Do-it-yourself wooden box for a gas cylinder

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to methane heating due to the lack of a centralized pipeline in the populated area, and therefore liquefied propane-butane is used for gas boilers. It is quite reasonable that many are interested in how to make a cabinet for a gas cylinder with their own hands in their home. There are several options, and I will tell you about them.

Cabinet for gas cylinders: requirements for storing cylinders + tips for choosing and installing a cabinet

From the moment of its creation and with the further development of the gas industry, its main direction is considered to be complete gas supply to all residents of the country.
Therefore, the construction of main gas pipelines is carried out so that the maximum number of consumers can be supplied with gas. And although the gasification process has been going on for decades, in remote settlements on the outskirts of the country, as well as in small holiday villages and suburbs, there is still no centralized gas supply. This is why many owners of gas equipment have to use gas cylinders. But how to store them correctly and is it necessary to buy a cabinet for gas cylinders?

This is exactly what we will talk about in our article - we will consider the most pressing issues regarding the safe maintenance of gas cylinders at home, legal requirements and optimal solutions for the use of special cabinets.

How to proceed?

Once everything you need has been purchased or found, you can begin the actual work. The sequence of actions is usually as follows:

  1. The valve opens fully to completely release the gas. Do not forget that even a small amount of such a substance can lead to fire or explosion. In addition, all clothes can become saturated with harmful odors. You can make sure that there is no more gas left in the container by covering the valve with a soapy mixture. You can drain the remaining gasoline only after completely unscrewing the valve and removing it, which is not recommended if there is pressure.
  2. The next step is to unscrew the valve, after which the pins and the fixing element are removed. Removing this locking mechanism is quite difficult in some cases, but if possible, a diameter of 6 mm is formed. If you can’t unscrew the valve, you can cut it off using a regular hacksaw. You can reduce the likelihood of fire by supplying water to the cutting zone, for which it is enough to use a regular hose.
  3. After this, the gas tank is filled with water. This is required in order to remove any remaining gas that may remain in the semi-closed container. The resulting gasoline solution can be safely drained, as it is absolutely safe and cannot ignite.
  4. It is worth considering that the resulting liquid has a persistent and rather pungent odor. That is why it is recommended to drain it away from the structure. To speed up the process, you can supply compressed air to the gas container.
  5. After the container is completely cleaned, you can begin actual cutting. To do this, mark the surface, for which you can use chalk. Many people cut along welded seams, since they are characterized by less high strength.
  6. Before work, it should be taken into account that in most cases, steel with a thickness of 3-4 mm is used in the manufacture of a gas cylinder. At the joints this figure increases to 5-6 mm. Almost any grinder can cope with such a task.
  7. You can simplify your task by passing the grinder prematurely when using a 1.6 mm thick disc. By using a wider blade, you can eliminate the possibility of jamming the attachment that will be used for the final cutting.
  8. Some thicker elements may be cut, and then cut with a chisel and hammer. Due to this, the cutting process is accelerated, but the quality of the resulting cut is significantly reduced.

The cutting methods under consideration are used so that the gas cylinder can be reused in the production of a wide variety of products. If, after cutting it, a pungent odor remains, then the inner surface is burned with a blowtorch. After such processing, the body will be ready for further use.

How to store gas cylinders

While providing convenience and comfort in the home, gas is nevertheless particularly dangerous. There are frequent cases of explosions of household gas and cylinders due to the fault of users. Therefore, the operation of household gas cylinders must be carried out in accordance with safety requirements.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, the procedure for transportation, storage and safe operation is regulated by a number of regulations. Thus, RF PP N 410 dated May 14, 2013 concerns measures to ensure safety when using and maintaining gas equipment. Its provisions regulate the use of gas in household cylinders and oblige the use of only serviceable cylinders that have not expired.

Moreover, the owners themselves are obliged to monitor the condition, timely repair and maintenance of containers with liquefied household gas, without interfering with the conduct of scheduled maintenance by representatives of the gas company.

The rules for operation, maintenance, repair and refilling of cylinders are prescribed in Resolution No. 91 of June 11, 2003.

It is also stated here that the standard service life of pressure vessels, which include cylinders with liquefied household gas, is determined by the manufacturer. And after the expiration of its service life, such a cylinder is prohibited from being used.

