Gas convector: autonomous heater for an apartment, house, cottage, garage that does not require electricity

In winter, garage owners face the problem of heating the room. This room protects the vehicle from bad weather conditions and unauthorized entry of unauthorized people. To maintain a car in winter, you need to carefully consider the heating system. To store a vehicle, it is enough to maintain the indoor temperature at +5 degrees Celsius.

Energy-saving garage heaters

Requirements for energy-saving heaters

To install energy-saving heaters, you must familiarize yourself with all the requirements. Below are the operating rules:

  1. Before installation, you need to determine the minimum electrical energy consumption to generate one unit of heat.
  2. Fire safety. According to this rule, the requirements for all heating devices remain unchanged.
  3. Electrical safety. The heating device will operate around the clock, so garage owners must ensure that the wiring is intact.
  4. Easy maintenance during operation. It is necessary to perform preventive inspection and maintenance of the device at certain intervals.

Important! Electric heaters are attractive due to their mobility.

They can be moved around the room during renovation work.

Heaters must be safe to use

Use of liquefied gas

Equipment of this type is practically no different from the previous version, but its operation is associated with increased safety measures, since normal operation of the installation requires a connection to a propane cylinder, and during operation of the heating device, oxygen quickly burns out and combustion products enter the room. To this list it is worth adding strong noise and a powerful fan that can raise dust into the air in the room.

Therefore, heat guns running on liquefied gas are not recommended for use in rooms where people are constantly present or working.

Types of energy-saving garage heaters: their pros and cons

The heating system for a garage is a little different from a home appliance. The devices are turned on exclusively during the cold season or as needed. Appliances that are equipped with a fan are not installed in apartments and houses. This is due to the fact that they are quite noisy.

In the garage, to heat the room, they can be successfully used on an ongoing basis. The efficiency factor for all electric heaters is the same. The indicator varies in the range of 98-99%. All generated energy will be directed to uniform heating of the room, as well as heat distribution. When choosing, you need to pay attention to design features.

Oil heater

Heaters of this type or convectors are tabletop, floor-mounted and wall-mounted. Garage owners often choose devices that can be placed on the floor and moved if necessary. There are several main features:

  1. High level of inertia. Heaters take a long time to heat up, but after turning off their surface will give off heat for 1-2 hours.
  2. First, the air warms up in the lower part of the room, and then begins to gradually rise to the top.
  3. If you install a fan, warm air will circulate.
  4. Safe service.

Note! Oil heaters do not dry out the air, so they are the most optimal for use.

Users will be able to independently regulate the temperature. Experts do not recommend buying such heaters for garages, because they consume a lot of electricity and are not very economical options.

Heaters must be safe

Fan heater

This is an electrical device that is equipped with a heating element. They quickly and efficiently heat the air that is generated inside and released into the room. There are several main advantages:

  1. Fan heaters turn on quickly. The device's power increases within two minutes.
  2. A certain air direction.
  3. High fire safety.

For a garage space, it is recommended to buy a special heat gun. It will be used as the main and additional source of heat. It is not recommended to leave them overnight or unattended because there is a risk of internal parts overheating.

Heat fans warm up the room well

Convector heater

Convector heaters have their own characteristics and advantages. You need to familiarize yourself with them before purchasing equipment. Advantages of use:

  • the device quickly turns on and reaches the required power level;
  • maximum air convection inside the room is ensured;
  • using air as a heat carrier;
  • safety.

The device helps maintain optimal indoor temperature. This is an excellent option for heating non-residential premises. The air will warm up evenly.

Important! The equipment is safe to use, so it can be left unattended and uncontrolled for several hours or days.

Electric fireplace

The electric fireplace attracts attention with its appearance. It is economical and efficient in operation. According to the principle of operation, it is similar to a fan heater. Main characteristics:

  • has an interesting appearance;
  • permanent installation;
  • The operating principle is similar to a heat fan.

If you install an electric fireplace in the garage, it will cost about 99 rubles per day.

Infrared heater

Such heaters come in ceiling, floor or wall designs. This is the most popular option. Infrared systems are often purchased and installed in garages.

  • During operation, objects and surfaces in the room heat up;
  • thermal impact only at a certain radius;
  • safety during operation.

Which company should you choose?

