Trees near the house - photo ideas and detailed descriptions of which trees are best to plant

When purchasing a plot of land and drawing up a plan for your future home, you definitely need to think about the placement of trees and shrubs, which are always planted first. This is explained not only by the size of the plants, but also by the relatively long period of growth before full flowering or fruiting. Of course, it is impossible to plant all the ornamental and fruit trees on a summer cottage due to the limited territory, so you have to choose.

And when deciding which trees to plant on a site, you need to focus on two principles:

  • growing conditions: demanding or unpretentious species;
  • main purpose, or place in the garden landscape (garden, hedge, single planting).

If we talk about fruit trees, apple trees require the simplest care (especially if you purchase a locally selected seedling that is resistant to common diseases and pests). Of course, unpretentious varieties do not have high taste, but they will not cause any trouble. But if you want to surprise your neighbors with something exotic, then you should think about planting yellow plum, actinidia, walnut or peach.

The same principle applies to ornamental trees and shrubs. For example, for a hedge you can use wild grapes, honeysuckle or drooping lilac, with minimal requirements for soil and climatic conditions, or you can decorate the area with juniper, barberry or hawthorn, which require a little more attention.

If you decide to plant a tree in your dacha, be sure to check the depth of the groundwater. Many trees, both fruit and ornamental, die as soon as their roots reach water. Such trees include the pear, which has a deeply penetrating root system. At first, the young seedling grows actively and pleases the owner, perhaps you will even be able to taste the first fruits, but then the tree begins to wither and dry up. Inexperienced gardeners complain about illness or poor-quality planting material and again buy and plant pear seedlings.

In order for tree plantings to truly become durable, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of each species for growing conditions.

Fruit trees


In the XL century, this wonderful tree was brought to Moscow from Kyiv. Cherry blossoms resemble a bride's outfit and exudes an incredible aroma. Using cherry branches and berries, the girls told fortunes about their betrothed.

Cherry symbolizes wealth and fertility, and is especially revered in the East. Japanese sakura is believed to protect and bring good luck. The unpretentious tree requires minimal care. During flowering, it fills everything around with its aroma, and kebab cooked on cherry branches turns out very tasty.


Since ancient times, this tree was considered sacred by the Slavs, and they planted it near the gate to protect it from evil and the evil eye. In winter, ripe viburnum fruits were placed near the window.

It is believed that:

  • if you hug a tree and complain about adversities, they will go away by themselves;
  • if girls in infancy are bathed in water with the addition of viburnum berries, they will grow up healthy and happy;
  • if the wedding table is decorated with bunches of viburnum, then the newlyweds’ relationship will be long and strong;
  • if suffering from unrequited love does not give you peace, you need to press the branches of the viburnum to your chest and they will take the pain upon themselves;
  • If you wear viburnum beads, intuition will develop.

Viburnum berries have many beneficial properties - they lower blood pressure, increase immunity, and protect against colds.


This tree is considered female, since it is the fair sex that falls under its protection. Rowan fruits were used to treat female infertility and frigidity. It also helps to cope with love pains.

It was revered by our ancestors and helped them overcome illnesses and evil spirits:

  • if you are suffering from illness, then at the end of September pick the berries and add them to hot drinks all year round;
  • if during housewarming a young couple plants a tree, it will protect against adversity and evil people;
  • If the windows and the front door are hung with rowan bunches, then evil spirits will not be able to get inside.

Apple tree

This tree is most often mentioned in ancient tales and legends:

  • the famous legend of Ancient Greece says about the golden apples of the Hesperides, which give youth and beauty;
  • There is a similar legend among the ancient Slavs, who believed that rejuvenating apples bestow youth and immortality;
  • among the peoples of Northern Europe, the apples of the goddess Idunn gave immortality to the gods;
  • Celtic epics tell about Avalon - the island of apples;
  • The Bible tells us that the apple is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

The color of the apple tree and the tree itself symbolize feminine energy, youth and rebirth to eternal life. There are many signs regarding both the tree itself and its fruits:

  • if during matchmaking a girl accepts an apple from the groom, it means she agrees to get married;
  • if on the wedding table there is an apple tree branch, hung with objects that symbolize the wealth, prosperity and fertility of the future family, then so be it;
  • If at a wedding guests give apples to the newlyweds, then the couple will have many children.

