Water vapor barrier axton d instructions for use

What is vapor barrier, why is it needed, and how is it performed? I've thought about this before. Now, having gained experience in this matter, I will accurately convey the technical aspects and describe step by step the technology for installing vapor barriers.

The vapor barrier affects not only the effectiveness of the insulation, but also the durability of the structure

Choosing a vapor barrier for the floor in a wooden house

Today there is a large selection of materials that can be used as a vapor barrier.
Among them there are both expensive and quite budget offers, among which anyone will find the best option. Before purchasing a vapor barrier, you need to take measurements of the room using a tape measure.

For flooring in a wooden house, the following are most often used:

  1. Polyethylene film. One of the most affordable and widely used materials. A disadvantage can be considered the high damageability of the material, however, this factor can be easily corrected using the reinforcement procedure. In turn, the film can be perforated or non-perforated.
  2. Film laminated with polyethylene. The material has vapor barrier and thermal insulation properties, which are very important in a wooden house. It is best to place such a layer under kitchens, showers and saunas.
  3. Polypropylene film. Unlike polyethylene, polypropylene is stronger. The best option is to lay the material with an anti-condensation layer. Thanks to its use, water droplets do not form on the surface, the appearance of which often leads to disastrous consequences. Thus, you can avoid premature damage to the wooden covering.

Before choosing one option or another, it is better to consult a specialist. Having assessed the features of the room, he will select the best option that will serve faithfully for quite a long time.

Plaster slopes

Finishing plastic windows from the outside using plaster is a traditional and inexpensive method. Despite the apparent simplicity of working with this material, an untrained person will not be able to do a quality job, since one must have certain professional skills. But you can take a risk and make external slopes with your own hands using plaster. How to make slopes on windows in this way will be described below.

High-quality plastering of external slopes requires certain skills

In order for plastered slopes on windows from the street to look neat, it is necessary to ensure their even geometric parameters. To do this, it is recommended to set beacons, focusing on which, you can achieve an even application of the plaster layer.

Preparation and execution of work

The work begins with preparing tools and purchasing plaster for exterior work.

First you need to prepare tools and buy plaster for exterior work.

  1. Surface preparation involves removing excess foam using a construction knife.
    Then all visible cracks and holes are cleaned in order to putty them. You can foam them, and then also cut off the excess. At the first stage, remove excess foam and seal the cracks
  2. Then a metal casting is installed.
    Excess foam from the bottom is removed, the remaining is covered with plaster mortar. The ebb is “planted” onto the mounting foam or liquid nails. Then it is secured to the frame or stand profile using self-tapping screws. The ebb is secured with self-tapping screws
  3. They put up beacons.
    To plaster the slope it is necessary to install a beacon
  4. Using a trowel or metal spatula, spread the plaster mortar so that it is slightly higher than the beacons.
    Then, using a rule or a wide spatula, work from bottom to top until a smooth surface is obtained. Distribute the solution using a rule or a wide spatula
  5. During work, it is recommended to reinforce the corners.
    When plastering corners, use reinforcing mesh
  6. After the plaster layer has completely dried, it is sanded.
    Final grinding of the surface is carried out after the plaster has dried.

Features of the process: which side to lay the vapor barrier

It is very important that the vapor barrier is laid on the “correct” side, according to the technology.

If you simply don’t pay attention to this point or even neglect it altogether, the material will not work as it should.

A vapor barrier film, under favorable conditions, can even accelerate the destruction of a house. In fact, it will be laid in vain.

Vapor barrier material may vary in color and thickness

The vapor barrier installation scheme usually looks like this:

  1. If double-sided moisture insulation is used, then a smooth surface is laid on the inside, and a rough surface on the outside. It is the rough side that will retain steam and condensation, additionally providing reliable protection for the home.
  2. The manufacturer may reserve the right to change the rules for using materials, but information about this is usually located on the packaging material.

On average, the process of installing a vapor barrier takes up to one day. The only exceptions are cases when the master is faced with a significant space. If, during the work, the waterproofing film is laid incorrectly, you should not be afraid to correct the mistakes immediately. Ignoring the problem can be quite expensive: at least one more repair.

How we developed an AR application for DIY retailer Leroy Merlin

Product Director of the NULLgravity agency Dmitry Pankrushev talks about the advantages of using augmented reality in a mobile application.

Augmented reality is one of the main technological trends in retail in recent years. Retail is rapidly moving online, and success largely depends on the willingness to embrace technology. But not everyone knows which way to approach them. To make your task easier, you should study ready-made cases.

Why does a DIY retailer need an app with augmented reality functionality?

We all buy things on the Internet. The pitfall of online shopping is the inability to try on the item you like and see how the item will look in real conditions. However, if we talk about furniture and home decor elements, even buyers of physical stores cannot “try them on.”

But now we can solve this issue using augmented reality. This approach makes the shopping process more convenient and faster. It also reduces the likelihood that the customer will choose the wrong product and be disappointed with the purchase.

Using the Leroy Merlin application, users will be able to visually evaluate their choice and see how the product will look directly in their apartment. To do this, you only need an iPhone or iPad.

The application uses the device's camera and complements the image with products from the catalog. It is worth noting that all models are displayed in actual sizes, color and texture correspond to reality. Thus, the use of augmented reality technologies for “trying on” furniture provides a completely new, improved customer experience.

Technical implementation

Our task was to visualize products from the range of Leroy Merlin stores. This turned out to be a very interesting and at the same time challenging activity.

First, we needed to find a designer who specializes in rendering 3D models, then we spent a long time selecting a model format that can be used in Xcode.

The final stage was the implementation of the application functionality itself.

