What batteries are needed for a gas water heater: how to select and replace batteries in the power supply

Here you will learn:

  • The principle of operation of a battery-powered speaker
  • What batteries are used in speakers
  • How to choose power supplies
  • Why do they sit down quickly?
  • How to change batteries in a speaker
  • Is it possible to transfer the speaker to a power supply?

The battery in a gas water heater is used for the sole purpose of igniting gas using a spark. Despite the low voltage and power of the batteries, the formation of a spark is carried out by the electrical system, in which the voltage increases to such values ​​that the air is pierced by a discharge.

Considering the relatively large energy consumption during ignition, only products with certain parameters can be used for installation in water heating geysers.

The principle of operation of a battery-powered speaker

All water heaters work the same way - in a short time they need to heat running water in a heat exchanger to a given temperature. Differences appear in the ignition and protection systems.

In battery-powered dispensers, a spark is created automatically when the hot water valve is opened. The energy to create a spark is taken from two D-type batteries.

The wick in a gas water heater does not burn constantly - it goes out immediately after turning on the main burner. The column has a water flow sensor. When the tap is opened, it is triggered and closes the electrical circuit, supplying voltage to the actuators.

As a result, the gas supply valve to the main burner opens and a spark is formed. The gas begins to burn and heats the running water. When you close the tap, the water flow stops. The water flow sensor cuts off the gas supply.

All speakers must be equipped with the following sensors:

  • determination of chimney draft;
  • pressure control in the supply pipe;
  • presence of flame.

Additionally, a maximum flow water temperature sensor and an overpressure safety valve can be installed.

How long do batteries last and reasons for frequent changes?

Two D-size batteries provide 3V output, which is enough to ignite a gas water heater.

The charge of high-quality D-type batteries is enough to operate for a year. However, due to the variation in battery characteristics, their service life varies from a year to 2-3 weeks.

In addition to the quality of the batteries, the following factors affect the operating time:

  • high room humidity;
  • incorrect placement of the ionization sensor;
  • its pollution;
  • incorrect distance between the igniter and the ignition electrodes;
  • dirty ignition electrodes;
  • malfunctions in the control system;
  • Solenoid contamination.

What batteries are used in speakers

For full operation, the gas water heater requires power sources with a total voltage of 3 volts. Therefore, batteries for water heaters stand out from the more familiar finger and mini-finger modifications. These are thicker Class D “barrels” that produce a voltage of 1.5 V each.

In fact, there are two types of batteries on the market: D-LR20 and D-R20. They differ from each other in price and “filling”: inside the battery there may be salt or alkali.

D-R20 salt batteries are confidently losing ground, which is more of a plus than a minus. Cheaper power supplies are notorious for extremely fast discharge rates. Therefore, even the low attractive price does not make the purchase of the D-R20 worthwhile.

Alkaline alkaline batteries D-LR20 are more expensive, but do not require as frequent replacement, working properly for up to six months. A salt power source will last a couple of weeks at best.

To save as much money as possible on routine battery replacements, you should purchase rechargeable batteries. Used batteries and accumulators should not be disposed of with household waste, as power sources require special disposal.

Comparison of the appearance of batteries of different classes.
Class D batteries look really impressive compared to power sources of other categories. For gas water heaters, nickel-metal hydride battery versions - NiMH D/HR20 - are best suited. However, before installation, you should make sure that the voltage in each battery is 1.5 V.

If operating standards are observed, such batteries will last 5-6 years, gradually losing their capacity. But it is worth remembering that you will have to buy a battery charger separately.

How much does a Neva gas water heater cost?

17,300 rub. Neva 5514E is designed to heat 14 liters of water per minute at 25 °C. Geyser

made taking into account all the features of water supply in Russia and the CIS countries, therefore it works stably in hard water conditions.

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How to choose power supplies

The safest option to avoid making a mistake in choosing a product is to go to a store with old batteries and buy batteries with similar parameters.

When choosing, be sure to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations and pay attention to the appearance of the product when purchasing it. However, this approach may not protect you from purchasing low-quality units.

Additionally, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • compliance with the expiration date;
  • packaging integrity;
  • absence of abrasions and mechanical damage on the case;
  • correct shape of the power source.

The abundance of counterfeits on the market and storage of products in inappropriate conditions without maintaining the correct temperature conditions significantly affect the service life of batteries and accumulators.

Power supplies purchased at the nearest crossing are unlikely to be certified and reliable products. Therefore, purchase batteries from official offline and online stores. After all, the use of any damaged battery is fraught with fires and damage to equipment.

What are alkaline batteries?

Alkaline batteries are also called alkaline (from the French alcaline - alkaline). They are also composed of manganese and zinc, but they use potassium hydroxide as the electrolyte in which the reaction takes place. It is alkali, hence the name of the battery. The alkaline battery is marked with the letters LR.

