Orthopedic mattress: which one to choose, rating of the best + customer reviews

Review of manufacturers

The most famous manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses in Russia are five companies: Askona, Consul, Dreamline, Ormatek and Toris .

Askona is the largest Russian plant. Famous brands are produced on its premises: Serta, IKEA, King Koil and others. The cost of their products is higher than most of their competitors.

Ormatek is the second largest production. Their prices for popular models are always slightly lower than their competitors. In general, the company sells products at the most reasonable prices. Dreamline specializes in the production of bedroom furniture and orthopedic mattresses at a very affordable price.

Toris and Consul are also quite large and well-known factories. Mattresses from Consul are on average 30% more expensive than similar models. Toris offers the most modest selection of mattresses, but at an adequate price.

Among foreign companies, the leaders are Sealy , Serta (in Russia, orthopedic mattresses under this brand are manufactured by the Askona ) and the French Simmons , known here as Sleepeezee .

Which orthopedic mattresses are best avoided?

  • Products from unknown manufacturers. This is an important point, since small companies do not have the necessary production capacity and resort to manual assembly. It is impossible to make a high-quality mattress this way.
  • Orthopedic mattresses without an inspection zipper, which makes it possible to check the filling. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers lay ordinary foam rubber instead of the declared felt or coconut, and instead of five- or six-turn springs, they use four-turn springs. Such products have nothing to do with mattresses intended for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Persistent chemical smell. Low-quality glue may be used in the production of mattresses. Naturally, there can be no talk of a “sweet sleep” on such a mattress.


The best soft spring orthopedic mattresses

The best spring orthopedic mattresses of medium hardness

The best hard spring orthopedic mattresses

The best soft springless orthopedic mattresses

The best springless orthopedic mattresses of medium hardness

The best springless orthopedic mattresses are hard

The best latex orthopedic mattresses are soft


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Mattresses are built on different bases:

  • on a spring block with automatic elements or Multipocket springs;
  • based on a natural or artificial latex block in combination with coconut coir or monolithic slabs.

In the process of making mattresses, several types of materials are used to produce the top protective layer (the fabric depends on the price of the product): jacquard quilted on synthetic padding with protection against ticks, tactilely pleasant cotton velor, knitwear quilted with silver thread.

The most popular and in demand mattresses of the Primavera brand:

  1. Primavera Incanto – from RUB 73,118.
  2. Primavera Praiano – from RUB 96,171.
  3. Primavera Sorrento – from RUB 44,166.


The Italian manufacturer Materlux, in addition to the banal “quality, technology, comfort...” is distinguished by the widest selection of models to suit absolutely any wishes. Just look at the catalog menu:

Materlux’s assortment also includes extremely budget models starting from 20 thousand rubles. But I recommend comparing their qualities with other analogues on the market; Materlux is not a leader in this price segment.

The best soft spring orthopedic mattresses

Mattress Ascona Balance Smart (Balance Smart) 90 x 200 cm

Average price: 2505 RUR

Advantages: One of the most affordable orthopedic spring mattresses is made on the basis of “Bonnel”, which elastically supports the spine and prevents its deformation. The softness of the springs and the elasticity of the sleeping surface ensures a comfortable rest. Noise and friction in the mattress are eliminated; the coils of the springs do not touch each other under load due to their bicone shape. The softness of the mattress is given by polyurethane foam slabs, protected from the spring block by spunboard - a durable, non-toxic, highly breathable and environmentally friendly material. Polyurethane foam does not put back pressure on the muscles and does not interfere with free blood circulation. Maximum load capacity 90 kg. Disadvantages: Slippery coating, it is better to use sheets with elastic bands. Reviews: “I purchased it on the advice of a doctor, after spinal surgery I can’t sleep on regular mattresses, I need normal support, otherwise I can’t get out of bed. But I sleep great on it, it’s very comfortable, take it for prevention.” “Cheap doesn’t always mean bad. The mattress performed excellently during use.”

9.9 / 10


2. Spring mattress DreamLine Kombi-3 Bonnel 80 x 200 cm

Average price: 5400 RUR

An excellent model with good anatomical characteristics. Made with different hardness sides: medium and soft. On one side there is polyurethane foam, and on the other there is latexed coconut coir and polyurethane foam.