The branches, fruits and juice of apples were used in love and healing magic. If a girl plants an apple tree seedling, it will bring her love.


Since ancient times, the Slavs considered this tree sacred. It was used as a talisman to protect against the evil eye and damage. Usually, viburnum was planted at the very gate of the house. The ritual was associated with receiving news and the safe return of loved ones.

Viburnum fruits were used for a decoction that boosted immunity. Viburnum beads helped sharpen intuition and protect yourself from evil people. In addition, viburnum berry juice was used for cosmetic procedures to help prolong youth.

Deciduous trees


In Slavic mythology, it is considered the tree into which a person is transformed, so a maple leaf resembles a human palm. Wood was not used to fuel the stove.

A maple planted near a house will remove negativity, bring peace, give prosperity, and ward off evil spirits.


The ancient Egyptians considered this tree sacred. It symbolized the Sun, rebirth, immortality, innocence, and was also the emblem of the goddess Neith. In India, Brahma's Scoop is made from it.

Possesses esoteric talents aimed at procreation:

  • if a married couple, holding hands, asks for a child from a tree, then their wish will certainly come true;
  • if the inflorescences of the acacia are pink, they will help in creativity, arouse imagination and inspiration, and if they are white, they will give purity of thoughts and immortality;
  • if you want to hint to your partner about cooling your feelings, give him a sprig of acacia with amber inflorescences.


The tree feeds energy because it is a donor. Symbolizes purity, purity and rebirth. It promotes the birth of a new life, so it is recommended to plant it for couples who want to have a child.

In terms of energy, acacia is closer to women. It promotes peace, eliminates sadness and melancholy.


Rose hip

Is the personification of love. If you don't take care of a rose, it will turn into a rose hip. It’s the same in love relationships - if you don’t cherish them, don’t nurture them, then over time they will collapse.

Due to the fact that it can transform negative energy into positive, this shrub is best planted near the entrance. It is believed that the thorns protect against evil spirits, and the fruits protect against the evil eye.


Many people call him a vampire. It attracts failures and troubles into the room.

It is best to plant it in the yard, but if this is still not possible, then place it next to electrical appliances that emit radiation. In mythology, it is believed that it helps to search for treasures and understand the language of animals.


Represents powerful protection primarily for the fair sex. The berries are used to treat “female” diseases, get rid of infertility and frigidity.

The tree provides protection from black sorcerers and helps develop psychic abilities.

Rowan planted on the site helps to cope with unrequited feelings, remove pain and worries. The tree is very suitable for women who are looking for their soulmate. It is recommended to plant rowan next to windows.

Coniferous trees

Not all types of these trees are suitable for location near a house, because many of them have very powerful roots that can damage the foundation.

Which coniferous trees can be planted near the house and which cannot? Such as Thuja, Pine, Cedar, Spruce are best planted away from buildings, but Juniper and Larch can be planted near housing.


This shrub has a strong energy impulse that will protect all inhabitants of the home from damage, love spells and evil forces. It is best to plant it right near the entrance, and then no negativity is scary. Sprigs of pine needles sometimes need to be burned indoors for prevention.

However, not everyone risks planting this shrub, since in the southern regions of Russia the branches of these plants were used during funeral rituals.


Although it is a coniferous plant, it sheds its needles in the winter like an ordinary tree, and grows new ones in the spring. It was used by our ancestors in shipbuilding because of its durable, non-rotting wood.

Helps self-doubting people relieve tension and gain self-confidence. Protects from the evil eye and removes aggression.


In summer it absorbs bad energy, in winter it releases good energy. Protects the family from quarrels by restraining emotions.

Coniferous phytoncides are an excellent remedy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. And the unique aroma will delight you all year long.

From a landscape design point of view

If you want your site to be a real work of art, use the tips of landscape design. It will create harmony in the yard, because its main task is to smooth out the conflict between urbanization and nature. The tips can also be applied to the courtyard of an apartment building.