The legislation also provides for the procedure for storing gas cylinders. The requirements of Article 92 of the RF PP N 390 dated 04/25/2012 “On the fire safety regime” states: cylinders for household gas appliances with a volume of more than 5 liters must be located in cabinets made of non-combustible materials near a blank wall partition.

Thus, a cabinet for cylinders is a mandatory attribute that must be made in accordance with Article 93 of this resolution.


1.1. An employee who is at least 18 years old, who has undergone a medical examination and has no contraindications for health reasons, who has the necessary theoretical and practical training, who has completed introductory and initial workplace safety briefings and training according to a special program, and who is certified, is allowed to perform work using a gas burner. qualification commission and received permission to work independently. 1.2. An employee who performs work using a gas burner (hereinafter referred to as the employee) must periodically, at least once a year, undergo training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements and receive permission to perform high-risk work. 1.3. An employee, regardless of qualifications and work experience, must undergo repeated training on labor protection at least once every three months; If an employee violates labor safety requirements, as well as during a break in work for more than 30 calendar days, he must undergo an unscheduled briefing. 1.4. An employee who has not undergone timely instructions and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements is not allowed to work independently. 1.5. An employee performing work using a gas burner, who is allowed to work independently, must know: safety measures when using gas cylinders and burners. Rules, regulations and instructions for labor protection and fire safety. Rules for the use of primary fire extinguishing agents. Methods of providing first aid in case of accidents. Internal labor regulations of the organization. 1.6. An employee sent to participate in work unusual for his profession must undergo targeted training on the safe performance of the upcoming work. 1.7. An employee is prohibited from using tools, devices and equipment that he has not been trained in the safe handling of. 1.8. When performing work using a gas burner, an employee may be exposed mainly to the following dangerous and harmful production factors: - the possibility of a fire when using a gas burner; — the possibility of a gas cylinder explosion; — gas burner surfaces heated to high temperatures; - uncomfortable working position. 1.9. An employee performing work using a gas burner must be aware that during work, the most likely cause of injury may be burns from the open flame of a gas burner. 1.10. To protect against the effects of dangerous and harmful production factors, the employee must use special clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment. 1.11. To prevent the possibility of a fire, the employee must comply with fire safety requirements himself and prevent other employees from violating these requirements; Smoking is permitted only in designated areas. 1.12. The employee is obliged to comply with labor and production discipline, internal labor regulations; It should be remembered that drinking alcohol usually leads to accidents. 1.13. If an accident occurs with one of the employees, the victim must be given first aid, report the incident to the manager and maintain the situation of the incident, if this does not create a danger to others. 1.14. The employee, if necessary, must be able to provide first aid and use a first aid kit. 1.15. To prevent the possibility of illness, employees should observe personal hygiene rules, including thoroughly washing their hands with soap before eating. 1.16. It is not allowed to perform work while intoxicated or in a state caused by the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances, as well as drink alcoholic beverages, use narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances at the workplace or during work. time. 1.17. An employee who violates or fails to comply with the requirements of labor safety instructions is considered a violator of industrial discipline and may be subject to disciplinary liability, and, depending on the consequences, to criminal liability; if the violation is associated with causing material damage, then the perpetrator may be held financially liable in the prescribed manner.

Cabinet design and installation

As mentioned above, the use of cabinets for storing gas cylinders is a mandatory condition for their operation in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

The main criteria that all gas cylinder cabinets must meet are:

Due to their properties, the non-flammable materials used to make the cabinet not only do not ignite, they also do not smolder and do not allow fire to spread. This creates high fire safety against the risk of fire or explosion.

Metal is considered a reliable material from a fire safety point of view. It is from this that special cabinets are made - storage rooms for gas cylinders. They are designed taking into account all the necessary conditions for connecting a gas cylinder.

Cylinder cabinet design

Any metal cabinet for household gas cylinders consists of the following components:

It is important that the handles and latches on the doors should also be made of fire-resistant material. It is not allowed to make latch handles from plastic.

Often cabinets are made in one piece, but there are options in the form of an assembled structure. The cabinet is completely covered with polymer paint (epoxy-polyester paint, which is most often called powder paint). It is fire resistant and protects the cabinet from corrosion.

Where can I place a cabinet with cylinders?

It is strictly not recommended to install gas cylinders in storage rooms.

