How many meters high is a 16-story building: sixteen-story buildings

The height of a 16-story building in meters is a figure that many people not related to construction calculate easily and simply, as is the case with five-story buildings. Multiplying the estimated height of a floor of three meters by the number of floors, such people easily imagine that a five-story building must certainly be 15 m. Consequently, it turns out that a nine-story building is 27 m, and a house of 16 floors, naturally, will be 48 m, but such the calculations are incorrect.

Construction of a sixteen-story building

Multi-storey single-entrance residential building with a public part of 16 floors

Arina Levina

November 11, 2021

  • 0


Course project. Contains RPZ, 3d model and drawings: plans of the 1st and typical floors, section 1-1, facades, general plan, visualization, floor roof. Includes a 3D model of the general perspective of a multi-story residential building. Project of one entrance multi-storey residential building with a public part. The building has a stepped plan. One-section house,

Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings / ArhiCAD

Renovation or degradation

The fact is that cities can both develop and evolve, and degrade and fall into decay. This happens for various reasons: both because of wars, climate change and natural disasters, and because of ill-conceived urban planning policies, which ultimately lead to the proliferation of slums. To eliminate at least this last factor, the United Nations created the UN-Habitat program back in 1978, the purpose of which is to help sustainable urban development.

The basic principles of this development were developed by international experts, tested in practice and are familiar to all specialists in the field of architecture and urban planning. But for some reason, those who developed projects for neighborhoods under the renovation program decided to abandon them. Discussions on specialized forums, on social networks and publications in the press with the participation of architects and urbanists show how sad the consequences can be.

Photo: Maxim Blinov / RIA Novosti

For a region to live a rich and varied life, it needs a place. Experts have long been convinced in practice that at least 30 percent of the total area should be given over to trade, services, leisure and other places where local residents could work and be served. In Moscow projects, such areas are no more than 20 percent, and in Ochakovo-Matveevsky - only 10 percent, in Northern Tushino - 14 percent. Offices and urban industries are not provided for in any project. As a result, the renovation areas will become even more residential than they were. It will not be possible to create any “functionally diverse areas” where housing coexists with a social and business environment. As before the renovation, residents will be forced to travel to work in other areas every day. The traffic load on the center of Moscow will continue to grow, as will traffic jams. That is, we can give up on the development of Moscow’s polycentric structure.

But that wouldn't be so bad. Renovation projects, as it turns out, despite the compaction of buildings, do not involve dividing the territory into small blocks of up to 4.5 hectares, although initially block-by-block development was presented as the main feature of the renovation: a small block of multi-storey buildings is built around a cozy courtyard with green spaces, children's and sports facilities platforms. And from the outside, such a block is limited by streets, sidewalks and parking spaces. And across the street there is another similar block. Not life, but a fairy tale...

Instead, within the boundaries of existing microdistricts with an area of ​​26-30 hectares ( for example, Northern Tushino, Ivanovskoe

) the building density will almost double - from 8 to 15 thousand square meters per hectare.
It is not difficult to guess that there will be twice as many cars, and they will park not along the streets running along the perimeter, but in courtyards and in inter-yard driveways. The construction of large microdistricts with houses based on one or two projects will make the new residential areas as dull and monotonous as their Soviet predecessors. In the depths of enlarged neighborhoods ( such as Severnoye Tushino, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Metrogorodok
) areas that are not adjacent to the streets will inevitably arise. In renovation projects, all first floors are allocated for non-residential functions, but retail and service facilities will not be able to develop normally in such areas due to the distance from the main pedestrian and transport flows. As a result, the first floors will most likely be empty.

Photo: AGN “Moscow”

And, by the way, contrary to expectations, there will be no more roads in the renovated areas. Although the transition from the familiar microdistrict development to more local block development implies an increase in the density of the road network at least twice: from 6-10 to 15-18 kilometers per square kilometer. After all, a large microdistrict with narrow inter-yard driveways was going to be divided into blocks, each of which would be surrounded by a full-fledged roadway. But the renovation projects almost do not provide for the construction of new streets: only six streets and driveways with a total length of about five kilometers were planned for more than 300 hectares. As a result, there will be no more roads, and with the number of residents doubling or more, the load on existing ones will increase many times over, given the need to travel to work in other areas. In order to somehow protect pedestrians and residents of houses facing the street from dust and traffic noise, sooner or later it will be necessary to install special screens along the streets. Those who have ever seen such architectural forms know that they will not decorate the street. Agree, walking along a long and high fence is not for everyone.

