How to choose a gas heat gun: for a garage, cottage, warehouse, installation of suspended ceilings

A practical and economical option for heating large and small rooms in the absence of centralized heating is a gas heat gun. Its use is justified by its high energy efficiency and low cost of gas as fuel. Heat guns are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers, and the various characteristics of heating equipment allow you to choose a model for individual tasks. In this article, experts from the Sadpom online store will tell you how to choose a gas heat gun and recommend the best models for your home, garage, cottage, or warehouse.

Purpose of gas heat guns

It is important to understand the purpose of gas heat guns, since natural or liquefied gas is used as fuel, which is not suitable for every homeowner or entrepreneur. Here are three areas of application of such equipment:

  1. Heating of industrial premises - in this area, these units are very popular, as they demonstrate high efficiency and cover a large heating area.
  2. Preventing humidity in warehouses or workshops - gas heat guns also perform well in this case.
  3. Construction work and repairs - this area includes both commercial activities and the everyday needs of ordinary people.

REFERENCE . Compact dimensions and convenient shape are the unconditional advantages of the device.

The most common equipment malfunctions

Any equipment can break down, even the most expensive, high-quality and reliable one. Faulty gas equipment is dangerous, so preventive maintenance should be carried out twice a year, and, if necessary, minor repairs.

In case of complex breakdowns, you should not diagnose and repair the device yourself. This work should be carried out by service center specialists.

Let's consider the causes of equipment malfunctions:

  1. Malfunction of the gas supply button . If gas flows while the button is pressed, but disappears when it is released, then there may be problems with the safety sensor.
  2. The gas is not flammable . This happens if the piezoelectric element breaks down. It should be adjusted or replaced. If you need a heat gun urgently, you can ignite the gas using a kitchen lighter with a long handle.
  3. No gas flows when the fan is running . The problem often occurs when the solenoid valve breaks down.
  4. It is impossible to adjust the gas supply . This happens when the gas line is clogged.
  5. There was a smell of gas . The cause of the problem may lie in a blockage or malfunction of the gas pipeline. You should turn off the heat gun and contact a service center.

When operating a heat gun, you must adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. The equipment should be cleaned and washed on time, bearings should be lubricated and, if necessary, worn parts should be replaced.

Design features and principle of operation of a gas heat gun

If a potential buyer is going to purchase a gas heat gun, then, firstly, it is important to understand the design features and structure of such a device. The device has a cylindrical shape and wheels on a stand. The main parts are located on the inside: a fuel supply system, a special fan, a thermostat and a gas burner. The remaining space is usually called the combustion chamber. This is another important design element, which is located on the body itself or on the transport stand.

This diagram demonstrates the simplest design; there may also be additional thermostats and heat exchangers.

There are also electric heat guns, which differ from the gas version by the presence of heating elements instead of a gas supply system. Their main advantage is high safety, which allows them to be used in residential areas. A gas heat gun is not suitable for residential premises.

The principle of operation of the gun is explained as follows:

  1. The electric motor drives the fan, which blows cold air inside the chamber.
  2. Gas is supplied to the burner, which is ignited using piezo ignition.
  3. The flame heats the air inside the gun.
  4. The pressurized fan mentioned above releases a stream of warm air into the room.

IMPORTANT! For a more complete understanding of the operating features, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the diagram below.

How does it work?

The fan is driven by a motor, which allows air to be sucked inside the gun. The chamber body is cooled by air that enters the fan; when passing through the burner, it becomes warmer and flows back into the room. There is a gas burner inside, which in most cases is ignited using a piezo element.

When the temperature set by the user is reached, the fan turns off and the gas supply slows down (optional). After the temperature drops again, the burner is turned on again. Autonomous operation is ensured by connecting the gun to a gas cylinder, for which the kit includes a reducer and hoses.

Classification of gas heat guns

Even taking into account the simplicity of the design, there are several categories of gas heat guns that differ from each other. Each of them will be discussed in more detail.

Heat gun with direct heating of air masses

In this case, open fire is used. Such devices are characterized by high efficiency, but they provoke the formation of harmful components that enter the room. For this reason, it is strictly not recommended to use this device in residential areas, since the amount of fresh air will tend to a minimum.

IMPORTANT! The owner of this device should not cook food in a flame or try to dry wet clothes - safety comes first!

Indirect heating heat gun

Compared to the previous version, an indirect heating gas heat gun simplifies the user’s life and does not harm his health. This becomes possible thanks to the presence of a chimney in the structure, which allows all harmful emitted elements to be removed outside the room. Among the disadvantages of this device are high prices and a narrow range on the Russian market. Plus, the dimensions of such a device are noticeably larger, as is the weight, which negatively affects the ease of transportation.

REFERENCE . By comparing the device of two modifications, you can immediately understand which is better, because it is best to pay attention to safety first.