The legislation does not prohibit, as a last resort, placing a cylinder connected to a stove or other gas-using equipment in the kitchen, subject to two conditions:

When using a gas cylinder in the kitchen, it is important not to remodel the room, in particular to combine the kitchen with a balcony, removing doors and windows. This is prohibited by law.

General rules for using gas cylinders indoors:

When installing a cabinet for a gas cylinder on the street, choose stationary products that can be securely fixed to one of the walls of the building. In internal non-residential premises (outbuildings) portable cabinets are usually used.

General rules for installing cabinets for storing household gas cylinders:

It is important that when installing in extensions or outdoors, grounding must be provided, which will eliminate the possible occurrence of static voltage.

According to Art. 91 RF PP N 390 storage of gas cylinders is not allowed:

It is worth ensuring that the place where the cabinet is installed is not a walk-through area. This will reduce the risk of causing any mechanical damage to the cabinet surface.

For installation, a set of fasteners is used, which ensures adhesion of the cabinet to the surface and guarantees stability during use.

How to combine two cylinders into HBO? Implementation options

  1. The first method is to install two separate cylinders with their own air pumps. This option is less convenient, but easier to implement. Two cylinders are installed, which are connected through a tee to the central line leading to the reducer. Before inserting into the central highway, you can install one solenoid valve, although many argue that one is enough.
  2. The second option is to install two gas tanks with one VSU. This option is more convenient, since gas cylinders will be refilled through one device. The connection to the VSU is made through a tee, while some installers remove one multi-valve so that the second tank is filled more fully and acts as an additional tank, while the two tanks are perceived by the system as one. But I would not recommend taking risks by removing the second multivalve; this smart and multifunctional unit is very important.

There are other options, but, in my opinion, these two are the most optimal. The only thing you should remember is that the installation of gas equipment, as well as cylinders in particular, should be done by a professional. Any, at first glance, little things can lead to dire consequences or at least to incorrect operation of the gas equipment. Remember this!

Bye everyone, thank you for your attention, and see you again at HBOshnik. Last year I figured out how to connect a gas stove to a cylinder in the country

I studied the recommendations of specialists and even made a special trip to the gas supply organization and consulted. I’ll tell you how to carry out the work safely and correctly so that you don’t have to pay a fine.

Last year I figured out how to connect a gas stove to a cylinder in the country. I studied the recommendations of specialists and even made a special trip to the gas supply organization and consulted. I’ll tell you how to carry out the work safely and correctly so that you don’t have to pay a fine.

Before connecting the gas cylinder to the stove, find a place in the next room, or better yet, on the street. Placing it next to it, as in the example in the photo, is strictly prohibited

Recommendations for choosing a cabinet

The choice of cabinet depends on the volume of the gas cylinder. Depending on the purpose of use, 5 l, 12 l, 27 l, and 40 l cylinders are used for household gas. and 50 l.

If gas will be used only for cooking, small-capacity options are suitable. If gas is also needed for autonomous heating, then you should pay attention to large volumes.

Also, the size of the cabinet depends on the number of cylinders. Often several gas cylinders are used: a main one and a spare one. This is convenient in winter, when the gas supply of the main cylinder runs out, and you only need to switch the gas supply to the spare cylinder. It is possible to arrange both the cylinders together in the cabinet and separated by a partition.

When choosing, it is also useful to evaluate the dimensions of the building in which the cabinet will be installed. After its installation, there should be free space for the owner to move comfortably.

How to choose a household propane reducer

The choice of a device for supplying a propane-butane mixture to gas-using equipment is based on two key parameters:

Sample passport for a gas stove

The operating mode of most household propane appliances is 30 mbar, 37 mbar or 50 mbar. Based on this indicator, the appropriate gearbox is selected. If its output pressure differs from the operating parameter of a gas stove, boiler or, for example, a grill, this may lead to improper operation of the equipment and even create an explosive situation.