At best, you will have to walk along the lawn. Streets lined with linden trees and other alleys familiar, for example, to residents of Izmailovo will remain a thing of the past. Planting trees along the streets is planned in only one project - in Solntsevo. It will be uncomfortable for pedestrians on the streets of other areas. It is known that one average-sized tree can hold up to 90 kilograms of dust per year. Otherwise, it penetrates into the apartments and the lungs of the residents. In the summer without trees it will be too hot due to the lack of shade, and in the winter there will be an uncontrollable cold wind.

You can have different attitudes towards five-story buildings, but they have one undeniable advantage: their residents have the opportunity to see the sky, and a fairly large piece of it. And it doesn’t matter where they are: near the window in the apartment or on a bench in the yard. For residents of new buildings, the sky will literally seem like a sheepskin. In new renovation projects, the number of floors has been increased and reaches 28 and even 31 floors. The courtyards have proportions that are directly opposite to those that are comfortable for humans: their width is less than the height of the building. So, in Northern Tushino or Ochakovo-Matveevsky, courtyards 30 meters wide will be surrounded by buildings up to 50 meters high. It will be very uncomfortable to spend time in them due to the lack of sunlight and visibility of the sky. And looking out of a window on, say, the tenth floor, a person will only see the house opposite. In addition, high-rise buildings are known to increase wind speed: such streets and courtyards turn into wind tunnels.

Photo: Ramil Sitdikov / RIA Novosti

Have you ever discussed with your neighbors such a simple issue as hiring a concierge or a cleaner? There are as many opinions as there are people, and the more of these people there are, the more difficult it is to make decisions and distribute responsibility. And here another drawback of renovation areas appears: communities of residents are unlikely to form there. After all, for this it is necessary that the number of apartments does not exceed 150. This figure is not taken from the ceiling, but corresponds to the maximum number of social connections that each of us is able to maintain. After all, it’s simply difficult for us to remember more faces. As a result, in such houses where the residents know each other and recognize each other, issues of maintaining order in the yard and in the entrances are resolved simply, effectively and without conflicts.

The houses in renovation projects are designed completely differently: they are huge, up to 1000 apartments ( Northern Tushino, Metrogorodok, Solntsevo

). In such a situation, neighbors simply do not know each other by sight, communication problems arise, and gradually this can lead to the fact that such housing, which is not always clean, comfortable and safe, will cease to be attractive to the middle class. A very likely scenario for the development of the situation: the departure of solvent residents, the resale or rental of apartments, and the settlement of less wealthy and demanding citizens in the same houses. And if we add to this the lack of public spaces and leisure infrastructure, then the Moscow renovation areas will eventually have every chance of turning into a ghetto.

Moscow. Dormitory area

Photo: Oleg Nikishin / Kommersant

Leisure, by the way, is the only thing that makes life in a residential area acceptable. But if you look at the renovation projects, you can quickly understand that there won’t be much space to walk there. Everywhere you look, just like in Soviet residential neighborhoods, there are monotonous buildings of two types: sectional houses and towers. The layout of buildings and the architectural solutions of the facades are repeated from site to site. There are no new parks or squares that could at least somehow diversify the landscape in the projects.

The creation of local parks is also not provided for. And if residents of five-story buildings are accustomed to the fact that greenery surrounded their houses on all sides, then in new projects it was decided to plant only small areas in the courtyards and the territories of educational institutions. It is logical to assume that in such conditions, residents will perceive their neighborhood exclusively as a residential area, and will go for walks to other areas or to the city center. In addition to the fact that this will not add a positive attitude of residents to their area, the need to go on vacation to another part of the city will only increase traffic congestion. Not only on weekdays, but also on weekends.

Multi-apartment residential building 16 floors with built-in retail premises

Puella Novis

February 5, 2021

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2 051

Monolithic residential building in a modern style. This thesis paper presents 4 sections: feasibility study of the project, construction technology, construction organization, life safety. Architecture. Floor plans and elevations. Technological map for the installation of standard monolithic walls and ceilings

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

History [edit | edit code]

Serial design of housing originates from standard projects that have historically developed in different countries and among different peoples, which optimally took into account the traditions and way of life, weather conditions, the availability of building materials, the well-being of families, etc. For example, the traditional Russian log hut, which appeared in IX-X centuries in the course of slow evolution over the centuries and to this day, it has been divided into several typical options: a four-walled hut

the poorest peasants, a common
five-walled hut
for middle-income families,
a cross-shaped hut
, which was built by wealthy residents, could accommodate a large family or a whole clan of several families, less common were
the purse house
the six-walled hut
. In the southern regions with a milder climate, where there was not an abundance of construction timber, mud huts were built on a frame base, and among nomadic peoples, easily dismountable tent-type yurts were widely used [3].