There is a large selection of equipment models and manufacturers on the market, including:

  1. RESANTA is a leader in the welding inverter market. The company presents a large selection of heating equipment: from household devices to devices that are in demand in production and warehouse facilities.
  2. Ballu is a company that provides climate control equipment. In its work technology, using environmentally friendly materials. Manufactured products meet not only Russian, but also international quality standards.
  3. Electrolux is a Swedish manufacturer of household and professional appliances. Heating equipment is manufactured using an inverter heating system, which saves energy.
  4. Solarogaz is a Russian manufacturer based in Penza. It has been manufacturing diesel and gas heaters for more than 20 years.
  5. Aeroheat is a manufacturer of heating equipment that creates modern products that meet not only quality standards, but also follow new trends (from a technical and design perspective). The company's equipment has wide functionality, advanced technical characteristics and guarantees a high level of comfort.
  6. Zanussi is an Italian company producing household and heating appliances. The price range of equipment is from economy to middle class. The company has been one of the world leaders in the production of household appliances since 1994.
  7. Polaris is a Swiss brand, developed by European engineers. Every year the company presents innovative solutions that expand the capabilities and functions of equipment. Polaris heaters are in great demand in many countries around the world.

Heating a garage with electricity is the most economical way

Heating a garage with your own hands is economical - such a simple request among RuNet users is quite common, which is not surprising, because the vast majority of garage cooperatives do not have their own heating, and in our harsh climate, even in a permanent garage, little can be done at sub-zero temperatures. So the question: to heat or not is not worth it at all. The question is: which method is the most economical? What is the best way to heat a garage so that it is inexpensive?

What does the Law say about heating garage buildings?

Having decided to equip your garage with heating, you should be aware that not only the result, but also the procedure for your actions must comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main legislative act regulating fire safety measures in the Russian Federation today is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. “On the fire safety regime” No. 390 dated April 25, 2012 (as amended on November 18, 2017).

Consequences of non-compliance with fire safety standards in garage structures

However, there are other fire safety instructions that contain more detailed requirements for preventing fires in garage buildings for collective and individual use, which are mandatory. For example, “Instructions for industrial safety for garages” dated 2022 on 22 pages.

If the garage is for individual use, not adjacent to buildings of identical purpose, then its heating equipment is carried out in accordance with the project developed by a design organization that has a license for this type of activity.

If the building is part of a cooperative, the arrangement of this room with heating is carried out after agreement with the chairman - in accordance with the instructions he has on fire safety measures, containing calculations and rules for a specific organization.

Thus, all independent actions of garage owners to install and use heating devices are carried out at their own peril and risk.

Fan heater - a simple and cheap option ↑

The design of the device is very simple, which ensures its reliability

When heating a garage with electricity, a fan heater is most often chosen. This is due to its mobility (the ability to install anywhere) and low cost. The equipment operates according to the following principle. The spiral or heating elements, which act as a heat exchanger, are heated by electricity. The fan draws air from the room and circulates it between heated elements. The air is heated by heating elements and enters the garage. Typically, a fan heater has two heating stages, which are characterized by power: 1 and 2 kW. The advantages of a fan heater as a method of heating a garage with electricity include:

Heating cables

Laying a heated floor in a garage is not always advisable, but in one situation such a design will be more than justified. We are talking about starting a car in cold weather - often a lot of problems are associated with this, and the presence of a heating cable will significantly simplify the task. In addition, you can lay the cable only under the car and turn it on only if you have problems starting the engine.

The machine must first be covered with a cover that will cover it completely - this will allow the thermal energy to be concentrated in one zone. The air will not move into the garage itself, so the level of heat loss will be minimized. This technique will allow you to quickly warm up the car even in severe frost.

Convector - efficiency and quality ↑

Heating based on the convection principle is most effective in terms of uniform heating

For heating a garage with electricity, a convector will be a reliable and effective option, although not the most economical. The principle of operation is somewhat similar to a fan heater in terms of heating the air that passes through the heated element. But the air moves according to physical laws: cold air comes in from below, heats up and goes up. This movement is called convection, which is what gave the device its name. Its special feature is its protected housing (almost all modern brands), which allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity. It comes in two versions: on legs or for mounting to the wall. Installing it is quite simple: insert two special hook-holders into the wall on which to hang the convector. The devices vary in power level (from 1 kW). For a large garage, two convectors may be required. Among the advantages can be noted:

The convector has a pleasant appearance and is suitable for any type of room

Easy to use and install.

