How to protect your toilet from defrosting without draining it

The end of the summer season is the right time to treat the cellar and basement so that a “mold kingdom” does not develop in them over the winter. First of all, in dry weather, take all the jars outside and dry the room, and then treat the walls and other structures with an antiseptic (this procedure must be repeated every few years).

As an antiseptic, you can use a solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 1 liter of water).

Those who like to solve problems in a radical way recommend using a sulfur smoke bomb to treat the basement. Seal all ventilation holes in the empty room, cover metal parts (if any) with polyethylene. Check that there is no one in the house (you will have to leave it for a day), and then light the fuse of the checker, go out and close the doors tightly. Upon return, thoroughly ventilate all areas.

Best answers


Before dismantling the toilet, flush the water in the usual way. then they shut off the pipe supplying the tank with water and take out the insides. If you forgot to drain, now you only have to scoop it up with a ladle.

Mother of Doom:


Guy from the Future Future:

soak it up with a sponge...

Alexey Lurie:

Should you drain the water from the tank or from the toilet itself? If from the tank, then simply turn off the water and press (pull) the drain. If from the toilet itself, then this is called a water seal (water plug so it doesn’t stink). You can drain the water from the water seal anywhere after dismantling the toilet. Or you don’t have to drain it.

Vladimir Petrov:

First, turn off the water in the drain tank, then drain all the water from the tank, remove the flexible line and use a jar or scoop to scoop up water. How much can you drain? Then unscrew the fastening screws, remove the toilet corrugation and completely drain the water from the toilet.

Evgeny Longinov:

If there is no separate valve for the toilet, then turn off the common one. Drain the tank, unscrew it and do what you need to do. There is no need to block the sewer - it is at an angle (pipe) and will not trample back. Just cover it with a rag so it doesn't stink.

Cat's smile:

I didn’t flush it at all - you just tilt the toilet towards the fan and the excess will drain out on its own, then carefully not tilting it too much to the side)...

Can't find a light?:

It won’t spill out anywhere—on the contrary, you’ll have to tilt it, gently holding it in your arms.

Peter of Sevastopol:

don't do what you don't know. Doing repairs for neighbors is a troublesome task

Georgy Glurjidze:

First, turn off the common valve in the apartment so that water does not flow into the toilet cistern.

Then drain the water from the tank, and only then remove the toilet.


there are only 5-10 liters of water - drain it into any sink or bucket,

You can also take a bath - the water is clean.



THEN TILT AND EVEN TURN IT UP so it all comes together.

If you forgot water in the toilet itself, there are about TWO liters of water there.

Drain in the same way.

How can we make this into a catastrophe on a universal scale?

Grandfather Au:

Entrust the matter to a specialist. Otherwise you'll drown your neighbors


When you unscrew it from the floor, tilt it towards the pipe, some of it will spill out, but you can take it out without incident.


Turn off the water to the flush tank, drain all the water from the tank, remove the tank, you can scoop the water out of the toilet, just soak it up with a rag and squeeze it out, then remove the toilet itself, maybe a little water will remain, no problem


turn to the specialists of ct-servis /services/kanalizaciya who will come, salt, remove, what needs to be trimmed, installed and use it for your health))) in such things, I try to entrust everything to those who do this professionally, change the mixer, light bulb or socket - it’s easy... but here... I wouldn’t risk it myself))) then scoop up the poop from yourself and from your neighbors, and then there’s someone to blame it on later)))

foxxxr —-:

It’s strange that no one said about communicating vessels: First, as always, turn off the water and press the flush button to empty the tank.. Then take any flexible hose, for example an old flexible hose from a tap about a meter long, so that one end can reach the bottom toilet, hung over the top of the toilet and the second reached to the bottom of the bucket (to the floor). Pour a full hose of water from the tap. Close either end with your finger so that the water does not spill out. Immerse the end not covered with your finger into the toilet; lower the end closed with your finger into the bucket to the very bottom and release your finger .The water will flow from the toilet into the bucket. When the water stops flowing, raise the end of the hose from the toilet higher so that all the water goes into the bucket.

Effective Cleansing Methods

How to clean plumbing fixtures with vinegar?