The characteristics of the propane reducer can be seen on it - 3 kg/h and 29mbar

30 mbar, 1.5 kg/h (kg/h)

For stable and safe operation of the gas consumer, it is also important that its consumption does not exceed the performance of the gas reducer. In this case, the upper level of gearbox consumption is not standardized. That is, for a boiler with a power of 24 kW with a mass flow of 2 - 2.5 kg/h, it is permissible to install a gearbox with a capacity of 3 kg/h and higher - the automatic boiler or stove will still not allow “excess” gas to pass through

That is, for a boiler with a power of 24 kW with a mass flow of 2 - 2.5 kg/h, it is permissible to install a gearbox with a capacity of 3 kg/h and higher - the automatic boiler or stove will still not allow “extra” gas to pass through.

0.45 m3 (for propane - butane)

1000 Pa - 1 kPa - 10 mbar

30 mbar - 0.03 bar

Some owners of autonomous gas supply systems make the mistake of purchasing industrial gearboxes instead of household ones, considering them more reliable. Firstly, such devices are an order of magnitude more expensive, and secondly, they are designed to work with more powerful gas equipment, so they are not always compatible with household appliances.

You should also pay attention to the type of thread of the device. Gearboxes designed to work with non-flammable gases are equipped with a right-hand thread, and with flammable gases they have a left-hand thread and a mark on the nut

Rules for installation and operation of a gas reducer

To connect a propane reducer to gas-using equipment, two methods are used: using a herringbone fitting or using a threaded connection. The first option is considered the simplest and is often used to connect the cylinder to a gas stove. The second method is more reliable and aesthetic, in addition, it allows you to connect one propane tank to several consumers at once.

Connection via fitting

Whatever option is chosen, during the process of connecting the gas reducer and starting the system, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Make sure there are no cracks or depressions on the housing, check the integrity of the pressure gauge (if equipped).
  2. Connect the device to the cylinder (gas holder). For better tightness of the threaded connection, you should additionally use flax or FUM tape.
  3. Connect the gas line to the outlet pipe of the reducer. When using a herringbone fitting, secure the pipe at the mounting location with a clamp.
  4. Slowly open the cylinder valve, then turn the tap on the gas consumer.

It is worth noting that the device is intended for use in temperate climates, so its use is permissible at temperatures from -15 to 45 degrees Celsius.

An example of connecting a propane reducer in a group cylinder installation

A high-quality household propane stabilizer can last for more than one year without major repairs. Only rubber materials that lose their elasticity over time are subject to periodic replacement. You should also inspect the bypass valve 1-2 times a year and, if necessary, clean it. The degree of clogging of the gas reducer directly depends on the purity of the propane-butane mixture used. For example, here you can familiarize yourself with the standard forms of delivery of this high-purity mixture in accordance with GOST. If you use high-quality gas, the service life of shut-off and control valves and gas-using equipment will significantly increase, and the likelihood of sudden failures of the autonomous gas supply system will be minimized.

Making your own cabinet

The cost of cabinets for gas cylinders starts from 2500 rubles. If you have certain skills and follow a number of rules, you can make and assemble a similar product with your own hands.

Algorithm of actions before starting work:

It is worth paying attention to careful preparation for work; the further correct implementation of the cabinet for the gas cylinder depends on this.

Algorithm of actions for direct assembly of the cabinet:

When assembling the cabinet, you can use a welding machine if you have the appropriate welding skills.

If the cabinet is planned to be used inside a building, then it is necessary to consider the presence of legs with a height of at least 10 cm.

The final stage is coating the entire structure with polymer paint. After complete drying, all that remains is to install the cabinet in the chosen location and securely fasten it.


When making a grill from a regular cylinder, you need to take into account potential hazards that may affect the quality of the product, namely:

  1. Poorly performed welding work will certainly affect the strength of the grill. If you are not competent in this matter, it is best to use the services of experienced specialists.
  2. By using a heat-resistant coating for your product, you will significantly improve its aesthetic appearance.
  3. The finished structure will have an impressive weight, which will affect the ease of transportation.

Consider the above nuances when making your own barbecue.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

For a visual representation of cabinets for gas cylinders and the order of its assembly, it is worth watching the video presented below.

This video shows how to properly install and use the gas cylinder cabinet:

This video shows the self-assembly of a cabinet for a gas cylinder:

Regardless of the purpose for which a gas cylinder is used, you must always remember safety. That is why the presence of metal cabinets is considered a prerequisite, which will prevent ultraviolet radiation from entering the cylinders, causing mechanical damage and protecting them from the consequences of an explosion.

