Fast-growing trees and shrubs for the cottage and garden

Today, there are many types of plants for garden plots, which differ in height, density, appearance and other characteristics. Fast-growing conifers are also in great demand. They are mainly used for hedges, but garden compositions with their participation are often found.

Quote: The main advantage of conifers can be considered their long life span.

Among the evergreen fast-growing plants, the following varieties stand out:

  • dwarf - do not gain a height of more than one and a half meters;
  • medium - their height range is approximately from 5 to 17 meters;
  • tall - in adulthood the tree gains more than 18 meters in height.

The maximum growth rate of any conifer variety is 0.3 meters of annual growth. Fast-growing coniferous trees for landscape design and fence construction are selected taking into account the fact that they will reach their average height in 5–6 years.

The fastest growing trees

Eucalyptus grows the fastest: in the first 3 years it can grow up to 10 m, and by the tenth year of its life it can “grow” up to 25 meters. Unfortunately, eucalyptus is not grown in most regions of Russia, since it is a tree of tropical and subtropical climates. Other tree species are suitable for Russian latitudes, which, although inferior in growth to eucalyptus, are also fast-growing.

The annual growth of birch at the peak of its development can reach 2 m, and it is considered the fastest growing tree of temperate latitudes in Russia. Birch quickly forms a crown, increases the diameter of the trunk, and in 4 years grows into a fairly large tree. The most common types of birch in Russia are silver and curly.

The second place in terms of growth intensity is occupied by white willow. You can root a small twig, and with sufficient soil moisture it will turn into a spreading tree in 5 years.

Poplar grows very quickly, especially its pyramidal forms, which form narrow, upward-pointing crowns. But one plant is of little use on a site, and in order to protect the site from the wind or create dense shade, you need to plant at least 3-4 poplars nearby.

White acacia (false acacia) is a tall tree with a spreading crown, blooming with fragrant white inflorescences from May to June. The plant belongs to the genus Robinia, and is not related to the genus Acacia, inhabitants of the southern regions, which are not characterized by rapid growth rates.

Deciduous trees also include various types of maples, elms and ash trees, as well as bird cherry and aspen. In general, all tall deciduous trees grow quite quickly until they reach an “adult” habit.

Interesting. All trees do not grow the same throughout their lives. At first, they rapidly increase in volume and height, and from about 10 years of age, the rate gradually decreases. For each plant, a decline in development occurs at a different stage of growth, but it occurs in deciduous and coniferous species almost equally.

Winter-hardy yew varieties

Yew is an evergreen plant. There are dwarf and shrub varieties. There are also varieties that grow into large and powerful trees.

Intermediate yew

It does not have resin and, as a result, does not emit an odor. Instead of cones, berry clusters are formed. The intermediate yew bears fruit annually.

Intermediate yew is a low-winter-hardy plant, but it easily tolerates drought.

Photo: Low-winter-hardy intermediate yew.

Fast-growing trees for the garden

In landscaping a suburban area, you can use maples, birches and other tree species, but most often they are planted outside the fence. Typically, other crops are used within the land plot: ornamental, fruit, coniferous, medium and low-growing plants.

Deciduous decorative

Trees with an unusual crown shape and non-standard leaf color look beautiful on an open lawn. They are planted in small groups, singly, or as a background for flower beds.

Beautiful trees for the garden:

  • Red maple Red Sanset – deep red leaves;

  • False sycamore maple Purpurea - the underside of the leaf blade is burgundy in color, and the upper side is green;

  • Ash-leaved maple “Flamingo” - newly opened leaves have a pink tint, later they become variegated;

  • Norway maple Drummondii with variegated foliage;

  • Tomentose linden Silver Globe - has spectacular silvery foliage;

  • White poplar Nivea – the underside of the leaf blade is snow-white, when gusts of wind the crown shimmers with silver;

  • Scandinavian mountain ash Magnifica - leaves are silvery-pubescent, ripen in the fall and bright red-orange clusters of berries remain on the branches for a long time.