The first rule of landscape design is that it is better to plant low-growing varieties of trees in the local area. They will not create strong shading, but will provide an island of freshness. Which ones to choose:

  • acacia;
  • catalpa bignoniiformes Nana;
  • some varieties of maple: field maple, Acer campestre Rozi, Nanum, Acer campestre Elsrijk, Acer platanoides Globosum;
  • Robinia false acacia;
  • nosy stewartia;
  • ash.

Fruit trees are often planted, which does not contradict the recommendations of landscape design. They will be especially pleasing in the fall, as the bright fruits will be a delight for the eyes, and their use in the kitchen will only bring health benefits. The main thing is that they are short. Which ones you can choose:

  • compact crabapple John Downey (this is an ornamental apple tree);
  • bush cherry Umbraculifera;
  • apples of paradise;
  • Slavic hawthorn Paul;
  • bird cherry;
  • Japanese quince.

However, landscape designers do not recommend planting fruit trees near apartment buildings. There is a risk that their fruits will be picked before they ripen. Also keep in mind that you will have to constantly fight pests and remove fallen rotten fruits. Low-growing conifers will also fit well into the local landscape:

  • cypress (emphasizes the high status of the owner of the site, looks great in alleys);
  • bonsai-style larch (in nature its height reaches 40 m, but it can be easily trimmed on site);
  • juniper;
  • fir (suitable only for rural and dacha areas, as it does not tolerate city air);
  • yew (it is better to plant it among other low-growing trees, as it reduces the risk of their freezing);
  • hemlock;
  • Thuja columnar or spherical.

If you want your area to sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow in the spring, you can choose lilac or sakura.

It is forbidden

From the point of view of landscape design, it is not recommended to plant wild tall trees with a spreading crown near residential buildings:

  • elm;
  • oak;
  • spruce;
  • willow;
  • aspen;
  • pine;
  • poplar;
  • bird cherry.

On the other hand, now almost every tree is cultivated and has decorative varieties. As a rule, they are small in height and look neat and attractive.

Landscape design is good because, in addition to the aesthetic pleasure of the beauty of trees, it also considers the practical features of planting them near residential buildings. This takes into account the radius of root germination, which is usually equal to the height of the planting (the exception is coniferous species, in which they go deep). This is necessary to know so that the roots do not reach the foundation and destroy the building. Therefore, it is worth considering the maximum “growth” of the trees that you plan to plant near your house:

  • elm - 27 m;
  • willow - 24 m;
  • maple - 24 m;
  • linden - 30 m;
  • poplar - 30 m (the growth of its roots exceeds the height by 1.5 times);
  • ash - 27 m.

So keep these options in mind to avoid destroying your own home.

Other trees

There are many more varieties that are no less useful and have positively charged energy, but which tree to plant near the house for the well-being of the family is a purely individual matter.


Helps a woman become slim and attractive. Helps relatives strengthen ties.


Helps restore vitality. The owner should not plant this tree with his own hands; it is better to ask someone else.


It will prevent you from wasting energy and will calm you down. Famous for its healing properties and wonderful aroma.


Calms the nervous system and helps overcome fear.


Helps creative people activate their imagination and find new ideas, as well as quickly get used to a new place.


It protects the peace and well-being of the owners of the house and is considered one of the most powerful protective trees. Juniper is able to cleanse the energy field of negative programs, get rid of damage and love spells.

To clean the house well, it is enough to periodically fumigate it with smoke from juniper branches. You need to plant a tree in front of your house.

Trees that should not be planted

What trees should not be planted near a house according to folk wisdom?


It’s not a bad tree, but there is an opinion that evil spirits live in its branches. If planted from the street, it will create additional shade and comfort.


It is not for nothing that it is called a weeping one - it brings tears and grief to the house.


Just like willow brings misfortune. Being near a tree for a long time makes you feel unwell and indifferent to everything.


Absorbs both bad and pure energy. Being near him for a long time causes malaise and nervousness. And poplar fluff causes severe allergies.


Planted near the house, it will bring great grief to the head of the family.


