Ways to make construction trestles correctly: tips for beginners

Wooden construction trestles are useful in any task - for painting, plastering, laying bricks and many other operations. There are factory-assembled sawhorses, but they are quite expensive and do not always fit in size. Next, we will look at methods on how to make sawhorses with your own hands from scrap materials, using standard tools. We will separately consider how to choose the right size of sawhorses, what tools are needed, and provide step-by-step assembly instructions.

Appearance of standard wooden trestles Source nashprorab.com

What are construction sawhorses?

It is not clear why the construction stand was called a goat, perhaps because of its vague resemblance to a four-legged animal.

Note! In the word "goats" the stress is on the first syllable, not the second.

A trestle is a wooden stand on legs that can be used to carry out work on the upper parts of the wall and ceiling.

Goats are a multifunctional solution that is useful at any stage of construction. Scaffolding can be used in almost any process, especially when plastering or whitewashing a ceiling. Goats differ from each other, both in height and in the materials used. Scaffolds are also classified according to materials of manufacture:

  1. Wooden.
  2. Metal.
  3. Combined.

For obvious reasons, the first option will be easiest to make at home.

Features of folding trestles

Goats used in construction are devices that help people perform a number of tasks at a certain height (usually exceeding human height). For example, they will provide an opportunity to do painting work, hang wallpaper, continue bricklaying, and so on. Also, these devices are successfully used for cutting wood, they allow you to quickly organize a workbench or work table in the right place on the site and perform many other useful functions.

Wooden trestles for interior work

Traditionally, goats are a support on which a horizontal platform can be arranged, used as a table or a footrest - you can stand on it to climb higher. Also, in some cases, depending on the type of device, goats may have fences. These devices are:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

Two more goat variants also stand out.

  • Solid ones are ordinary ones that are reliable, but they cannot be folded for storage. Their legs are connected by a wooden flooring that serves as a working platform. There are also jumpers that increase the reliability and stability of the product.
  • Foldable, easy to fold and carry/put away. They are less stable, but more functional. The wooden decking platform is easy to dismantle, and the legs can be folded and stored away.

Folding trestles
In this article we are talking specifically about folding trestles. Their main advantages:

  • high mobility;
  • small sizes;
  • ease of transportation even in a passenger car;
  • the ability to adjust the length of the working platform (the width is determined by the width of the support legs);
  • versatility (you can adapt them to anything);
  • the ability to be stored away - even in a small space they will not take up much space.

The main disadvantage of such trestles is their slightly more complex design than stationary ones, and also not such high stability. It is important to make sure that the sawhorses are properly positioned before getting on them before you begin!

Metal folding trestles

What you need to make your own scaffolding

First you need to decide on the length of the sawhorses. The most convenient option for work is the entire wall, because you can put all the necessary tools on it and even take an assistant. But if you want to use the scaffold more than once or twice, it may be better to choose shorter boards so that they can be moved from place to place.

Goats with adjustable dimensions Source waysi.ru

In addition, 2-3 small trestles can easily replace a desktop, that is, they can be used even after renovation or construction is completed. You just need to fasten them with a vice or any other similar equipment. Once the renovation is complete, the scaffold can easily be converted into a garden picnic table. If they are too large, then you will only have to disassemble them into components.

Nothing extra: mobile trash can

Forgive me for such a natural comparison, but do you know why the horses that drove chaises around the city had a bag tied under their tails? Yes, precisely for this reason, to keep the pavement clean. So my working goat got such a device.

I cut the rim off the paint bucket and cut off the lid. You can attach a garbage bag between the rim and the lid. And the rim itself was fixed with a movable holder

I hope you liked my construction beast. I will be glad if my experience helps someone with repairs

Thank you, Olga! A charming master class from a real craftswoman! It's nice to look at your work. We don't even have anything to add. The only thing you can do is to suggest complicating the task, as in this short video on creating a multifunctional carpentry table:

Watch this video on YouTube

We are waiting for your impressions and comments, as well as new materials in the section “This is not a woman’s business!”

PHOTO: Olga Yarovaya

What are construction sawhorses made of?