There were no problems with 3D modeling. The difficulty turned out to be that there are a lot of items in the Leroy Merlin assortment. Making augmented reality models for all products at once is a labor-intensive process. Therefore, at first we created about 30 models that appeared in the first release of the updated application. We received a lot of positive feedback from users and media attention.

It became clear that Leroy Merlin customers are ready for innovation, are not afraid to try new things and are happy to master technology. Therefore, we decided to expand the range of products available for trying on in 3D. But at this stage we were faced with the fact that new products could appear in the application only with a new release.

But the team works in sprints of two weeks, and not every sprint ends with the release of a new version. We didn’t want to delay adding new 3D models so much, so we implemented a solution using our middleware, which allows you to load new models without releasing an updated version.

Working with ARKit

Of course, there are many different solutions for augmented reality. These are InfinityAR, Vuforia, ARToolKit, Catchoom, Augment, Blippa and several others. But we understood the advantages of a native framework and decided to go with Apple ARKit.

After Apple presented it at WWDC, this technology became more accessible. However, let’s not lie, the task was not an easy one, because together with Leroy Merlin we were one of the first to implement ARKit in a mobile application.

Our best programmer was hired for this task. iOS developer Inna Kuts spent an entire sprint searching and studying materials on the topic of creating ARKit that were available on the Internet. In fact, at that time there were few materials: a couple of video courses and documentation. You could say we had to figure out the new technology from scratch.

But even now, after the release, the development process does not stop. For example, Apple recently released an update to ARKit that will make augmented reality work on vertical surfaces.

This means that you can not only see how a chest of drawers will look in this part of the room, but also do the same with any finishing materials, decorative elements and lighting. For example, “try on” your favorite sconce or wallpaper. Based on recent research, we created a test build and already know how to make everything work.

In addition, the NULLgravity team is now actively preparing for the release of an augmented reality library for Android, which is at the beta testing stage. So, soon we will be able to please those Leroy Merlin customers who use Android devices.

How the development went

We have been working on a mobile application for Leroy Merlin for about a year now. Those who work with corporations know how different the process is from working with a startup or developing your own product.

There are many more stakeholders involved in the process. The infrastructure of a mobile application becomes very complicated: the backend is done by one team, the application by another, the servers are in the area of ​​responsibility of a third, and so on. This largely determines the course of mobile development. It is not always possible to implement obvious and necessary functionality immediately, in the first release.

Since Leroy Merlin is not just another building materials store, but the largest innovative company in the DIY retail segment in the world and Russia, we understood that the standard functionality of an ecommerce application would not be enough.

Innovations in any case had to create a new customer experience, and augmented reality functions turned out to be the right solution. We were lucky that the client team supported this initiative. Not all companies are ready to invest in technological solutions that are difficult to monetize immediately, but Leroy Merlin decided to undertake such an experiment.

And it turned out to be successful. Together with the team, we decided to submit the project to the “Golden Application” competition in the following categories:

Why do you need waterproofing film for floors?

A hydro-vapor barrier is installed to prevent the penetration of moisture and dampness into the room. Most often, this material is laid between the main floor covering and insulation.

Meanwhile, to provide better protection, you can put an additional layer: between the insulation and the so-called subfloor.

The subfloor is a layer over which a decorative coating is subsequently laid. This is done in order to protect the house from moisture penetration from the ground. However, sometimes this layer can be replaced with classic waterproofing or a material called a membrane.

Waterproofing film can be purchased online or at any hardware store.

The bottom layer is especially relevant for private houses that stand on unstable soils. In addition, do not forget about basements, which often “absorb” excessive moisture from the soil. Sometimes, in order to save at least a little, self-taught craftsmen even neglect polyethylene waterproofing.

The results of such experiments are:

  • Constant condensation on the walls and floor;
  • Fungal development;
  • Damage to coatings (especially paper);
  • A musty odor in the room, which is a potential health hazard to others.

Steam-waterproofing is quite inexpensive, but it is what makes the structure of the house more reliable and long-lasting.

Preparatory part

Before you insulate the floors in the attic of your home, you need to be well prepared.

  • selection of wool and related materials;
  • calculation of the required amount of material;

Selection of mineral wool

Stone or mineral wool is the name of a whole direction, in which there are dozens of different models. Based on the name, this includes all soft insulation materials made from rocks; the most famous option is basalt wool.

A number of sources include glass wool and slag wool here. In the first case, glass is used as the basis, and slag wool is made from blast furnace slag (a by-product of blast furnace production).

All materials are good, but which one is better is a moot point. I’ll say right away that if you take material from a well-promoted brand, there is not much difference in quality.

Mineral wool on any base is suitable for a cold attic

It is much more important to choose the type of material.

There are 2 types of such insulation:

  1. Soft mats that are sold rolled into rolls.
  2. Dense slabs.

Theoretically, insulating the ceiling from the cold attic side can be done using both options, but from experience, it is better to give preference to dense slabs.

The price of the slabs is slightly higher, but this material does not shrink over time, plus, when wet, some models of slabs can be dried without loss of volume and quality.

As for soft mats, here you are buying a “pig in a poke”; well-known manufacturers make good products, but it is not a fact that you will not buy a fake.

Such mats are inexpensive, but in an attic they lose volume in a couple of years.

It is better to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic using slabs

Related materials

This is the case with related materials. Any cotton wool is afraid of moisture; to protect it, a vapor barrier membrane is needed.

It is a fabric that allows steam to pass through only in one direction; neither steam nor moisture passes through from the other side.

Material calculation

To calculate the amount of wool, you need the area of ​​the attic and the thickness of the insulation:

  • With the area of ​​the attic floor, everything is simple - the length is multiplied by the width. Plus 5% for shrinkage and trimming.
  • The thickness of the material depends on the climate zone. In central Russia, to insulate an attic floor with mineral wool, the thickness of the slabs is 100 mm, the mats are taken 150 mm. Accordingly, the further north, the thicker the layer.