Decorative deciduous trees are planted in the most visible places: near the gazebo, near the terrace, in the center of a flower arrangement, near an artificial pond. The place should be open or with light, openwork shade at midday. In dense shade, beautifully colored leaves lose color, and with it their elegance.

Coniferous fast-growing

Compared to deciduous trees, conifers grow much slower, but among them there are leaders. Large trees give the greatest increase in growth, and the first place is occupied by larch, Siberian and European.

Under favorable conditions, they grow 1 m per year. This is the only coniferous plant that sheds its needles for the winter: in the fall they turn yellow and fall off with the onset of frost. In winter, the bare branches of larch are not a very attractive sight, so it is not as often used in landscape design as other representatives of conifers.

Unpretentious pines

Pines are light-loving, grow well in open sun, and tolerate partial shade; are drought-resistant, grow well on poor soils and sands, but cannot tolerate stagnant waterlogging.

Unpretentious beauties of pine trees

In plant compositions, pines are harmonious with many sun-loving ground cover plants: saxifrage, aubriet, borage; With red-leaved barberries, spectacular contrasting compositions are obtained.

Pines and barberries

First of all, the forms of mountain pine (Pinus mugo) are unpretentious. We have already talked about two of them ('Gnom' and 'Mops') in the article about dwarf conifers, but here are two more unpretentious beauties.

Mountain pine (Pinus mugo) 'Winter Gold'

Pinus mugo Winter Gold. Photo from the site

This golden pine with a hemispherical, squat, unevenly developed crown shape on the sides is very consistent with its name - “winter gold”. Its needles are light green in summer and golden yellow in winter. After 10 years, it reaches a height of about 0.5 m, and a diameter of up to 1 m.

Mountain pine (Pinus mugo) 'Ophir'

Pinus mugo Ophir. Photo from the site

This is another golden winter beauty (green needles in summer) from mountain pines. The surprisingly regular, rounded shape of the crown becomes somewhat spreading and unequal with age. At the age of 10 years it reaches a height of 0.5 m and a diameter of 1 m.

A wide range of pine trees is presented in our catalog, which combines offers from various online stores. Select pine seeds and seedlings.

Scheme 2

Scheme 3

Fast-growing shrubs for the garden

Along with trees, deciduous, coniferous and berry bushes are grown in summer cottages. In small areas they can be found even more often than trees, since the compactness of the crown allows you to save space. In addition, shrubs are more versatile: they are used for zoning a site, creating hedges, and being incorporated into flower arrangements and flower beds.

Coniferous fast-growing shrubs

Cossack juniper (Juniperus Sabina) grows quite quickly. It rapidly grows in width, forming dense masses. It has the ability to take root by shoots: branches that are bent and in contact with moist soil take root and produce new shoots.

Horizontal juniper (Juniperus horizontalis) does not lag behind its relative Cossack in growth rate - its annual growth is 15 cm. Rising above the ground by only 30 cm, in the horizontal plane it can cover an area of ​​5 m.

Advice. To quickly fill the garden, it is recommended to buy coniferous plants at 4-5 years of age, always in containers. Planting is carried out with minimal damage to the root system, due to which adaptation is quick and painless, and the plant gives good growth already in the year of planting.

Deciduous shrubs

Deciduous ornamental shrubs can change the landscape in just 2-3 years, since many of them grow very quickly. The top 6 in terms of speed of green mass growth include the following plants:

Comments (4)

  • Igor

    07/08/2017 at 01:33 |
    Of all the coniferous trees and shrubs listed in the article, it is best to plant juniper and Serbian pine on the site, which grow faster than other types of coniferous trees.


    Yulia Expert Plodogorod

    03/08/2019 at 23:30 |

    Hello, Igor! Yes, these trees grow quite quickly. But, in order to get a landscape design that will fully meet the tastes and needs of the gardener, you need to take into account a few more nuances, in addition to the growth rate.

    To begin with, we recommend finding out what role the coniferous plant plays. For example, some gardeners plant them in order to get shade in the garden, to mark the entrance, to complement the composition, or to fill voids in the flower garden. You can also create a path border or a hedge.