9.8 / 10
3. Mattress Toris Collection 90 x 200 cm

Average price: 6064 RUR

One of the best double-sided orthopedic mattresses with soft and high rigidity, suitable for the whole family.

9.7 / 10


Pros and cons of products

Springless mattresses are offered in a wide range. They have the following advantages:

  • strength and durability. There is nothing to break in them, so they can last more than 10 years;
  • the materials used in mattresses are not subject to electrification and do not create a magnetic field;
  • due to the absence of metal parts, the products do not create noise;
  • the ability to choose a surface with different degrees of elasticity;
  • ensuring optimal load on the spine;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature changes. If the material absorbs moisture, it evaporates very quickly;
  • when using high-quality filler, springless mattresses will not deform or sag;
  • compactness. They are convenient to store and transport.

Products of this type also have disadvantages:

  • price. Natural hypoallergenic filler will have a high cost;
  • inability to check the quality of the filler. For expensive mattresses, the cover cannot be removed. It is easy to avoid difficulties if you purchase products from a trusted manufacturer;
  • The maximum weight that the mattress can withstand is 120 kg. Exceeding the specified figure will quickly render the product unusable;
  • The layers of a springless mattress are glued together with a special compound. While it is new, it may have an unpleasant, pungent odor. After some time it disappears.

All the pros and cons of the mattress depend on the manufacturer, the quality of the filler used and the adhesive composition.

The best spring orthopedic mattresses of medium hardness

Mattress Ormatek Optima Light Bonnel 80 x 200 cm

Average price: 3690 RUR

Advantages: An economy class mattress with an excellent reputation, not inferior in quality or service life to expensive orthopedic mattresses. This model is in constant demand among buyers. Reliable and high-quality elasticity of the mattress and its high orthopedic performance are guaranteed by a single Bonnel spring block. Hypoallergenic Orto-foam (artificial latex) is used as a filler. The material effectively distributes a person’s weight over the sleeping surface, eliminating reverse stress on the muscles and ensuring normal blood circulation. The combination of “Bonnel” and modern high-quality filler ensures a restful, healthy sleep, regardless of the sleeper’s body position. Maximum weight per bed is up to 110 kg. Disadvantages : Slight discrepancy with the declared rigidity. Reviews: “... purchased recently. The mattress, for such a price, is simply excellent, you don’t feel the springs, it’s very comfortable to sleep, your back has stopped bothering you.” “At first it seemed, yes, a little soft, but after a month of use, I can say for sure that it is 100% medium hard. I want to emphasize that for this price, this is an excellent mattress... sleeping on your stomach is very comfortable.”

9.9 / 10


2. Mattress Ormatek Divior Bonnel Eco series 80 x 190 cm

Average price: 3013 RUR

Reliable, durable and very comfortable mattress with thermal felt insulation, has excellent orthopedic properties.

9.8 / 10
3. Mattress Askona Balance Smart (Balance Smart) 80 x 200 cm

Average price: 3047 RUR

The most affordable model on a high-quality Bonnel base with a comfortable flooring made of polyurethane foam, separated from the spring block by a spanboard, does an excellent job of supporting the spine in an anatomically correct position.

9.7 / 10


What to look for when choosing a mattress

When a person decides to buy a new mattress, of course he wants to buy the most fashionable and comfortable product. He believes that now he will have a good night's sleep, because no forces will act on the spine, forcing him to take an uncomfortable and incorrect position. But in reality it turns out that my back and neck are still stiff, and besides, allergies have appeared. What's the problem? Yes, you just need to know how to choose the right orthopedic mattress.

Side stiffness

Today there are several levels of rigidity.

  • Increased. Recommended for back diseases and osteochondrosis. Sleeping on such a surface is not very comfortable, but it perfectly supports problem areas. Such mattresses must be purchased for medical reasons, or if a person’s weight exceeds one hundred kilograms.
  • Average. The best option for a healthy person who has an average build and dimensions.
  • Low. Soft or moderately soft mattresses are intended for older people and children from three to fifteen years old.

The hardness of a mattress directly depends on its filling. There is no need to overpay for a reinforced spring block design or a super-fashionable hard “filling” if a person is of moderate weight. It is enough to choose a softer model with latex filling, the main thing is that the quality of the product is at its best.