How to clean the surface of a toilet bowl with vinegar? This method can clean the bathroom only if the urinary stone is not very old. Pour a glass of 9% vinegar into a container and heat it on the stove to a temperature of 40-50°C. When heating, to avoid the unpleasant smell of vinegar evaporation, the dishes should be covered with a lid. Then add a pinch of soda to allow the reaction to occur, pour the solution into the drain hole for half an hour. When cleaning is completed, clean the inner surface with a brush and rinse with water. For better effect, you can use 70% vinegar essence.

Cleaning the bathroom with citric acid

Another method on how to clean a toilet from stone deposits. Buy three packets of citric acid in the store. Pour their contents into the drain hole and cover with a lid. And after three hours, remove the dirt with a brush and rinse with water.

You can remove the formations with bleach. Cleaning will be more effective if done at night. Pour a bottle of white (1 liter) into the toilet. Be sure to cover with a lid, as chlorine emits a pungent odor. In the morning, scrub the inner surface of the walls and rim of the toilet with a brush. If the dirt is deeply ingrained, then this method should be repeated several times.

Oxalic and hydrochloric acid

This method will explain how to clean plumbing using commercial acid. Cleaning a bathroom drain with this solution will not keep you waiting for results. The effect of using acid will be immediate. A reaction occurs in the form of a white haze and after 5 minutes there will be no trace left of the urinary stone or limescale build-up. For 1 liter of water, take 7-8 ml of five percent acid. Observe safety precautions when working with chemical acid.

Modern household chemicals

Today, in order to easily and quickly clean the bathroom from urinary stone, there are special household chemicals (Mole, Mister Muscle, Domestos, Cillit, etc.) You need to pump out the water from the toilet with a plunger. Then pour the product in for about an hour. As it spreads, you need to periodically add liquid. Cleaning with store-bought products copes well with the problem, and is also used for disinfection and aromatization of plumbing fixtures.

Is it possible to clean the bathroom with drinks?

The well-known drinks Coca-Cola or Queens will become a weapon in the fight against unsightly deposits. To clean a plumbing product from stone formation, you need to prepare a special cocktail. One bottle of drink, 4 tbsp. l. baking soda, a pack of citric acid, mix 100 g of vinegar. Next, pour the mixture into the drain hole for a couple of hours; if the urinary growth is old, then for effectiveness, it is better for 10-12 hours. Then rinse with water and polish with a brush until white.

Battery electrolyte

This method can be used if there are no plastic pipes in the toilet. The electrolyte is an acid for batteries; you need to work with it very carefully. To avoid contact with body and clothing, take all safety precautions. To remove dirt, you need to pour electrolyte into the plumbing for 20 minutes and rinse.

DIY toilet freshener

So that the smell in the toilet is always pleasant. you can make flavoring at home without much effort. You need to take a tube of toothpaste, preferably blue or green with a distinct smell. Puncture the tube with a needle, and then lower it into the drain tank. When flushing the bathroom, the paste comes out and serves as a flavoring agent. Here is a simple, simple way to make an inexpensive toilet freshener with your own hands.

With the help of these tips, you can easily get rid of difficult stains in the bathroom. The proposed methods of cleaning from urinary stone or limescale will keep the toilet in perfect condition.

After prolonged use of the toilet, if it is not properly cleaned and cleaned, deposits in the form of urinary stones appear on its walls, rim and drain hole of the toilet. This also occurs when the tank is not drained completely or regularly, often in families with small children. As a result, mineral deposits form on the walls and bottom of the toilet. Over time, it only increases, becomes denser, and its thickness increases, which narrows the lumen of the outlet, often leading to blockages and a source of bad smell from the toilet. It will not be possible to remove such a urinary stone using a brush or a more radical means of a cable. Toilet bowl cleaners are more suitable for removing limescale deposits that form due to the high hardness of the water supplied to the water pipes.