Infrared heat gun

An infrared heat gun works on the principle of heating nearby objects, not air. Such a unit acts as a kind of sun. The distribution of absorption capacity does not extend beyond the radiation range. The advantage of such a device is that it is completely safe, since its radiation is harmless to humans. Such devices are used in places where spot heating is needed, for example, in greenhouses.

Heating device selection parameters

There are several main points to consider when purchasing a model:

  1. Intended scope of application . It is necessary to decide in advance whether the heater will work to warm up the room or will be used irregularly for certain purposes (drying plaster, etc.). Depending on this, a stationary or mobile model is chosen.
  2. Installation location . Take into account the specific location of the device and compliance of operating conditions with fire safety standards.
  3. Power . To heat 10 sq.m. rooms (with a ceiling height of up to 3 m), approximately 1 kW of heat is needed. This is a very approximate figure, because... depending on thermal insulation, indicators can vary from 0.8 to 1.4 kW. The heater must have a good power reserve.
  4. Construction type . If there are always people in a heated room, it is better not to take risks and buy an indirect heating device. For other purposes, a direct heating model is suitable.

Price also matters. Saving on gas heating can result in, at best, additional costs, and at worst, damage to human health. On the other hand, there is no need to overpay either. The best option is to choose a suitable model from a good brand at an affordable price.

Popular manufacturers

In the 90s, the main leaders of the Russian market in the production of heat guns were Western Europe and Asia. In the 2000s, Russian companies began to appear that produce climate control equipment. Now there are a huge number of domestic brands that confidently compete with their foreign colleagues, while remaining in the low price segment. Here is an overview of several leaders in the production of climate control equipment:

  • Resanta is a trademark from Switzerland, founded in 1932, and remains a leader in the production of heaters in 2022.
  • Ballu is a leading Thai manufacturer of air conditioning equipment for the home and industry, opened in 1980, which covers the whole of Eurasia and is known even in North America. The products are applicable for garages, cottages, and industrial premises.
  • Frico is a European company that produces products that undergo strict AMCA and ISO quality certification.
  • Master is a manufacturer of air treatment systems for both large and small areas. The master offers a wide range of heat guns.
  • Kraton is a Russian brand that has the best price-quality ratio, as it offers budget equipment that meets all European quality standards.
  • Zubr is another Russian manufacturer of construction tools and equipment that has its own laboratory for pre-sale testing of products.
  • Interskol is the only brand in the CIS in its niche that is officially recognized by the EU.
  • Sibrtech is a Russian trademark that takes into account local operating conditions during production. The products are famous for their high strength and reliability.

IMPORTANT ! Also worthy of attention are companies such as Caliber, Big Dutchman, Wester and Remington.

Heater maintenance and repair

During long-term operation of the gun, minor malfunctions arise that the user can eliminate with his own hands. Symptoms of problems and repair methods:

  1. After turning on the device starts, but quickly goes out. Remove the flame photosensor from the socket and remove the soot from the working lens.
  2. If the heating intensity decreases, clean the air and fuel filters. The manufacturer recommends changing filter elements at intervals of 500 operating hours.

  3. Ignition of the air-fuel mixture is difficult or absent. Unscrew the spark plug, remove the soot and adjust the gap between the electrodes (usually set to 1.4...1.5 mm).
  4. A decrease in efficiency and the appearance of black smoke indicates a clogged injector. In most models, the part can be easily removed and cleaned; if you can’t handle it, call a professional.
  5. Another reason for difficult starting is problems with the compressor. The unit should be cleaned and the operating pressure adjusted, and if necessary, lubricate the electric motor.

Scheme of fastening the spark plug and nozzle in the burner of the Master apparatus.
The glow plug and nozzle are located on the rear plane of the head of the burner device. There are 2 tubes connected to the sprayer (air from the compressor and fuel supply), and a high-voltage cable to the igniter. The latter often hits ground, causing the spark to disappear from the spark plug.

The fuel strainer is located inside the supply tube, lowered into the tank. By the way, the container also needs to be washed every 500 hours of operation. The air purification elements are located on the rear panel of the compressor and are unscrewed with a screwdriver. How to clean a heat gun nozzle, watch the video:

Which gas heat gun to choose: evaluation and selection criteria

First of all, when choosing, you need to focus on the following technical indicators:

  1. Maximum heating power . This parameter affects the heated area; it is indicated in the instructions. It is necessary to select a power sufficient to heat the room in which the gun will be used. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the desired temperature.
  2. Warm air capacity is the amount of warm air that passes through the device. The indicator partially affects the warming up speed. Insufficient heating rate will mean cold air is blown out.
  3. Fuel used . Propane or butane is used as fuel in gas heat guns. The specific heat of combustion is about the same, but butane burns a little faster. This provokes an increase in productivity of approximately 10%. True, a negative temperature will mean the transformation of the fuel into a liquid state, unsuitable for use. For this reason, using a gun with such fuel in a garage can be problematic.
  4. Power consumption . This indicator does not need to be taken into account as long as the operation occurs from the network. However, in standalone use it will be essential. It is better to give preference to the most energy-efficient devices.
  5. Ignition system . In the case of manual ignition, matches are used. Quite inconvenient, but reliable option. An alternative method would be piezo ignition, for which a special piezo element will be used. In this case, a simple push of a button will be required to create a spark. With the impulsive type of ignition, a connection to the electrical network is required. With the first type, it will be inconvenient to set fire, but the next two are vulnerable to moisture and dust. For this reason, the manual method is often preferred.
  6. Possibility of temperature adjustment.
  7. Fuel consumption.