Would you like to supplement the above material with useful information and recommendations for the storage and operation of household gas cylinders? Or do you still have questions that we did not address in this article? Ask them to our experts and other site visitors in the comments section.

Do-it-yourself cabinet for a gas cylinder - we make and install

Many people have to use gas cylinders for domestic needs, for example, owners of private houses or summer cottages.
Cylinders are selected according to individual parameters - volume from 5 to 50 liters. This equipment is subject to a high level of danger, therefore it is necessary to comply with its storage standards. This material presents one of the safest ways to store and use reduced gas cylinders - a gas cylinder cabinet. We recommend that you pay attention to the cabinets that are presented in our catalog. They are inexpensive, impact-resistant, and meet all safety requirements: cabinets for gas cylinders

Scope of application

The technical and operational characteristics of polymer-composite gas cylinders provide them with great potential and an almost unlimited scope of application. This is an autonomous source of one of the most popular energy carriers in a variety of situations.

Cooking - both at a seasonal dacha or in a capital country house (kitchen gas stoves), and on a picnic or while traveling (gas grills and barbecues, mobile stoves).

In heating systems - a variety of home gas heaters, sauna stoves, outdoor heaters (trips to nature).

In construction and finishing - welding machines, heat guns.

In autonomous power supply systems - generators.

The ease of use of compact and presentable composite cylinders in almost all conditions is undeniable.

Why do you need a closet?

It is strictly forbidden to keep a container with compressed gas in the house, due to the low level of ventilation in rooms with low ceilings (2.3-2.5 meters). Therefore, the best option for installing the cylinder is the street. However, the container must be protected from sunlight, exposure to bad weather, various damage, as well as from possible theft. For this purpose, you can build a special cabinet for a gas cylinder, which will also eliminate the negative consequences if the cylinder explodes.

Do-it-yourself cabinet equipment

Before you start designing, you need to decide on the model:

A double-cylinder cabinet is especially convenient because it allows you to easily switch the main container to a spare one and ensure a constant supply of gas. Construction work begins with determining the required dimensions, after which a frame is equipped from metal corners, and then wrapped in sheet metal. A hole is cut in the side or back of the cabinet for the hose that supplies fuel to the room. The hole is made in the direction of the highway.

The structure must be equipped with holes for ventilation and a lock. It is best to place ventilation holes at the top and bottom, but you can also place them on the sides. The diameter of the hole for ventilation is also very important - if you drill with a 10 mm drill, then the distance between them should be 7-8 cm, with a 20 mm drill - 10 cm. Another method of ventilation is a unique roof structure – “on legs”. It looks like this: using a grinder, cut out longitudinal strips or leave a small gap of 20 cm.

The bottom of the cabinet is made of slats for greater ventilation. The cylinder can be secured using chains, which ensure a stable position of the container. Door hinges are welded from the inside, and lugs are made on the door itself for a padlock.

Cabinet legs are made from high-strength corners or metal profiles. The height of this part should be 10-15 cm. All types of work can be done using several devices:

Standard dimensions of the finished product: height 1m 25 cm, depth 40 cm, width 1m 25 cm.

Other design changes

In principle, the grill from a gas cylinder is almost ready. All that remains is to weld the legs and make holes in the cylinder itself to install skewers and supply air to the coal combustion zone. Start with the holes for the skewers.

One of the applied longitudinal lines remained unused. It is necessary to apply additional marks on it, evenly dividing the lines into several segments. The length of the last ones is 8 cm. At their ends, through holes with a diameter of 10 mm are made using a drill and a drill bit.

On the opposite side of the opening made on the welded steel strip, it is necessary to make grooves for skewers. They should be located exactly opposite the holes made. The grooves are made with a grinder and a cutting disc.

Now you need to make holes to supply air inside the barbecue. To do this, 10 and 20 cm must be set aside from the weld seam of the cylindrical part of the cylinder in two directions. Longitudinal lines are drawn along them, in total there will be four of them, two on each side of the seam. They are also divided by marks with a distance of 5 cm. After which the marks on the two paired lines are connected to each other. Using a grinder and a cutting disc, through cuts are made along them.

Holes and slots for skewers, slots for air in a barbecue made from a gas cylinderSource

All that remains is to plug the hole into which the tap was screwed. Here they simply take a plate 2-3 mm thick, which is welded to the hole, scalding with a continuous seam on all sides.