Choose a mattress according to your preferences. There is no need to suffer on a hard surface if you are used to a soft surface. There is no need to follow fashion trends.


Latex, polyurethane foam, and coconut coir are usually used as fillers. Thermal felt is used between the filler layer and the springs as an additional protective layer.

Pay attention to the naturalness of the material, since artificial ones often cause allergies, even if their characteristics convincingly state “hypoallergenic”.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thesleepjudge/45808142952/

Most often, a combined filler consisting of several layers is used. They can be fastened together using special equipment, but sometimes they are simply glued together. You will immediately notice such a mattress by its specific smell, which can be toxic and harmful to the body.


Give preference to natural fabrics - cotton, linen. Synthetics will not allow you to get a good night's sleep - the body will not be able to breathe. The upholstery fabric should be durable and non-marking.

It is recommended to purchase a removable cover along with the mattress, which will protect the upholstery from dirt and stains. You can wash it at any time, and the mattress itself will look like new.

Number of springs per place

The more springs there are, especially if they are independent and each located in a separate pocket, the better, since they will respond more “sensitively” to load distribution.

The standard is 256 springs per square meter, but there can be more than a thousand.

Maximum weight supported

Each mattress is designed for a specific load. The heavier the person, the harder the surface should be. Ideally, before purchasing, you should lie down on a mattress and check how evenly the weight is distributed and how deeply the springs sink. This is why it is not recommended to buy mattresses online – you won’t be able to sit or lie on them remotely.

For a person of average weight, a mattress filled with latex or combined with coconut fibers is suitable. If the weight exceeds a hundred kilograms, then you need to opt for hard mattresses made of coconut coir with a reinforced spring block.

Double mattresses for spouses often have different firmness zones so that the lighter person does not roll under the side of the second spouse.

Availability of handles for turning over

Periodically, the mattress needs to be turned over to avoid deformation, especially if the spring block has independent springs. Some models are so heavy that you only need two people to turn them over.

Agree that doing this is much more convenient and easier if there are special loop handles.

Memory effect

This innovative coating was created back in the seventies of the last century for astronauts in order to reduce overload on the body. Now memory foam material or memory foam can be found in real life.

The meaning of the effect is that the surface “remembers” the position of a person’s body in a dream and his weight, thereby providing comfortable “notches and depressions”, and then restores its original appearance.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thesleepjudge/44909062415/

Such “smart tricks” will cost you a lot, but they are not always useful or advisable. The disadvantages include high cost, warming properties, which is not at all good in hot weather, the possibility of allergic reactions, as well as unusual enveloping sensations.

The best hard spring orthopedic mattresses

Mattress DreamLine Eco Strong Bonnel 90 x 200 cm

Average price: 6202 RUR

Advantages: From the name of the Strong line alone, it is clear that these are “strong” mattresses. This is how it really is. This model has special inserts between the springs of the Bonnel block, which strengthens the structure itself. The orthopedic mattress can withstand up to 150 kg of weight per 1 bed and a difference in the weight of sleepers of more than 25 kg, which means that it is perfect for couples with a large difference in weight, everyone will feel comfortable. Managers often joke that this model is ideal for newlyweds during the period of active use. Both sides of the mattress are lined with artificial latex, and the cover is made of jacquard, quilted on canvas. Disadvantages: Low level of anatomy. There is no viewing zipper, please check when ordering. Reviews: “My husband’s weight is decent, at 100 kg it’s off scale! I chose this mattress. The previous one lasted only two years. When I talked to the manager, I had doubts, but I still decided to take a risk. More than a year has passed since the date of purchase, there are no deformations, no creaks, no obvious changes.” “An excellent model for overweight people. And it’s also good that you can order a cover at your discretion.”

9.9 / 10


2. Mattress Askona Balance Palma 120 x 200 cm

Average price: 6054 RUR

Classic hard orthopedic mattress with Bonnel block and natural coconut board.

9.8 / 10
3. Mattress DreamLine Dream 1 Bonnell 90 x 200 cm

Average price: 6314 RUR

One of the highest quality and affordable mattresses for lovers of an elastic-hard bed with excellent orthopedic properties.

9.7 / 10


Where to buy

Modern people are making more and more purchases through online stores, and they also buy mattresses. Customer reviews say that it is fast and convenient. No need to spend a lot of time traveling to the shops. Sitting at home, you can choose the model you like, and even save money.