These are the main parameters that should be taken into account when choosing a gas installation for heating a room.

You may be interested in: Rating of the best diesel heat guns for 2022.

Frequent breakdowns and their elimination

Common problems with gas guns and possible causes:

  1. If the flame goes out when the forced fuel supply button is released, this may indicate a breakdown of the safety sensor.
  2. There is no ignition when gas is supplied - there may be no spark in the design, so adjustment of the piezoelectric element may be required.
  3. The fan operates without fuel supply - this sign indicates a malfunction of the solenoid valve.
  4. It is not possible to adjust the fuel supply while the device is operating - most likely, the gas line is clogged.
  5. During operation, a strong smell of carbon monoxide appears - the device requires cleaning and adjustment of the gas pipeline on the heat generator. You must immediately turn off the equipment and under no circumstances continue to use it.

Important! It is better not to risk trying to repair the device yourself. All repair work should be performed by a professional.

The best budget direct heating gas heat guns up to 6,000 rubles

An excellent option for a heat gun can also be found in the budget segment. Below are the best gas heat guns, the pros and cons of each model and customer reviews of them, which will help you choose the best option at an affordable price. The review will also help you decide whether it’s worth buying; all you have to do is choose where to buy.

Interskol TPG-10 (10 kW)

Interskol TPG-10 (10 kW)
An inexpensive model, applicable not only for heating a room, but also for drying the ceiling. Numerous positive reviews confirm the efficiency of the device (less than 0.6 liters are consumed per hour). Butane or propane is suitable as fuel. There is overheating protection that activates automatic shutdown, which allows you to maintain the optimal temperature and remain safe for the owner. The housing is protected against corrosion thanks to a special coating. The device is capable of heating up to 100 square meters of area. The unit makes almost no noise during operation. This device could use wheels, but the handle is quite enough for comfortable transportation, given its small size.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 330 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 30 W;
  • HxWxT: 44x18.60x18.60 cm;
  • weight: 5.5 kg.


  • Nice build.
  • High power.
  • Affordable price.
  • Low noise level.


  • Short gas hose.
  • Lack of temperature indicator.
  • You cannot control the level of gas consumption.

Xorbat Q.:

Good device. I've been using it for a long time. The main thing is that it fully corresponds to the photo and declared characteristics.

Elmos GH12 (12 kW)

Elmos GH12 (12 kW)
The model allows you to almost completely burn all the fuel, which guarantees warm and clean air in the room. The efficiency of the device tends to 100 percent. The heat gun is characterized by ease of use, lightness and mobility.

Thermal power can be adjusted. The gun produces up to 12 kW of heat. Propane is used as fuel. Pleased with the almost complete absence of odors in the unit. The case is highly durable and resistant to corrosion and overheating. Thermal devices of this company are famous for their high performance.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 420 cubic meters/h;
  • HxWxT: 36.70x18x18 cm;
  • weight: 5 kg.


  • Heats up quickly.
  • Easy to use.
  • Affordable price.


  • Marriage occurs.

Alexander S.:

Worked for three winters. Startup is hassle-free. The maximum operating time, I think, is limited by the capacity of the gas cylinder (I used a 27 liter cylinder).

WWQ GH-15 (17 kW)

WWQ GH-15 (17 kW)
Heat gun that runs on propane or butane. The device is used to provide heat to warehouses, construction sites, and hangars with an area of ​​up to 300 square meters. The unit has piezo ignition and a thermocouple, which stops the gas supply when the flame dies out. The device is equipped with a protective mesh on the device nozzle and a protective thermostat against overheating. The kit also includes a pressure reducer and an extended length hose with connecting fittings for connecting to a gas cylinder.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 330 cubic meters/h;
  • HxWxT: 44x19x19 cm;
  • weight: 5.4 kg.


  • Reliable assembly.
  • Quality of work.
  • Compactness.
  • Ease of use.
  • Optimal price-quality ratio.


  • You have to be careful, place it so that it doesn’t suck in dust or shavings. Otherwise it all turns into burning flying embers.


It's completely worth the money. Iron garage 21 sq. m heated in an hour from -15 to +10, and outside -22. I have already worked for 10 hours without any comments. It started right away, there was no burning smell, the paint was also in place. I don’t know about the consumption, I’ll use up the bottle and count it.