The video shows the sequence of operations for making a barbecue from a gas cylinder:

When it comes to legs, there are a huge number of options. The simplest one is legs made from angle steel. The main thing is to accurately choose the installation height of the gas barbecue. The optimal size is considered to be from 60 to 80 cm, that is, comfortable for the height of an adult. Although there are low modifications.

You can show your imagination and make legs of an original shape, decorated with patterns. You can attach legs to them, making the device movable, mobile, as shown in the photo below.

Grandmother's sewing machine plus a gas cylinder = “rare” barbecue with original legsSource

Materials for making a gas cabinet

Since the cabinet should not be made of flammable materials, sheet metal 0.8-1 mm thick is used for this purpose.
To avoid corrosive processes, the structure is coated with powder paint based on polymers and polyesters; ordinary paint for metal products is also often used. Installation parameters for gas cylinders and cabinet

The fuel container should not be located on the sunny side of the building, so the cabinet is installed on the north side to prevent the structure from overheating. It is best to set the distance between the stove and the cabinet to a minimum; for this, the box itself should be located near the kitchen wall. It is better to choose a supply hose that is metallized, of high quality and made specifically for gas equipment. It is better to remove the location from window and door openings by about 5 m. A prerequisite for the design is a foundation, and the base must be at least 1 m.


Connection diagram to the boiler

The cylinders are connected to the system through a special reducer, which converts the gas from liquid to gaseous for further supply to the boiler.

Gas cylinders with separate reducers

Note! The gas flow rate through the reducer should be 1.8-2.0 cubic meters per hour; a conventional gas reducer with a flow rate of 0.8 cubic meters per hour is not suitable for this system

cubic/hour is not suitable for this system.

When connecting cylinders to the boiler, two options are used: one common reducer for all cylinders or a separate reducer for each. The latter option is safer, but also more expensive.

Several cylinders can be connected to a gas boiler at once, which allows you to increase the time between their refills. For this, a ramp is used - a two-arm manifold that distributes the cylinder capacities into two groups, the main and reserve.

First, gas is selected from the cylinders of the main group, and when it runs out, the ramp automatically switches the boiler to the reserve group. The moment of switching is accompanied by a signal. After connecting already filled cylinders to the ramp, the boiler automatically switches to operation from the main group.

Connection diagram of cylinders to the ramp

Note! Gas cylinders are installed at a distance of at least 2 m from the boiler, but the optimal option for their placement is in a separate non-residential premises or an insulated gas cabinet on the north side of the house. Do not expose gas cylinders to direct sunlight. Do not expose gas cylinders to direct sunlight

Do not expose gas cylinders to direct sunlight.

The wall thickness of metal gas pipeline pipes must be at least 2 mm. Where it passes through the walls, the pipe is placed in a special case and foamed. The boiler is connected to the gas pipeline using a flexible connection, and a rubber-fabric hose (durite hose) is used for the reducer.

Purpose and features

Installing gas storage tanks and most gas-cylinder equipment indoors is not recommended. Sometimes this is allowed, but it is necessary that the ceiling height be at least 2.2 meters, and the room must have vents for ventilation.

Cylinders are located mainly on the street, either because it is impossible to comply with such conditions, or because of the reluctance to waste useful space on placing gas cylinders, or because of increased safety.

In this case, outdoor cabinets for gas cylinders perform several functions at once:

The cabinet design can be single-leaf or double-leaf, the doors of which are locked with a lock. This type of design will limit unauthorized access to the equipment. Similarly, a cabinet for two gas cylinders can have one or two doors.

The hole for the gas line (hose) is traditionally located on the rear wall of the cabinet; sometimes it may be placed on the side wall. In some cases, the holes are partially extruded on all three walls, and the consumer himself chooses which of them he will insert the hose through.

The cabinet has special ventilation holes located in its upper and lower parts. They are needed to prevent gas accumulations in the event of a leak. The door hinges are located inside the cabinet. The cabinet can be located on a raised platform, made in the form of racks, special stands or legs.

Cabinets for storing small gas cylinders can be either solid or collapsible. Larger cabinets are mostly collapsible. They are easier to transport and the assembly process is quite simple.


Making a cabinet for storing gas cylinders with your own hands is quite feasible. The main points in this matter are:

It must be a metal product. The required material is high quality steel.