Cemetery tree. Planted near the house, it will bring the crown of celibacy to the girl.


Whoever plants a tree will bring upon himself great misfortune.

Whether or not to plant a tree near the house is another important nuance

There is one more rule that concerns planting trees near the house. There is a popular belief that some plants should absolutely not be planted near human habitation.

Some plants have a special aura, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the fate and well-being of the owner of the house and his family members.

According to bioenergetics experts, the aura of a tree really affects the physical condition and emotional state of people, as well as their thoughts and well-being.

Plant energy researchers divide all trees into donors and so-called vampires.

The former take the negative energy of the people living in the house and transform it into positive. The latter only know how to absorb positive energy, so a person often feels a loss of strength, suffers from headaches and nightmares.

Tree cutting

Which trees can be cut down near the house and which cannot? There are legislative norms, ignorance of which leads to fines and problems from regulatory authorities.

Many people believe that if the site is owned, then the owner has the right to cut down the plantings at his own discretion, but this is by no means true. If this concerns fruit and berry trees, then there is no prohibition.

But if these are Maple, Oak, Spruce, Birch, Linden, Pine and other deciduous and coniferous trees, even if they were planted by the owner of the site, then a special permit is required for cutting, since they are a landscaping fund.

You may or may not believe folk signs, but the experience of your ancestors is still worth taking into account.

Which place is better to choose for the kitchen, bathroom, living room?

If the house is already planned according to the cardinal directions, it makes sense to think about the internal arrangement of the rooms.

The kitchen is a place where food is constantly prepared using various heating devices. A refrigerator is usually located there. It is highly undesirable to place the kitchen on the south side, otherwise it will be unbearably hot there, especially in summer. And this temperature regime is not suitable for a refrigerator. It is best to place the kitchen on the east or even north side.

The family spends a lot of time in the living room. The southern or eastern side will be optimal for it. In the evening there will be no more direct sunlight, but only soft, pleasant light. Related directions are also suitable: southeast, southwest.

Both north and south are suitable for placing a bathroom. In the latter option, the bathroom will dry well, which will eliminate the appearance of mold and fungi.

Photos of trees near the house and dacha

How to create a site plan with your own hands

Look at the diagram above and see what a “clean” plan of your site will look like. There are no communications on a “clean” plan; for them, you ideally need to create another plan for technical work. The technical work plan will not include details such as the location of specific bushes, but utility lines will be more clearly visible.

Terrace with summer kitchen in the country houseSource

It is very important to lay communications exactly where they are needed. But at the same time, it may be worth laying a couple of additional branches in other parts of the site, especially for electrical wiring and irrigation systems

But you are unlikely to need to dismantle the path or terrace when you want lighting on the fence on the west side, right?

Thus, the laying of communications must be carried out before the start of any construction work on the site, even if there is a desire to postpone them until later. First water, sewer and electricity, then everything else

It is very important.

Plan of a garden with a lot of treesSource

Next, you will probably want to place your flower beds, beds, large shrubs and trees, paths and paved areas. Look at the diagram above and you will see that there are many options for smooth lines, not just those made up of squares and rectangles.

Just remember that bushes and trees provide shade on the north side. That is, on the north side of them (at a distance of 2 to 4 meters) you will no longer be able to plant heat-loving, capricious, exotic plants! True, you can plant ground cover or forest plants there, for example, ferns.

Narrow plot of a country house with terracesSource

All areas can be divided into three options, each of which in most cases has a completely typical layout:

- a narrow and long section. The side garden here is represented only by a line from 2 to 4 meters, where the flower bed is located along the fence. The front garden and backyard are almost entirely decorated with terraces or paving for relaxation (see photo above).

- a square plot with a house in the middle, right next to the road. Here the front garden is designed according to the principles of symmetry, there are practically no side gardens, and the backyard is divided into three zones (terrace, lawn area and vegetable garden), between which there are flower beds.

- a rectangular section extended to one side. This type requires increased attention. If the plot is large, it is best to first plant a green fence around the perimeter and decorate the front garden. The backyard can be developed gradually, starting with a terrace and a flower bed next to it.

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