SPECIAL IGE-10 (10 kW)

SPEC IGE-10 (10 kW)
Heat gas gun SPEC-IGE-10 is a powerful heater running on gas fuel. Capable of heating a room up to 100 m2. The heat gun has a set of functions: shutdown when overheating, mechanical control of the heating temperature.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 270 cubic meters/h;
  • HxWxT: 44x19x19 cm;
  • weight: 5.5 kg.


  • Light weight.
  • With thermostat.
  • Overheat protection.
  • Quality of work.


  • Questionable build quality.

Zheka mechanic:

The fluff is good, but it’s not enough for 30 squares, you need to take something more powerful! There is no smell of gas or smoke, the ignition is excellent, in short, no complaints, moderately satisfied!

ZUBR TPG-10000_M2 (10 kW)

ZUBR TPG-10000_M2 (10 kW)
A heat gun that demonstrates high efficiency and operates on the most popular type of fuel. Shows itself perfectly in premises such as a car service center, warehouse or any construction site. Reliable arc ignition and efficient combustion ensure stable heat supply under any operating conditions.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 330 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 32 W;
  • HxWxT: 44x19x19 cm;
  • weight: 5.5 kg.


  • High performance.
  • High thermal power.
  • High level of efficiency, close to 100%.
  • Low energy consumption contributes to efficiency.
  • High quality build.
  • The housing is protected with an anti-corrosion coating for use of the unit in wet areas.
  • A bimetallic thermal fuse prevents damage to the product and surrounding objects when the temperature is exceeded.
  • Overheat protection.


  • Insufficient performance.


Compact, nice appearance, good workmanship, the outer part of the case does not heat up during operation, protection against turning off the gas and electricity supply works well.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let us remind you once again: a gas heat gun is not intended for use as permanent heating. It is great for quickly heating up a cold cottage, garage, etc. It performed well when heating buildings under construction. Can be used to speed up the drying of plaster and other mixtures (where technology allows it). But you should not use the unit for constant heating of a residential building.

Further on the pros:

  • Warms up the air really quickly.
  • Fuel is inexpensive.
  • The smell during operation is rather an exception (in poorly adjusted models).

    This is what a gas heat gun looks like. They may differ in size and color

Now the cons:

  • It burns oxygen, so good ventilation is essential.
  • Officially, refilling the cylinder is problematic (this is prohibited at gas stations);
  • The expense is high.
  • If the cylinder is in the cold, it burns poorly.
  • Some models are very noisy.
  • Electricity is required (for the fan to operate).
  • The temperature in front of the nozzle of a working gun is very high.
  • With half the gas in the cylinder, problems may begin: it often goes out. But this problem is typical for small-capacity cylinders. When using 50-liter ones everything is fine.

For industrial premises there are models with a fuel tank

As you can see, this is far from an ideal option. But for quickly bringing rooms from sub-zero to positive temperatures - it’s very good. For example, when you arrive at a dacha that is heated by a stove, do not freeze until it warms up, but turn on the gas heat gun and after 15-20 minutes you can undress. An alternative may be a gas infrared heater. It is perhaps better for a dacha, but you need to think about the garage and other technical premises.

TOP 10 best thermal gas guns by price and quality

Ballu BHG-10 (10 kW)

Ballu BHG-10 (10 kW)
Heat gun, which creates a flow of directed heated air masses. It allows you to provide heat to an area of ​​up to 100 square meters. The device provides power adjustment. The device has high productivity (270 cubic meters per hour). The chamber has a galvanized, corrosion-resistant surface. There is also overheating protection, which guarantees safety. In this case, automatic shutdown occurs. The device also turns off when the flame extinguishes and the fuel supply is exhausted. A specially designed burner creates a directed flow of air masses, which is suitable for heating any industrial premises.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 270 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 32 W;
  • HxWxT: 19x44.50x44.50 cm;
  • weight: 5.3 kg.


  • Reliability.
  • Compactness.
  • Economical.
  • Efficiency.
  • Ease of use.
  • Safety.


  • The temperature is not regulated.

Sergey K.:

An awesome gun, I didn’t expect such a gas consumption, before that it was 30 kW, and it heated many times faster, but it was unrealistic to be in the room during operation. Due to the fact that it instantly burned out the air, the room immediately cooled down from the walls. But this gun actually warms up the room.

ELITECH TP ​​15GB (15 kW)

ELITECH TP ​​15GB (15 kW)
The Elitech TP 15GB heat gun runs on propane/butane gas and is used for heating ventilated rooms. The device has electronic ignition and a thermal relay. A plastic handle on the body makes it easy to transport the gun. The front protective grille is made of stainless steel sheet.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 330 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 32 W;
  • weight: 5.6 kg.


  • Heats up quickly.
  • Build quality.
  • Efficiency.


  • It makes noise when working.

Viktor B.:

I really liked the heating speed. I warmed up the dacha in 15-20 minutes. High quality build. In general, it feels like a quality item. The hose is good, with a high-quality crimp, but a little short. The gearbox is high quality. I recommend to buy!

