Project of a large house in a medieval castle style
“B-20” Project of a one-story house with a large garage and two bedrooms.
Two bedroom houses are small to large cottages suitable for seasonal or
The pitch of the rafters of a gable roof: the dependence of the pitch of the rafters on the roofing material
Gable roofing is very widespread in private construction. Thanks to its stable shape, it resists well
Bathhouse made of aerated concrete
Bathhouse made of aerated concrete blocks - features of aerated concrete blocks, design, stages of construction
Despite the fact that today a bathhouse made of aerated concrete is a popular building, some have controversial
How to properly install with flow meters: adjustment methods, system setup
Currently, most residential owners prefer to use warm water for heating.
Plumbing in an apartment: diagrams and design nuances
Major renovations should start with a good plan. At the same time, the wiring requires the closest attention.
TOP 10 pool pumps with filter: features of choice, tips for use
The water in the pool begins to deteriorate over time, this is due to the rapid proliferation of bacteria and
Batch switch
How it works and why you need a packet switch: connection diagram, purpose and replacement yourself
A batch switch is the simplest type of device for turning off/on electricity. This is a switch that is still familiar
Foundation of a house with basement
How to properly build the foundation of a house with a basement: calculations and construction technologies
The decision to install a basement in a private house should be balanced and thoughtful. On the one side,
(35 photos) Schemes and photos of apartment layouts of series 55 with dimensions of successful solutions
(+35 photos) Schemes and photos of apartment layouts of the 55 series with dimensions of successful solutions
The P-55 series was initially developed as a noise-proof house, with the possibility of erection near noisy transport
Pile foundation for a house
3 reasons to make a pile-screw foundation: there are really only three of them
When building a house, great importance is given to the construction of the foundation. We have said more than once that
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