16-storey residential building with built-in retail premises


December 16, 2020

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2 995

Diploma project on the topic “16-storey residential building with built-in retail premises.” The configuration of the building is complex in plan with maximum dimensions of 32.33x14.67 m. The height of the 1st floor is 3.3 m. The height of residential apartments from the 2nd to the 16th floor is 2.8 m. List of drawings of the diploma project Plan of the 1st floor, explication of the premises , list of door openings. Plan 2-16

Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings / Construction, reinforced concrete structures, metal structures

Normal phenomenon

In itself, a large urban renovation program is neither evil nor good, but a normal phenomenon in the life of a modern metropolis. In the 20th century, large American cities went through this, getting rid of slums in dilapidated working-class neighborhoods, and Tokyo, where all 16 complexes of the first generation of mass housing “dozenkai” were rebuilt. Since the 1990s, Beijing has had a program aimed at replacing, and in some cases renovating, the historic city center, where some buildings are more than 700 years old.

Each metropolis has its own unique reasons for announcing demolition at some point, and each city administration strives to ensure that this program improves the quality of life of people and brings new technologies and opportunities. The former Minister for Urban Development of Greater Paris, Maurice Leroy, said at last year's Moscow Urban Forum that the national urban renovation plan made it possible to renovate 490 neighborhoods, home to four million residents, in ten years. In total, 12 billion euros of subsidies were spent on this program. “As a result, 90 percent of residents surveyed said they were happy and satisfied with the changes,” says Leroy. “So we can see that this project has truly been a success - the city has become more dynamic and its social life has been enriched.”

16-storey monolithic residential building with built-in offices


June 24, 2016

  • 100

6 960

Graduation project. Project for the construction of a monolithic 16-storey residential building with built-in offices. Contains RPZ and drawings: Floor plans, facades, perspectives, graphics, architectural part.

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

16-storey large-block residential building


November 24, 2015

  • 100

6 492

Training drawings: facade in axes 1-13, general plan of residential development, typical floor plan, 1st floor plan, roof plan, foundation plan, floor slab plan, sections, nodes.

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

16-storey residential building


May 21, 2014

  • 80

12 414

Thesis project for a 16-storey residential building, with a parking lot in the basement. The overall dimensions of the building in axes are: for basement floors - 58.40 m x 40.60 m, for residential floors - 25.40 m x 24.90 m. The height of the 1st floor is 4.2 m, the height of ordinary floors is 3.2 m.

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

16-storey prefabricated two-section residential building


October 1, 2011

  • 80

18 659

Diploma. The designed building has 16 floors. It is made of precast reinforced concrete and has a frameless design with transverse and longitudinal load-bearing walls. The main pitch of the transverse load-bearing walls is 3.0 - 3.6 m. Enclosing structures – curtain wall panels made of expanded clay concrete.

Project drawings / Architectural drawings. Multi-storey houses and buildings

Moscow start

For Muscovites, the renovation program, designed for 15 years, came as a bit of a shock, and after its adoption on August 1, 2022, controversy and indignation in the press, social networks and district forums do not stop. After all, the program will affect more than a million residents from more than 5,000 homes. The first wave of indignation was rather a common reaction to the fact that a new phenomenon was coming into our lives - large-scale, incomprehensible, inevitable. But this wave soon subsided, largely thanks to a wide advertising campaign and explanatory work, for which the mayor's office allocated considerable resources. More than 83 percent of citizens whose housing was included in the renovation program are ready to move to new homes. This was stated in October last year by the deputy head of the capital's urban planning policy department, Andrei Valuy, noting that Muscovites are going to actively use the so-called additional purchase.

Photo: Natalya Seliverstova / RIA Novosti

Indeed, when the initial negative reaction subsided, many families took a fresh look at the upcoming ordeal, seeing positive aspects in the move. First of all, the opportunity to get housing of a larger area or with a greater number of rooms by paying the difference with a 10 percent discount. However, the joy was short-lived. The first settlers were still sharing positive reviews about the new apartments and new houses, but a second wave of discontent and criticism had already begun to spread across Moscow, which was already difficult to explain by rejection of something new.

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