Quattro Elementi QE-12G (12 kW)

Quattro Elementi QE-12G (12 kW)
Heat gun, which is used for heating warehouse and industrial premises with high-quality ventilation. The differences between this gun are its affordable price, efficiency and high efficiency, which tends to 100 percent. The operation of the device does not cause any unpleasant odors.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 300 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 32 W;
  • weight: 5.3 kg.


  • Design.
  • Affordable price.
  • With thermostat.
  • Build quality.


  • Rapid wear.


In my copy, the thread on the gearbox turned out to be under-rolled. It was not possible to connect the hose without gas leaks. The flame color is uneven. Some lights up blue, some yellow. Tongues of flame fly 20 centimeters ahead of the gun. The grille in front is red-hot.

Quattro Elementi QE-15G (15 kW)

Quattro Elementi QE-15G (15 kW)
High-strength sheet steel is used as the body material for this device. The body is coated with powder paint that is highly heat resistant, adding resistance to corrosion. The unit is suitable for construction sites, warehouses, hangars and greenhouses. Propane or butane is used as fuel, for this reason fuel consumption is kept low, which makes the device economical. By the way, the fuel is very popular and widely available. Convenience is increased by the presence of a piezoelectric element, and high safety is achieved thanks to automatic shutdown in case of fuel depletion, burner blowing out, overheating and other failures.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 500 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 28 W;
  • weight: 5 kg;
  • thermal power: 15 kW.


  • Efficiency tends to 100%.
  • Safe to use.
  • Compact and light.
  • Economical.


  • Short power cable.

Irina G.:

Lightweight, which means comfortable, hands practically do not strain. There are very strange characters who take some 10-kilogram bandura like the Master with 30 kW to pull Khrushchev buildings, where the square footage of the room rarely exceeds 20 square meters, i.e. its power is not used even by 2/3. Why constantly carry extra weight is not entirely clear.

Ballu BHG-20M (17 kW)

Ballu BHG-20M (17 kW)
This gun is capable of providing heat to an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. Although the thermal power is quite modest, the throughput remains at a high level and amounts to 400 cubic meters. m/h. The device pleases customers with its attractive price, light weight and low energy consumption. Also worth noting is the high level of safety and low consumption of liquefied gas (1.45 kg/h). Both sides of the body are coated with anti-corrosion paint and varnish. Buyers like this gun in operation because of its fast heating, economical consumption and reliable protection against corrosion. The disadvantages include a strong smell of gas and poor piezo ignition.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 270 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 40 W;
  • HxWxT: 19x46x46 cm;
  • weight: 5 kg.


  • Fast heating.
  • Economical.
  • Safety.
  • Light weight.


  • Smell of gas.
  • Poor piezo ignition.

Gennady G.:

I use a gun to heat a house under construction. The gun's fuel consumption is low, it is ignited by a piezoelectric element, there were no problems with starting. Carrying the gun is not difficult. The fan is powerful.

Ballu BHG-10M (10 kW)

Ballu BHG-10M (10 kW)
Ballu BHG-10M is an effective model for drying and fast targeted heating of rooms, including zone heating. Can also be used to heat areas outside the room. The productivity of the device reaches 270 cubic meters. m/hour with a thermal power of 10 kW. High security is guaranteed thanks to the presence of a multi-level automatic protection system. AISI stainless steel with increased heat resistance is used as the combustion chamber material. The case has a double-sided anti-corrosion coating.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 270 cubic meters. m/h;
  • power consumption: 32 W;
  • HxWxT: 19x46x46 cm;
  • weight: 5 kg.


  • Heating power - 10 kW.
  • Large heating area - 100 m².
  • AISI stainless steel with increased heat resistance.
  • Lightweight plastic legs.
  • Convenient handle for carrying the device and turning it on with one hand.
  • Compact size and light weight.
  • Unique shape.
  • Can be used outdoors.
  • Overheat protection.


  • It makes noise when working.

Vyacheslav E.:

We have a construction team, we bought a cannon for work and heating of objects. It is unpretentious and does not require complex maintenance. It is convenient to use when installing suspended ceilings. Copes well with heating large rooms. There is a reliable security system here.

ZUBR TPG-17000_M2 (17 kW)

BISON TPG-17000_M2 (17 kW)
A device that guarantees high efficiency when operating on the most popular type of fuel. It works well in heating open and semi-closed areas, defrosting trenches and emergency heating of rooms, as well as installing suspended ceilings. Thanks to reliable arc ignition and efficient combustion, trouble-free heat supply is guaranteed in any operating conditions.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 330 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 32 W;
  • HxWxT: 44x19x19 cm;
  • weight: 5.5 kg.


  • High performance.
  • High thermal power.
  • High efficiency, close to 100%.
  • Economical.
  • Reliable assembly.
  • Strength.
  • Safety.
  • Excellent for suspended ceilings.