In order to understand how to make construction trestles, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their structure. The most practical solution at home is a folding version of trestles, since a non-folding one takes up a lot of space and cannot be used in the future. The main structural elements of the scaffold are the legs, fastened with a crossbar, and the upper ends of the frames.

First you need to decide on the dimensions of the structure. They start with the legs - the higher the ceilings, the higher the legs should be, but you also need to take into account the height of the builder - it will be inconvenient for a tall person to work right under the ceiling. The optimal height of the legs in most cases is equal to the height of the builder, minus 10-15 cm. The cross-section of the beam and the number of spacers are selected individually for each case.

Structure of wooden trestles Source yandex.net

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and installation of metal structures

The tops of the frames can usually be connected using door overhangs. To prevent the legs from moving apart under the weight of the builder on any floor surface, there must be a limiter. The limiter is fixed on the lower parts of the legs so that the structure is as stable as possible. For a limiter, you can take a strong bar or block.

Calculations and materials

You can buy sawhorses, both folding and regular, in almost any specialized store. But they most often have an aluminum base and are quite expensive. It is much easier and cheaper to make trestles for your dacha with your own hands. This is a relatively simple design that requires a minimum of carpentry skills from the manufacturer. In addition, homemade goats will not cost you a pretty penny, they can be easily adapted to the construction project you need, and they can also be easily used in the future if desired.

Goats from the store

You can assemble both metal and wooden trestles yourself. But we still recommend choosing the wooden version. Wood is much easier to work with and cheaper.

Advice! When choosing material for making a sawhorse, do not settle on low-quality wood with knots and cracks. Such sawhorses will be unreliable and may break at the most inopportune moment. The result is a high likelihood of serious injury.

One of the first stages of work is the design and creation of a drawing. We strongly recommend that you do not carry out all the work “by eye” - it is very easy to make a mistake due to which your structure will turn out to be crooked and unstable. Well, or it won't work at all. Therefore, sketch out a detailed drawing on a piece of paper indicating all dimensions, immediately write down how much fasteners you need and how much base material you need. The drawing will also clearly allow you to see what the finished structure will look like.

A simple drawing of a folding trestle

At the first stage, it is important to determine the height of the future goats. Usually it is chosen depending on the height of the person. Traditionally, the height varies between 75-95 cm.

Advice! For a person of average height (175-180 cm), a goat with a height of 80-85 cm is considered the best option.

Your favorite desktop or workbench will also help you determine the height. If you have one and you often work with it and feel comfortable, then you can measure its height and make a sawhorse with exactly the same parameters.

Universal sawhorses

The support legs of a goat must be assembled at a certain angle relative to each other. This will increase the stability of the structure. Let's take the standard version with angles of 65 and 80 degrees. Based on the height and angles of the legs, it is already possible to calculate the parameters of the remaining parts. Thus, it turns out that for one goat you will need:

  • legs 95 cm long - 4 pcs;
  • upper support crossbar 90 cm - 1 piece;
  • spacers - 2 on each side.

In addition, do not forget to buy fasteners. These are bolts, nuts, washers and screws. These elements will allow you to assemble a reliable structure. We do not recommend using nails - connections with them are less reliable and durable than with self-tapping screws. Nuts and bolts will be needed to connect the folding legs.

Attention! The calculations above are only for one goat! In order to install the working flooring, you will need two of them. This means we multiply the amount of all materials by two.

You can buy wood for the goats at your nearest hardware store, but you can also look at all sorts of scraps at your dacha. You most likely have them if you have done any construction work before. The board is suitable size 100x30 mm.

Do not use wood with obvious defects to create a goat.

Technology for assembling dismountable construction trestles

In order to assemble the structure, you can also use nails - this is the cheapest and most practical option. However, some elements will not hold well after such fixation, and the scaffolding will turn out to be unreliable. The best and fastest way to assemble trestles is with the help of special screws and a screwdriver.

Disposable sawhorses are most often fastened with nails Source ireland.apollo.com

Interesting kitchen utensils

You don't have to turn the boards into plates or even spoons - ultimately, it's still too much recycling and too difficult for many people. But it’s quite possible to limit yourself to an elegant tray or cutting board: in the end it turns out no worse. Among the breeds it is recommended to use:

  • linden;
  • birch;
  • aspen;
  • pear.

