout options, photos and videos
The first mentions of baths are found in historical documents about Ancient Greece. Of course the appearance
Electrical supply diagram for a private house 380V 15 kW
New rules for connecting garden and private houses to electrical networks
Change No. 1: is it possible to arrange an offline connection, bypassing SNT? Summer residents now have the opportunity to connect
Corrugated wiring
Why do you need corrugation for electrical wiring, how to choose it and lay the cable in the corrugation
During electrical installation work, electrical wiring is sometimes performed in an open manner. The cable must be protected from
Houses of series II-68 - technical features and possibilities for redevelopment of apartments
Advantages of series II-68 apartments How to improve the layout Ideas for redevelopment of a 1-room apartment in a series house
Another solution to the problem of what to do when the wind
Is your gas boiler going out and blowing out? 8 reasons why this is happening
Backdraft in the combustion chamber, which occurs during gusts of wind, is a fairly common problem. Gas
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