  • The gas hose is hard and will stiffen in the cold.

Dmitry G.:

I took it for suspended ceilings, it copes with the task, the gun is simply top-notch, I tried many similar thermal gas guns before, but this one showed itself to be the best. It heats up a ceiling up to 25 m2 normally, I haven’t tried it again, but I think it can heat a maximum of 30–35 m2, and even then it will be a bit difficult for it to do this with its original gearbox.

WWQ GH-30 (33 kW)

WWQ GH-30 (33 kW)
Gas fan heater GH-30 is an air heater running on gas fuel: propane or a gas mixture of propane and butane. The gas fan heater is designed for heating and drying objects under construction, warehouses, hangars with a volume of up to 700 m³.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 760 cubic meters. m/h;
  • HxWxT: 53.50x22x22 cm;
  • weight: 8.3 kg.


  • Presence of piezo ignition.
  • With thermostat.
  • Safety.
  • Reliability.


  • A bit heavy.

Nikolay T.:

It heats fire for ceilings for its price just super. It's a bit heavy and the bottom part cracks when you lift it. Before this I bought a similar one, but that gas heat gun was ceramic. However, this one turned out to be quite reliable and durable.

ELITECH TP ​​30GB (30 kW)

ELITECH TP ​​30GB (30 kW)
The Elitech TP 30GB heat fan allows you to provide heat to the room in the shortest possible time. When using, good ventilation is important. An electronic type of ignition is used here. The device is distinguished by the presence of a durable steel grille, which prevents objects from falling into the structure.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 760 cubic meters. m/h;
  • power consumption: 53 W;
  • weight: 8.5 kg.


  • High efficiency.
  • Adjustment of thermal power.
  • Adjusting the gun's tilt.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Electrical protection class I.
  • Can be used with cylinders of various sizes.
  • Ignition type: electronic.
  • Body tilt adjustment.


  • The retractable footrest is poorly secured by the thumb.

Andrey Konstantinov:

It has been working for 2 years. Powered by a 27 liter cylinder, it lasts for a long time (I use it for 2-3 hours on weekends, the cylinder lasts for 10-14 weekends). It heats very well: it heats a house of 70 m2 from -5 to +23 in 15 minutes.

RESANTA TGP-30000 (30 kW)

RESANTA TGP-30000 (30 kW)
A budget-friendly, but at the same time quite high-performance model with a thermal power of 30 kW, it demonstrates high air exchange (1000 cubic m/h) and heating of an area of ​​up to 300 square meters. The device has a ventilation function without heating, is equipped with a burner, piezo ignition, and a switch with light indication. In addition, the low consumption of liquefied gas (2.4 kg/h) is also pleasing. Users note the affordable price, lightness and compactness, high power and low noise level. Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the poor performance of the piezo lighter and the rigid hose included.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 1000 cubic meters/h;
  • HxWxT: 59x23.50x23.50 cm;
  • weight: 7.5 kg.


  • High air exchange.
  • Ventilation function.
  • Rich equipment.
  • Lightweight and compact.


  • Doesn't light up right away.
  • Rigid hose.

Leonid K.:

We heat the warehouse with a cannon. We work in 3 shifts at the warehouse. We practically never turn off the gun, especially during cold periods. Piezoelectric ignition. We often use it as a fan for warehouse ventilation. The gun is safe; if the flame accidentally goes out, the gas supply stops immediately.

Types of heating equipment

First of all, space heating equipment is divided according to the type of power supply.

  • Mains powered, suitable for small office and residential spaces. These heat guns are compact and quite lightweight. Their maximum weight reaches 30 kg. Minimum power – 1.5 kW, maximum – 45 kW. But, this is already an industrial option that requires certain skills in operation. For domestic needs, a small but effective gun is sufficient.
  • Gas guns operating on main or reduced gas. They are used for heating rooms and performing certain technological processes. For example, when installing suspended ceilings. Maximum power – 125 kW.
  • Diesel heaters are very powerful. At the same time, their sizes are also not small, and the cost is far from affordable. In addition, they require a number of conditions to be met during installation and operation, since combustion releases a large number of people. They are most often used for heating industrial greenhouses, warehouses, and maintaining temperature in rooms where people spend little time.

All types of gas guns have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing, you should first of all decide on the purpose of purchasing the equipment and calculate the power required to achieve your goals.

Rating of the best premium gas heat guns

Master BLP 17 M (16 kW)

Master BLP 17 M (16 kW)
The device is only suitable for rooms with good ventilation. Heats an area of ​​up to 200 square meters, which is achieved due to high performance. Suitable for workshops and warehouses. The body material used is high-strength metal, resistant to damage, and the body is coated with anti-corrosion paint, which retains its attractive appearance and guarantees durability. Overheating protection also has a positive effect on reliability and durability. The presence of a metal grill prevents any objects from entering the housing.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 300 cubic meters. m/h;
  • power consumption: 53 W;
  • HxWxT: 47.10x18.80x18.80 cm;
  • weight: 4.5 kg.