Secrets of professionals: how to install vapor barrier

Each type of material is usually accompanied by instructions, which every master must read, regardless of his competence in this matter. At the same time, there are also little secrets, without which the process would drag on for a long time.

These include:

  • Work exclusively in sunny, warm weather, which allows premature accumulation of moisture;
  • Using only high-quality materials;
  • Working with solid materials.

Before laying the vapor barrier material, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of debris and dust.
In order to understand the process even more, experts recommend watching thematic video tutorials. This process takes very little time, but in the end, the master will be completely confident in his abilities. However, if you still do not have sufficient skills, it is better to enlist the support of an experienced master who will supervise the entire process.

Preparatory work

As already noted, steam insulation should be done before insulating the balcony. Prepare the room, remove everything unnecessary, including garbage. Remove the door frame and balcony threshold. Fill cracks and crevices with foam. Eliminate any unevenness.

When the surface is ready, you can begin installing the vapor barrier layer. But before that, it’s worth dealing with the question that worries builders (especially beginners): which side should the vapor barrier material be laid on? Vapor barrier materials are produced double-sided

Which side to lay the insulation on is really important, and it also matters on which side the vapor barrier is done - external or internal: Balcony vapor barrier diagram

  • if external insulation of the facade is carried out, steam insulation is laid on the outside of the insulation;
  • if the insulation is internal, the insulation should be laid as an inner layer over mineral wool or polystyrene foam;
  • When insulating the ceiling, a film that retains steam is glued to the insulation.

If the balcony vapor barrier material has a fabric side, it should “look” outward, while the foil side should look inside the balcony (with internal insulation).

Self-taught tips: laying vapor barriers

The construction of a house necessarily involves hydro- and vapor barrier of the floors and walls.

Before you start laying a vapor barrier, you should study the advice of experts and watch a training video

And here there is always a choice:

  • Do the work yourself;
  • Use the help of a specialist.

Only the master who is completely confident in his abilities can choose the first option! Materials can behave unpredictably, and a beginner who does not have enough knowledge will simply get confused and not cope with the task. The vapor barrier will not be implemented and contacting a specialist is inevitable.

A professional will be able to install the material and insulation in a matter of hours, however, such work will be quite expensive. Therefore, the homeowner chooses what and how to lay it on his own.


Today we figured out how to properly insulate an attic with mineral wool and came to the following conclusions. If the attic is unheated (cold), then the insulation is placed between the floor beams. If the attic is heated, then thermal insulation is placed between the roof rafters. There is a method of laying thermal insulation on the attic floor, then the wall itself is insulated and then a section of the first floor floor from the wall to the edge of the building. This approach will slightly reduce heating costs, since there is no need to heat extra square meters.

For work, it is better to use glass wool, since it does not break and, after compression, restores its previous shape. It is lightweight and does not overload the load-bearing floor beams and rafter system. If you use stone wool, then you need to take slabs with a soft end so that they can be inserted between the guides at random. A vapor barrier is laid between the heated room and the insulation. When laying thermal insulation on the roof, you also need waterproofing, which is placed on the outside. There must be a ventilated gap between the waterproofing and the finishing.


Izospan instructions for use. Izospan A, B, C, D, F

Izospan is an insulating film coating. The main purpose of the film is to ensure that the original thermal insulation characteristics are maintained throughout its entire service life. It is difficult to imagine a modern construction project without the use of various types of thermal insulation. Mineral wool, Penoplex, Izolon, Izover, various polystyrene foams and simply polystyrene foam - all these materials require their own protection.

Thermal insulation materials practically envelop our house, retain heat on frosty and rainy days, create comfort in the hot summer, preventing the penetration of heat flows. But how to protect the thermal insulation belt from negative atmospheric phenomena? Reliable protection from moisture, rain, damaging winds is designed to be provided by 100% polypropylene, with the proud name - Izospan .

To create a barrier at the stages of the construction process, to perform the function of protective insulation for thermal insulation, this is the true purpose that isospan vapor barrier successfully fulfills. Despite its apparent simplicity, the material differs by type.

We bring to your attention – Izospan instructions for use. Figure it out: which side to lay the isospan on. Consider the isospan technical characteristics, and the installation method.

Worthy competitors of isospan:

Before moving on to a detailed review, it should be clarified that the films are presented by the manufacturer in a wide variety and have different purposes. Vapor barrier films and membranes are divided into absolutely vapor- and water-tight and partially permeable to moisture only in one direction. Some of the materials successfully complement thermal insulation, enhancing its characteristics.

Types of vapor barrier materials

Several basic types of materials can be used to create a vapor barrier layer. This is a polyethylene or polypropylene film, the so-called diffuse membrane or liquid rubber. Previously, only roofing felt, roofing felt and other similar materials were used.

Polyethylene film

Polyethylene film is the cheapest and simplest material used to create a vapor barrier layer

It is quite thin, and therefore during installation it is important to be careful not to tear it. The film may or may not have fine perforations

Vapor barrier film "Yutafol N 110"

However, in any case, no matter what the film is, when using it you will have to create a ventilation gap. And since it will have to be done anyway, many do not think about the presence of perforation and simply buy the material that costs less.

Now there is another subtype of films made of polyethylene - it has a reflective layer coated with aluminum. This material has higher vapor barrier properties and is usually used in rooms where there are high levels of humidity and air temperature.

Vapor barrier film with foil coating

Polypropylene film is characterized by high quality and strength. It is easy to install and can last for many years. Polypropylene film is made not only from polypropylene - it also has an additional cellulose-viscose layer that can absorb quite a lot of moisture and retain it. At the same time, as the humidity level decreases, the layer dries out and is again ready to absorb it.

