Which chandelier to choose for a stretch ceiling: nuances and recommendations

Stretch ceilings are the most popular way today to give a room an aesthetic appearance in literally a matter of hours. It's no surprise that more and more people are choosing this finishing option. And now the question. At what stage is your suspended ceiling? Already implemented or just planning? Because in each case the approach to choosing a chandelier will be different. In the first case, a number of additional restrictions will arise. And in the second, your hands are practically free. But first things first.

In this article, we will tell you which chandeliers are suitable for suspended ceilings and, of course, we will show suitable models from our catalog.

Are all chandeliers suitable for suspended ceilings?

There are many types of chandeliers available. They differ in the following parameters:

  • size and number of lampshades;
  • materials used;
  • light bulbs;
  • shape (horizontal, located near the ceiling, or vertical, hanging down);
  • type of fastening (suspended and overhead);

To find out what types of chandeliers are suitable for installation in a suspended ceiling, first of all you need to understand that nothing is attached to the canvas itself, since the film and fabric are not strong enough for this. Lighting devices (as well as cornices, fire detectors, etc.) are fixed to the floor slab through hooks or mortgages. As the latter, ready-made plastic platforms, wooden blocks or pieces of plywood are used, which are attached before installing the canvas. And after installing the stretch ceiling, holes are made in it through which the lamps are installed.

Technically, you can hang any chandelier this way. But the material imposes certain restrictions and requirements. Below we will look at which lighting fixtures are best suited.

Features of surface-mounted lamps

Overhead lamps for suspended ceilings can be combined with other lighting fixtures: wall, ceiling and floor. Together with diffused, spot, accent and main lighting, you can create ideal and comfortable light in the room.

Overhead spotlights do not heat up to a critical temperature at all, so they will not damage either the ceiling itself or the surfaces adjacent to it. That is why owners of suspended and plasterboard ceilings give preference to surface-mounted lamps over glasses.

Black ceiling lamp Lightstar 052137

Another feature of overhead lamps is their efficiency! They use less electricity for lighting than traditional energy-saving lamps. That is why their use is very economical. Surface-mounted ceiling lamps can be classified as safe, reliable and durable lighting devices.

Which chandelier can be used with a suspended ceiling?

In addition to fragility, canvases have another important drawback: they do not tolerate elevated temperatures well. The film melts, and the fabric begins to turn yellow or darken over time. This is taken into account when choosing a chandelier model and type of light bulbs. They come in the following types:

  • incandescent;
  • halogen;
  • energy saving;
  • LED

The first two types get very hot during operation. Incandescent lamps with a power of more than 60 W and halogen lamps with a power of more than 35-40 W cannot be used with suspended ceilings. The remaining options emit virtually no heat and there are no restrictions for them.

Some LED and halogen lamps require power converters. Installers may suggest placing them behind the film. But this is wrong, since the canvas does not allow air to pass through. There is insufficient ventilation and the unit overheats.

For such cases, you need to make a special ventilated niche or holes in the canvas with grilles in inconspicuous places (above the cabinet, in the corner, etc.).

It is necessary to maintain a certain distance from the stretch ceiling to the lamps. The minimum is 10-15 cm. But for halogen or incandescent lamps, especially those with maximum power, it is better to increase it to 25-30 cm. To ensure the required distance, sometimes it is necessary to lengthen the chandelier mount.

It is advisable to choose a model with shades. A suitable option is one in which they are directed downwards or to the sides - this way light and heat are evenly dissipated. If the horns look up, the distance to the film should be maximum.

The option with light bulbs that point upward and are not covered by shades does not fit well with the glossy texture of the film. The light reflects strongly from the ceiling, which is unpleasant for the eyes. And over time, these areas may change color due to fading.

The body of the chandelier should not heat up, especially at the junction with the ceiling. And in order not to damage the thin film, it is better to choose a model without sharp corners or complex connections.