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Why do they sit down quickly?

If we talk about why batteries in a geyser are quickly consumed, the main reason is usually not very high-quality batteries. Speakers produced today usually use two D-type batteries with a voltage of one and a half volts. If cheap batteries made in China are installed there, they can last two or three weeks maximum.

The principle of operation of batteries in the case of using such equipment is simple and consists in the fact that when the device is turned on, the batteries are activated and send current to the control unit. And now he gives a signal to the incendiary candle, which produces a spark in the ignition block. Under pressure, the valve opens and gas begins to flow into the burner. Ignition is carried out in a similar way.

If the batteries run out, the spark will begin to produce unstably or the column will stop turning on. In a number of models, this can be understood by flashing a special LED, which is designed specifically for this.

But there can be several reasons for the rapid discharge of batteries:

  • high humidity;
  • incorrect operation of the ionization sensor;
  • displacement of the electrode responsible for ignition;
  • problems with the control unit;
  • low quality batteries.

Now let's talk about each reason in as much detail as possible. Increased humidity can be observed when installing the speaker in the bathroom. Moisture and steam simply begin to settle on the spare parts, which prevent normal ignition from occurring. Contacts begin to oxidize, and corrosion appears on parts. The room should be cleaned and ventilated more often, and a good ventilation system should be installed.

If we talk about the incorrect operation of the ionization sensor, then such a sensor is responsible for the presence of a flame in the burner. If it has moved too far to the side, then the spark will take a long time to be produced, and the charge energy will simply be wasted. In this case, you should look at where the sensor is located and correct its location if necessary. It may also simply become clogged due to soot. When gas enters, the spark should immediately ignite and transform into fire. If this does not happen, we are talking about the displacement of the ignition electrode, then you can try to move the electrode closer to the burner.

Speaking about problems with the control panel, we note that the batteries are responsible for the stable operation of the electronic module. If it has any problems, it will require more energy to operate than usual. If this is the problem, then you should remove the cover and inspect the unit. After this, we disconnect the wires leading to it, open it and check all the parts for scorch marks. If there are no visual problems, then you should call a specialist.

We have already written about low-quality batteries above. If we talk about what batteries are needed, then it is better to follow the recommendations given by the manufacturer in the instructions for the gas water heater. It is best to use the alkaline version of LR20 from manufacturers such as Energizer and Duracell.

How to determine the parameters yourself

There are quite common cases when the inscription about the adapter parameters is erased or missing. You can determine them yourself in 2 ways:

  • Carefully inspect the electrical appliance for which it was intended. In most cases, the marking is applied to the back wall of the case or written into the instructions in the column with the main characteristics (voltage, current).
  • The second method involves individual determination of each of the indicators of interest. This is done as follows:
  1. Input power supply is standard for all 220V. Sometimes this paragraph may indicate, for example, 190-240V. This means that the device is capable of functioning during voltage surges within this range.
  2. The output voltage is calculated by multiplying the number of power elements by their equivalent voltage (you can find this indicator on their body).
  3. There is no need to determine the current strength. For battery-powered devices, 0.5-1 Ampere will be sufficient, which can be used as the desired value.
  4. The polarity is checked by the tester. We talked about how to do this a little earlier. It should be taken into account that in most cases a classic circuit is used, where the “negative” wire powers the outer side of the plug, and the “positive” wire goes to the internal contact.

Connection completed Source stroydesign24.ru

Healthy! In order to maintain the ability to use the geyser during a power outage, you need to solder the cut wires from the batteries to their original place. In this case, you will be able to get hot water at any time. In normal mode, you will use power from the outlet, and when the lights go out, switch to batteries.

How to change batteries in a speaker

In instantaneous gas boilers, a special place is provided for batteries. This is usually a plastic container located at the bottom of the case. There is a hinged lid with a locking lock. The batteries should be inserted into the speaker after it is turned off. To this end:

  • open the lid;
  • carefully pull out the barrels, slightly bending the plastic clips;
  • install new batteries, observing +/- polarity;
  • close the lid and do a test run.

To extend the life of the batteries, if you do not plan to use the speaker, you can turn it off using a special switch at the bottom of the case. The button disconnects the ignition unit from the batteries.

Instructions for replacing old batteries

If you do not know how to correctly change the batteries in a gas water heater so as not to damage anything, we recommend that you carefully read our instructions - then we will describe in detail the process of replacing batteries so that none of the users have any difficulties in performing this task.

The batteries are located in an easily accessible place, often at the bottom of the case, and can be easily removed.

In fact, the special battery compartment can have two types of configuration:

  • retractable;
  • on latches.

Pull-out boxes are opened by pressing on their wall.

In compartments that are closed with latches , batteries are often installed vertically. The batteries are held in place with a special latch, so they do not fall out of the box when opening the box.