Polypropylene vapor barrier

When laying this type of film, it is worth remembering that the anti-condensation absorbent layer should be turned away from the insulation. And between the vapor barrier layer itself and the insulating material, a small gap is left for ventilation.

Diffuse membranes are perhaps the most expensive vapor barrier option. They are considered to be of the highest quality, are called “breathable” and are capable of not only protecting building materials from excess moisture, but also regulating the humidity level

Membranes are divided into single- and double-sided, and the materials are mounted in different ways - if when laying a one-sided version of the membrane it is important to observe which side it will be turned to the insulation, then the double-sided one can be laid as you like

Such membranes are characterized by significant vapor permeability. They are made from a special non-woven artificial material and can have several layers. There is no need to leave a gap for ventilation during installation.

Diffuse membrane

When creating a wooden floor cake, liquid rubber is used extremely rarely for vapor barrier; it is more suitable for concrete bases. However, it is still a common enough option to talk about. This rubber is a polymer-bitumen composition prepared on the basis of water. It is applied very simply - sprayed on the base, and forms a seamless and durable coating - a kind of rubber carpet. When the polymerization process is completed, the material will not be able to pass through any substances.

Liquid rubber

Liquid rubber can be applied automatically and used to process spacious structures, or manually - this option is suitable for small rooms.

Vapor barrier isospan technical characteristics

  • The material is waterproof;
  • Elasticity is beyond praise; it is not difficult to get around the most difficult areas and bends;
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Resistance to negative atmospheric phenomena;
  • Does not emit harmful substances. Safe for human health. Does not harm the environment.
  • Withstands temperature changes in the range from – 60 °C to + 80 °C
  • Fireproof elements added in production determine the fire hazard group G4, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.

Izospan has various applications, taking into account the field of construction use. Isospan, a type of insulation unique in its structure, has individual technical characteristics and its own labeling.

Manufacturers classify their products by letter indices A, B, C, D, F, R. The combination of letter indices adds numerous variety, applications and installation of isospan. Each new designation assumes its own isospan application. This fact must be taken into account when building your home.

roof vapor barrier isospan

Membrane structure and operating principle

The most popular for their performance characteristics are breathable multilayer membranes, which are designed to create reliable vapor barrier protection.

They consist of three layers, each of which performs an important function. The first layer prevents the penetration of steam into the insulation, the second provides the necessary strength of the base, and the third protects against moisture from the outside.

Each individual layer has the necessary perforation for good air exchange. The first layer removes excess moisture, allowing dried air to penetrate. The reinforcing layer retains warm air masses inside thanks to a special weaving of threads. The third layer provides a sufficient level of traction inside the structure.

Some types of membranes have an additional anti-condensation layer based on viscose or cellulose. It retains excess moisture deposited on the paper fibers. To naturally remove moisture from the membrane, a technological gap of 2.5 cm is provided between the vapor barrier and the finishing surfaces.

Izospan A

The membrane, like a check valve, freely allows water vapor to pass through from the thermal insulation side. Does not interfere with the natural ventilation of the insulation. On the other hand, it reliably blocks the penetration of moisture from the external atmosphere, prevents the formation of condensation, and prevents the wind from destroying the structure of the insulation.

Due to the water resistance of the material on the outside, membranes are widely used in roofing structures and are widely used as protection for walls and ventilated facades of buildings and structures for any purpose.

The waterproofing property possessed by the isospan membrane prolongs the service life of the thermal insulation for a long time. Even the best insulation is destroyed over time under the influence of wind; the use of Izospan A will be the ideal solution to protect the outside of the house.

General information

The presence of moisture in the basement can be explained by partial or complete freezing of the room in winter. In this case, it is enough to insulate the walls and arrange ventilation. In other cases, you cannot do without special protection. Damp or damp insulation will not provide heat retention and will subsequently require replacement.

Waterproofing the basement from the outside from groundwater is indicated for use when water gets inside under the pressure of a water layer. Measures to protect the basement from the inside are effective when water enters the room by capillary means through defects in the building envelope.

Waterproofing the basement from groundwater is carried out in two planes:

  • vertical (when the room is located in a layer of groundwater in the absence of drainage);
  • horizontal (the basement floor is at (at) water level).

To carry out protection inside the basement, basement waterproofing materials that differ in composition, application technique, reliability and service life are used.

The main ones should be considered:

  • materials in rolls;
  • sheet materials;
  • liquid-based formulations.

The latter are divided into:

  • compositions based on aqueous solutions;
  • bitumen-based compositions;
  • penetration chemicals;
  • injection formulations.

Each material for waterproofing a basement from the inside has its own advantages and disadvantages. The general goal of all work carried out is to create a room free of water in water-saturated soil.

Izospan B

As we found out, isospan A, firstly, protects from the wind, and secondly, it creates a powerful hydrobarrier for the insulation. There remains a danger in the form of condensation, wetting of the insulation - condensation, which, before passing through the membrane in the form of steam, saturates the thermal insulation with moisture.

Humidification by only 5% will reduce the thermal insulation performance by half. The further prospect is the penetration of condensation onto the metal tiles, with the subsequent transformation of the roof into a colander.

The anti-condensation surface in combination with the steam and waterproof effect will save you from such troubles. When carrying out installation work on arranging the roof, you must clearly understand that even the best insulation for the roof is gradually saturated with water vapor.

By creating a barrier to internal vapors, Izospan B will serve as a kind of vapor barrier. The material consists of two layers, a layer with a smooth structure is adjacent to the insulation during installation, the second fleecy side is designed to absorb condensation.