Exchange contacts with neighbors

If you still don’t know your neighbors in your summer cottage, correct this immediately. This is necessary not only to fit into the framework of social etiquette, but also for mutual assistance “in case something happens.” Exchange phone numbers or other contact information with your neighbors. Agree to contact each other if you suspect something is wrong with a neighboring property.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget about the flower garden: dig up and store perennial plants that require it, cover roses and other flowers. Read about what else needs to be done in the garden in our material:

We use bricks for construction

If you make a winter toilet out of brick with your own hands, it can be used at any time of the year in the presence of cold, snow, rain or, conversely, high temperatures in summer. This material for the construction of a bathroom building has the following advantages:

maximum comfortable indoor conditions both in winter and summer. In this case, there is no need to additionally apply thermal insulation;

  • The brick walls are very strong. They will not be destroyed by strong wind or other mechanical stress;
  • there is no need to perform additional finishing of brick walls;
  • a structure that is built of brick has a long service life. It can be used for 50 years.
  • In addition to these advantages, a brick toilet has significant disadvantages. First of all, making such a structure with your own hands is not so easy. You need to be able to do masonry, build a solid foundation, the quality of which determines the durability of the toilet.

    Bricklaying Tools

    The brick structure is stationary, which is not always relevant in the conditions of a summer cottage. Often there is a need to move it to another, more favorable place. Also, erecting brick walls and other structural elements of such a warm toilet will require much more money than using wood or metal.

    A guide to assembling a spacious outdoor toilet

Preparing the toilet.

The largest water plug in terms of volume is in the toilet, and this is understandable - the largest traffic is through the toilet. In addition to the fact that this plug is the largest, it is located in the elbow of the ceramic toilet bowl, which has very low deformation properties. Simply put, when the water in the toilet bowl freezes, the bottom of the knee simply breaks off. Sometimes this happens very nicely and neatly, so that the broken part can be glued back in place, but it’s better not to take risks.

When preserving a dacha for the winter:

  • flush the water from the toilet tank several times,
  • Shut off the water supply to the toilet tank and flush the water from the tank.
  • unscrew the lid of the tank and make sure that there is almost no water left in the tank; if you wish, you can remove the remaining water with a rag or sponge (this is not necessary if there is not much water left in the tank).
  • Scoop out as much water as possible from the toilet bowl. It is best to use a special scoop for this, made with a wallpaper knife from a plastic bottle, shaped like a ladle. However, you can scoop out water using any available means.
  • Remove any remaining water from the bowl with an old rag or sponge.
  • To prevent odors from the sewer network from entering the house in winter, tightly plug the hole in the bowl with a rag.
  • You can also throw some rags on top and even close the lid, although this is not necessary:

Liquid acids and alkalis

To get rid of urinary stones, especially on fragile porcelain toilets, cleaning agents containing phosphoric acid will help. Take 100 grams of this substance and apply it to the urinary stone. This is a quick remedy for stones; after 15 minutes you can wash everything off with water, rinsing everything with a brush.

To protect your skin from irritation from phosphoric acid, always wear rubber gloves.

Hydrochloric acid (HCL) household use for cleaning urinary stones from the toilet bowl

A 33% percent solution of hydrochloric acid is widely used in everyday life, in particular for cleaning the toilet from urinary stones. This is the most effective remedy for removing deposits on porcelain and earthenware surfaces. You only need to wear eye and skin protection. One glass of acid is enough to remove all plaque from the surface and walls of the toilet. If the deposits are ingrained, then treat everything with a brush, as if rubbing it all inside. After fifteen minutes, rinse everything with plenty of water, flushing everything down the drain.

Where is phosphoric acid used?

  1. Food additive (E 338),
  2. Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola drinks (immerse raw meat in Coca Cola and you will see it turn white. This is the action of acid!
  3. Used in the food industry as an additive in sausages, processed cheese, and baked goods.
  4. Flux for soldering stainless steel with tin
  5. In rust removers

The main advantage of this product is that phosphoric acid does not destroy rubber and plastic products.

How to drain the toilet for the winter

You may need to install or replace a toilet under a variety of circumstances: moving, renovation, or unexpected breakdown. If you don’t have time to wait for a plumber or want to save money, then it’s quite possible to do it yourself.

Preparing your cottage for winter - 15 important things you might have forgotten about

In order not to end up with nothing at the beginning of the next season, you need to properly close the current season. It's time to carry out work that will help preserve the suburban area until spring. So, we’ll tell you how to prepare your dacha for winter.