  • Automatic operation. You can set the necessary heating parameters (the device has 5 or more speeds). When the desired air temperature is reached, heating will stop; after cooling, it will resume automatically.
  • Safety. The device is safe and has no effect on the human body.
  • Reliability, durability.
  • Of course, this is not the most economical method, because a convector is more expensive than other heaters. But the most important thing is that it consumes a lot of electricity, since heating occurs slowly. It will take 30 minutes to reach the optimal temperature. This is not very convenient for a garage; you have to wait until you can work in the room. Popular brands: Atlantic, Polaris, Etalon. Price: from 3 thousand rubles

    Heating with electricity requires the installation of high-quality wiring (cable of optimal cross-section).

    Popular models

    The rating of popular models will allow you to make the right choice:

    1. The ATON modification Vektor 3 runs on liquefied gas. This compact, energy-independent floor convector is portable and suitable for heating small rooms. The range of automatically maintained temperatures is 13-18°C. The heat exchanger of the device and its combustion chamber are made of steel. Model specifications:
    • dimensions – 54x59x25 cm;
    • There is a closed combustion chamber inside;
    • power is 3 kW;
    • the unit weighs 22 kg and costs 206 dollars (13,390 rubles).
    1. The Hosseven HBS floor-standing gas heater has an open combustion chamber and can operate on mains and liquefied gas. The kit includes an Italian gas valve and a telescopic gas outlet. The device operates almost silently and is equipped with a steel combustion chamber and heat exchanger. Its technical characteristics are as follows:
    • bottled gas consumption is 0.73 m³/h;
    • main fuel consumption is 0.9 m³/h;
    • dimensions – 62x68x26 cm;
    • the device weighs 18 kg;
    • it is designed for a power of 9 kW;
    • the cost is 333 dollars (21,700 rubles).

    1. The Alpine Air gas convector series NGS-40 is mounted on the wall of the room. The device is equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger and a modernized POLIDORO burner. Inside there is a high-quality SIT type gas fittings. The convector is protected from freezing, has a thermostat and can perform self-diagnosis. Efficiency is above 90%. The burner has electronic ignition, and the steel body is coated with a protective powder coating. The technical specifications are as follows:
    • the unit consumes 0.43 m³ of fuel per hour;
    • its dimensions are 61x63x22 cm;
    • the device weighs 30 kg;
    • its power is 3.54 kW;
    • The price of the heater is 332 dollars (21,600 rubles).
    1. Wall convector Varmann GLASSKON modification 65.450.720 has an attractive design and shut-off valves that allow you to connect the device to the heating system of the house. The outer panel is removable and comes in several decorative options. Technical characteristics of the device:
    • working pressure up to 16 bar;
    • it can heat the coolant up to 130 degrees;
    • the price of the unit is 195 dollars (12,700 rubles).

    Popular models also include Hosseven HP units and the Bartolini CALORAMA model of the FB5500 series. As you can see, the gas convectors presented differ in their characteristics, equipment and price, so that each consumer can choose a model that meets all requirements.

    Rating of the TOP 10 best quartz heaters for the home for 2022

    TOP 3 best quartz heaters by price/quality
    1Ballu BIH-LM-1.5Find out the price
    2Hintek IW-03Find out the price
    3Ballu BIH-LM-3.0Find out the price
    TOP 3 best quartz heaters with floor installation
    1Ballu BIH-L-3.0Find out the price
    2NeoClima NQH-1.2iFind out the price
    3Sakura SA-0670Find out the price
    TOP 2 best quartz heaters for wall mounting
    1Ballu BIH-L-2.0Find out the price
    2NeoClima Shaft 2.5Find out the price
    TOP 2 best monolithic quartz heaters
    1NIKATEN nt 300Find out the price
    2TeplEko from pure quartz sandFind out the price

    Installation features

    The design of a quartz heater implies two ways of using it - mobile using a special stand and wall mounting. Since the garage is a high-risk area, Warmer House specialists recommend abandoning the first type of operation and securely fastening the heater.

    Items for installation can be purchased separately - these are several self-tapping screws with dowels, fasteners for hanging the stove, protective plates where the heater comes into contact with the wall. But it’s easier to buy a ready-made mounting kit that is guaranteed to fit the device and withstand the considerable weight of the monolith.