Often they create models for two containers. This makes it convenient to switch the main tank to the reserve one. Thus, gas is supplied constantly.

First you need to resolve the issue with storage parameters. Create a drawing of a cabinet for storing gas cylinders. It should reflect the parameters of the product and its distance from the wall and ceiling.

If you have difficulties with the drawing, you can take a template project, for example this one:

Having made the drawing, you can implement the following stages:

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It is important to comply with safety standards for storing cylinders. This way you cannot avoid fire and other dangerous situations.

The main requirements for cabinets for storing gas cylinders are presented below.

Manufacturing materials

The manufacturing material used is sheet steel with a thickness of 1 to 1.5 mm. This may be a large thickness, but it leads to a significant weighting of the structure. To prevent corrosion, as well as to give the cabinet for gas cylinders a more aesthetic appearance, it is painted with polyester (or powder) paint. This painting provides good resistance to all atmospheric factors: temperature and humidity.

Propane cylinders are painted red, cylinders with other gases are painted in “their” colors; for example, oxygen is blue, helium is brown, and so on. Sometimes the cabinet is painted the same color as the cylinders in it. Warning signs are placed on cabinets with hazardous gases, and their names are written on cabinets with inert gases.

Installation of a chimney pipe for a barbecue

The chimney pipe is not a mandatory element of our homemade barbecue, but it gives a more aesthetic appearance and works as a regulator of the degree of smokedness of the prepared product.

A pipe with an outer diameter of 90 m is quite suitable for the manufacture of this element. and length 70cm. Since factory corners have a very smooth turn, you can weld an acute corner yourself by first cutting out a pipe segment, which is marked from the turning point using a square in two directions at 45 degrees around the circumference of the pipe. Having cut out a segment with a grinder, we bend the smaller part to the larger one, use a corner to check the angle of 90 degrees and weld them in place. After this, we position the pipe to the welding site, where we installed the damper, and weld the pipe well in a circle. It should be noted that each seam must be cleaned with a cleaning disc. This way it takes on a more aesthetic appearance and the quality of the weld is clearly visible.

When the pipe is welded, install a protective cap. It is secured with a clamping bolt.

Types of automobile gas cylinders

Types of automobile gas tanks:

Depending on the purpose, gas cylinders for cars are divided into:

To ensure maximum safety, when installing gas equipment, only new cylinders should be installed. It is strictly not recommended to use second-hand (used) vessels. The service life of propane tanks is 10 years, methane tanks are 15-20 (the shelf life, as well as the inspection period of the cylinders, depend on the manufacturer and material of manufacture).

Cylindrical containers for propane-butane mixture

Flat tanks
Such vessels have a metal welded structure, due to the lower gas pressure during storage. In the cylinder, liquefied gas (propane-butane) is under a pressure of 12 - 15 atmospheres. Among cylindrical products, containers with a capacity of 20 to 100 liters are most often used. For passenger cars, as a rule, tanks of 43 - 65 liters are used. There are also double (paired) cylinders, flat (square or rectangular) - these are still exotic on the Russian market.

What is a propane reducer?

The design of all propane reducers is very similar. They all have:

  • Sealed housing made of aluminum, brass or plastic.
  • Inlet pipe for connection to the cylinder.
  • Outlet pipe for connection to the consumer.
  • High and low pressure chambers.
  • Flexible membrane.
  • Valve and stem.
  • Return spring.
  • Working spring.

In professional gas reducers, a pressure gauge, an adjusting screw or flywheel, and a threaded connection of the supply pipe are added to the design. The gearbox housing has a cylindrical shape, which is due to the use of a round membrane that bends inside the operating pressure chamber. The inlet and outlet pipes protrude from the housing.

Shape and dimensions

Existing cabinet models differ, first of all, in the height of the cylinders stored in them. Cabinet heights of 1 and 1.5 meters are considered standard, since a standard gas cylinder has a height of 0.96 or 1.37 meters. However, manufacturers do not adhere to such standards and the size of cabinets can vary widely: from 1 to 1.3 meters for low-height cylinders and from 1.4 to 1.5 meters for high cylinders. As a rule, additional space in cabinets is used to accommodate gearboxes and other equipment.