Surely, you have already started to complete the bulk of your work. We have no doubts about your dacha experience, and, nevertheless, we suggest you check - what if something “went over your head”?

Video of the best “Silit Bang” product for cleaning urinary stones

For a year my toilet bowl was not rubbed or cleaned, and urinary plaque formed, or as it is called, urinary stone. I spent 2 hours scrubbing the toilet with various chemicals in the evening, left it soaked in chemicals overnight, scrubbed it in the morning for 2 hours and ended up scrubbing only the middle. I started randomly pouring in all the chemicals that came across in the kitchen and bathroom. And one worked! I scrubbed the toilet completely white. It’s surprising that the enamel hasn’t been scratched yet, because I endured Pemolux for a long time.

Well, nafik start it like that, now I’ll clean it at least once a month... To find out more, watch the video under the article.

In this article we will try to figure out why the toilet does not flush well.

Prepare your lawn for winter

The first step is to clear the lawn of debris. A layer of fallen leaves or branches will inhibit photosynthesis and can also provide an excellent home for pathogens and pests. The lawn also needs to be mulched to preserve the sown grass and reduce moisture evaporation. Do not forget about cutting the grass - this procedure in the middle zone can be carried out until the end of October. Moreover, the mowing height should be 1-2 cm higher than usual (i.e., if during the season you cut the lawn to 4 cm, now the grass height should be 5-6 cm).

In the first half of October, do not forget to feed the lawn with phosphorus-potassium or special autumn lawn fertilizer (according to the instructions). If holes and bald spots have formed on the cover, they need to be “patched” by adding soil and sowing seeds.

The tank does not fill up to full volume

Of course, if there are a couple of liters of water splashing in the tank, the flush will also be weak.


  1. Float valve not adjusted . It turns off the water too early.
  2. The tank flows through . Water simply does not have time to get into it.
  3. Adjust the float . In old tanks, this can be done simply by bending the brass lever; in newer tanks, the float level is adjusted with one or two plastic screws (or latches).


Communities Boys and Girls Blog How to protect the toilet from defrosting without draining it

Comments 163

Apparently it’s been stolen from some dacha forum) I have a rustic one at my dacha. It's not bad at all, it doesn't even smell much

We drain the water from the tank, disconnect the supply, and use a plunger to squeeze the water out of the siphon. Even if a drop remains, it will simply freeze and that’s all. Is this a problem?

It’s completely stupid to build a well-maintained toilet on the street

even at +5 it’s not a thrill to sit on the toilet; it’s cold and doesn’t sit on the toilet

Such smart advice, I’m shocked. Buy a pack of salt, dissolve it in warm water and pour it into the toilet and all the siphons in the washbasins. Cheap and cheerful!

Previously, there were amenities on the street) Now I’m completing the cottage, everything inside, everything is convenient and thoughtful)))

It’s still more pleasant to fight us in the fresh air))

yeah maybe in the summer and in the winter? -25?)))))

I'm not in the negative there)

Elementary. Just like a car. Pour antifreeze into the reservoir.

Well, if it’s a crack, then definitely change it, but if it’s just from the inside, then fix it, it’s not difficult.

So, is it difficult to change? This is just ridiculous to discuss.

what if it is no longer available?

You remove the mechanism and go to the store

I heard a story about how, quite a long time ago, in a toilet at a factory, someone thought of pouring a bucket of solvent into the toilet... then a man came in, sat down for a long time, lit a match and threw the match into the toilet, not suspecting a surprise... they say he took out the stall door while running out)))) I was lost for a long time imagining picture)

I heard such a fable))

I heard a story about how, quite a long time ago, in a toilet at a factory, someone thought of pouring a bucket of solvent into the toilet... then a man came in, sat down for a long time, lit a match and threw the match into the toilet, not suspecting a surprise... they say he took out the stall door while running out)))) I was lost for a long time imagining picture)

because I don’t care to be funny on my ass...

But free hair removal)

on the ass? is it needed at all?

As an option, antifreeze is used for heating, it does not freeze in ice.

Types of pollution

The main problem that people face in their bathrooms and toilets is the yellowness of the plumbing and its sloppy appearance. It also forms unsightly stains of dirt, a crust of limescale, traces of corrosion and biological contaminants.