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Stretch ceiling is a popular modern way of finishing the ceiling. It is easy to install and allows you to hide all the flaws and unevenness of the main ceiling. There is a misconception that by installing a suspended ceiling, you will have to abandon the traditional method of lighting, that you cannot use chandeliers and lamps. Or you can only use spotlights or LED strips mounted in a plasterboard box. In fact, everything is completely different. To illuminate a room with a suspended ceiling, you can use chandeliers, ceiling lamps and spotlights. Due to the specifics of the stretch fabric, there are certain restrictions and requirements that lamps for suspended ceilings must meet. This applies to the type of lamps, their power, installation method, lamp design and much more. A reasonable question arises: how to choose a chandelier for suspended ceilings. We'll talk about this in this article. Let's determine what types of chandeliers and lamps there are, what shapes and sizes they are, how they are attached to the base, what lamps are used in them and what restrictions are imposed.

  1. Features of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings
  2. What kind of chandeliers for suspended ceilings are there?
      Shape and dimensions of a chandelier for a stretch ceiling
  3. Chandeliers for suspended ceilings with incandescent lamps
  4. Halogen chandeliers for suspended ceilings
  5. Energy-saving chandeliers for suspended ceilings
  6. LED chandeliers for suspended ceilings
  7. Method of mounting a chandelier for suspended ceilings
  8. What types of lamps for suspended ceilings are there?
      Halogen lamps for suspended ceilings
  9. Energy-saving lamps for suspended ceilings
  10. LED lamps for suspended ceilings
  11. Spotlights for suspended ceilings

Features of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings

A stretch ceiling is a PVC or polyester fabric stretched in the plane of the main ceiling at a distance of several centimeters from it. Due to the fact that PVC fabric is sensitive to temperature increases above 80 ° C, it can stretch. The polyester fabric of synthetic fabric does not stretch, but it can change color, turn yellow or blacken under the influence of temperatures or due to improperly installed lighting.

Therefore, when wondering how to choose lamps for suspended ceilings, you should consider the following requirements :

  • The stretch ceiling canvas should not heat up above 60 °C, so the chandeliers should be located at a certain distance/height from the canvas, and the power of the lamps for stretch ceilings should be such that the canvas heats up as little as possible. We will consider later what specific requirements are imposed on the power of certain lamps.
  • Some types of lamps, such as halogen and LED, can be connected via power converters. Such devices cannot be placed in the space between the suspended ceiling and the main ceiling, since there is no ventilation in it. Power converters located behind the tension fabric quickly fail due to overheating. They must be placed in a comfortable, ventilated niche, and the wires leading to them must be secured above the canvas.
  • Lamps and chandeliers for suspended ceilings are attached to the main ceiling in various ways. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase them before installing the ceiling, then the installers will be able to calculate in more detail where the cut for the lamp will be located, as well as better prepare the fastening embed.
  • The glossy surface of a stretch ceiling reflects 80% of the light, so you should not use chandeliers with open lamps pointing upward for lighting. They will be reflected in the canvas, and the light will be too bright and harsh. For calm, diffused lighting, it is necessary to use chandeliers and lamps with shades.
  • It is worth refusing a chandelier or lamp with a deliberately complex mounting option, since unnecessary injury to the tension fabric is undesirable.

These are just general restrictions. Since classic chandeliers, chandeliers of various intricate designs, chandeliers with a fan, built-in ceiling lights, overhead ceiling lights, spotlights and other lighting devices can be used to illuminate suspended ceilings, let’s look at some of them in more detail.

What kind of chandeliers for suspended ceilings are there?

To illuminate rooms with suspended ceilings, you can use a classic chandelier that is familiar to our eyes. For a small room with an area of ​​9 - 12 m2, one chandelier installed in the center of the room is sufficient. If the shape of the chandelier allows you to attach it to a hook specially designed for this purpose, then its installation will be quite inexpensive. Sometimes even some suspended ceiling installation companies install one chandelier for free.

To illuminate a large room of 20 m2 or more, one chandelier will not be enough. If the room has an elongated shape and allows you to divide it visually into two parts, then you can install two chandeliers at an equal distance from the walls. Otherwise, you can complement one chandelier with ceiling or spotlights, which will illuminate the “dead” areas where the light from the chandelier lamps does not reach.