    When the goal is indicated, it becomes clear what size the plant should be, vigorous or dwarf. Next, among the diversity of the selected group, you need to select those representatives who will take root well in the existing conditions.

    Thus, some conifers are indifferent to the composition of the soil or watering, certain trees and bushes prefer shaded areas, and some prefer only bright sun.

    We recommend checking what kind of diseases and harmful insects are found on the site and reading information about how resistant the selected plant is to them.

    Now you can already understand which plants from the sample reduced according to the described conditions are suitable in appearance and will quickly grow to complement the site.


  • Anya

    03/07/2019 at 00:28 |

    They say there are also special types of fertilizers for coniferous plants so that they grow and develop better. Can I have a couple of names for my Christmas trees? I want to try feeding trees with them.


      Yulia Expert Plodogorod

      03/09/2019 at 00:29 |

      Hello, Anya! Fertilizers are usually used for young and small coniferous plants. The most important application of fertilizers is carried out in the spring. Those feedings that are applied in the summer are of an auxiliary nature.

      As for mature, vigorous trees, such as spruce or pine, there is no point in feeding them. To keep them healthy and beautiful, you need to maintain the overall good condition of the soil and the area as a whole.

      Small specimens require the most care, including fertilizers, especially if they are not typical for the region in which they grow.

      In order for the needles to be thick and have a rich color, magnesium is required. A significant amount of calcium is required for the formation of young branches. We also recommend adding sulfur and iron to your diet. But you need to make sure that the products used do not contain chlorine.

      The use of mineral mixtures, manure, droppings, and herbal tinctures is not recommended. To provide the plant with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, mulch the soil underneath with peat or leaf humus.

      If the needles begin to acquire a yellow or red-brown tint, we recommend using stimulant drugs. For this you can use Zircon or Novosil.

      If the plant looks very bad and there is a suspicion that it has begun to die, then you can try stem injections. HB-101 is suitable. The same preparation in the form of granules can be scattered around the tree trunk without digging into the soil.

      In early spring, when the snow has already melted, you can use Fertika-Vesna, Bona Forte, Hera coniferous, and potassium humate. After application, the soil needs to be loosened a little. If the tree is sick or has not survived the winter well, reapply one of the products in mid- or late May.

      During the summer, we recommend feeding your pet twice a month. Among the drugs you can choose Aquarin, Kristalon, Micro Mix, Agricola, Florovit. There should be a note on the packaging that the product is suitable for coniferous plants.

      These products can be used until the end of summer. We do not recommend using them in the fall, especially if cold weather begins quickly in the region. If you stimulate the plant at a time when it should be preparing for dormancy, it may not survive the winter well.


  • Fast growing shrubs for hedges

    This phrase may sound somewhat hackneyed, but you can’t do without a fast-growing shrub when creating a hedge. From it you can quickly “grow” a very dense, impenetrable fence of any height.

    Free growing hedges

    If the fence of plants will not be trimmed, you can select highly decorative plants. Barberry (Amur and ordinary) is a fruit-bearing shrub with berries rich in vitamins K and C. Thunberg barberry has a particularly attractive appearance with graceful, bowing branches, completely strewn with small burgundy-red leaves.

    A snowberry garden is suitable for zoning the site. Its fruits in the form of white balls remain on thin branches almost all winter. It tolerates shearing easily and is unpretentious in terms of soil composition.

    Advice. To fence a plot of land from the street side, thorny plants, for example, thorns and rose hips, are suitable. True, rosehip has a “habit” of growing uncontrollably, so it should immediately be allocated an area, fencing it with a border.

    Molded hedges

    For a trimmed green hedge, densely leafed, abundantly branching shrubs are selected, that is, those with a dense dense crown. The advantage of a molded fence is its compactness: it occupies a strictly limited space and does not block the view. Common privet, hawthorn, cotoneaster, and bush willow grow quickly and easily tolerate pruning.