That is why the installation of the coating is always carried out with the fleecy side down, with a gap to the finishing materials, for ventilation and drying. Type B is laid with an overlap with an overlap of at least 10 centimeters on the insulation side and secured using a construction stapler or another method.

Vapor barrier AXTON customer reviews | Construction and repair

Verified purchase Review:
Durable, breaks with effort, but there is nothing more to say, I hope it will work as intended.
Compared to Megaizol, it’s 2 times thicker. I liked it.
I didn't check for wetness. Advantages:
price and quality
I didn’t find any, because...
there is something to compare with Name:
The price corresponds to the quality
It’s still not clear which side to lay
Nadezhda Byldina
Markings - squares all over the surface - it’s very convenient to work, everything is even and you practically don’t use a tape measure or ruler .
It seems to me that it is a little thin - although 10cm of insulation keeps it at a negative slope.
Good vapor barrier, and for the money it’s a godsend!
In total, they covered 200 sq.m. ceiling. My husband and I stretched it along the lathing (150mm boards at 12-17cm intervals), shot it with an ordinary furniture stapler at the very edge of the panel, did not fix the vapor barrier in the center, I really didn’t want to seal the holes from the stapler later))) We measured it by eye, simply stretched it along the length of the room and added overlaps to the walls, then cut off the excess if necessary. Nothing sagged or stretched anywhere! The only negative is that it is thin, they accidentally pulled it several times and in some places the bracket broke through the vapor barrier, but this is not critical, they shot it on both sides from the impulse and moved on! All joints and brackets were then sealed with strips of the same vapor barrier coated with rubber glue, which was also used to glue the vapor barrier to the concrete. The vapor barrier copes with its tasks completely, it holds steam, and the insulation is dry after winter. Advantages:
Inexpensive, fully performs its task
Thin, you need to work carefully
We purchased it due to the lack of other brands, which we regretted.
No markings, during installation it stretches and sags.,

Wind and moisture insulation Axton (a) 35 m2

Name: Mikhail Review:
does not let water through.
I checked it personally and poured water under the tap. All the water flowed down the slope. I also checked it by filling it with water like a bag. Miracles of technology. I don’t know how it will perform in cold and heat. Advantages:
Steam passes easily, holds water.
Poured water on the outer side (where the text is) Disadvantages:
not yet identified.
used for roofing.
As a result, without having time to cover the roof with corrugated sheets, it began to rain. as a result, the entire insulation is wet Disadvantages:
does not fulfill its functions
We bought wind protection for a cold attic to protect the insulation in the attic from weathering.
The permeability of the membrane is good, the insulation has not become damp over the winter, and the dust from the stone wool has stopped flying around the attic. We installed the film in the cold, the tape did not stick at all, heating the joints with a hairdryer also turned out to be pointless, we glued the top overlapping with reinforced tape. I know that it’s not the technology, but well... I think the membrane copes with its task. Not suitable for protection from moisture, as written above, look more carefully at the markings Advantages:
Marking simplifies installation
Adhesive tape does not work well, at +10 it no longer sticks at all
This material has one advantage - it is an excellent sieve!! !
It absolutely does not correspond to the stated characteristics. I bought it online. They delivered everything on time and didn't even damage anything. The surprises began when I opened the package and the instructions said that this is a vapor barrier and should not be used for work in the rain and should not allow water to enter. This material is absolutely not waterproof. Disadvantages:
It does not retain moisture at all; at the slightest contact of water on this “membrane” it flows through it and the insulation gets wet.
The stated characteristics do not correspond to reality. Name:
The drawn grid is, of course, drop-dead convenient.
Those who are confused about which side is towards the insulation and which is out will have no problems with this film. Disadvantages:
180% more expensive than regular steering wheels. Considering that all my neighbors will see the axton advertisement, it turns out that I’m still paying for it.

Wind and moisture insulation membrane Axton 70 m2


I purchased this material.
After the first rain the roof began to leak. When examining the membrane, a dark stripe 3 meters long stood out visually. Repair at my expense. I'm attaching a photo. Is there a video. Disadvantages:
marriage occurs.
Alexander, hello, the product was purchased in original packaging without visible damage.
The situation was resolved after filing a complaint, as the sales manager refused to exchange the goods. Thank you for your trouble. Name:
PS I brought it to the store, the seller was rude and accused us of doing it ourselves.
I filed a claim and a few days later the money was returned. Name:
I purchased the membrane, started laying it, and in the middle of the roll I found two sheets glued together and through holes.
I want to share my review of this miracle In March, the old roof began to leak, 25 years old. A decision was made to reconstruct the roof and the second floor as a whole. I was thinking about making two full-fledged bedrooms from a broken roof with one room and two storage rooms. Weather It turned out to be hot, without precipitation, June. They dismantled a ton of Soviet slate, the old rafter system, the old frame. They erected new walls, a central partition, and a rafter system. They laid insulation and covered AM. Everything was as it should be, counter-lattice, sheathing. The next day, rain, thunderstorm, hurricane 6 hours in a row at night. You can imagine the level of fear Morning, everything is quiet I go up to the second floor Not a single leak, not even a hint I have everything Thank you
Performs its function with a bang
Didn’t find
Easy to use - there are markings and applied adhesive strip for gluing the overlap.
The price is reasonable. Two weeks as a temporary roof under heavy rain - not a single leak. Name:
Missed the rafters - couldn’t stand it (75 kg.) Ondutis on the roof, on the vent.
axton facade (same film - difference in price and size). Birds love to make holes. Advantages:
Easy to install, satisfactory strength,