Shape and dimensions of a chandelier for a stretch ceiling

All chandeliers can be divided into horizontal and vertical . In rooms with low ceilings from 2.3 m to 3 m in height, it is advisable to use horizontal chandeliers with a diameter of up to 1 m. They can be a multi-arm design located on “branches” or have a different design. Their main feature is that lamps with lamps are evenly distributed throughout the chandelier and are located at a sufficient distance from the center to better illuminate the room.

In rooms with high ceilings (above 3 m), it is better to use vertical chandeliers with a diameter of 30–50 cm and a height of about 1 m. A chandelier hanging on a long “leg” provides maximum illumination of the living space.

The price of chandeliers for suspended ceilings depends on their shape, design, size and materials used. The optimal choice would be chandeliers with shades or arms directed downwards or sideways and downwards, so as not to heat up the ceiling again. Also, classic chandeliers can be complemented with decorative elements - silk lampshade, beads, pendants made of faceted transparent or colored glass, which will play with reflections on the surface of the ceiling.

Crystal chandeliers for suspended ceilings are always popular , since faceted crystal elements scatter light, distributing it evenly throughout the room. All modern chandeliers of this type are designed to meet all the requirements for lighting rooms with suspended ceilings. The glossy fabric of the stretch ceiling reflects light and makes the crystal “play” with reflections and a lot of colored splashes.

In addition to those described above, there are huge chandeliers of pyramidal shapes for illuminating the halls of hotels, theaters, museums and other similar premises. The choice of a chandelier of a specific shape and size depends on the effect that the home owner wants to achieve. For example, a classic chandelier with candle lamps will look more advantageous under a matte canvas, but in a glossy one its reflection will be inappropriate and uncomfortable. A chandelier in the form of a hemisphere will perfectly complement the glossy canvas; in its reflection it will turn into a full sphere, which will visually enlarge the room and “raise higher” the ceiling. Horizontal multi-arm chandeliers look great both under matte and glossy canvases, which is clearly visible in the presented photos.

Chandeliers for suspended ceilings: photo examples

A vertical chandelier with silk lampshades and decorative glass elements is wonderfully reflected in the glossy stretch fabric of a dark shade.

And another chandelier against the backdrop of a dark stretch ceiling.

A crystal vertical chandelier goes well with a matte fabric stretch ceiling.

This is what a horizontal chandelier of modern design looks like.

And another option for modern decor.

An excellent option for a stretch ceiling is a horizontal multi-arm chandelier.

Classic vertical chandelier for high ceilings.

A horizontal chandelier of a futuristic design with closed shades is reflected favorably in the glossy stretch ceiling.

Here is an example of how lamps without shades can be reflected on a glossy ceiling.

A themed crystal chandelier requires an appropriate room. Not suitable for everyone.

It is difficult to choose a chandelier for a fabric ceiling with a rich pattern, but it is possible.

The upper part of a chandelier for a suspended ceiling should be no less aesthetic than the lower part, since it is its reflection that will be visible in the glossy canvas. There should be no unsightly protruding wires or other parts. The chandelier bowl (located at the very top and attached to the stretch ceiling) should be large enough to hide all flaws and installation locations.

You should not use chandeliers whose horns and lamps are directed upward and there is no lampshade or reflector on top . This threatens to cause black spots to appear on the surface of the ceiling, which are almost impossible to remove. By the way, this applies not only to stretch ceilings, but also to ordinary ceilings. The cause of black spots is burnt dust. The fact is that dust settles on the surface of the lamps, which burns due to heating of the surface of the lamp. When a draft appears in the room, for example, if you open the door, the burnt and still hot dust is blown off the surface of the lamp by a stream of air, rises up and settles on the ceiling, as if melting into the ceiling. If you still want to use this type of chandelier, then you need to install energy-saving or LED lamps in it; they heat up the least.

When choosing a chandelier for a stretch ceiling, you need to pay attention to those models whose lampshades have reflectors. Reflectors are a sheet of chrome or stainless steel. It is better if it is located on top - above the lamp, then the likelihood of overheating of the stretch ceiling fabric is minimal.

Next, let's look at the types of chandeliers depending on what kind of suspended ceiling lamps are used in them. Incandescent, halogen, energy-saving and LED lamps can be used as light sources.