    It is not recommended to hang the heater near the front door - the heat will escape through a draft. The best solution is to place it on the opposite wall, then the flow of warm air will spread throughout the room.

    Regular clients of Dom Teplee recommend their friends to use Izolon. A foil sheet is glued between the wall and the device and increases the efficiency of the latter. As a result, much less time and energy is spent heating the room.


    Run to keep warm

    Don't know how to keep warm in the car if the methods described above do not work for you? Remember the main character from the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath”? That shot of him jumping on the spot and jogging to warm up. In fact, this is the most effective way to warm up, but at the same time the simplest. That is why it ended up on one of the lowest lines of the rating.

    We can recommend the following: turn on the music (if your mobile phone has enough charge), put on headphones and beat out the rhythm with almost all parts of the body to a catchy melody.

    It is also useful to periodically rub your limbs to prevent them from going numb.

    If it doesn’t help, then you need to leave the salon. And quickly run around the car for as long as possible. You need to breathe slowly and evenly. After warming up, you should not stay outside. Get back in the car. If you freeze, go out again.

    Water batteries

    This type of heating is very labor-intensive to organize.
    Already at the planning stage you will need to think through a lot of details. Indeed, in addition to the heat source, you need a system of pumps and pipes through which hot water will circulate. And this will inevitably entail the purchase of an expansion tank with batteries. In addition, plain water cannot be used. It must contain antifreeze to prevent freezing in winter. Equipping your garage with water heating only makes sense if you plan to spend a lot of time here. Or it is a structural part of a house that already has a central heating system. Then the garage room can be equipped with a water heater for uniform distribution of warm air.

    Working with pipes

    After the oil heater circuit has been selected, it is necessary to manufacture its body. We make a drawing, determine the dimensions and start working with an angle grinder. The pipes are cut to length in the required quantity. After cleaning the ends, they are carefully and thoroughly welded. The performance of the heater as a whole will depend on the quality of welding. A leaking seam is not only a nuisance, but also a possible cause of fire. When welding the ends of the pipes, leave one (on the lowest pipe) free. Subsequently, a heating element will be inserted into it. This means that the stub will be of a different configuration.

    The finished pipes are tied together. The piping is done with pipes, only of a smaller diameter. On the topmost pipe it is necessary to provide a place where the filler plug will be located. Structurally, it can be made in the form of a welded short pipe with a coupling, one side of which will be welded. Using your plumbing and mechanical experience, the heater configuration can be made more aesthetically pleasing, unlike the one in the photo. By the way, the body can be not only tubular. Radiators from cars, old cast-iron radiators and other closed containers are well suited for this purpose.

    Thermos seventh place in the ranking

    An ordinary thermos, preferably a large one, will help keep you warm inside the car. Or rather, not he himself, but his contents. Hot tea has a good effect on blood circulation and does not constrict blood vessels, such as coffee. It’s best to carry just a thermos with a hot thyme drink. This tea will warm you up very quickly. As is known, the substances contained in this herb growing in the mountains are very beneficial for the human body. Since ancient times, frostbitten travelers were warmed with just such tea, giving it to drink.

    To warm up, you can drink a cup of hot tea or coffee

    The British would advise drinking a little grog or mulled wine. But in addition to hot water, then you need to take a bottle of semi-sweet wine with you on the road. Ideally, the wine should be boiled, but in road conditions it can simply be mixed with hot water. It will not only help you stay warm in winter, but will also lift your spirits. But it’s better not to get carried away with alcoholic drinks, such as vodka, while sitting in the car. They only provide illusory warmth, but in reality the consequences can be disastrous. “Under alcohol” you can easily fall asleep and freeze.

    You can also mix linden honey with hot water, which you can keep in the glove compartment of your car. A spoonful of honey mixed with hot water will warm you better than any other remedy.


    To reduce heating costs, the owner is recommended to insulate the outside walls and ceiling of the garage, having previously sealed all the cracks and holes. For thermal insulation of walls, you can use foam sheets, and expanded clay for the ceiling and floor. The use of mineral wool slabs will require subsequent waterproofing

    A properly selected garage heating system will not only ensure a comfortable temperature in the room, protect the enclosing structures from dampness, but also prevent the development of corrosion on the metal parts of the car, which is detrimental to equipment.

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