Hydro-vapor barrier Axton C, 70 m2


We laid this material on the roof sheathing without insulation, the wind was 8-12 m/s, but this did not interfere (it was pressed against the sheathing).
When one side was covered, the wind no longer passed through on the other side and did not interfere. It rained that evening and the next day; we were pleasantly surprised that not a single drop fell. Every other day they made counter-latching and laid corrugated sheets. During installation, the material did not sag or tear. Advantages:
Does not allow moisture to pass through, protects from wind, holds a large load.
No markings.
Ivan Verified purchase
A fairly strong film applied to a fibrous base, does not stretch
Not really a review, but for reference: the smooth side should be towards the insulation and the fleecy outer side so that the steam does not flow down but lingers and evaporates!
I bought it for the attic floor, but I was afraid to end up laying this material.
It will be used for interfloor coverings on wooden beams. And for the attic I’ll take a normal one. Advantages:
Price, constant availability in Leroy.
There are no complete instructions and detailed characteristics.
It’s not clear... I bought type C, the instructions say excellent vapor permeability, the same should not happen
Low price
Poor instructions
The fact of the matter is that no side of this material should allow steam to pass through.
This is not a vapor-permeable membrane, but just the opposite - a hydro-vapor barrier. Name:
Time will tell how it works in practice.
But there is one very important question: which side of this material releases steam (fuzzy or smooth)? There is no indication in this regard in the instructions. Information on the Internet and forums is contradictory. I turn to the original source for the answer. Disadvantages:
There are no marks either in the instructions or on the material itself which of its sides allows steam to pass through.

Wind and moisture insulation Axton A, 35 m2


Evgenia Employee Leroy Merlin
Very conveniently made (it is impossible to confuse the inside with the outside)
more or less price
clearly there is a decent lack of footage. Enough for about 20 sq.m.
Taking the roll out of the package, it turned out that it was all wet (not moist).
I hope it dries on the walls. The declared area of ​​35 sq.m. was not enough to cover walls of 32 sq.m. Shortage - 8 sq.m. Advantages:
none compared to others
The area does not correspond to the declared one.
Since there are instructions, it would be possible to write about the installation side Name:
the smooth side to the insulation, the rough side out to remove condensation
Someone explain to me.
Why is it not indicated anywhere which side this insulation should be placed on? Is it really so difficult to indicate this in the instructions? Pros:
Good price.
It is not clear which side to lay it towards the insulation.
The entire roll is ripped open with transverse cuts.
You can see it in the photo. The density is 2 times lower compared to Izospan A. In the photo in the middle is isospan A, and on the sides is this material. The instructions say that the side of installation does not matter. It is not true. Water will flow only on the glossy side, and the rough side will absorb it. If you put it on incorrectly, the insulation will get wet and everything you protect with it will rot. They supplanted the branded Izospan, removing it from sale, replacing it with a material produced specifically for Leroy. I do not recommend this product Advantages:
Price is on par with the best quality ISOSPAN A film Incorrect installation instructions supposedly on any side
Sergey 1
bought for a ventilation façade at the dacha, it’s quite dense and strong, I don’t see the point in overpaying for expensive analogues, in the context of wall decoration.
Inexpensive and quite dense
didn’t notice

Hydro-vapor barrier Axton (d) 70 m2


Excellent vapor barrier, I used additional double-sided tape for the joints
Excellent density, markings
joint glue, complete nonsense, one might say that it doesn’t exist
I took it under metal tiles, generally not bad,
there are markings,
It's a little thin, the glue doesn't hold onto the connecting tape, it falls off in a weak wind and gets clogged with dust, so you understand.
the price is high. I took it to immediately glue the joints, it turned out to be a marketing ploy. Name:
price-quality matches.
I liked the quality.
There are markings for even cutting, and adhesive tape on the edge to seal the overlap. Disadvantages:
the glue of the joining strip is rather weak; a thicker layer could have been applied.

Vapor barrier Axton (b) 15 m2


The best film I've ever worked with.
In everything.
I recommend it.
Easy to install, fairly durable material!
Didn't notice.
Sergey Verified purchase
Fire is a thing, convenient for installation.
Everything is written where and what to put where, there is a sticky part for a paper clip Name:
It is convenient to work with, a big plus is the presence of an adhesive strip and the presence of markings. It’s hard to say how much steam does not leak...

Hydro-vapor barrier Axton C, 35 m2


I bought a package for installation under the garage roof made of professional flooring.
When purchasing, I noticed the packaging that was wrinkled on top, but did not pay due attention. When laying 4 rows of meters (about 15 m2), it turned out that the roll was not solid. but consisting of a piece, and the second piece was somehow uneven, wrinkled, with traces of shoes... I laid it out like this, fortunately the last row was already the previous ones. The production date is 10/31/2017, judging by the piece of paper inside. Advantages:
I bought it for testing under professional flooring.
we will see during operation,

Hydro-vapor barrier Axton (d) 35 m2


Excellent film!
I have never left reviews - I will leave about this one. There is a line on the canvas, everything is cut smoothly and there is no need to measure the joints. And the tape that glues one film to another is absolutely fire. I made four roofs with this film - I recommend it to everyone! Advantages:
Durable There is a ruler There is a mounting tape very convenient

Hydro-vapor barrier Axton (d) 15 m2


Verified Purchase Review:
Bought to waterproof a leaking roof in a barn from the inside. Attached with a stapler, it has already withstood several rains. Satisfied!,

Izospan S

The structure of the material combines two layers: on one side there is a smooth surface, on the other there is a fleecy surface. The fleecy layer retains condensation followed by weathering. Izospan C creates a vapor barrier for the insulation, preventing the absorption of vapor from water particles formed inside the room.

The material is widely used in the construction of walls, installation of insulated, sloping roofs and interfloor ceilings. Paro-waterproofing using type C is installed in various cement screeds and in flat roof structures.