Chandeliers for suspended ceilings with incandescent lamps

Incandescent lamps are the cheapest light source, but their efficiency is so negligible that recently their use has increasingly been abandoned in favor of other lamps. After all, only 3% of the energy spent by an incandescent lamp turns into light, the remaining 97% turns into heat. And this feature is associated with the biggest problem of using incandescent lamps with suspended ceilings.

The power of incandescent lamps in a chandelier for a suspended ceiling should not exceed 60 W if the chandelier is vertical and 40 W if it is horizontal.

If the lamps in the chandelier are directed upward, then they should be located no closer than 40 cm from the canvas. Otherwise, it is better not to use chandeliers with horns pointing upward at all, since the reflector focuses the energy and heats the canvas. If they are directed downwards, then at a distance of 20 cm. The best option would be chandeliers in which the lamps are completely hidden from the shades or at least the shades separate them from the ceiling.

Halogen chandeliers for suspended ceilings

Halogen lamps are not far removed from incandescent lamps in terms of efficiency. Their main advantage is that the spectrum they emit is closest to daytime sunlight. But such lamps heat up even more than incandescent lamps. That is why halogen lamps for suspended ceilings should not be more powerful than 35 W.

Another important nuance of working with halogen lamps is that you should never touch them with your hands, only with dry, clean cloth gloves. The fat secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin will remain on the surface of the lamp bulb and will burn when the lamp warms up. A dark spot will appear in place of the burnt fat, as a result of which the lamp will heat up unevenly and quickly fail.

It is impossible to install halogen lamps in chandeliers whose horns are directed upward, except in cases where the chandelier is vertical and lowers a sufficiently large distance from the ceiling. This trick is only possible in rooms with high ceilings. In all other cases, it is better to install halogen lamps in shades and horns directed downward or sideways, and at a distance of 20 - 25 cm from the ceiling .

Energy-saving chandeliers for suspended ceilings

Energy-saving lamps are fluorescent lamps with built-in ballast. Their efficiency is much higher than that of incandescent lamps, and they practically do not heat up, but they have their drawbacks. There is mercury inside the bulb of an energy-saving lamp, so if the bulb is damaged or destroyed, it is necessary to take appropriate measures - vacate the room from people and animals and remove mercury gases. Also, after the expiration date of such a lamp, you cannot simply throw it in the trash, but must take it to a special collection point.

Energy-saving lamps for suspended ceilings can be of any power and located close to the canvas, for example, in horizontal chandeliers. The only limitation is rooms with high humidity. You cannot use energy-saving lamps in them - the power supply quickly breaks down. Energy-saving lamps can also be installed in horns pointing upward.

LED chandeliers for suspended ceilings

LED lamps are an ideal option for a stretch ceiling. They have the highest efficiency, they do not heat up and are very durable. The lifespan of such lamps is about 10,000 hours of continuous operation (4 years), and their durability does not depend on the number of switches on. LEDs distribute diffused light, so the lamps do not require reflectors or reflectors. There are no restrictions on power and distance to the canvas for such lamps.

LED lamps for suspended ceilings are installed with a power supply, so it makes sense to use low-voltage light bulbs with one power supply in the chandelier. By the way, it must be placed in a ventilated place - a niche, behind a cabinet or other place. You will have to run wires from the power supply to the chandelier. The design of LED chandeliers is so intricate and unusual that it can decorate and add zest to any interior.

Method of mounting a chandelier for suspended ceilings

All chandeliers can be divided into two categories according to the method of fastening - suspended and overhead.

A suspended chandelier for a suspended ceiling is hung on a special hook, which can be “tightly” fixed in the concrete ceiling (which is most likely if the apartment is old and the chandelier was already hanging in it), may have special fastenings for fixing in the voids of the ceilings, and the hook can be welded to a plate screwed to the ceiling. If you are installing a hook indoors for the first time, then it makes sense to install an anchor hook, firmly securing it in the ceiling.

Chandeliers with a hook are easiest to install on a suspended ceiling. To install them, you only need to lower the hook to the required height and make a small cut in the fabric to pull the wires and the chandelier rod through.

The so-called ceiling chandelier for a stretch ceiling is attached directly to the ceiling, therefore it is supplied together with special mounting elements - brackets.