Don’t stop cleaning regularly and don’t leave your plumbing in a state of disrepair, otherwise you will have to work very hard to get rid of many problems. Sometimes you just have to throw away your plumbing fixtures.

Long-term use of the toilet entails the formation of limescale and urinary stones, which are extremely difficult to remove. Therefore, in the arsenal of the fight against urinary stones, you should always keep several effective ways to remove such contaminants.

Check the well

The well does not require special preparation for winter. But if the water has acquired an unpleasant odor of hydrogen sulfide (the smell of rotten eggs) or a cloudy sediment, cleaning and disinfection measures must be taken. You can probably handle a small well (2-3 rings) on your own. Using a drainage or pump pump, pump out the water, go down into the well, and clean the walls of dirt. Then disinfect the well.

To disinfect a well, you can use tablets designed to purify pool water. They are dissolved in a bucket of water (1 tablet per 1 well ring), then the mixture is poured into a well filled with water and left for 6-8 hours. After this, the water is pumped out again.

If you clean the well in the fall, it will not be necessary to do this in the spring - regular disinfection is sufficient.

Localization of the blockage

It is important to determine the location of the plug. For this purpose, check how the water leaves the washbasin or bathtub. If everything is in order, then the blockage has formed in the toilet siphon, outlet or cuff connecting it to the sewer pipe. If the water from the bathtub also does not flow well, the blockage is localized somewhere in the common pipe.

If the drains flow out of the toilet like a fountain, then the riser is clogged. Residents on the upper floors should be asked not to use the sewer and immediately call plumbers.

Prepare the water supply

The water supply system at the dacha is especially vulnerable in winter, so you need to take care of its safety in advance. If you do not plan to use it in winter, then the water from the pipes will have to be drained. To do this, you need to turn off the water supply and open the drain taps at the lowest points so that the water comes out by gravity. If there are no drain valves, use an auto compressor. To blow out the pipes in your dacha for the winter, close all the valves on the manifold and attach a compressor to the pipe. Then you need to create a pressure of 3-4 atmospheres and open one of the collector taps - under air pressure, water will come out of the pipe. Repeat the procedure with each line.

To protect the pipeline outdoors and in unheated rooms, leave the valves slightly open and dismantle the mixers. Also remember to drain the water from the filters.

If the pipes are not buried deep enough, they must be insulated. To do this, place sheets of expanded polystyrene or polystyrene over the place where the pipes pass and secure it by pressing it down with bricks and digging it in.

Place on the site for a country toilet

For each type of building on the site, location rules are defined. Since the structure is equipped with a cesspool, increased requirements are placed on it.

According to SanPiN standards, an outdoor bathroom must comply with the following installation rules:

  • location from a water source no closer than 25 meters;
  • in case of uneven ground, the toilet is located in an area that is located below the spring, in order to prevent waste from the cesspool from penetrating into the drinking water;
  • the distance from the fence of the neighbor’s property should be at least 1 m, and the roof slope should be directed towards your property;
  • the distance from the well is less than 8 m;
  • an outdoor bathroom is located at a certain distance of several meters from other buildings on the site;
  • the installation of the structure takes into account the direction of the winds;
  • The decision to build a toilet is made depending on the data on the depth of groundwater, and is allowed for values ​​greater than 2.5 m. Otherwise, permission to construct a cesspool is not given.
  • Straight

    Such toilets are installed in dacha conditions, where it is not always possible to supply a water supply for flushing, so they do not have an elbow with a water seal and a flush tank. The discharge is carried out vertically down into a storage tank, septic tank or cesspool.

    Straight toilets can be made from standard sanitaryware or from chemically resistant plastics.

    Often such products are produced assembled with a stand or even built into a cabinet.

    When choosing a toilet of this type, special attention should be paid to the quality of the material, since such a toilet must withstand large changes in temperature and humidity, and in addition, a plastic toilet must be mechanically strong and resistant to the aggressive effects of ammonia released from waste products of the human body.

    Alternative to factory products

    If you do not want to spend money and think that it is quite possible to arrange such a toilet yourself, you are right. It is not difficult. Below we will look at the possible options.