The only, but very significant, drawback may be that you will not be able to test it before purchasing. And what to do after your mattress turns out to be uncomfortable?

Such purchases may be justified if you already have a mattress from such a company, but you decide to purchase another one or have tested it with relatives or friends.

The best soft springless orthopedic mattresses

Mattress Askona Compact Effect Low 90 x 200 cm

Average price: 4251 RUR

Advantages: The mattress is made on the basis of a unique orthopedic support system MULTIZONE - a monolithic block of artificial latex of varying densities. The surface of the mattress consists of three anatomical zones, corresponding to the usual load on certain parts of the body. At a relatively reasonable price, the mattress has: • excellent orthopedic qualities; • durability; • wear resistance; • resistance to changing climatic conditions. The cover is low-maintenance, dense, highly elastic Buona fabric, and the spunboard protects the inner layers of the mattress from abrasion. Maximum load up to 90 kg. Supplied rolled up in vacuum packaging. Disadvantages: The lining is not of very high quality. Reviews: “I bought this mattress 6 months ago. Great experience. For the money it’s very high quality and cozy.” “It’s a good mattress... My mother is delighted (she has problems with the lumbar spine), we’ve been using it for more than two months...”

9.9 / 10


2. Mattress Consul Classic Filon 70 x 195 cm

Average price: 5012 RUR

A high-quality orthopedic mattress filled with polyurethane foam, durable and comfortable.

9.8 / 10
3. Consul Mattress Consul Classic Pegasus 90 x 190 cm

Average price: 10569 RUR

Soft double-sided orthopedic mattress: one side is made of polyurethane foam, the other is made of natural latex, which explains the relatively high price of the product.

9.7 / 10


The best springless orthopedic mattresses of medium hardness

Mattress Ormatek Eco-Flex Eco series 90 x 200 cm

Average price: 3536 RUR

Advantages: Comfortable, practical, affordable and durable mattress, made of monolithic polyurethane foam - a modern hypoallergenic material that retains the orthopedic properties of the mattress throughout its entire service life. Ideal for use in the country, or as an extra bed. The material for the cover is quilted synthetic jacquard with filling. The maximum permissible load is up to 90 kg. Delivered on a roll. Disadvantages: At first, a characteristic odor may be felt. Reviews: “The mattress is just a miracle! I haven’t slept so sweetly for a long time, I recommend it to everyone.” “I bought it for my daughter’s dorm, she complained that her back hurt and it was impossible to sleep at all. Now I’m not getting enough sleep, which is affecting my studies.”

9.9 / 10


2. Mattress Askona Compact Favorite 90 x 200 cm springless in vacuum packaging

Average price: 5411 RUR

An excellent orthopedic mattress for adherents of the “golden mean”. Filling: • latex, • spunbond, • 3-zone polyurethane foam.

9.8 / 10
3. Mattress Toris Legante Country series 80 x 200 cm

Average price: 7202 RUR

A mattress based on high-tech fillers with excellent anatomical properties. Comfortable and durable.

9.7 / 10


The best hard springless orthopedic mattresses

Mattress Ormatek Flex Standard 80 x 195 cm
Average price: 4748 RUR

One of the most popular models in the Flex line. Thanks to Orto-foam artificial latex, which serves as a monolithic filler, your spine will be provided with reliable support, your lower back will relax, and healthy sleep will relieve muscle stiffness. In the morning you will feel like a truly rested person. Maximum load – up to 120 kg. Disadvantages: Not found yet. Reviews: “Excellent mattress and many thanks to the manufacturers! I’ll buy three more for the dacha so that guests can eat comfortably!” “I’ve been using it recently and I like it. I wouldn’t trade it even for the most expensive mattress!”

9.9 / 10


2. Mattress Ormatek Orma Flex 80 x 200 cm

Average price: 3345 RUR

An excellent springless orthopedic mattress filled with polyurethane foam and wavy coconut.

9.8 / 10
3. Mattress Toris MagicSleep Kontrast Fusion series 80 x 200 cm

Average price: 7101 RUR

It is more expensive, but the difference in price is explained by the use of latex coconut fiber and a seven-zone block made of Ergofarm polyurethane foam. High quality orthopedic mattress.