  • Availability of a special handle.
  • The presence of a thermostat.
  • Possibility of changing power.
  • Ease of use.


  • Manual ignition.

[email protected]:

Lightweight, small in size, heats up very quickly. At the dacha I use it for quick warming up, and then it is enough to maintain the temperature with a regular heater. Really like!

Ballu BHG-40 (33 kW)

Ballu BHG-40 (33 kW)
The device is characterized by ease of use, efficiency and durability. The clean combustion of liquefied gas, the presence of security systems, and easy setup of the device deserve special attention. The device is equipped with piezo ignition, power adjustment and a handle for moving. Users highly rate this gun due to its good performance, smooth power adjustment, compactness and durable body. The only upsetting thing is the short power cord and the noticeable burning of oxygen.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 720 cubic meters/h;
  • power consumption: 53 W;
  • HxWxT: 22x59.50x59.50 cm;
  • weight: 8.3 kg.


  • Safety.
  • Economical.
  • Smooth power adjustment.
  • Reasonable price.


  • Burns oxygen.
  • Short cord.

Dima P.:

I use it for heating the garage, its big advantage is that it is instantly ready for use, there is no need for additional settings or special installation. It’s easy to move: a gun in one hand, a cylinder in the other, and off you go. It is also important that it has a durable body; it has been dropped more than once.

RESANTA TGP-50000 without burner (50 kW)

RESANTA TGP-50000 without burner (50 kW)
Heat gas gun - a heating device for heating rooms. As a rule, it is used for ventilation and heating of industrial, construction and other premises.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 1500 cubic meters. m/h;
  • HxWxT: 68.50x25.50x25.50 cm;
  • weight: 3.6 kg.


  • Ease of use.
  • Safe to use.
  • Flame failure protection.
  • High performance.
  • Economical.


  • The flow regulator is missing.
  • Many would like a longer hose.

vitalik k.:

Compact and lightweight model. Very easy to use. The gun helped a lot. It has been doing its job perfectly for the second year now.

Ballu BHG-60 (53 kW)

Ballu BHG-60 (53 kW)
This model is an indispensable assistant in local heating of a room and drying it. The device is characterized by high productivity (1000 m³/hour) and adjustable thermal power from 22.4 to 53 kW. The unit is highly resistant to temperature changes and multi-level protection, which ensures a high level of safety. The body is coated with anti-corrosion paint.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 1000 cubic meters. m/h;
  • power consumption: 105 W;
  • HxWxT: 27x71x71 cm;
  • weight: 11.7 kg.


  • High power.
  • High efficiency, close to 100%.
  • Does not emit smoke.
  • Ease of use.
  • Strength.
  • Durability.


  • It is necessary to ventilate the room when it is working.

Slava P.:

The device does not smoke during operation. I regulate the power from 22.4 to 53 kW, the adjustment is smooth. There is a handle for carrying.

Ballu BHG-85 (75 kW)

Ballu BHG-85 (75 kW)
The device has the highest thermal power in the line of gas heat guns from Ballu. The device operates on liquefied gas, however, in addition, it requires a connection to a 220 V network. The good news here is the low fuel consumption (6.2 kg/h) and high air exchange of 2000 cubic meters. m/h. The unit is equipped with a power control function, a moving handle and piezo ignition. It provides protection against overheating. During operation, it practically does not emit unpleasant odors and demonstrates high efficiency, which tends to 100%. The device is good in all respects, but users choose it primarily because of its cost-effectiveness, safety, efficiency and ease of use. The only disappointment is the high price, but otherwise this gas heat gun deserves special attention from users.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • maximum air exchange: 2000 cubic meters. m/h;
  • power consumption: 220 W;
  • HxWxT: 27x81x81 cm;
  • weight: 14.1 kg.


  • High power.
  • Performance.
  • Maximum efficiency.
  • Safety.


  • High price.

Egor T.:

This gun turned out to be the most powerful of all that were used. And the most durable: we have been dragging it around the cottages for three years to dry the walls during finishing, and the body is intact and undamaged. Plus, we regulate the gas supply, which results in good savings on fuel. The equipment includes everything, we only buy gas cylinders.

comparison table

All models have distinctive characteristics, the main ones of which are given in the table. By comparing them, you can easily determine which gas gun is more suitable for certain purposes.

ModelHeating power, kWMaximum air exchange, m³/hourFuel consumption, kg/hPower consumption, WAverage price, rub.
Sibrtech GH-10103000,7324 500
Ballu BHG-10102700,85 000
Quattro Elementi QE-15G155001,22284 500
BISON TPG-10000_M2103300,75324 500
Hyundai H-HI1-10-UI5800,73305 500
RESANTA TGP-100003000,73284 500
Master BLP 17 M161,16538 500

The best infrared gas heat gun

Caiman VAL6 GN5 (42.2 kW)

Caiman VAL6 GN5 (42.2 kW)
Caiman VAL6 GN5 is an infrared heat gun powered by natural gas. It has a wide range of applications: local heating, heating of frozen communications, drying surfaces, heating workshops, workplaces, construction sites, etc. One of the main elements of the device is a gas burner, which generates heat by burning gas.