Depending on the design features of the speaker, the batteries can be positioned vertically or horizontally, for example, in the “Neva” speaker model.

Replacing worn-out batteries in a gas water heater takes place in several successive stages:

  1. It is necessary to turn off the gas and water supply to the column.
  2. Carefully open the battery compartment by pressing on its side or bending the locking latches.
  3. Remove old batteries.
  4. Install new batteries, observing polarity.
  5. Return the box to its place (or close the lid). Correct installation is characterized by a characteristic click.
  6. Resume water and gas supply.

All that remains is to conduct a test run to ensure that the equipment operates correctly.

Is it possible to transfer the speaker to a power supply?

To convert a battery-powered speaker, you need:

  • Purchase a power supply with parameters 220V/3V/500 mA.
  • Buy two female-male connectors.
  • Lead the two wires located inside the compartment for the battery box downwards from the device body. On them you will see the “mother” halves and markings.
  • If the wires are not marked with different colors, mark which one belongs to “+” and which one belongs to “-”.
  • Cut off the plug from the power supply, separate the wires and solder the male halves to each.
  • Connect the halves of the connectors taking into account the polarity.
  • Plug the unit into a power outlet.

Choosing the right adapter

The manufacturing process is simple, the only thing you should pay close attention to is the parameters of the power supply. The main characteristics of the adapter that interest us are indicated under the inscription “Output”. Naturally, they can have different meanings in different devices. In this situation, they must meet the following indicators:

  • Input power – 220V.
  • Output power – 3V.
  • Power 500 mA.

Healthy! The output voltage of most mobile phone chargers is 5V. To lower it to the desired value, use the adjustable stabilizer LM 2596.

Determining the voltage of the power supply Source img.mysku-st.ru
Another situation concerns the moment of determining polarity. Finding the “plus” and “minus” on the outgoing wires of the charger is not difficult. To do this, you need to connect the device to a 220V network, and alternately check the contacts (internal and external) with an indicator. The one that, when touched, will cause the instrument’s light to light up and be “positive.”

How to replace?

Usually the batteries are placed inside the speaker in a special box, which is located at the bottom right. Replacement includes the following steps:

  1. To remove the battery box, move the lever, push the box slightly from below with your fingers and, after clicking, remove it into your hand.
  2. After removing the discharged cells, install new batteries in the compartment intended for them, taking into account the polarity (there is a hint on the lid of the container).
  3. Next, return the battery container to its place until you hear a characteristic click. The lever also needs to be returned to its place.

You don't need to use any percussion instruments for this. Excessive force when installing the battery container can damage the fasteners holding the box in place.

How to replace the battery

In flow-through heating equipment, the DC source is located in a separate plastic housing. The casing is located on the bottom edge of the heater; replacing the battery does not require turning off the water supply or gas. To complete the job, you will need a Phillips screwdriver, a plastic spatula and a piece of sandpaper (used to remove oxidation marks from the contact plates).

Algorithm for installing new batteries in a gas heating column:

  1. Turn off the hot water supply and make sure the gas supply is turned off.
  2. Unscrew the screw or unfasten the latch holding the compartment cover. Remove the protective cover by removing the pins from the holes.
  3. Remove the dead batteries using a plastic spatula.
  4. Inspect the contact pads located inside the housing. If a green coating is found on metal parts, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper. Do not use force when cleaning as parts may be deformed or broken. The resulting dust is removed with a brush or dry sponge.
  5. Install new batteries. During installation, polarity is observed; explanatory pictograms are on the cover or inside the battery niche.
  6. Close the compartment with the lid and tighten the fixing screws.
  7. Conduct a test run of the gas water heater.

To install new batteries, you will need to remove the screen, which is secured with screws and spring latches. After removing the block cover, worn elements are removed. On some speakers, the power supplies are held in place by plastic clips that can be pulled out to the sides with your fingers or an auxiliary tool.

Speaker malfunctions

Let’s immediately make a reservation that we will consider the problems of flow-through heaters with an open combustion chamber, of which there are a great many installed in apartments and houses. We will bypass the repair of fully automated turbocharged dispensers with power supply from the mains and ignition from a hydrogen generator. These devices are quite complex and intervention in their design by an ignorant person is contraindicated. Troubleshooting of supercharging units should be carried out by service or gas services.

The list of malfunctions inherent in geysers after several years of operation is as follows:

  • smell of gas;
  • problems with ignition and starting of the main burner;
  • turning off the heater during operation;
  • various leaks.

If you smell gas, whether constantly or periodically, you must immediately turn off the appropriate tap, open the windows and call the emergency service. Explain to the dispatcher the nature of the problem, and he will make a decision - to urgently send a team to your home or simply send a technician on a first-come, first-served basis. There are no other options; fixing methane leaks yourself is strictly prohibited

There are no other options; fixing methane leaks on your own is strictly prohibited.

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