Refrigerator and gas stove in the kitchen: minimum distance between appliances and placement tips
Do you want to renovate your kitchen, but don’t know how to properly place household appliances so that
Sockets in the house: how to plan and where to place them
The location of power points, the installation height of sockets and switches is a serious issue that requires planning,
How to make a brick wall with your own hands from putty, main stages and difficulties
by Alexey | Crafts Tips Decor Workshop Interior | Tuesday, January 04, 2022 Subscribe
Advantages and disadvantages of class 32 laminate + differences between 8 and 12 mm
Laminate is a floor covering that is very similar in appearance to traditional wood floors.
Do-it-yourself bridge for a summer residence - step-by-step construction instructions, photos, made of wood, from scrap materials, diagrams, drawings
Review author: Terrari School of Design When there is a body of water on the site, it does not matter whether it is natural or
Gas boiler does not light up
Gas boiler malfunctions: what are the ways to eliminate them?
When installing a gas boiler at home, the owners hope that the radiators in the rooms will be hot, and
10 mistakes when connecting a kitchen hood to electricity and ventilation.
As you know, kitchen hoods come in classic and recirculating types. The first vents air into the ventilation
Corner post for house frame
RSK vs RSK: Russian power frame or, after all, a terrible Russian frame
One-story projects Houses made of timber with a living space of 150 square meters with
Bathroom design with washing machine +50 photo ideas
It is impossible to imagine modern life without useful technology. Therefore, the washing machine in the bathroom is simply
Electric storage water heaters: design, features and selection tips
If hot water is often turned off in an apartment building, it is worth purchasing a device for uninterrupted water supply.
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