The mounting strip most often comes complete with not too heavy chandeliers, is equipped with mounting pins or has side holes with a side clamp and thread. Since the suspended ceiling will be lowered 5–6 cm or more from the main ceiling, the mounting strip must be secured so that it is at the required level. To do this, something should be placed between it and the main ceiling. This can be a wooden block 5 - 10 mm thick less than the height of the ceiling.

The “cross” mounting strip is used for fastening heavy massive chandeliers in the shape of a circle, oval, square or rectangle. The task is the same as with the mounting strip. You need to take a piece of plywood, slightly larger than the size of the mounting cross, drill a hole in the middle through which you can stretch the electrical wires, and secure it to the ceiling with concrete anchor dowels. A “cross” mounting strip is attached through the plywood and right through to the concrete.

The I-beam mounting plate comes complete with large chandeliers. You can attach it to the base ceiling in the same way as the “cross” plank.

Please note that ceiling chandeliers with “cross” and “I-beam” mounting strips require a fairly large hole to be made in the stretch ceiling, which can negatively affect its appearance and tension. That is why pendant chandeliers and chandeliers with a conventional mounting strip are most often used.

What types of lamps for suspended ceilings are there?

In addition to chandeliers, in suspended ceilings you can install lamps, less voluminous and more compact lighting fixtures. There are such types of lamps for suspended ceilings - spotlights , which provide additional illumination of a certain corner, interior element or area of ​​the room, as well as main ceiling lamps for suspended ceilings, which serve as general lighting instead of a chandelier. Spotlights are most often built-in, and ceiling lights are overhead, protruding beyond the canvas.

How to choose lamps for suspended ceilings so that they do not cause harm to the canvas, what lamps can be used and at what distance? Of course, incandescent lamps cannot be used in lamps. We'll look at the other types below.

Halogen lamps for suspended ceilings

As we have already written, halogen lamps heat up, so the lamps must be equipped with a reflector that directs the flow of light downwards. The body of the lamp itself, which uses halogen lamps for suspended ceilings, must be made of a material that minimally conducts heat. It is advisable that the lamp body protrudes beyond the canvas by at least 5–10 cm so that it does not heat up.

Also, the base of a lamp with a halogen lamp must be rotatable. Please note that the heating of a halogen lamp does not depend on voltage, so you can safely use 220 V lamps, discarding the idea of ​​​​installing 12 V lamps and converters. You won't gain anything, and wiring and installing converters is extra hassle. Remember, the heating of the lamp depends only on the power.

Energy-saving lamps for suspended ceilings

Lamps with energy-saving lamps are most often spotlights. They can be located at any distance from the ceiling and have any power, since they practically do not heat up. In addition, the lamps always have a reflector that protects everything behind from heating.

Prices for energy-saving lamps for suspended ceilings are almost two times lower than for LED lamps, which is why they are still popular.

LED lamps for suspended ceilings

Lamps with LEDs cause the least damage to stretch ceilings; they do not heat up and dissipate heat perfectly. The category of lamps with diode lamps for suspended ceilings is the most extensive, with and without decorative elements that scatter and refract light. The body of such lamps is made of low heat-conducting materials and is specially insulated. The power and luminous capacity of LED lamps can vary depending on your needs.

LED lamps for suspended ceilings: photo example

Spotlights for suspended ceilings

Spot lights are the most extensive category of luminaires for suspended ceilings. They are quickly and easily installed, minimally disturbing the integrity of the canvas. Most often these are recessed lamps that use various spotlights for suspended ceilings - halogen, energy-saving and LED.

Installation of spotlights is carried out on special mounting strips, which are mounted before the canvas is tensioned. Halogen lamps get very hot, so the body of the lamp should not get hot, be sure to check this before purchasing. Or insulate the lamp from the canvas with a heat-resistant gasket. For 1 m2 of room area, one lamp with a halogen lamp is required. At the same time, the ceiling drops by 6 cm. If you use LED spotlights, then the tension fabric can be mounted at a distance of 4 - 5 cm from the main ceiling.