In a word, in structure and characteristics the material is very similar to type B. At the same time, it has an increased margin of safety and, therefore, the reliability of the super-dense panel is higher. Buying isospan C will cost the consumer about 50-60% more than type B.

Characteristics of isospan Type C:

  • 100% polypropylene;
  • Applicable temperature range -60 – +80 °C;
  • Tensile load: longitudinal // transverse. N//5cm not less than 197/119
  • Vapor-tight
  • water resistance not less than: 1000 mm water column.

Application of isospan S:

  1. Sloping roof with an overlap of at least 15 cm
  2. Attic floor protection. A vapor barrier layer is spread on top of the insulation, smooth side down;
  3. Concrete floor. spread on a concrete surface, smooth side down;
  4. Wooden floors of horizontal design.

Laying the canvas on sloping roofs should be done from bottom to top. The material overlaps about 15 centimeters.

To avoid depressurization, overlapped joints are glued together with a special tape that is sticky on both sides, similar to double-sided tape.

The structure is secured with slats 5 cm thick. A gap of at least 5 centimeters is left between the roof tiles and the vapor barrier layer; it is necessary for natural ventilation.

The right insulation pie

There is no need to reinvent the wheel; the vapor barrier in the house has long been thought out to the smallest detail - the correct roofing pie for a mansard-type roof is as follows:

  • Interior decoration;
  • A gap of 20-30 mm for air circulation (usually formed by a counter-lattice);
  • Vapor barrier;
  • Thermal insulation (the thickness of the insulation is the calculated value, depending on its thermal conductivity and the region of residence);
  • Diffusion membrane;
  • Ventilation gap 50 mm (in extreme cases, no less than 40 mm, formed by a counter-lattice);
  • Lathing;
  • Roofing covering.

The ventilation gaps themselves do not solve anything; air must circulate through them, keeping the structures dry. Ventilation is carried out through overhangs, covered with soffits and ridge aeration, or through dormer windows and a ridge, when installing a cold triangle.

It is impossible to lock steam in a room, set it in the desired direction and ventilate it through the vents or force it out - vapor barrier only works in tandem with ventilation of the under-roof space.


In practice, it is impossible to create an absolutely airtight structure, and this is not required - there will always be an unglued hole, cracks, and leaks. It is unrealistic to stop the phenomenon of the transition of a substance (in this case water) from one state to another (liquid, solid, gaseous). The condensation plane, also known as the dew point, is always located in the structure, from here you take a number of measures to prevent moisture accumulation - limit the flow of steam (vapor barrier) on the one hand, and ventilate the structure on the other. At the moment this is the most effective solution.

You can make a single-layer structure, you can heat it, you can install forced ventilation, but the classic vapor barrier/insulation/vent gap pie is definitely cheaper and easier to implement. I repeat - we insulate on one side and ventilate on the other. At the same time, the problem of the materials’ own moisture content is solved, which is important in our construction conditions.

When it comes to the attic floor and the cold attic, there are no fundamental differences in the insulation scheme.

  • Finishing.
  • Gap.
  • Vapor barrier.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Diffusion membrane.
  • Ventilation gap.
  • Sparse flooring for free movement (not always installed).

It is recommended to use a diffusion membrane over the insulation even in the case of a cold attic, as it protects against convective heat transfer, which minimizes heat loss. And in case of leakage or precipitation in the form of rain and snow, the membrane is very useful, as it will prevent the insulation from getting wet even in direct contact with water. When insulating the interfloor ceiling, both film and diffusion membrane are used. The film cuts off steam, albeit in a minimal amount, but entering the insulation through the ceiling when warm air rises upward. And the membrane will prevent particles of thermal insulation from entering the air, which inevitably occurs over time, and will protect the insulation if the floor leaks.

Izospan D

High-strength, completely moisture-proof waterproofing material. Polypropylene sheet with one-sided laminated polypropylene coating. The versatility of the moisture-vapor-proof material implies widespread use in construction technologies for the construction of any type of structure.

Izospan D successfully withstands moderately strong mechanical loads, is resistant to tearing, withstands strong gusts of wind, and in winter copes with heavy snow loads. In comparison with other similar films, Izospan D has gained fame as the most durable and reliable option.

Izospan D Area of ​​application

In any type of roof, as a barrier preventing the formation of under-roof condensation. Widely used in the installation of hydro- and vapor barriers during the construction of buildings and structures. Protection of wooden structures. The material largely resists negative atmospheric phenomena.

Izospan D is often used on construction sites as a temporary roof covering and installation of a protective wall in objects under construction. Such a roof or wall can last up to four months.

Recommendations for installing waterproofing

Typically, waterproofing films are used for pitched roofs that do not form a continuous “carpet” (metal tiles, corrugated sheets). They are installed from the bottom up, with an overlap, the size of which will depend on the angle of the roof slope (at least ten centimeters). It is recommended to connect the panels together with mounting tape. The minimum gap that must be maintained between the film and the insulation is two centimeters. The film itself should be laid with slight sagging, since strong tension can cause micro-holes to enlarge and, accordingly, moisture to enter the insulation. In general, the hydraulic barrier is laid correctly and according to all standards if:

  • the waterproofing film covers absolutely the entire under-roof space, including cornices, gables, overhangs, etc.;
  • the film adheres firmly to walls, pipes and other structures on the roof;
  • the bottom sheet of the film is placed on the front board or beyond the boundaries of the cornice into the drain.

Vapor barrier: everything you need to know about protecting insulation from moisture

What is vapor barrier, why is it needed, and how is it performed? I've thought about this before. Now, having gained experience in this matter, I will accurately convey the technical aspects and describe step by step the technology for installing vapor barriers.

The vapor barrier affects not only the effectiveness of the insulation, but also the durability of the structure

Is it necessary to install it?