  • voltage: 220/230 V;
  • HxWxT: 84x90x90 cm;
  • weight: 49 kg.


  • Efficiency.
  • Efficiency reaches 100%.
  • Long service life.
  • Air thermostat.
  • Safety system.
  • Does not emit odor or smoke.
  • Possibility to adjust the radiation angle up to 90 degrees.


  • High price.


An excellent gun in all aspects. The best choice of gas heat gun. Very powerful and convenient model. I recommend.

Parameter No. 3: fuel consumption

Although liquefied gas and propane-butane are considered budget fuels, some models of gas guns consume an unreasonably large amount of energy even with little “exhaust”. In order for heating equipment to justify the investment in it, pay attention to such a parameter as fuel consumption. It will directly depend on the power of the heater, but even among powerful models you can choose economical options with minimal gas consumption.

Important! Gas heat guns can operate effectively on both bottled liquefied and natural gas from the central pipeline.

MasterYard 15M


  • thermal power – from 10 to 16 kW;
  • fuel type – bottled or main gas;
  • fuel consumption – 1.07 kg/h;
  • productivity – 300 m3/hour;
  • power supply voltage – 220-240 V;
  • ignition type – piezoelectric element;
  • net weight – 5 kg.

Price: 6,490 ₽.

Product link:

The presented model combines excellent technical parameters with low fuel consumption and a reasonable price. The model can be used for agricultural, domestic and industrial needs - its power is enough to heat large spaces, the volume of which reaches 655 m3.

Advantages of the device:

  • stability of operation;
  • optimal ratio of heat output and gas consumption;
  • durability;
  • well-thought-out protection system;
  • compactness and mobility.


  • high repair costs;
  • inappropriate installation in small living rooms.

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How to connect and use a gas heat gun

First of all, it would be useful to study the instructions, as it contains all the nuances of connection and use. It is recommended to carry out assembly based on the manufacturer's instructions in the instructions. Here are a few situations in which it is prohibited to turn on a gas heat gun:

  • when there is a concentration of large amounts of dust in the air;
  • in the presence of explosive vapors;
  • when the outlet is blocked by any obstacle.

When turning it on, it is first important to check the ventilation of the room and the presence of oxygen in it. Next, you need to check the tightness of the connection with the gas cylinder, for example, you can use a soap solution. Ignition occurs in strict sequence. First of all, the main switch must be pressed, which will cause the engine and fan to start. Next, you need to press and hold the gas valve button and press the ignition button several times. When a fire starts, the button must be held for another 15–20 seconds, and then gradually released.

10 Heat gas guns

Application requirements

The operation of a gas-powered product, regardless of design features, requires a constant flow of oxygen from the ambient air for stable combustion. When the user chooses a model, these features must be taken into account.

The pricing policy depends on the size, power and brand: the more difficult the working conditions, the larger the volume of heated areas, the more expensive a gas fuel heat gun will cost.

The room where the unit is planned to be located must have excellent ventilation so that there is a constant flow of fresh air from outside. If there is no ventilation, then you need to choose a model with a thermostat that automatically turns the gun off or on, maintaining a sufficient level of oxygen.

Equipping with a thermostat allows you to increase the efficiency of the product: when the optimal temperature is reached, it turns off the fan heater, turning it on only when the set temperature drops to a certain level.

Products of this class are used in production, in warehouses, in the construction of buildings and for heating agricultural facilities, where people are not constantly present.

Safety precautions when operating a gas gun

A gas heat gun is very simple to use. If you follow the rules of its operation, the equipment will not pose any danger to human life or health.

Basic safety rules when operating a gas heat gun:

  1. Do not dry shoes, clothes and other items on the device body, as well as any actions during which the air duct or air collector may be blocked.
  2. The device housing and fan must be protected from moisture.
  3. It is imperative to use wiring with a power corresponding to the technical parameters of the device.
  4. Do not operate the unit in a dirty room with a high concentration of dust.
  5. In a building where a direct heating gun is used, it is necessary to organize good ventilation.
  6. Do not place hazardous or flammable substances close to the device.
  7. The area where the gas hose is attached to the fuel cylinder must be checked for complete leaks. Leaks are not allowed.
  8. The gas is much heavier than air, so it can accumulate at the bottom of the room, creating an explosive situation. Therefore, it is prohibited to operate gas guns in rooms that are below ground level.

Before turning on the device, you need to read the operating instructions, which describe all the nuances of connecting and using the device.

Thus, a gas gun for heating rooms is an economical, safe and compact device with high efficiency, therefore these devices are considered the best way to heat air in buildings with different areas and large volumes. Such units can become an alternative to the standard heating method.

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