Lamps for suspended ceilings: photo example

When choosing the design of a chandelier or lamp for a stretch ceiling, be sure to take into account the color, texture and pattern of the canvas. For example, spotlights with Greek ornaments, with smalt inserts or antique bronze will look tacky on a fabric stretch ceiling with a floral print.

Types of chandeliers by type of mounting

There are two main types of chandeliers: pendant and overhead. They differ in installation features. For more massive ones, the first method is often used.


Such chandeliers are attached to a hook fixed in the ceiling. The design features a long suspension cable and a movable decorative cap that covers the mount.

Usually apartments already have a hook in the center of the room, and electricity is connected to it. This simplifies installation. But if fastening is not provided (for example, in a private house), the hook is installed independently. It is better to choose an anchor one.

Then the ceiling is stretched. A hole is made under the hook. A thermal ring is pre-glued to the film, which prevents the edges from spreading and protects against overheating. The diameter should be sufficient to accommodate the hook and cable, but not larger than the size of the protective cap. The cutout in the fabric is made without a protector.

The chandelier is connected and the operation is checked, then hung on a hook. It is more convenient to install with two people, especially large products.

Such devices have an elongated downward shape and significant weight. They are suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings.


A mounting strip is provided for mounting this type of lighting fixture. In the case of suspended ceilings, chandeliers are attached through mortgages, which are installed up to the canvas.

The site is selected depending on the chandelier. For small models, ready-made plastic platforms are used. Aluminum hangers are screwed to them and the embedded parts are attached to the ceiling slab. Based on the distance from the surface, they are guided by the level of the baguettes.

Another option is a homemade mortgage made from timber or plywood, sawn to the size of the plank. The tree is screwed directly to the ceiling or through the corners. For larger format chandeliers, a cross-shaped embed is made. It can also be ready-made or homemade. Sometimes a square plywood platform is used. The methods for attaching to the ceiling are the same.

After installing the tension fabric, a hole is cut. Then the plank is screwed to the platform with self-tapping screws. The chandelier is connected and suspended.

With this method, the base will protrude above the ceiling. To recess the chandelier, cut out a large hole. You have to make a protective protector for it yourself (for example, from a PVC sheet).

Overhead chandeliers are usually flatter than pendant chandeliers. They can be shaped like a circle or a square. There are also classic ones with horns and shades. Such lamps are suitable for relatively small living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens.

Read more: What types and models of chandeliers are there?

Plafonds-plates, pendants or chandeliers with horns

All these lamps are very popular and have their own characteristics. Variants with multiple horns are perhaps the most common. The main thing is that they are not directed straight up, especially if you are going to use incandescent or halogen lamps. Please also take into account the fact that the light directed at the ceiling will create circles on the ceiling - you may not like this effect. But if the horns are directed downwards and to the sides, you don’t have to worry about circles on the ceiling or damage to the film.

Dish chandeliers may seem very impressive in design, but without a reflector above each bulb, this type of chandelier cannot be used for a suspended ceiling. But such elements are not so often found on sale.

If you choose those models where the lampshade covers the lamps from below, choose long pendants, then the surface of the ceiling film will be safely away from the light. Such a lamp can be safely placed on a suspended ceiling.

What to consider before installing a stretch ceiling

When calculating repair costs, it is important to keep in mind that the installation of the chandelier is not included in the base price and is paid separately. Moreover, if it consists of several suspensions, they will take money for each one. It is better to inquire about the price in advance.

When installing, you need to know the type of mounting of the chandelier and the exact dimensions, so it is assembled in advance.

The location also needs to be considered. More often the chandelier is placed in the center of the room. But sometimes they move it to the side, for example, to illuminate the dining area. In such cases, you have to pull the cable to a new location.

And in large rooms, it is better to complement central lighting with spots in corners or desired areas. In a two-level ceiling they are built into the lower tier. For spots and spotlights, you will also need embeddings and preliminary preparation. Therefore, devices must be purchased in advance. You can choose from a chandelier-like design or a neutral one.

The number of horns depends on the size of the room and the power of the lamps. Moreover, not only a lack of lighting is unpleasant and harmful to the eyes, but also excessive brightness. An approximate calculation is:

  • for 10-12 m² - 3-4 lampshades are enough;
  • in 12-18 m² you will need 5-6;
  • and with an area of ​​more than 18 m² - from 7 pieces and above.