But as for width and depth, the requirements are more stringent. For one cylinder the dimensions of the “floor” are 0.43 by 0.4 meters, the cabinet for two gas cylinders has dimensions of 0.43 by 0.8 meters.

Thus, the design is a parallelepiped with dimensions ranging from 1x0.4x0.43 meters for one low cylinder to 1.5x0.8x0.43 meters for two high ones. A single cabinet can weigh up to 50 kg, and the difference in weight between a single and double product of the same model can reach up to 30 kg.

Propane gas ramp RRP-1x4-25-5 version 1


The propane gas ramp RP-1x4 is designed for continuous supply of gas to consumers from 50 liters. cylinders with valve and left thread SP21.8-14 threads per inch.

• The propane gas ramp consists of a manifold, a cradle and coils.

• There are 4 valves (BB-88) installed on the manifold to connect the cylinders through a coil. One end of the tube is connected directly to the cylinder, and the other to a valve installed on the manifold.

• The pressure and amount of gas leaving the ramp is regulated by the BPO-5-4 ramp reducer (0-5 m?/h) within the range of 0.2-3 kgf/cm?.

• The propane gas ramp is manufactured in the UHL4 climatic version according to GOST 15150-69.

What to look for when choosing

Like any functional product, a cabinet for gas cylinders requires a comprehensive analysis from the point of view of consumer properties. Therefore, when choosing, you should be guided by the following rules.

Checking compliance with requirements for volume and number of storage locations

It is necessary to make sure that the declared characteristics of the cabinet for storing gas cylinders correspond to reality. This applies, first of all, to its capacity and also dimensions.

The volume itself may not mean anything, since there are several standard sizes of cylinders that differ in height. Therefore, for example, two cabinets of the same volume can be used to store different numbers of different gas containers. If you need a cabinet for two gas cylinders, you must immediately discuss this with the manufacturer or seller.

Compliance with required security features

The main purpose of the cabinet is to increase safety during cylinder operation. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the strength of the structure, in particular the wall thickness, meets the required standards (at least 1.0 mm). The hinges on which the door goes must be strong enough and not have any play or bending inward or outward.

The design of the moving parts (door and lock) must be such that it is difficult to break the door using a crowbar or crowbar or to “push” it inside the structure. This allows you to immediately test it not only for its strength during an explosion, but also for its resistance to hacking by intruders.

It would be a good idea to have additional safety features inside. For example, a special chain holding gas containers. The design of the lock should be simple and at the same time reliable. It should be difficult to open it without the use of special technical means.

Maintaining cylinders in working condition

The cabinet must protect the contents not only from intruders, but also from adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that these functions are performed in full and that the manufacturer has taken care of this.

Since almost all products are supplied disassembled (they are called: ShGR - collapsible gas cylinder cabinet), it is necessary to make sure that after assembly the functions of dust, dirt and moisture protection will be fulfilled. In this case, you need to check the quality of assembly of the cabinet for the gas cylinder, the degree of fit of its structural elements and the absence of possible cracks. An additional advantage will be the presence of rubber or silicone seals that prevent rattling in windy weather.

You should definitely make sure that the structure has a stand, that is, the level of the bottom wall does not lie on the surface, but is raised above it by several centimeters. A mandatory requirement is the presence of ventilation holes located in the floor or at the bottom of the side walls, but their location may vary: sometimes holes in the bottom are preferable to the side ones.

Durability and aesthetic issues

Since the cabinet is made of iron alloys, protecting it from corrosion is an important issue. Therefore, when choosing it, you should pay attention to the quality of the product’s painting. The metal surface must be covered with an even layer of paint, without any foaming or chipping. There should be no scratches or rust on it.

The cabinet is a rather bulky structural element; sometimes it may not fit well into the interior of a garden or cottage. This is especially true if the dacha has a cabinet for two gas cylinders. In this case, painting it in some color acceptable to the customer can help.


When making a grill from a regular cylinder, you need to take into account potential hazards that may affect the quality of the product, namely:

  1. Poorly performed welding work will certainly affect the strength of the grill. If you are not competent in this matter, it is best to use the services of experienced specialists.
  2. By using a heat-resistant coating for your product, you will significantly improve its aesthetic appearance.
  3. The finished structure will have an impressive weight, which will affect the ease of transportation.

Consider the above nuances when making your own barbecue.

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