In some cases, juniper wood is also used. All this is used without fear, because high strength is definitely not required.

The design can be stenciled to make your life easier. An almost win-win option is to decorate it with Khokhloma or Palekh.

Upper platform of the trestles

There are only a few requirements for it - it must be as level as possible, stable and able to withstand the weight of a person standing on it. In addition, you need to take into account a lot of tools, buckets of paint, plaster, etc. The optimal load will be at least 150 kg. The width of the platform should not be wider than the doorways, and the height should not exceed 1.5 m, otherwise it will be inconvenient to deploy the trestles around the perimeter.

On average, it takes about 13-14 meters of edged boards to make a scaffold. As a result of such expenses, you will receive a reliable design that will be useful for any repair or as a substitute for a stepladder.

The upper part of the stage should not be too narrow or wide Source yandex.net

Choosing a place to build

When choosing a place to build a goat house, give preference to a small hill or plain. In the lowlands, the barn will be damp, which means the animals will constantly get sick and waste away.

Before construction, the area for construction must be cleared of vegetation: remove trees and shrubs with maximum uprooting of the root system. After preparatory work, level the area.

Keep in mind that each adult goat needs about 1 square meter. m. area, and for kids - 0.6-0.8 square meters. m. Place the building on site so that the façade and walking pen are located on the south side.

Manufacturing process

Prepare the following items:

  1. The legs are about a meter long.
  2. Boards up to 70 cm wide for the base.
  3. Three crossbars of 0.7, 0.77 and 0.8 meters.

Check that the legs are strictly the same width, length and thickness. If necessary, cut down unnecessary trees. The top ends that will hold the crossbars should be aligned at a 90 degree angle. The angles of the spacers will be different - one is 80 degrees, and the opposite is 90.

Place the two legs together so that they form a 90-degree angle and cut off any unnecessary wood. Use the same principle to make a second pair of legs. Where they touch, drill a hole for the rotation bolt and insert it so they can close and open like scissors.

Between the wide and narrow places of the finished legs, spacers are inserted and fixed. The lower ones are fastened with a tightening belt. Now one side is completely ready - just assemble the second and attach a platform on top for the builder to work on. Portable trestles are ready in 2 hours of working time - and can be used indefinitely.

Jumpers are needed not only for stability - they are also steps to the trestles, which will make life easier for the builder Source yandex.net

Assemble the frames

1. To make half-wood joints, install a 19 mm thick groove disk into the saw machine and make test joints on scraps with a cross-section of 19 × 114 mm, setting the sawing depth equal to half the thickness of the workpiece. Cut cutouts in legs A and crossbars B for half-tree joints (Fig. 1 and 2).

2. Glue the A/B leg frames together and secure them with clamps. When installing clamps at half-wood joints, in order to evenly distribute the pressure over the entire gluing area, place wooden scraps under the jaws of the clamps. Check the squareness of the assembled frames.

3. Create a 15° bevel on the top edge of each A/B frame (Photo A).

Set up a circular saw to cut the bevels at 15°, attach a flat board to the A/B leg frame, and cut a bevel on the top edge of the frame.

Briefly about the main thing

The main advantage of homemade trestles is their low cost and the ability to assemble a structure of exactly the height that the builder needs. If desired, the trestles can be modified at any time - for example, reducing the height, slightly filing the legs, or even adding a second tier. To reduce the cost, instead of wood, in some cases you can use plastic or remnants from profile pipes. To work, you will need a beam of the required size, a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, a jigsaw or saw. The work takes 2-3 hours.

How to chop wood in a car tire

How to chop wood? At first glance it is simple. Take an ax or a cleaver. You place a log on the deck (stump). Hit and done! The log fell in two. All that remains is to collect the logs from the ground and take them to the woodshed. Stop. Is this convenient? See how simply, quickly and conveniently splitting birch firewood in a tire is done by a FORUMHOUSE user with the nickname AndreyPYSH, and take this “folk” life hack into service.

The benefit of this method: the split logs do not fly apart, you do not have to bend down after each flying log, the load on the lower back is reduced.