    Cotoneaster brilliant

    Conifers are used in free-growing and shaped hedges. Thuja occidentalis grows quickly. The most unpretentious variety is “Brabant”, the annual growth of which is up to 30 cm. You can also plant a hedge of western thuja Columna and Smaragd.

    Thuja Columna

    Norway spruce and prickly spruce are used to create impenetrable thorny fences, and Virginia juniper is used for zoning a site.

    By planting a hedge, you can combine plants of different heights and foliage colors, creating a unique landscape. Fast-growing shrubs and conifers are excellent materials for this creative work.

    In the end, I would like to say that trees, just like any living beings, need care and maintenance: pruning, proper soil, protection from diseases and pests. It is not enough to simply plant a seedling and forget about it. You can find care manuals on the Internet, as well as information about means of protection against diseases (fungicides) and pests (insecticides such as Coragen, KS Expert Garden and Confidor Extra).


    Formation of coniferous plants

    “Oh, my pine tree has grown into something big, I need to cut it down!” “This juniper has completely crushed the flowers, I’ll replant them.” Such phrases can often be heard, and it is a shame. Traditionally, our gardeners are sensitive to every sprout, including on conifers, and do not dare to remove or shorten it until it becomes large and powerful, a real problem. There is no need to bring the matter to the saw, especially since on conifers, unlike deciduous ones, traces of the removal of large parts of the crown will be very noticeable.

    For best results, you need to constantly monitor where the growth is directed. You need to watch this especially carefully in late spring, when the shoots of the current year emerge. Unwanted ones can be stopped at the stage of bud opening, simply by pinching it off. In this way, you can reliably give the desired shape, and most importantly, maintain the desired size and prevent any coniferous plants from growing uncontrollably. After removing the shoot, three or four replacement shoots will begin to grow in its place, and the crown will become thicker and denser.

    Of course, if we are talking about a spruce tree at least one and a half meters high, you may not have time to pluck out all the excess. You can trim spruce, pine, and juniper trees with pruning shears, but the sooner this is done, while the shoots of the current year have not yet become lignified, the better.

    Hedges made from Norway spruce, which are pruned and plucked annually, turn out dense, completely impenetrable, and neat. At the same time, you need to remember that as soon as you stop removing the tops by cutting or plucking them, the trees will immediately go up sharply and the bottom of the fence will be exposed. If this happens to a hawthorn hedge, for example, you can cut it “to the stump” and it will grow again, you can restore its shape. This is impossible with a spruce fence, so systematic supervision is necessary.

    You can also use other methods for forming the crown of coniferous plants, usually used on fruit plants: install guy wires, fix the trunk or branch in the desired direction - for weeping forms, it is advisable just not to injure the bark. Bare, elongated, damaged branches, everything that only spoils the view, can be removed at any time, both in summer and winter, if they are not very large, of course. The main thing is not to think that the form arises on its own once and for all. It can and should be corrected.

    Where is the best place to buy seedlings?

    It is best to go for seedlings to large garden centers, nurseries or supermarkets. This recommendation is explained by the fact that large dealers with a proven reputation are able to provide optimal conditions for the transportation and storage of planting material in their sales and warehouse areas.

    One more nuance: all coniferous seedlings cannot tolerate drying out of the earthen coma, and many suffer from dry air in heated rooms. This must be taken into account when storing and, if possible, avoid purchasing coniferous plants displayed in early spring in sales areas at room temperature.

    It is very convenient to use the services of online stores, and when rare varieties and new items appear on the sites, you should not waste time, otherwise the scarce goods will be snatched up by the same “crazy people” as the author of this article.

    Dogwood and hazel: useful and beautiful

    Dogwood is a less common crop, but this in no way detracts from its medicinal and technical properties. Representing a bush or tree, the height of which is about 2.5 meters, it has a well-leafed, compact crown, giving the area in which it grows a neat and well-groomed appearance. The taste of juicy aromatic fruits is sweet, with some pleasant sourness. The plant is not picky about soils, but it bears fruit optimally on well-fertilized light soils. Productivity increases progressively: at the age of 5-10 years the plant can produce up to 25 kg of fruits, at 15-20 years - from 40 to 60 kg, at 25-40 years - up to 100 kg of beautiful high-quality berries.