When choosing a plate-shaped chandelier, you should not buy a model with a metal base. It will get too hot.

Electricity is a source of increased danger. The wiring must be connected correctly: through terminal blocks, and not twisted. Be sure to do grounding. When connecting most chandeliers, polarity must be observed. Invite electricians for this part of the work.

Where to place the black surface light

Living room. An overhead lamp in the living room is suitable as additional lighting or to create accents in the interior.

Kitchen. In the kitchen, a glass lamp can be used to illuminate the dining area or work area.

Corridor or hallway. Surface-mounted ceiling lights are a real boon for small spaces. Several of these lamps will create sufficient lighting. In addition, glass lamps will look very stylish and modern.

Bedroom. Cylinder lamps will create soft, subdued lighting in your bedroom, which is suitable, for example, for an evening movie viewing.

Cabinet. By placing ceiling lights in the office, you get additional lighting for the work area or any pieces of furniture necessary for work: a rack, a chest of drawers, individual shelves.

Children's room. Thanks to overhead ceiling lights, you can create dim light that will help your child fall asleep, or you can create a work area, thus separating the sleeping area from it.

Retail premises. Shops, boutiques and shop windows very often use black overhead lamps in the form of cups. With their help, you can create accent lighting on any item: clothing, shoes or accessories.

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Photos of suspended ceilings with a chandelier

Properly selected lighting creates a comfortable environment in the room. In addition, appliances divide the room into zones and complete the design. A suspended ceiling with a chandelier will serve both purposes.

Design secrets

You should not choose overly chic chandelier options only if you are sure that suspended ceilings will not fade into the background. For example, huge cascading crystal chandeliers can both neutralize the beauty of the coating and emphasize it.

A few design secrets:

  • the canvas of stretch ceilings in light colors should be enhanced with a chandelier of a contrasting color;
  • black stretch ceilings will create excellent harmony with a white or metal chandelier;
  • A glossy ceiling surface can be combined with a fancy-shaped chandelier if you want to create a unique reflection effect.

Advantages of black ceilings:

  • Long life span - suspended ceilings can last for forty years or longer, the main thing is to take care of them and use them carefully
  • Attractive aesthetic properties - the gloss is beautiful and has a unique texture
  • Convenience - you can create a black ceiling of any texture and shade; in addition, a stretch ceiling will effectively hide all the blots that the builders made when creating the ceiling, such as holes and potholes
  • Safety – black ceilings are safe for both humans and pets
  • High level of customization - you can choose not only the texture and tone of the ceiling, but even its angle of inclination and other technical parameters
  • Practicality - suspended ceilings can cope even in the event of flooding of the apartment by neighbors or, for example, in case of changes in the structure of the building - say, in case of shrinkage of the house
  • Simple installation - the canvas is stretched in a maximum of twelve hours and, if desired, can hide the complex communication systems of the apartment
  • Resistant to impact and to condensation and rust
  • Easy care - to preserve the ceiling, just wipe it with a damp cloth a couple of times a year

See also: Resin for 3D flooring

Look at the lamps on the black ceiling - they add not only nobility, but also a characteristic mystery. The glossy texture will indicate that the owners of the apartment have a special taste. A black ceiling will be relevant not only in strict styles - classic, minimalism, art deco, but also in free ones - Provence, country and especially modern. The main thing is to carefully plan the decoration of the apartment and focus on the interior features. It should be noted that black allows you to color other flowers in the interior.

Black allows you to color other flowers in the interior

Are all types of lamps suitable?

Be sure to pay attention to the choice of lamps, especially if you purchased a device with shades that look up.