    Wooden toilet seat

    On the floor of the outdoor toilet, above the hole in the pit, a structure in the form of a cabinet about 40 cm high is assembled.

    An oval-shaped hole is cut in the top for the toilet seat you plan to install. The seat must have a cover.

    Most often, wooden boards are used for this construction. It is advisable to make such a stand over the entire width of the outdoor toilet cabin - it is very convenient.

    It is imperative to provide for the possibility of quickly dismantling such a cabinet when pumping out sewage.


    An outdoor toilet can be made from various materials and have different shapes. Country models can be made from several materials.

    • Tree. Wooden models, as a rule, have the shape of a wide seat, which is installed on a hill. A hinged lid is mounted on top of the toilet seat, designed to protect the room from unpleasant odors.
    • Plastic. Plastic models come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Plastic is a strong, wear-resistant and durable material that has an affordable price. Often, a plastic toilet costs more than a wooden version, since the highest quality PVC is used in its manufacture.

    What not to do

    Mistakes in clearing a clogged toilet can make the situation worse. When working, follow the recommendations:

    • Follow the manufacturer's instructions. If the remedy does not work, this does not mean that you need to increase the dosage. Most likely, you incorrectly identified the cause of the jam and chose the wrong chemistry.
    • Make sure the method is suitable for your type of pipe. Be careful with caustic compounds, such as caustic or soda ash, sulfuric acid. If used incorrectly, the substances can damage the inner surface of the pipes.
    • Do not pour bleach or other chlorine-containing products into the toilet - they do not cope with blockages, and their fumes are harmful to health.


    Having purchased and installed it on your device, you will be able to visit the restroom with the amenities that you are used to when living in a city apartment. However, to maintain the functionality of your plumbing facility, you need to take care of periodically cleaning the cesspool.

    You can learn more about this process from the video in this article.

    When talking about toilets for a dacha, they often mean a simple toilet made of boards, assembled in a cubicle installed around a cesspool. In fact, there is a fairly wide selection of devices to satisfy almost any needs of summer residents. We'll talk about this in detail later.

    Powder closet

    This toilet is similar to the previous one, but is made exclusively with a sealed container.

    After using it, the contents of the container are sprinkled with organic fertilizer (peat, humus, ash) or ordinary soil, which eliminates odors. Once the tank is filled, it is emptied into the compost bin. This toilet does not have a cesspool, so it is easy to move.

    You can arrange such a toilet yourself by making a box with a seat and installing a storage tank inside. The container can be removed, carried out and emptied at any time.

    Examples of finished projects

    One of the simplest solutions for country toilets, which are used everywhere, is the construction of a “birdhouse”. This is the name given to a standard rectangular restroom. Most often it has a pitched roof, which is made of slate. Below you can see a drawing indicating the dimensions of just such a restroom. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the restroom is unstable to loads, as well as the need for additional upholstery material that will eliminate drafts.

    If you want something more intricate, then you can build a triangular toilet. It is called a hut. This is exactly what it resembles with its shape. The triangle is one of the most stable shapes, so such a toilet can withstand both wind and snow loads. Unlike the previous option, snow cover will not be able to accumulate on such a latrine. Below is a drawing showing all the dimensions of the restroom. You should not save when choosing the width of the toilet. If you make it too small, then it will be almost impossible to stand up to your full height in the restroom.

    Electric dry closet

    The most convenient, but also the most expensive of dry closets. The receiving tank is divided into two parts, in which liquid fractions are separated from solid ones.

    To operate the device, 220 V electrical wiring is required, since the system contains an air compressor, with the help of which solid fractions are dried and accumulated in a special compartment with their subsequent removal.

    The system involves a drainage system and mandatory forced ventilation. The price of such devices starts from 8,000 rubles, the average is about 35,000 rubles.

    The most popular model on the Russian market is Thetford Porta Potti Excellence Electric, Holland.

    • Automatic drainage using an electric pump;
    • Storage tank - 21 l;
    • Drain container - 15 l;
    • Price 12,000 rub.

    The device is equipped with an overpressure valve, a fill indicator for the lower tank and a drain tank. Manufacturer's warranty – 36 months.

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