Tires can be fastened to each other or, pull the bottom tire onto the deck, choosing the diameter. It is convenient to stab thick stumps in a tire.


I saw this option for chopping wood a long time ago and also tried it. My recommendations:

  • Buy a good axe. The bad one gets stuck in the log.
  • The optimal height of the log is 1/3 sticking out of the tire.
  • Try to split the log in one blow.

For stability and to make it higher, I placed the deck on a car rim.

You can pick up old tires for free from tire shops.

Trusted manufacturers

The following companies' products have proven themselves well in international markets:


American manufacturer of quality sawhorses and thoughtfully designed bags for construction tools.

"Zubr OVK"

Russian company engaged in the design and production of construction tools and equipment.


A large German family enterprise with production facilities in 160 countries. Engaged in the production of construction tools and accessories.

Checking the circuit

For quality work, only a well-sharpened chain is useful. When processing wood, it makes large sawdust and does not use force to cut into the material. You yourself will feel and see when it becomes dull, in particular by the characteristic small sawdust.

Check tension regularly. To do this, turn the adjuster until the chain slack is removed from the bottom of the bar. We take special protective gloves, lift the end of the bar and pull the chain. If it is tensioned correctly, it will not come out of the groove, but at the same time it will easily stretch from the movement of the hand.

Chain tension should be checked regularly to ensure safe operation of the saw. This is often done after adding oil, and if you installed a new chain, you will have to check it even more often until it breaks in.

If you learn how to saw correctly, then working with a chainsaw becomes a pleasure. And you will protect yourself and others from accidents.

Best models

The rating is based on popularity among buyers.

EVOLUTION 005-0003

Model with folding legs. The product is lightweight, but can withstand loads of up to 500 kg. The stable metal structure folds and unfolds easily and quickly. Takes up minimal space when stored. For ease of carrying on the stairs, a special handle is made.

The working platform is secured to the base using four steel hooks. The model has a universal design. It can be used for construction work, in garages as a workbench, and for cutting workpieces.


  • overall dimensions – 936 x 825 x 465 mm;
  • working height – 74.2 cm;
  • weight – 3.6 kg.


  • light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • versatility of application.
  • The main drawback is that there are no anti-slip stops.


The model is light in weight. The folding design includes a shelf for storing tools. Goats can be used for construction work and sawing. V-shaped guides are provided for fixing workpieces. Manufacturing material – plastic. The maximum permissible load is 454 kg.


  • overall dimensions – 693 x 105 x 815 mm;
  • weight – 6 kg.


  • light weight;
  • versatility;
  • prefabricated structure;
  • low cost.
  • No deficiencies identified.

SK1.0 TOUA tssk10

The folding model is designed for construction work and cutting workpieces. Manufacturing material – galvanized steel. The surface of the products is powder coated. The flooring has an anti-slip coating. Adjustment clamps are provided to secure the workpieces during cutting. The maximum permissible load is 500 kg.


  • overall dimensions – 1015 x 730 x 780 mm;
  • working height – 78 cm;
  • weight – 6.42 kg.


  • light weight;
  • ease of operation and installation;
  • versatility;
  • the presence of an anti-slip coating on the flooring.


  • there is a slight play in the legs;
  • not strong enough design.


The model can be used for construction work, cutting and trimming workpieces. The upper part of the steel structure has an abrasive coating. Telescopic legs allow you to adjust the height of the trestle. The folding design has a convenient handle for carrying. The maximum permissible load is 590 kg.


  • overall dimensions – 1143 x 686 x 813 mm;
  • working height – 81 cm;
  • weight – 10.47 kg.


  • compactness;
  • reliable design;
  • versatility.
  • The main disadvantage is that they do not withstand shock loads well.

ALTERRA-250 Dastprom SK-250

The model can be used for construction work and sawing. The structure is made of steel coated with powder paint. The racks have movable “heels”. They allow you to install sawhorses on uneven surfaces. The maximum permissible load is 500 kg.


  • overall dimensions – 1030 x 670 x 995 mm;
  • working height – 95 cm;
  • weight – 13.8 kg.


  • mobility;
  • increased structural strength;
  • light weight;
  • versatility.
  • No deficiencies identified.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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