Types of lamps:

  1. Incandescent lamps can damage PVC film as they get very hot. But, if this is the only possible option, then take into account the distance between the lamp and the decorative coating: for a vertical arrangement - from 40 to 50 cm, for a horizontal arrangement - from 25 to 35 cm. The maximum permissible power is 60 W.
  2. Halogen. This option is slightly better than the previous one. The distance between the light source with a power of 35 W and the tension fabric is from 30 cm, for 20 W – from 20 cm, for 10 W – 10 cm.
  3. Energy saving. They hardly heat up, so there are no special recommendations regarding the distance between the device and the ceiling. However, they contain mercury, so they must be handled carefully to avoid breaking.
  4. LED. These light sources are ideal for decorative coatings. They illuminate the room with high quality, hardly heat up, have a long service life, and emit light in one direction. The ideal option is low-voltage LED lamps.

As you can see, LED lamps are more suitable for tension coverings.

The role of finishing texture in lighting

All novice craftsmen need to know what types of decorative suspended ceiling fabrics there are, and how they affect the quality of lighting. There are modern glossy, matte, and fabric options on sale. For different textures you need to choose a suitable lighting design.

The glossy surface of the canvas is characterized by high reflectivity (80%). Therefore, the best option is lamps with a closed body, horn designs, the lamps of which are lowered down or directed to the sides.

Important! Chandeliers with lamps pointing upward are not suitable for glossy paintings, as the light will be very harsh. The inside of the structure is also reflected, so make sure that no protruding wires are visible.

The matte finish gives soft and even lighting. Almost any type of chandelier is suitable for this texture. An excellent option for matte canvas is multi-level chandeliers. You can also mount the product with shades raised up, just make sure that the distance from the lamps to the ceiling covering is at least 25 cm. However, such canvases do not allow you to focus the light on a specific area.

Chandeliers for textile ceilings should match their color and pattern.

For multi-level ceilings, you can install several chandeliers on one level and recessed lights on another.

Black contrast

Lamps on a black ceiling are not obligatory, but remember that black looks good with bright colors and creates powerful accents. If you combine black with one of the contrasting colors, the interior will not seem messy or oppressive. For example, if you have black furniture against a wall, paint the rest of the room a light shade. This will create the necessary contrast and harmony. Where to start decorating the interior in black? If you want to start using black in the interior, but have some concerns, then you need to apply it gradually. Start with decorations such as pillows, paintings, statues and so on. Try combining black with neutral colors. For example, pair a white or gray sofa with black flooring; or go for a glossy black door with brass handles. And now about what we have gathered for – the ceiling!

Black color in the kitchen

A black kitchen will look chic when combined with stainless steel details. If you don't have the courage to go for a black kitchen, buy black cookware that matches almost any interior. In this case, it is important to choose the texture of the dishes: glossy or matte. The gloss is very effective, it reflects light, but imperfections and flaws are clearly visible on it, and its excess is somewhat tiring.

Matte black creates a feeling of peace, comfort, it is easier to keep clean, but sometimes it is not noticeable in the interior.

How to choose the right ceiling lamp according to the style of the room

It is important that the chandelier not only harmonizes with the texture of the stretch ceiling, but also fits well into the overall design of the room. The choice of lamps is huge, so everyone can choose their own option. The main thing is to know what features distinguish a certain style in order to choose the right lighting fixture.


Classic-style chandeliers have exquisite shapes; they are often decorated with crystal pendants, candle lamps, silk lampshades, etc. An excellent option for a glossy canvas is a lamp with decorative elements made of cut or colored glass.

For a country style interior

This style is characterized by the use of natural materials. A chandelier with a wicker or textile body and wooden shades will help fill the room with coziness. It is better to combine the products with a matte ceiling.


Modern is a combination of classics and modern details. This style will be complemented by a chandelier decorated with furs, fabric, candle lamps, chains, and crystal beads. It will make the interior more refined and aristocratic.

High tech

Such lamps are presented in the most unusual forms. This can be a design with shades made of transparent or frosted glass, which are used as additional light sources. There are also models with a large number of lamps, the light flux of which is focused in one direction. They provide high-quality, uniform lighting and help place accents.

Ethnic styles

Chandeliers in Japanese, Egyptian, African, English and other styles indicate a person’s interest in different cultures. The main feature that unites them is the use of natural materials. Therefore, choose lamps made of glass, wood or ceramics.


This style is characterized by simple lines, shapes, minimal decor, and high functionality. A chandelier made of metal, wood or a combination of both will look good in such an interior. Buy lampshades in black, white, gray.

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