Sometimes you may not need to install a vapor barrier. If the frame is built from durable timber, dried to a minimum level of humidity. The connecting elements must fit as tightly as possible. This way the structure will be protected from moisture.

A number of risks remain:

  1. Due to the specific nature of wood as a material, fibrous and porous, at high humidity it serves as a medium for the development of pathogenic microflora.
  2. If you varnish, after a few years the treatment will become ineffective. After 5-10 years, moisture will begin to penetrate deep into the timber.
  3. If the house is for permanent residence, installation of waterproofing is required. This will prevent the walls from rotting from the inside from moisture generated during cooking and other household needs.

Why do you need moisture protection?

Vapor barrier is a set of various methods of protecting heat-insulating materials and building structures from the penetration of steam and, as a consequence, from the loss and absorption of condensate (Footnote 1).

Why do you need a vapor barrier at all? As you might guess, its purpose is to protect surfaces from steam. Moreover, we are talking not only about visible steam, but also moisture, which is always present in the air.

Inside the home, the humidity level is almost always higher than outside, which is explained by cooking, washing and taking water procedures. Since steam moves towards the cold - out, excess moisture can significantly reduce the life of building structures and the effectiveness of insulation.

Insulation of walls from the inside with mineral wool must be done using a vapor barrier film

Protection is necessary in the following cases:

  • When insulating walls from the inside with mineral wool. As is known, the level of vapor permeability and moisture absorption of mineral wool is quite high. Therefore, the absence of a vapor barrier can lead to the accumulation of moisture inside the insulation. This in turn will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the insulation, dampness of the walls, the formation of fungus, etc.;

Frame walls insulated with foam plastic from the inside must be protected from moisture with a vapor barrier

  • When insulating frame structures. Vapor barrier is necessary for frame walls, wooden floors and pitched roofs not only when using mineral wool insulation, but also polymer insulation, which has zero vapor permeability. The fact is that zero vapor permeability of thermal insulation leads to the fact that all moisture rushes into the elements of the wooden frame. As a result, the tree quickly becomes unusable;

Vapor barrier film must be used when insulating floors

  • When insulating floors. In this case, vapor barrier allows you to protect the insulation from rising steam.

If mineral wool is used inside partitions, vapor barrier need not be used, since there are no temperature differences in the partitions that could lead to the formation of condensation.


As we found out, the vapor barrier should not allow air to pass through, which carries moisture. Therefore, the vapor barrier film should not be confused with waterproofing, which often has the ability to allow air to pass through.

The following materials are currently used for vapor barrier:

Types of films

Leroy Merlin

It's no secret that the site for the construction of the Leroy Merlin hypermarket in Minsk on the street. Timiryazeva was allocated by the city authorities several years ago. However, the retailer was apparently studying the market potential and was postponing a decision to build the facility.

It was previously reported that the company will enter the market not through opening a representative office, but through the Russian structure “Leroy Merlin Russia”. Those. The activities of the network in Belarus will be coordinated from Moscow. However, according to belretail.by, the final decision was still made in France, and Moscow will only supervise the issue.

In confirmation of the information already announced, we managed to look through the latest research on the DIY market of the Russian Federation, which is being conducted, and there we found the following text:

“In 2022, Leroy Merlin plans to enter the Republic of Belarus. The first hypermarket is planned to open in Minsk. The project will be handled by the Russian office (without creating a separate division at the first stage. The decision on subsequent development in the Republic of Belarus will be made based on the results of the work of the retail facility in Minsk."

The first store will appear in Minsk on the street. Timiryazev next to the car. Its total area will be 17,000 square meters. m, retail - 10,000 sq. m, the street pavilion of the “Garden” department will occupy 1000 sq. m. Nearby there will be a parking lot for 900 cars.

Leroy Merlin is scheduled to open by the end of 2022. However, vacancies for a hypermarket HR Manager, Certification Specialist, and Regional Supplier Relations Manager are already posted on obs.tut.by today.

belretail.by is already collecting comments from independent DIY market experts, which will be published later. From the first conversations it is clear that the new player will be faced with a number of issues that will not be easy to resolve.

First of all, this is the share of goods from Belarusian manufacturers, which is usually quite large for Leroy Merlin (in Russia the degree of localization reaches 55%). Are there enough material manufacturers in Belarus to provide these indicators?

The retailer also has its own private label, orders for which must also be placed with local manufacturers.

The French chain offers the lowest prices in its segment in the markets where it operates and operates under the slogan “low prices every day.” Maintaining such a positioning in Belarus will be very difficult.

In any case, the arrival of an international player will significantly revive the DIY segment and this will have an impact on all players operating in Belarus. First of all, we are talking about the OMA, Mile and Materik networks.

The largest facility of this format today is the construction hypermarket “Materik” in Brest. Its total area is 15 thousand square meters. m (2 thousand less than the planned Leroy Merlin), but the retail area is 12 thousand sq. m. m. 2 thousand more.

So it’s too early to say that the French will build the largest construction hypermarket.

Source: https://belretail.by/news/frantsuzskiy-leroy-merlin-pridast-uskorenie-i-dobavit-tonusa-belarusskomu-ryinku-diy

Is a layer required for ventilation?

At the bottom of the membrane vapor barrier there is a 5-centimeter ventilation gap, which helps prevent the formation of condensation on surfaces and the heat insulator.

Diffusion membranes can be attached to insulation, plywood sheets or OSB. In a membrane with an anti-condensation layer, gaps up to 6 cm wide are located on both sides.

To create a gap for ventilation when insulating the roof structure, a counter-lattice is used. In the process of fastening a ventilated facade, a technological gap is created when installing racks located perpendicular to the vapor barrier.

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