    Common hazel, which is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners due to its tasty fruits, tolerates shade well and grows up to 5 meters in height. Blooming early, before the leaves bloom, it forms graceful earrings at the ends of the shoots, when you look at them, your mood rises in anticipation of the onset of long-awaited warm days.

    Imported seedlings - good or bad?

    Unfortunately, in large Russian cities it is almost impossible to find domestic planting material for ornamental plants. The fact is that in the current conditions, mass production of containerized conifers is still a costly, labor-intensive and risky enterprise. Accordingly, the products of European nurseries, offering an abundance of varieties at relatively low purchase prices, dominate the domestic market. But buyers are sometimes cautious and doubt the winter hardiness and reliability of “foreign” planting material. But in vain, because the main thing is not WHERE the plant is grown, but what kind it is, what its characteristic features are and what adaptation capabilities it has. Simply put, you should choose potentially winter-hardy conifer species grown in open ground. And for identification, any seedling must have a label indicating the botanical Latin name of the plant species and variety.

    To make a decision on choosing a plant, it is necessary to have reliable information characterizing a specific variety (size, shape, growth rate, features of agricultural technology, etc.). The easiest way is to trust the seller, the most correct one is to get information yourself using the Internet, books and magazines. In any case, it should be remembered that many varieties of conifers for the central zone of our country are introduced (that is, unusual for a given area), and, therefore, undergo the testing stage.

    What ornamental trees to plant on the site. We are planning to create a fruit-bearing garden

    What fruit trees should be planted on the plot? Focus on your preferences and compliance with the climate zone. Once you have decided on the list of varieties that can be grown in your region, proceed directly to the choice. At the stage of organizing a garden, various aspects and parameters are taken into account.

    Create a planting pattern

    Before you start taking active steps, create a planting diagram on paper. Sketch a plan for the location of the seedlings.

    Decide on quantity

    Think about why you need fruit crops. Do you want to please yourself with fresh berries and fruits in season, are you planning to harvest or want to get a harvest for commercial purposes? How many family members will you divide the collected fruits and berries among?

    If you do not expect further sale of the fruits, you should not plant 25 seedlings of the same type.

    Create a list of preferences

    Write a list of those representatives of the flora that you would like to see near your house first. Think about what fruits and berries you need most? What cultures don't inspire sympathy? Are you allergic to any of the plants?

    Make a list in descending order of importance. Start purchasing seedlings from the first positions. At the end of the list there should be the least fit and desirable specimens.

    Take into account the size of the plot

    If you want to try as many fruits as possible, but the plot size is modest, use the following tricks:

    Plant dwarf species. The advantage of these is their compactness and ease of maintenance. The owner will have the opportunity to feast on the fruits, despite the small territory. However, many gardeners note that columnar specimens deplete the soil more.

    To get different fruits, use grafting. This technique will allow you to get branches hung with fruits of different varieties (plums, apples).

    Leave enough space between plants

    When planted, the seedlings are miniature and slender, and over time they grow significantly. Leave enough space between them. Consider the variety and adult size.

    Choose your neighbors wisely

    An important detail is the correct combination of neighboring trees. Sweet cherries pollinate better and grow in the company of their own kind. There is no point in planting one cherry tree in a garden bed.

    Place the walnut away from other green spaces. It will try to destroy nearby plants. But mulberry will not bother any neighbor.

    You can plant several fruit trees near your house, or start creating a whole garden. It is worthwhile to correctly calculate your strength. If the area is large, it may be better to invite a professional team.

    What can you plant in the shade?

    It is easiest to identify light-loving crops (of which there are an overwhelming number) on your acres of land. The problem arises with shady areas, where not all fruit trees and shrubs for the garden can grow. Besides, shadow is different!

    You can try to plant light-loving fruit bushes for the garden in a shaded place, but the return from them compared to what is expected will be completely opposite, because the crops will only have to adapt to unfavorable conditions for themselves and simply try to survive in them, not to mention their high productivity.

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