9.7 / 10


Prices: summary comparison table

ModelSpecificationsCost, rub.
Magniflex Comfort Plus 10Type: springless; Hardness level: moderately soft, moderately hard; Height: 25 cm; Maximum permissible load: 160 kg; Composition: polyurethane foam; Cover: jersey. 57 120
Magniflex Naturalmente (New Naturcomfort)Type: springless; Hardness level: medium; Height: 22 cm; Maximum permissible load: 160 kg; Composition: orthopedic foam, polyurethane foam; Cover: jersey. 38 930
Magniflex Pensiero 6Type: springless; Hardness level: medium, hard; Height: 15 cm; Maximum permissible load: 160 kg; Composition: orthopedic foam, polyurethane foam; Cover: jersey. 28 900
Primavera IncantoType: spring; Hardness level: medium; Height: 27 cm; Maximum permissible load: 150 kg; Composition: orthopedic foam, coconut coir; Cover: velor. 73 118
Primavera PraianoType: springless; Hardness level: moderate-soft; Height: 15 cm; Maximum permissible load: 120 kg; Composition: latex; Cover: jersey. 96 171
Primavera SorrentoType: springless; Hardness level: medium-hard; Height: 21 cm; Maximum permissible load: 150 kg; Composition: polyurethane foam, coconut coir, latex; Cover: jersey. 44 166
MaterLux ParisiType: spring; Hardness level: medium-hard; Height: 25 cm; Maximum permissible load: 140 kg; Composition: orthopedic foam, coconut coir; Cover: jersey. 107 290
MaterLux AzzurroType: spring; Hardness level: medium-hard; Height: 26 cm; Maximum permissible load: 130 kg; Composition: gel, orthopedic foam; Cover: jersey. 239 230
MaterLux TreviType: spring; Hardness level: moderate-soft; Height: 31 cm; Maximum permissible load: 140 kg; Composition: coconut coir latex; Cover: jersey. 90 430
Lordflex's Bios crineType: springless; Hardness level: medium-hard; Height: 21 cm; Maximum permissible load: no restrictions; Composition: latex; Cover: jacquard. 123 907
Lordflex's StrabilioType: springless; Hardness level: medium-hard; Height: 35 cm; Maximum permissible load: 140 kg; Composition: polyurethane foam; Cover: jersey. 137 393
Lordflex's WellnessType: springless; Hardness level: medium-hard; Height: 24 cm; Maximum permissible load: 140 kg; Composition: polyurethane foam; Cover: jacquard. 82 663

Italian mattresses are expensive, but this is justified by their quality and properties assigned to them by the manufacturer.

The best soft latex orthopedic mattresses

Soft springless mattress DreamLine Soft 80 x 200 cm

Average price: 14932 RUR

Advantages: This mattress is created for those who like a comfortable and soft bed. Recommended for beds with an adjustable headboard option. The filler is natural perforated latex, which has the highest anatomical properties. Despite the softness, the mattress provides elastic support for the spine. Latex is known as an environmentally friendly and hygienic material. Thanks to perforation, air freely penetrates inside the slab, and absorbed moisture easily evaporates from the latex surface. The cover is the Elit model - jacquard fabric on a cotton base. Disadvantages: None found.

9.9 / 10


2. Mattress Toris Contour 16 series Foam 80 x 200 cm springless latex

Average price: 15249 RUR

Ultra-comfortable, high-quality and durable orthopedic mattress made of molded latex foam.

9.8 / 10
3. Mattress Consul Classic Cornelius 80 x 200 cm

Average price: 10686 RUR

A soft mattress made of natural latex: • elastic, • durable, • has high supporting properties.

9.7 / 10


The filling can be such traditional natural materials as felt, wool, horsehair, and artificial ones (foam rubber, synthetic winterizer). More modern latex and coir are also used to fill mattresses. Which to choose? Reviews say that the mattress will be soft if it is made of layers of latex 3 cm high. If there is a layer of coir on the block, then its surface will be quite hard. And if you have 3 cm of latex, one of coir, and then a spring, you will get a mattress of medium hardness.

In order for air to move freely throughout the entire volume of the mattress, many models have ventilation holes.

When purchasing products made from such materials, you need to ask for certificates of conformity.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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